genius evil

Chapter 853 Give me a reason not to kill you

Chapter 853 Give me a reason not to kill you
It was getting late. During this time period, most of the girls who were studying in the classroom or shopping outside had returned to their dorms.

And the dormitory where Nangonghua is located is the entire dormitory building for girls, a famous dormitory for the dormitory. After finishing their self-study in the classroom, the other three girls returned to the dormitory early to rest.

Nangong Hua opened the door and entered the dormitory, only to see the other three girls in the dormitory.

"Huahua, didn't you go on a date? Why did you come back so early?" A girl who was putting on a mask asked casually when she saw Nangonghua coming in from outside.

"There's no date, I'm just inviting a little rascal for supper." Nangong Hua explained.

"Huahua, is the person you're dating playing hooligans on you? Hey, no, why is your face so red, it looks like you have a high fever of [-] degrees." A girl was squeezing the pimples on her face in the mirror Acne, and found that Nangonghua's face was a bit unusually red, and said in surprise.

"Hmph, who dares to play hooligans on me?" Nangong Huajiao snorted.

"If you didn't play a hooligan on you, why would you call someone a hooligan? You must be called a hooligan because someone has played a hooligan to you." Said the girl with acne.

"Don't think about it, there is no man who can play hooligans to me these days." Nangong Hua said brazenly.

"Really? Then, little Huahua, tell me what's the matter with your mouth being torn." Another girl who was looking for information looked Nangonghua a few times and said with a weird smile.

"Is the skin broken?" Nangong Hua touched her lips with her hand, and it was indeed a bit broken. No wonder there was a faint smell of blood.

"It must be because the kiss was too serious, so it is so hard. Xiao Huahua, you have learned badly." The girl who checked the information said with a smile.

Nangong Hua wailed, ran to the bed, pulled the quilt over her head, feeling that she would never face anyone again.

After Jiang Chen left the girls' dormitory building, Shi Shiran walked towards the boys' dormitory building.

"Capital University is indeed a pretty good place. No wonder even people like you are willing to waste time and come here to study."

Just as Jiang Chen was walking, a voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

"Oh, then what kind of person do you think I am?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Violent, arrogant, and defiant." The voice said firmly.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are really bad at chatting?" Jiang Chen said rather annoyed.

"Did I say something wrong?" The man jokingly chuckled, step by step, appeared in Jiang Chen's line of sight.

"You are obviously wrong, but you don't want to admit that you are wrong. You really don't know how to chat." Jiang Chen said with a curled lip.

The visitor is about fifty years old, but his face is relatively young. What attracts people's attention is the mottled white hair, and his hands are behind his waist. Even when he is looking at people, he habitually holds his head high. The proud kind.

"Where did you dye your hair? It looks pretty good, and you can't tell it's dyed at all." Jiang Chen said after looking at this person.

"It's very childish to play lip service." The white-haired man snorted coldly.

"I'm telling you with practical actions, this is how we chat." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The white-haired man sneered and said, "I'm not here to chat with you about such nonsense."

"Then it's a pity, you've already said a lot of nonsense." Jiang Chen said quite apologetically.

The white-haired man's eyes turned cold, and his sharp sword-like eyes shot at Jiang Chen, and said in a deep voice: "For a young man like you, reading books and picking up girls is the most important thing you should do. Why do you always Is it causing trouble again and again?"

"None of your business." Jiang Chen said angrily.

Who is this guy? He didn't sleep in the middle of the night and came here to teach him. He has nothing to do when he's full?
"Gui Yuanzong, Chang Zhile." The white-haired man said silently.

"You told me earlier that you came here because of Wu Mengdi's affairs?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"I did come here for Wu Mengdi's matter, but the situation is different from what you think. Wu Mengdi is just an embroidered pillow, which is difficult to achieve. He suffered a little loss in your hands. To him, it is nothing." Chang Zhi Le said.

"Since you know Wu Mengdi is a waste, you still support him on stage?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

Chang Zhile sneered, and said, "If Wu Mengdi isn't a waste, why should I support him?"

"I don't know why, but what you said seems to make sense," Jiang Chen said.

"I'm here tonight to tell you about the grievances between Gui Yuanzong and Changjianmen. I hope you don't interfere." Chang Zhile said.

"I don't look like someone who likes to meddle in other people's business." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Very good, this is what I need. You can rest assured that I will not kill Wu Qingya. After Hua Yunfei dies, I will send Wu Qingya to your bed with my own hands," Chang Zhile said.

"Are you insulting me?" Jiang Chen was unhappy.

If he wanted to pick up a girl, wouldn't he do it himself? What's the matter with others sending women to his bed?He has no such special hobby.

"Or, do you want me to kill Wu Qingya?" Chang Zhile said.

"It's boring to fight and kill. In a civilized society, five things should be emphasized and four beauties should be respected. It's better for everyone to be calm. As the saying goes, peace can make money." Jiang Chen said.

"What do you mean?" Chang Zhile asked in a daze.

"The meaning is, if you really intend to send a woman to my bed, it is more appropriate to send your daughter to my bed, provided that your daughter is not too ugly." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Are you courting death?" Chang Zhile said sharply, furious instantly.

Jiang Chen didn't take Chang Zhile's attitude to heart at all, and said slowly: "If you think you can kill me, you are welcome to do it at any time. If you don't dare to do it, don't embarrass yourself in front of me."

"Are you determined to meddle in my Wu family's affairs?" Chang Zhile questioned.

"Does the Wu family have a dime relationship with me? Why should I intervene? It's just that I don't like you. If I can cause you a little trouble, I think I will be very happy." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Frowning slightly, Chang Zhile took a deep look at Jiang Chen and sighed, "You are really a proud young man."

Jiang Chen's words were extremely straightforward, and Chang Zhile could naturally hear what Jiang Chen's words implied.

Jiang Chen was telling him that he was originally not interested in the internal affairs of the Wu family, but because of his appearance, Jiang Chen changed his mind.

That is to say, he shouldn't appear in front of Jiang Chen tonight, let alone ask Jiang Chen not to intervene in the matter between Gui Yuanzong and Changjianmen.

"Jiang Chen, listen clearly. I'm asking you, not begging you. I'm not Chu Yanwang. Offending me won't do you any good." Immediately, Chang Zhile said.

"I've already killed Chu Yanwang, and I don't mind killing another guy named Chang Zhile." Jiang Chen retorted.

"Threatening me?" Chang Zhile laughed loudly, as if he had heard a very funny joke, "This is very interesting. Speaking of which, I almost forgot how many years I haven't been threatened by anyone."

"It's the first time I've heard such fresh and refined words from an idiot." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Jiang Chen, it won't take long for you to understand who is the real idiot, so you can do it yourself." Chang Zhile left behind these words.

"Gut like a shit stick, you're going to kill me. If you don't kill me, how can I kill you?" Jiang Chen murmured to Chang Zhile's leaving back.

Jiang Chen was rather hopeful that Chang Zhile would make a move. How could he have known that Chang Zhile would leave with his hands. It has to be said that Jiang Chen felt a little regretful. After all, he hadn't had a hearty battle for quite a long time. .

The military training at Capital University started on the third day after school started.

However, Jiang Chen wasn't on the military training list in the class, which meant that Jiang Chen had privileges and didn't need to participate in the military training under the scorching sun.

Early in the morning, when Duan Yu and the others put on their military uniforms and left the dormitory, they looked at Jiang Chen like that, as sad as they wanted.

Although Jiang Chen hadn't planned to participate in the military training at first, his name was directly crossed off from the list, which was a bit unexpected until Wu Qingya appeared in front of him again.

"Jiang Chen, I took it upon myself to cross you off the military training list, won't you blame me?" Wu Qingya stood in front of Jiang Chen and asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, this is not the first time you have made your own decisions." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"You already know." Wu Qingya's expression changed quietly.

"Yeah, I know all about it, so I'm very curious now, why do you have the guts to appear in front of me?" Jiang Chen said, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Wu Qingya's neck and lifted it off the ground.

"Jiang Chen, don't kill me, please don't kill me." Wu Qingya turned pale with shock and begged for mercy in panic.

"Give me a reason not to kill you." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Being used by Wu Qingya for no reason and becoming a target for arrows, Wu Qingya's actions on this issue have already exceeded the bottom line that Jiang Chen can tolerate.

"Jiang Chen, I have no other choice. Otherwise, everything I have worked out so hard will be wiped out. I'm not reconciled." Wu Qingya said in a panic.

"So you dare to use me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, I know it's my fault to use you, but I regarded myself as your woman a long time ago." Wu Qingya said hastily.

Jiang Chen's arm trembled, and with a flick of his big hand, he threw Wu Qingya more than ten meters away, and said sarcastically, "Wu Qingya, who do you think I am, Jiang Chen? Next time, I will definitely kill you."

Wu Qingya looked at Jiang Chen absent-mindedly. So, in Jiang Chen's eyes, she was just a piece of trash?Jiang Chen had never taken a fancy to her before, everything was just her wishful thinking.

"Brother, good technique, good kung fu." It was a voice of laughter, and at this moment, it sounded in Jiang Chen's ear...

(End of this chapter)

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