genius evil

Chapter 855

Chapter 855
"Xiaoyu, I sympathize with you." After screaming, he patted Jian Xiaoyu on the shoulder and Mao Dan said.

Ever since, the corners of Jian Xiaoyu's mouth also twitched.

pity her?
Sympathize with her for what?
She said helplessly: "You guys, don't make trouble for me. I said earlier that I have nothing to do with Jiang Chen. I just met a few times and had a meal. Don't say that in the future."

"Xiao Yu, don't say that. After all, even if you are blind, you can tell that you are interested in Jiang Chen." Zhu Ling said.

"Is there?" Blinking, Jian Xiaoyu's face became a little weird.

Jian Xiaoyu herself didn't know if she was interested in Jiang Chen. The only thing she could be sure of was that she had a good impression of Jiang Chen.

"Trust us, absolutely." Tan Min said.

"I didn't realize it myself." Jian Xiaoyu said.

"You don't realize it's normal. Many things are like this, especially when it comes to relationships, where the authorities are obsessed and bystanders are clear." Zhu Ling said.

"Is it really like this? Do I really have it?" Jian Xiaoyu suddenly became a little uncertain.

In other words, she subconsciously showed her affection for Jiang Chen, but she didn't realize it herself, but Mao Dan and the others saw it clearly?
But is there such a thing?Jian Xiaoyu was very confused.

"We can confirm and affirm that you really do, but starting today, you'd better stay away from Jiang Chen, otherwise, you will be hurt by him." Zhu Ling said.

"Is it because of Tong Daxiao's beauty? But didn't you say that if men don't care, women have no chance?" Mao Dan asked.

"It's true that I said this, but when a man is too philandering, as a woman, I think it's better not to have this opportunity." Zhu Ling said with emotion.

"Xiao Yu, just listen to Zhu Ling's persuasion, Jiang Chen is not just an ordinary playboy, but too playful. It's only been a few days since school started, and there are endless women around him. If it takes a while, won't he He still has ten or eight girlfriends?" Tan Min said.

"Having more girlfriends is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it is a manifestation of a man's own charm." Zhu Ling said.

"Why did you speak well of Jiang Chen?" Tan Min asked suspiciously.

"I'm very sure of Jiang Chen's charm. He really has the capital to play tricks. Just like what Mao Dan said just now, he is handsome, rich, and has a strong background. He is indeed a rare quality. A boyfriend." Zhu Ling said.

"But you are clearly trying to persuade Xiao Yu to stay away from Jiang Chen." Tan Min became even more puzzled.

"You didn't understand what I said. What I mean is that a smart woman never minds how many girlfriends a man has had, but needs to mind that the man's eyes will fall on her for a few seconds " Zhu Ling said slowly.

"It's too profound, I can't understand it at all." Tan Min was extremely frustrated.

"Didn't you realize that whether it's a Ferrari beauty or a big beauty Tongda, they are not inferior to Xiao Yu at all, that is to say, it is very difficult for Xiao Yu to attract Jiang Chen's attention to her alone. "Zhu Ling said.

After Tan Min and Mao Dan heard the words, they suddenly realized.

Yep, that's the truth.

If the women around Jiang Chen were not as good as Jian Xiaoyu, then Jian Xiaoyu would undoubtedly stand out. However, once the women around Jiang Chen were not inferior to Jian Xiaoyu, or even worse, then Jian Xiaoyu would easily disappear from the crowd. unremarkable.

After understanding this truth, both Tan Min and Mao Dan were a little messy. Sure enough, even if they are school girls, there is a lot of competition to find a boyfriend.

"What are you talking about, don't talk nonsense." Hearing what Zhu Ling said, Jian Xiaoyu couldn't help it, and said.

"Xiao Yu, this isn't some nonsense, you have to handle it well. Of course, even if you can't be a boyfriend and girlfriend, Jiang Chen must be a good friend. Go up and say hello to him," Zhu Ling said. .

Jian Xiaoyu looked at Zhu Ling strangely. She knew that Zhu Ling had never dated a boyfriend. For a girl who had never even dated a boyfriend, where did these love experiences come from?

Could it be that Zhu Ling is born to fall in love, but she seems clumsy?

However, Jian Xiaoyu originally planned to go up to say hello to Jiang Chen, but Zhu Ling's three daughters talked to each other, disturbing her heart.

Taking a light breath and calming down a bit, Jian Xiaoyu walked towards Jiang Chen, but just after taking a few steps, Jian Xiaoyu's footsteps stopped again.

A jeep drove up suddenly and appeared in front of Jiang Chen. Immediately afterwards, the door of the car was pushed open, and a woman walked out, walking directly towards Jiang Chen.

Jian Xiaoyu just saw the woman coming down from the car, so she subconsciously stopped and didn't go to Jiang Chen again. She had a premonition that this woman came to find Jiang Chen.

Jian Xiaoyu's hunch was not wrong, that woman was indeed looking for Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I need your help with something, come with me." The woman walked towards Jiang Chen, straight to the point.

Jiang Chen took a look at the woman, then took another look, stretched out his hand, and wrapped her in his arms. He took a deep breath of the woman's fragrance, and said with a light smile, "Miss Yan, if you have something to ask me, a Just make a phone call, and you will be sure to go up the mountain of swords and down the pan of oil, no matter what."

It was Qin Wenyan who came.

As soon as Qin Wenyan finished speaking, she was hugged by Jiang Chen. Because she never expected that Jiang Chen would be so presumptuous, she was caught off guard, and she didn't even have a chance to dodge.

After being hugged, Qin Wenyan wanted to push Jiang Chen away, but when he heard Jiang Chen's words, he hesitated a little.

But in the end, Qin Wenyan quickly pushed Jiang Chen away, and said calmly, "I came to see you for business, come with me."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"You also said just now that you will not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords or under the pan of oil." Qin Wenyan was a little unhappy, wondering if this little rascal had forgotten what he just said?
"I said it, but it's for you, not for others, and you look intact, and it doesn't look like something happened at all, so it can only be someone else's business if you ask me to help you this time." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, the person you want to help with is not me, but he has something to do with me. He is my teammate. When I led the team out to perform a mission a few days ago, I was poisoned by a very strange poison. , this poison may only be unraveled by you." After thinking for a while, Qin Wenyan said.

"Male?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Male." Qin Wenyan nodded.

"I'm jealous." Jiang Chen said.

"Jealous?" Qin Wenyan didn't know why he looked at Jiang Chen, and didn't understand why there was such a thing as jealous.

No, what is the relationship between her and Jiang Chen? What kind of jealousy does Jiang Chen eat?
"Ask Miss Yan, you didn't come to me because you missed me, but because other men came to me. I am really sad and jealous." Jiang Chen looked heartbroken.

"That person is my team member. I came to you because I have an inescapable responsibility for his poisoning." Qin Wenyan said inexplicably.

"Ask Miss Yan, are you explaining to me? But, unless you kiss me, my mood will be better, otherwise even if I go, I won't be able to cure the poison." Jiang Chen said solemnly, holding his finger Pointing to his right cheek.

Qin asked, the smoke was terrible, should this guy take advantage of the fire to be so obvious?
What did you say to be jealous? It was clearly all about creating opportunities to take advantage of her!
But Qin Wenyan is also a little worried that even if she invites Jiang Chen over, Jiang Chen will not do his best when doing things. After all, no matter what the problem is, this guy always looks like a fool, as if there is nothing wrong , can make him take care of the same.

"Jiang Chen, you'd better make sure you can detoxify, otherwise I won't make you feel better." Qin Wenyan said angrily.

"Ask Miss Yan, you can doubt my character, but absolutely don't doubt my medical skills." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Qin Wenyan snorted softly, what she wanted was this confidence, she hesitated for a moment, Qin Wenyan's red lips were tight, and she moved closer.

It's just a kiss on the cheek, not a kiss, just treat it like being bitten by a puppy.

Qin Wenyan thought so in her heart, but soon, her eyes widened suddenly, and at some point, Jiang Chen's hand hugged her again, and her red lips happened to cover the onto Jiang Chen's mouth.


For an instant, Qin Wenyan felt as if something had exploded in his mind. Feeling ashamed and annoyed, he pushed Jiang Chen hard and got into the car. Jiang Chen laughed, ran over, opened the passenger door, and sat down. go up.

The jeep came and went quickly, from when Qin Wenyan got off to when Jiang Chen got on, it only took two or three minutes.

However, what happened in these two or three minutes was enough to make the four women including Jian Xiaoyu dumbfounded.

"What happened, am I hallucinating?" Rubbing his eyes, Mao Dan stammered.

"This Jiang Chen's charm is too great." Tan Min sighed.

"This is already the fourth beauty." Zhu Ling said.

Jian Xiaoyu, the Ferrari beauty Zhou Jinse, Nan Gonghua, and Qin Wenyan who appeared in a jeep.

"The fifth one." Jian Xiaoyu said silently in his heart.

Zhu Ling counted four in total, but she missed one Jiang Yanyan.

Just like Zhu Ling and the others, can it be easily seen that she has a good impression of Jiang Chen, how can Jian Xiaoyu not see that Jiang Yanyan has a good impression of Jiang Chen?

"It hasn't started yet, is it going to end?" Jian Xiaoyu said to himself.

She wasn't sure if she really wanted to give up, but today, when she suddenly saw Tong Hua and Qin Wenyan appearing beside Jiang Chen, Jian Xiaoyu discovered that she had more affection for Jiang Chen than she had imagined. Be intense.

"But, this is the first time I have a crush on a boy." Jian Xiaoyu sighed, worried and annoyed...

(End of this chapter)

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