genius evil

Chapter 856 You Are Pretty Superficial

Chapter 856 You Are Pretty Superficial
Qin Wenyan drove the car very quickly. Along the way, regardless of whether the light was red or green, he drove straight through. After about 10 minutes, the car stopped at an unremarkable military restricted area.

After getting off the car, Qin Wenyan led Jiang Chen inside.

Not long after entering, Jiang Chen saw two old acquaintances whom he hadn't seen for a long time, they were Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi.

"I heard that Miss Wenyan led the team out this time, and many people died. I thought you two died too." Jiang Chen said with a regretful face.

"You are not dead, how could we die?" Shan Qixiong said coldly.

"I don't mean anything else. Don't mind it. It's just a pity. Isn't this the so-called good people don't live long?" Jiang Chen was filled with emotion.

Jiang Chen said don't mind, but Shan Qixiong was furious.

Jiang Chen only said half of what he said and didn't continue, but what he didn't say later had an extremely obvious meaning, that is, the scourge of the millennium!

"Captain Qin, why did you bring Jiang Chen here? Jiang Chen is not a member of the Tianzu, and this is the secret base of our Tianzu. If it is accidentally leaked out, I am afraid that as Captain Qin, you will It may not be able to bear the responsibility." Lin Yi said at this time.

As soon as Jiang Chen opened his mouth, he scolded him and Shan Qixiong. Shan Qixiong had a hot temper and immediately confronted him. Jiang Chen was not pleasing to the eye.

"I brought Jiang Chen here, of course I have my reasons. If anything happens, I will bear all the responsibility." Qin Wenyan said lightly.

Qin Wenyan knew that the conflict between Jiang Chen, Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi was largely caused by Huo Jiancheng.

Huo Jiancheng died, and his death was unclear. After the three of them came back from that mission, each of them took a punishment.

Although the punishment was not severe, it must have deepened Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi's resentment towards Jiang Chen.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's mouth was too poisonous. Judging from the meaning of those words, he clearly cursed Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi to die sooner, which immediately ignited the past conflicts.

But Jiang Chen was brought by her, so Qin Wenyan naturally wanted to protect Jiang Chen.

"Captain Qin, you've already said that, what else can I say, I can only wish you good luck, Captain Qin." Shan Qixiong said in a neutral tone.

"Since Miss Wenyan can know a peerless handsome guy like me, does this undoubtedly mean that Miss Wenyan's luck has always been very good." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Jiang Chen, you'd better stop causing trouble." Qin Wenyan said angrily after parting from Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi.

Moreover, she didn't think knowing Jiang Chen was luck, and it would not be an exaggeration to say it was bad luck.

You know, Jiang Chen has been trying every means to take advantage of her since the beginning of their acquaintance, which has simply annoyed her.

"I am a straightforward person, and I cannot tolerate sand in my eyes." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You clearly did it on purpose." Qin Wenyan pierced through.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said, "Ask Miss Yan, you know me so well, why don't we find a hotel for a long talk tonight?"

"Hurry up, don't delay saving people." Qin Wenyan abruptly changed the subject.

In a room inside, on the bed, lay a young man with a dark complexion, it was Chu Wen who Qin Wenyan invited Jiang Chen to treat him this time.

The Tianzu supervises the ancient martial arts forces. Normally, conflicts with various forces are not uncommon. It can be said that casualties are nothing more than normal.

A few days ago, Qin Wenyan led the members of the Fengzi mobile team to solve the problem of a small village being massacred by an ancient military force, but who knew that he accidentally fell into the opponent's trap.

Although the problem was solved perfectly in the end, two people died and one was injured, and the loss was heavy.

It was Chu Wen who was hurt.

Since the team was led by himself, the reason why he fell into the other party's trap was directly responsible for himself. Qin Wenyan felt very guilty about Chu Wen's injury.

After returning to the capital, Qin Wenyan immediately contacted the best doctor to treat Chu Wen. However, the poison Chu Wen suffered was extremely strange, and no matter whether it was traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, there was nothing he could do.

After two days of delay, seeing that Chu Wen's physical condition was deteriorating, Qin Wenyan had no choice but to go to Jiang Chen.

Qin Wenyan didn't have absolute confidence in Jiang Chen's ability to detoxify Chu Wen. It seemed to him that a dead horse was a living horse doctor, but even so, Qin Wenyan was still doing his best.

Even, in order to invite Jiang Chen over, Qin Wenyan did not hesitate to allow Jiang Chen to take advantage of him.

Of course, this was also because the other party was Jiang Chen, if it were someone else, Qin Wenyan would have turned his back on her and killed him if he dared to treat her so lightly!

Chu Wen on the bed, with a dark complexion and a little black and purple, looked like a symptom of poisoning.

Not to mention, the air in this room exudes a strong stench, which is like the stench of dead fish in the vegetable market.

There was no sign of ulceration on the surface of Chu Wen's body, which meant that Chu Wen's internal organs were gradually festering under the attack of poison.

After looking at him for a few times, Jiang Chen frowned slightly. No wonder Qin Wenyan went to him. The poison Chu Wen had suffered was indeed unusual.

"Jiang Chen, is he still saved?" Qin Wenyan asked.

"It's a bit troublesome." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice, and stepped forward to feel Chu Wen's pulse.

It was the first time Jiang Chen saw this kind of toxicity, but he was quite interested.

Qin Wenyan heard Jiang Chen say that it was a little troublesome, not that he was hopeless, but he knew that there was great hope, and when Jiang Chen went to give Chu Wen a pulse, he just stood aside silently and didn't say anything more.

But when Jiang Chen was taking Chu Wen's pulse, two people strode in from the outside.

"What are you doing? Get out!" The middle-aged man walking in front saw Jiang Chen who was taking Chu Wen's pulse, and immediately shouted and angrily reprimanded.

"Fei Haiyuan, what do you mean by that? Don't you see that Jiang Chen is diagnosing Chu Wen's pulse?" Hearing this shout, Qin Wenyan's complexion darkened, and he said in a deep voice.

"Oh, he's Jiang Chen?" The middle-aged man named Fei Haiyuan sized Jiang Chen up and said, "The Jiang Chen who killed Captain Huo? He actually has the guts to come to our Sky Team, but It was an eye-opener."

"This can only mean that your eyelids are too shallow, but that's right, you are quite superficial." Jiang Chen said lightly after finishing his pulse diagnosis.

"Jiang Chen, this person is Fei Haiyuan, the newly appointed leader of the Huozi Mobile Squad." Qin Wenyan said.

This was naturally not to introduce Fei Haiyuan to Jiang Chen, but to let Jiang Chen know the identity of Fei Haiyuan.

"That's it. So, you must be the one who wants Huo Jiancheng to die the most. After all, if Huo Jiancheng doesn't die, how can you have a chance to be in power? I've heard that Huo Jiancheng died for no apparent reason. , after death, even the body was not found, it is extremely miserable, it looks like it was murdered premeditatedly, as for who premeditated, I don't know." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, you're here to spew blood. You know better than anyone how Captain Huo died." Fei Haiyuan said angrily.

What does Jiang Chen mean by this?
Of course, Huo Jiancheng is dead, and he is the biggest and most direct beneficiary. Just like what Jiang Chen said, if Huo Jiancheng is not dead, he will never have the chance to rise to the top.

But it is one thing for Huo Jiancheng to benefit from his death. Jiang Chen's slander that he premeditatedly murdered Huo Jiancheng is another.

"How could I know? I don't know at all. The one who knows is you, right? But you are really powerful. You can avoid everyone's eyes and ears and kill Huo Jiancheng silently. He also succeeded in taking Huo Jiancheng's position, which made me admire him." Jiang Chen clasped his fists and said.

"Shut up, do you want to die?" Fei Haiyuan was furious.

When Jiang Chen said this, it didn't matter if he heard it himself, but if others heard it, what would others think and think of him?

If someone really thought that Huo Jiancheng's death had something to do with him, I'm afraid that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, it would not be cleared away.

"You can rest assured that about Huo Jiancheng's death at your hands, you know and I know, I will never leak it out, there is no need to kill someone to silence it." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Fei Haiyuan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He was so angry that he threatened Jiang Chen with death. How could Jiang Chen's words be murdered if he said them out of Jiang Chen's mouth?
For a moment, Fei Haiyuan couldn't move. It was not right to use Jiang Chen for the knife, or not to use Jiang Chen for the knife.

Taking Jiang Chen as the knife, there is a suspicion of murder to silence, Qin Wenyan is here, he can't kill Qin Wenyan together.

If Jiang Chen wasn't used for surgery, Fei Haiyuan couldn't swallow this breath.

With such contradictory feelings, Fei Haiyuan looked at Jiang Chen, which was extremely unpleasant, and said to Qin Wenyan: "Captain Qin, why is Jiang Chen here?"

"I invited Jiang Chen to treat Chu Wen." Qin Wenyan said indifferently.

"Just him?" Fei Haiyuan sneered endlessly, and said, "I don't know if Jiang Chen understands medical skills, but if something unexpected happens to Chu Wen, who will be responsible?"

"Of course I am in charge." Qin Wenyan said.

"Captain Qin, you said it lightly, but this is a human life. Human life is at stake. How can it be trifling." Fei Haiyuan said with awe-inspiring righteousness, and then said: "I invited the famous old doctor Jin, who has superb medical skills. It is almost life and death, as long as the old genius doctor Jin takes action, Chu Wen will be cured of the disease, it has nothing to do with others, and Captain Qin, please lead the captain first."

"Chu Wen is a member of my Fengzi mobile team. I know better than anyone what to do, so I won't bother you, Captain Fei." Qin Wenyan said displeased.

"It's true that Chu Wen is a member of the Fengzi mobile team, but in the final analysis, he is a member of Tianzu. Our Tianzu is a big family. No matter what happens, I, Fei Haiyuan, will definitely do my best and think hard." Fei Haiyuan has no doubts Said.

The implication is that Jiang Chen must get out, out of sight and out of mind, and it will not be too late to teach Jiang Chen a good lesson when he has the opportunity.

"No." Qin Wenyan still refused.

"I think it's okay, let the old genius doctor Jin treat Chu Wen, it just saves me time, so that I can have time to go on a date with Miss Wenyan." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, took Qin Wenyan's hand and go out...

(End of this chapter)

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