genius evil

Chapter 851 He's Not a Nice Guy

Chapter 851 He's Not a Nice Guy

In the evening, around nine o'clock, when Jiang Chen appeared at the east gate of Capital University, he found that Nangong Hua was already waiting for him there.

But Nangong Hua is not alone. Beside her, there is a girl with waist-length hair, a round face the size of a palm, and a petite figure, but those eyes are so huge that they seem to occupy the entire face. One-third of the average, plus a dress, relatively cool, looks like a character who came out of the anime world.


From a distance, Jiang Chen recognized the girl standing next to Nangong Hua at a glance. It was Gu Wanxi who was rescued by him from Wu Mengdi during the day.

"Jiang Chen, this way." Nangong Hua saw Jiang Chen, waved her hand and greeted, causing the passing students to look sideways, and then everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen, wanting to see, what is it? He Fangsheng is actually able to make Nangong Xiaohua wait here.

Jiang Chen ignored all those probing gazes and strode over. This time he saw clearly that it was indeed Gu Wanxi, and couldn't help laughing: "It really is you."

"Jiang Chen, hello." Gu Wanxi greeted Jiang Chen cautiously, her round face flushed slightly.

"Jiang Chen, you should know by now why I invited you to have supper." Nangong Hua said.

"Are you the boyfriend of Miss Wanxi?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Go to hell with me." Nangong Hua said angrily. Could it be that she looks very manly?
She just thinks that long hair is difficult to manage. Is it better to cut it short?As for dressing style, it's purely about comfort.In addition, she majored in oil painting, and her clothes were covered with paint all day long. If the clothes were too complicated, it would be difficult to attend class at all.

But deep down, Nangong Hua thinks that she is still a very traditional and young woman.

Jiang Chen said that she was Gu Wanxi's boyfriend, and he almost pissed him off.

"Isn't it? Could it be that beautiful woman Wanxi is your boyfriend? But, it doesn't look like it." Jiang Chen was confused.

Gu Wanxi looks soft and weak, giving people a feeling of being in the dark. If this is really Nangonghua's boyfriend, Jiang Chen doesn't know whether to say that Nangonghua's taste is too peculiar, or Gu Wanxi's aesthetic is too weird.

"Could it be that the relationship you mentioned won't work?" Nangong Huabai glanced at Jiang Chen, and said angrily, "Let me introduce you, Gu Wanxi, my cousin."

"It's really my cousin?" Jiang Chen couldn't believe it.

After all, no one has stipulated that only men can recognize their sisters these days, and women can also recognize their sisters, okay?

"Do you want us to bleed to recognize our relatives before you believe it?" Nangong Hua said through gritted teeth.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "Okay, I believe it... As for the blood test and so on, it's unnecessary, it's too unscientific, you are a student of Capital University, why don't you even have such a little scientific common sense? "

Nangonghua suddenly felt that she was really going to be pissed off by Jiang Chen, she said: "Hurry up, after supper, you should get out of here quickly, I will be irritable when I see you."

Saying this, Nangong Hua stepped forward, pulling Gu Wanxi to lead the way.

"I've heard that a woman's words should always be listened to in reverse, especially when that woman is still speaking out of anger." Jiang Chen said slowly, following behind the two girls in a leisurely manner.

Hearing this, Gu Wanxi covered her mouth and chuckled, and asked, "Cousin, are you familiar with Jiang Chen?"

"Let me tell you, this guy is familiar with all the beauties. Don't be fooled by his appearance. He is not a good person." Nangong Hua said.

"Miss Nangong, I think that when you talk about my appearance, it is necessary to add an adjective. You can properly tell Miss Wanxi that she has a handsome appearance." Jiang Chen said very sincerely.

"Wanxi, did you hear that, his glib tongue doesn't look like a serious man at first sight." Nangonghua continued to teach Gu Wanxi.

"Jiang Chen, don't mind, my cousin is like this, she has always had a sharp mouth and a tofu heart." Gu Wanxi smiled again and said.

"What does he care about? You should ask me if I mind." Nangong Hua said with raised eyebrows.

"Cousin, what do you mind?" Gu Wanxi asked suspiciously.

Seeing Gu Wanxi's reaction like this, Nangong Hua was depressed, and asked: "Should I not mind? Anyway, I am also a student of Beijing University, the kind that gets a national scholarship every year. Jiang Chen said I didn't." Common sense, do I mind going too far?"

"However, it's really unscientific to recognize relatives by dripping blood." Gu Wanxi said very seriously.


Nangong Hua almost vomited blood!

Jiang Chen originally thought that Nangong Hua would take him to a relatively high-end place for supper, even if it was not very high-end, at least it would look very high-end. After all, that would be more in line with Nangong Hua's identity.

How could I know that this was not the case. At a barbecue stall with a booming business, Nangong Hua stopped and asked Jiang Chen, "You don't mind eating barbecue for supper."

"Sure enough, I want to drink." Jiang Chen said, found an empty table, and Shi Shiran sat down.

Thinking of the ambiguous words I had with Jiang Chen when I was in the cafeteria during the day, when Jiang Chen mentioned drinking, Nangong Huafan blushed slightly, and said: "The watermelon juice here is good, all freshly squeezed by hand .”

"Call Wanxi beauty a glass of watermelon juice." Jiang Chen said casually, glanced at Nangong Hua, and said, "You drink beer with me, after all, I don't mind if you bring me to this kind of place for barbecue."

"The taste here is very good. I eat here often, but I didn't treat you badly." Nangong Hua muttered.

Just like in the daytime, she made no secret of her love for food. Next, when ordering food, Nangong Hua fully displayed her true nature as a foodie, almost ordering all kinds of meat food. One serving, until Gu Wanxi asked for it, he reluctantly added a few servings of vegetables.

After the barbecue was delivered, the beer was also delivered. Nangong Hua took the initiative to pour two glasses of beer and said, "Jiang Chen, Wan Xi has already told me that if it weren't for you, she would probably be killed by those The damn bastard has been harmed, I respect you for this cup, thank you for your righteousness and saving people."

"It might be better for a hero to save the beauty." Jiang Chen corrected, picked up the wine glass, and touched Nangonghua.

"Every man is looking forward to the opportunity of a hero to save the beauty, but not every man will have the opportunity to be promised by a beautiful woman." Nangong Hua reminded.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm more interested in you now."

"Cousin, you?" Gu Wanxi was stunned, looking at Nangong Hua and Jiang Chen.

Gu Wanxi knew that Nangonghua had always had a high eye on men and was very picky. As a man of the capital university, Nangonghua had many suitors, but she had never paid attention to any man.

Not to mention, talking so casually with a man, she instinctively told Gu Wanxi that Nangong Hua must have a crush on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen said that he is more interested in Nangonghua, which clearly means that Jiang Chen also has a good impression of Nangonghua.

"There's nothing wrong, kids, don't think about it," Nangong Hua said.

"Yes, we really have nothing, Miss Wanxi, don't think too much." Jiang Chen said immediately.

Gu Wanxi was confused all of a sudden, did it exist or not?

It has to be said that Nangong Hua's personality is indeed unusually pleasing. It's no longer a problem to eat meat and drink heavily. When the interest comes, she even directly takes a beer bottle and drinks with Jiang Chen.

However, I don't know if it's because Nangonghua often comes to this barbecue stall to eat, and many people know her, but no one showed any abnormality about Nangonghua's unusual and unrestrained behavior.

As for the owner of the barbecue stall, after seeing that the beer bottle was empty, he just served the wine silently without saying a word.

"Jiang Chen, how many bottles have we already drunk?" Nangong Hua asked Jiang Chen with a smile in his eyes.

"Five bottles per person." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"Can you still drink? Do you want to drink more? I haven't finished eating so many things I ordered." Nangong Hua said.

"I think I can drink another five bottles." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't be brave, you'll get drunk later, don't say it's my fault." Nangong Hua said, beckoning the boss to continue serving drinks.

Apart from Gu Wanxisi's gentle chewing, Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua both ate fast and drank even faster.

Nangong Hua seemed to be planning to get Jiang Chen drunk, and basically didn't give Jiang Chen a chance to breathe, and kept asking Jiang Chen to drink.

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not refuse anyone who came, and when the glass was dry, Nangong Hua would not give in to her eyebrows. She would not give Jiang Chen the opportunity to take advantage of Jiang Chen, nor would she take advantage of Jiang Chen. Basically, she would drink as much as Jiang Chen drank. How many.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and there were already beer bottles under the table.

"Beauty, do you want more beer?" The boss came over and asked.

Because of Nangonghua's frequent visits, the owner of this barbecue stall was very impressed with Nangonghua, and, on the other hand, because of Nangonghua's patronage, he indirectly brought him some guests.

The boss has seen Nangonghua drinking beer several times. Nangonghua has a refreshing personality, and she is not as twitchy as other girls. When drinking beer, it is almost like drinking water. When she is happy, she can drink directly from the bottle Say no more.

But the boss had never seen Nangong Hua drink so much wine at one time, but he was a little worried that Nangong Hua would accidentally get drunk.

"Ask him, if he wants to drink, he can drink more, if he doesn't want to drink, forget it." Raising his eyebrows, Nangong Hua glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Drink a little more. If she's drunk, I'll send her back." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The boss gave Jiang Chen a meaningful look, thinking that if Nangong Hua was drunk, he might not be sent back to the dormitory, but sent to a bed in a certain hotel.

But Nangong Hua took the initiative to drink with Jiang Chen, and was in a very good mood, so the boss didn't say much, and brought some beer over.

"Jiang Chen, why aren't you drunk yet? If you don't drink, it's meaningless." After drinking the beer delivered this time, Nangong Hua did some calculations, and she drank almost twelve bottles of beer. Jiang Chen wasn't drunk at all, so he couldn't help shouting carelessly, beckoning the boss to pay the bill...

(End of this chapter)

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