genius evil

Chapter 854 Why is your vision so good?

Chapter 854 Why is your vision so good?

"If you're not blind, you should be able to tell that I'm not in a good mood." Jiang Chen said to the person who spoke.

This is a guy who looks like a student, with five big and three rough, it looks like he has practiced horizontal kung fu, but it is also obvious that he is not a practitioner of ancient martial arts.

"Brother, I'm also a student of Capital University, my name is Peng Liang, but I'm just itching to see my skills. Please forgive me if I offend you." The man clasped his fists and said.

"So you want to compete with me? Is that what you mean?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If you don't mind, brother, that's exactly what it means." Peng Liang looked expectant.

"Bang... bang..."

Jiang Chen punched Peng Liang in the left eye, and then punched Peng Liang in the right eye.

After two punches, Peng Liang didn't realize what happened. He was turned into a panda. He burst into tears. What a good old man, he was beaten and cried by Jiang Chen.

"Are you still sparring?" Jiang Chen asked.

Peng Liang galloped away, if he dared to compete, it would kill him.

"Sure enough, it feels better to beat someone up." Jiang Chen said to himself, and after a while, he drove the car and left Capital University.

On the road, it took more than an hour. Jiang Chen drove to a secluded small park outside the fifth ring road of the capital. He stopped the car on the side of the road, and Jiang Chen strode into the park.

The park was secluded and there were very few people. Jiang Chen went to a hill in the park, chose a place, and sat down cross-legged on the spot.

"It's almost time to break through." A whisper came from the depths of Jiang Chen's throat.

Right now, the time since Jiang Chen broke through the seventh layer of the quenching body was not considered long, but when Jiang Chen broke through the seventh layer of the quenching body, the medicine he took was not completely absorbed by his body.

Jiang Chen also deliberately did this, secretly laying a foundation for himself to break through the eighth layer of body tempering. During this period of time, his body has been constantly absorbing the remaining medicine.

Today, whether it is his own state or physical potential, he has reached the peak of the seventh level of body tempering, and it is only one step away from the eighth level of body tempering.

Jiang Chen has always been a decisive person. Now that the time has come, he will not deliberately suppress the realm to waste time.

In other words, as a human being in his two lives, the cultivation techniques he has dabbled in are as vast as smoke, and this body is 90.00% compatible with his soul, which can be called a clone of him left on the earth.

If it wasn't for the fact that the aura on the earth was too thin to use it for cultivation, how could Jiang Chen have been stuck in the body tempering stage for such a long time?

But even so, with such a perfect body and so many cultivation techniques, Jiang Chen didn't need to deliberately cultivate at all, all he needed was timing and chance, and the breakthrough became a natural thing.

It can even be said that before Jiang Chen's cultivation reached the fusion stage, Jiang Chen didn't need to waste his energy on cultivation matters at all.

Jiang Chen was determined to make a breakthrough today. After sitting down cross-legged, his eyes were slightly closed, and he took a breath suddenly, and a resonant sound like thunder came from his chest.

Gradually, the sound of thunder disappeared, Jiang Chen's breathing became steady, there was no one around, it was quiet, only time, unconsciously, passed by quietly.

For nearly three hours, Jiang Chen's eyes opened and closed, and they opened suddenly. In an instant, the eyes were full of brilliance, sharp as if they had substance.

"The eighth layer of body quenching is done." Jiang Chen said to himself.

After moving his hands and feet, Jiang Chen stood up, walked out of the park, and then drove back to Capital University. While on the way, Fairy Tale called.

"Jiang Chen, are you participating in military training today?" A soft voice came from the other end of the phone.

"No, where are you now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"At the military training base, don't you participate in military training?" Fairy Tale said, hearing that voice, there was a deep sense of loss.

"I'll pick you up now, and we'll have lunch together at noon." Jiang Chen said.

"But the military training will start soon, and the phone will be put away." Tong Hua was worried that Jiang Chen would not find him.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen drove directly towards the military training base.The military training base is not far from where Jiang Chen is, and it takes about half an hour to drive there.

The freshman military training of Capital University is not arranged in the school, but in this base, which is managed in a closed manner.

After parking the car, Jiang Chen walked towards the locked iron gate. Before he got close, two guards walked over and said, "I'm sorry, idlers are not allowed to enter here."

"I'm here to find someone." Jiang Chen said.

"If you are looking for someone, come back after the military training is over." One of the guards said.

"Sorry, I'm going to see her today." Jiang Chen said apologetically.

"Don't ask for trouble." The guard's face darkened, and he said displeased.

Jiang Chen smiled, and didn't care too much about it. He moved his feet, his body was as fast as green smoke, climbed over the iron gate, rushed into the base, and disappeared from under the noses of the two guards in an instant.

In 10 minutes, Jiang Chen saw a fairy tale.

"Jiang Chen, how did you come in?" Tong Hua looked at Jiang Chen in surprise. Although Jiang Chen said he came to pick her up, Tong Hua knew that outsiders were not allowed to enter here.

"I came in if I wanted to, let's go." Jiang Chen took Fairy Tale's little hand and walked out.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't participate in the military training, then I won't participate either." Tong Hua said while being led out by Jiang Chen.

Originally, Tonghua thought that Jiang Chen would participate in the military training, so he chose to participate. Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen would not participate at all, so Tonghua did not want to participate either.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded.

When he got to the big iron gate, Yi Ran looked outside, there was a group of people standing with loaded guns, and among them were the two guards who had prevented Jiang Chen from entering.

The guard who had talked with Jiang Chen saw Jiang Chen at a glance, pointed his hand, and said a few words, and the rest of the people surrounded him with guns.

"Who are you?" Someone asked Jiang Chen.

"I think it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I don't want to cause trouble today." Jiang Chen said.

"No matter who you are, come with us. After the investigation is clear, we will give you an explanation." The man said.

Jiang Chen smiled, stretched out his right hand, and a gun landed in his hand. The man's expression changed suddenly. The muzzles of the guns in the hands of the rest of the people immediately pointed at Jiang Chen, ready to shoot at any time.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Chen waved his hand and squeezed it casually a few times. The gun in his hand changed its shape like a piece of cooked noodles.

"See, I want to go, you can't stop me at all." Jiang Chen said with a light smile, ignoring the stunned crowd of people, dropped the deformed gun in his hand, walked out of the iron gate with Fairy Tale, boarded the car and left.

"Jiang Chen, did I cause trouble for you?" Fairy Tale said.

"It's okay, just mess with it." Jiang Chen said with a grin.

Jiang Chen and Fairy Tale, after having a meal outside, Jiang Chen drove back to school.

"Jiang Chen, have you bought a house in the capital?" After entering the capital university, Tong Hua asked suddenly.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the fairy tale and laughed, and said with a light smile, "Not yet, if you have time someday, how about the two of us going to see the house together?"

Fairy Tale blushed. After asking this question, she was actually stunned, but she didn't think much about it when she first asked. Doubtful.

Lowering her head slightly, Fairy Tale said: "I came to Beijing University to study this time, and my family was worried that I would not get used to living in school, so they specially bought me a house near the school. If you don't want to live in the dormitory one day, you can go to my house Those who live here are empty anyway.”

While talking, Fairy Tale took out a handful and stuffed it into Jiang Chen's hand, and then walked quickly in the same way as if he was fleeing.

"Uh, Fairy Tale Beauty, you haven't told me where the house is exactly." Jiang Chen asked Fairy Tale's back.

"I'll send you a message later." Fairy Tale couldn't tell Jiang Chen face to face, and Jiang Chen laughed so badly that it made her heart beat like a deer.

"Hey, isn't that Jiang Chen? He seems to be a freshman student, why didn't he go to military training?" Not far away, several girls saw Jiang Chen, and one girl said curiously.

"Xiao Yu, why don't you go and ask him what's going on? After all, military training counts for credits. Without military training credits, no matter how good Jiang Chen's other subjects are, he might not be able to graduate." Another girl said. .

These girls all shared the same dormitory with Jian Xiaoyu. Jian Xiaoyu, like them, thought that Jiang Chen was going to participate in military training today, but he didn't expect to see Jiang Chen on the campus of Capital University.

"What is there to ask? Look at Jiang Chen's appearance. It doesn't look like he's sick. It's a privilege to be appointed. He's not stupid. Could it be that he doesn't know that military training requires credits?" said the girl named Zhu Ling.

"Doesn't this mean that Jiang Chen's family has a strong background, and they can even interfere with military training?" Mao Dan's eyes lit up, he gently pushed Jian Xiaoyu, and said, "Xiaoyu, why is your vision so good? ? If you don’t make a move, that’s all. Once you make a move, you’ve captured a Prince Charming.”

Jian Xiaoyu was speechless. It seemed that she hadn't made a move yet, right?

Why do the three of Mao Dan think that she and Jiang Chen have an inexplicable relationship?

You know, so far, the closest contact she had with Jiang Chen was just having a meal together.

It's all beyond Jian Xiaoyu's understanding, how could things be misunderstood like this?
"It's not very good. On the contrary, I think Xiao Yu's vision is extremely bad." Tan Min sighed and said quietly.

"He's handsome, rich, and has a strong background. Even if you look for a man with a lantern, I'm afraid it's hard to find him?" Mao Dan said unconvinced.

"Mao Dan, didn't you recognize that girl who separated from Jiang Chen just now?" Tan Min asked.

"She's pretty, and has a very unique temperament. She looks vaguely familiar. Who is it?" Mao Dan asked.

"Fairy Tale, Senior Tong's beauty." Tan Min said.

"Is there a mistake?" Mao Dan's mouth twitched and he screamed...

(End of this chapter)

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