genius evil

Chapter 852 You Are Really Not a Serious Man

Chapter 852 You Are Really Not a Serious Man
Nangong Hua is a junior this year, and Gu Wanxi is a sophomore. Their dormitories are not in the same direction. After the barbecue, Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua will send Gu Wanxi back to the dormitory first, and then Jiang Chen will send Nangong Hua back to the dormitory.

While walking towards the dormitory, Nangong Hua said, "Jiang Chen, this is the first time I've had a drink with a boy."

"Understood, it should be the first time trying to get a man drunk." Jiang Chen said.

"Then why aren't you drunk?" Nangong Hua said with a smile.

"Because when you want to get me drunk, I also want to get you drunk. In the end, it becomes a lose-lose situation. To be honest, I regret it now. If I pretend to be drunk by you, the situation will definitely be different." It's very different." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"You really are not a serious man." Nangong Hua said with a look of disgust, and suddenly asked again: "Jiang Chen, how old are you?"

"Twenty." After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said.

"Could you please be more sincere when you lie next time? How old is it?" Nangong Hua rolled her eyes.

"Sibling love is actually very good, you are worth trying." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

"Hehe, I haven't thought about falling in love yet. I asked you about your age because I wanted to introduce you to Wanxi. I don't like you, so don't pretend to be affectionate here." Nangong Hua proudly Said.

"What do you dislike about me, how can I change it?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"You are too rich." Nangong Hua said hesitantly.

Capital University has never been short of influential figures. Many students who have gone out from Capital University have made great achievements in both the political and economic fields.

There are also countless students who start businesses on campus, and there are also many who have achieved impressive results.

But Nangong Hua found it hard to imagine how Jiang Chen, a freshman who had just entered university, made so much money.

During the day, Nangong Hua had read Jiang Chen's bank text message reminder. If she read it correctly, Nangong Hua remembered that Jiang Chen's bank deposits were in the tens of figures.

No matter what method Jiang Chen used to earn so much money, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface.

Although, from the surface, Jiang Chen was already very complicated.

For such a man, Nangong Hua has the desire to understand him, but she also knows that she has no possibility to control it. It doesn't matter if she is joking or something, but she doesn't want to really play with fire.

As for introducing Jiang Chen to Gu Wanxi, Nangonghua's words sounded like she was joking, but in fact, Nangonghua really had such an idea.

Gu Wanxi is not a very independent woman. Even if she studies in one of the top universities in China like Capital University, after graduation, she will probably be a very honest and responsible husband and child, and be a full-time housewife with peace of mind. Get a nice pocket money there.

If Gu Wanxi could find a boyfriend like Jiang Chen, it would indeed be the best choice.

"There's really no way to change this." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

Nangong Huajiao smiled and said, "That's why I want to introduce you to Wan Xi."

"Beauty Wanxi loves money very much? I really didn't see it at all." Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

Nangonghua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I just think that Wanxi is very suitable for you. Are you thinking about it?"

"If I want to think about it, the first thing I think about is you." Jiang Chen walked a little closer and said with a smile.

Caught off guard, the distance between the two was shortened in an instant. Nangong Hua could feel Jiang Chen's warm breath spraying on her face. It was warm and slightly itchy. The heart also began to itch.

Instinctively, Nangong Hua took a step back, but she had just moved when Jiang Chen reached out with one hand, wrapped around her slender waist, and wrapped her in his arms by the way.

"So far, Miss Nangong, you haven't told me why you gave me alcohol." Staring at Nangong Hua, Jiang Chen lowered his voice and said softly.

"Good... fun..." Nangong Hua felt guilty, her face flushed quietly.

"This is not for fun, this is playing with fire and setting yourself on fire, you know? Don't think that using Wanxi's beauty as a shield can cover up your true intentions." Jiang Chen said.

"Real intention?" Nangong Hua looked at Jiang Chen inexplicably, thinking that she just thought it was fun, and there was really no other meaning.

After all, who told her that when Jiang Chen was invited to eat late at night, Jiang Chen asked her if she had a drink and brought her ID card?She has been molested by Jiang Chen like that, could it be that she can't be allowed to moles Jiang Chen instead?
"That's right, it's the real intention. Even though we've only known each other for two days, in fact, you've already fallen in love with me, but you're too shy to express it, so that's why you want to get me drunk." Jiang Chen was serious. Said.

Nangong Hua wanted to cry, but she didn't have any tears. She just wanted to explain, so as not to deepen Jiang Chen's misunderstanding, but Jiang Chen didn't give her a chance to explain at all.

"I asked you what you don't like about me. When you talk about money, it undoubtedly means that you can't find any other shortcomings in me. That is to say, I am perfect, such a perfect man , you will fall in love with me, I think it is very normal." Jiang Chen said with a serious expression.

Nangong Hua looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, this guy is really narcissistic.

What do you mean you can't find any flaws in him?What do you mean he is perfect?
Is being extravagant a disadvantage?
She doesn't know if Jiang Chen has any other girlfriends, but on the first day of school, she had an affair with Jian Xiaoyu, and another beautiful Ferrari appeared, rumored to be here to win her love.

In this way, dare to say that you have no shortcomings?
Doesn't Jiang Chen know that no matter how impeccable he is in other aspects, just this shortcoming is enough for her to sentence Jiang Chen to death?
"The way you look at me now is slightly flickering. Judging from the flickering frequency of your eyeballs, it is clearly full of love. Don't run away anymore, just admit that you are in love with me." Jiang Chen couldn't bear it. Said suspiciously.

"Jiang Chen, don't make trouble." Nangong Hua stammered.

What Jiang Chen said was true. If she hadn't been the person involved, she would almost have thought that what Jiang Chen said was true.

"Are you still embarrassed to say it? It doesn't matter, I brought my ID tonight." The corners of Jiang Chen's lips curled up, and he grinned.

Nangong Hua was embarrassed for a while, and said loudly: "Jiang Chen, is it really fun for you to tease me like this?"

"It's not a tease, it's to let you understand your truest inner thoughts and let you face the truest self." Jiang Chen corrected him with a glance, and then hugged Nangong Hua even tighter.

Feeling the heat from Jiang Chen's palm, Nangong Hua only felt that her body was softening. If it wasn't for being hugged by Jiang Chen forcefully, she would almost collapse to the ground.

"Can you let me go? Talk to me if you have something to say." Nangong Hua said anxiously.

"I've finished what I want to say." Jiang Chen said, looking for Nangong Hua's red lips, and moved closer.

Nangong Hua subconsciously closed her eyes, and only waited until the red lips were covered by Jiang Chen, and a strong masculine breath rushed towards her face. Only then did she realize that she had done an extremely stupid thing unintentionally.

Jiang Chen made it clear that he wanted to kiss her, so what was she doing with her eyes closed?Isn't this tantamount to acquiescing to Jiang Chen's actions?

Feeling Jiang Chen's tongue, and nimbly prying open her lips, Nangong Hua almost cried out. This was her first kiss, and it was buried in Jiang Chen's hands so unclearly.

Moreover, just like what Jiang Chen said, until today, she had only known Jiang Chen for two days.

Specifically, it was only after talking with Jiang Chen in the cafeteria today that he had a superficial understanding of Jiang Chen.

However, within such a short time of acquaintance, Jiang Chen has already taken away her first kiss domineeringly, leaving her no chance to refuse.

"You can lie with your mouth, but your body's reaction will definitely not lie." Jiang Chen said vaguely, driving straight in and conquering the city.

Nangong Hua thought too much, and her whole mind turned into a mess. As Jiang Chen kept stirring his tongue, she almost couldn't help but clumsily cooperate with Jiang Chen.

A kiss until he was suffocated, Nangong Hua suddenly pushed Jiang Chen away with all his strength, blushing unbearably, as if he had been burned by fire.

"It's just this one time, not the next one." Nangong Hua said depressingly.

"From the moment you tried to get me drunk, Miss Nangong, you should have thought about what would happen." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Who knew you were such a rascal." Nangong Hua muttered.

Jiang Chen pretended not to hear Nangong Hua's complaint, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"How does it feel?" Nangong Hua was stunned.

"The feeling of kissing." Jiang Chen said.

"No... I don't feel it." Nangong Hua was so embarrassed that this guy kissed her forcefully, but he was ashamed to ask her how the kiss felt.

Is this showing off his great kissing skills?

"Why didn't I feel it? There must be something wrong, let's try again." Jiang Chen said, without any explanation, he hugged Nangong Hua again, and kissed him deeply.

A few minutes later, Nangong Hua let out a small exclamation, covered her mouth with one hand, fled, and hurried into the dormitory building.

"My God, isn't that Nangong Xiaohua? Someone took it down."

This is the gate of the girl's dormitory, and a boy just sent his girlfriend over. They were all shocked when they saw the scene of Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua kissing passionately.

"Is that girl Nangong Hua just now? My God." There was another exclamation, and a girl who ran downstairs to get hot water exclaimed.

Then, he even forgot to turn on the hot water, and hurried upstairs with the hot water bottle in hand.

"Nangonghua? What's wrong with Nangonghua?" The exclamation attracted the attention of some other people, who asked inexplicably.

Jiang Chen didn't take the slightest notice of the vibration caused by accident, put his hands in his pockets, whistled, and left slowly.

As everyone knows, because of this matter, many girls in the girls' dormitory tonight are suffering from insomnia...

(End of this chapter)

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