genius evil

Chapter 857 Obvious framing

Chapter 857 Obvious framing
Qin Wenyan couldn't help but was pulled out of the room by Jiang Chen, and said angrily: "Jiang Chen, can you be more serious? Chu Wen's poisoning is not a joke. If he doesn't get timely and effective treatment, he will die. !"

"Didn't Captain Fei say that the old miracle doctor Jin has the ability to live and die? He is so powerful, detoxification and so on, isn't it easy to catch? He will return you as a lively team member in minutes." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I don't believe him, and I don't even believe that Fei Haiyuan would be so kind." Qin Wenyan said, inexplicably, with a bad premonition.

Chu Wen had an accident, and it was already the third day since he returned to the capital.

During these three days, she was the only one who was busy with Chu Wen's affairs, and the rest of the people didn't care about Chu Wen at all.

Qin Wenyan never thought of asking for help, Chu Wen was a member of the Fengzi Mobile Squad, so she naturally wouldn't expect others to contribute to Chu Wen's affairs.

However, she managed to invite Jiang Chen over today, and even Fei Haiyuan invited a doctor over, saying that old doctor Jin can live and die, and his medical skills are supernatural.

If old doctor Jin is really so powerful, and Fei Haiyuan is sincere, why didn't Fei Haiyuan invite old doctor Jin to treat Chu Wen earlier?
After all, Qin Wenyan didn't think that Fei Haiyuan would not know how serious Chu Wen's poisoning was this time, and his life would be in danger at any time, so he couldn't delay at all.

It is said that there must be a monster when something abnormal happens. It is hard not to let Qin Wenyan think too much about Fei Haiyuan's abnormal behavior.


Watching Jiang Chen pull Qin Wenyan out of the room, a gloomy look flashed in Fei Haiyuan's eyes.

Earlier, he had heard rumors that Qin Wenyan was very close to a guy named Jiang Chen, and he might have been captured by Jiang Chen.

Before meeting Jiang Chen, Fei Haiyuan didn't pay attention to this kind of rumors, and only regarded them as nonsense.

After all, Qin Wenyan was no ordinary woman, and it was impossible for her to easily fall into the arms of a man.

But now seeing Jiang Chen pull Qin Wenyan's hand with his own eyes, Qin Wenyan never resisted at all, even if he was pulled away by Jiang Chen, even if Fei Haiyuan didn't believe it, he had to believe it.

"This guy is truly blessed." Gritting his teeth, Fei Haiyuan said in his heart.

Qin Wenyan is the only one in the Tian group, no matter in terms of body, appearance or own ability, and even as a daughter, she leads the first mobile team of the Tian group, which is also the mobile team of Fengzi, which has won the hearts of many people.

It is impossible for Fei Haiyuan to have no thoughts on Qin Wenyan, but in the past, he was not very conspicuous in the Tianzu, and even if he had thoughts, it was not easy to show them.

Until recently, Fei Haiyuan took the position and became the captain of the Huozi mobile team. Fei Haiyuan believed that he had the qualifications to be equal to Qin Wenyan, and his mind became active.

However, Fei Haiyuan hadn't had time to do anything at all, Jiang Chen's appearance just cut off his thoughts. For no reason, Fei Haiyuan had a bit more hatred for Jiang Chen.

On the surface, Fei Haiyuan didn't show it at all, and politely said to the old man behind him: "Old genius doctor Jin, I'm sorry for your trouble."

"It's a trivial matter, you don't have to be polite." The old doctor Jin stroked his beard and smiled, and stepped forward to diagnose Chu Wen's pulse.

However, as soon as old doctor Jin moved his feet, he was tripped by something and almost fell down. Fei Haiyuan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and pulled his big hand to hold old doctor Jin. From the angle he saw, he pressed on Chu Wen's chest, and instantly shattered Chu Wen's internal organs.

"Jiang Chen, die for me." A minute later, Fei Haiyuan rushed out of the room angrily, his eyes were blood red, staring at Jiang Chen who was standing side by side with Qin Wenyan outside, panting heavily, murderous .

"What happened?" Seeing this, Qin Wenyan asked suspiciously.

Didn't Fei Haiyuan invite old genius doctor Jin to treat Chu Wen?Why did they come out so quickly, and the murderous aura surged, as if they had a sworn feud with Jiang Chen.

"Ask him what happened, this damn bastard, he killed Chu Wen." Pointing his finger at Jiang Chen, Fei Haiyuan said sharply.

"What, Chu Wen is dead?" Qin Wenyan's face changed suddenly, he moved his feet, and rushed into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Qin Wenyan saw the old genius doctor Jin standing beside the bed in disbelief, constantly lowering his head and sighing, as if he had been greatly shocked.

And Chu Wen, who was lying on the bed, had jet-black blood spilling from his mouth and nose.

Qin Wenyan stretched out his hand and sighed at Chu Wen's breath, but Chu Wen was silent, obviously dead.

"Old genius doctor Jin, what happened?" Qin Wenyan asked anxiously.

Chu Wen was seriously poisoned, and his life was at stake, but he was fine just now, how could he die so quickly?
When Chu Wen died, there were only Fei Haiyuan and old genius doctor Jin in the room. Qin Wenyan had to ask clearly what happened.

"I'm ashamed of myself." The genius doctor Jin sighed, and said truthfully: "I'm about to take the patient's pulse, and I want to find out why the patient was poisoned and what kind of poison he got. It’s hopeless.”

As he spoke, old genius doctor Jin shook his head and walked out with a look of pity.

Qin Wenyan understood the meaning of old genius doctor Jin, that is, before he had time to do anything, Chu Wen was already dead, no wonder Fei Haiyuan was so angry, he definitely thought that Jiang Chen killed him Chu Wen.

Qin Wenyan's heart tightened. Even though she didn't think Jiang Chen would harm Chu Wen, and Jiang Chen had no reason to harm Chu Wen at all, Jiang Chen was the last person who came into close contact with Chu Wen. If he died, Jiang Chen would inevitably be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Qin Wenyan quickly rushed out of the room.

"Captain Qin, you've heard what old genius doctor Jin said, right? Chu Wen is your team member, and I can't do it for you, but Chu Wen is dead, and there must be an explanation for this matter." Fei Haiyuan breathed heavily. Said.

"Well, I will definitely investigate this matter and give everyone an explanation." Qin Wenyan said.

"Captain Qin, what do you mean by that? Could it be that Chu Wen is dead, and you just want to take a look at it? I know that Jiang Chen has a good relationship with you, but you are so blatant in defending him. Your organizational discipline What?" Fei Haiyuan scolded.

"Captain Fei, before the matter is clear, you say that I defend Jiang Chen. The implication is that Chu Wen was killed by Jiang Chen? You have to remember that every word you say is You have to be responsible." Qin Wenyan said coldly.

"Of course I will be responsible for what I have said, but Captain Qin, you must also be responsible for what you have done." Fei Haiyan refused to budge, and said, "Before entering the room, old doctor Jin and I both saw Jiang Chen was treating Chu Wen. The old genius doctor Jin Kong had superb medical skills, but he was too late to do anything. As a result, Chu Wen died in Jiang Chen's hands. You said you need to investigate this matter, but in fact, why bother? Want to investigate? The cause and effect are all clear and clear."

"This is just your one-sided opinion. If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse!" Qin Wen was breathless.

"Haha, is it really my opinion? Then call Captain Shan and Captain Lin to judge together." Fei Haiyuan said loudly.

"What happened?" Almost as soon as Fei Haiyuan's voice fell, Shan Qixiong and Captain Lin just walked over.

"Captain Shan, Captain Lin, you two came just in time. Jiang Chen killed Chu Wen. Captain Qin wholeheartedly concealed it and tried to let Jiang Chen go. Could it be that the lives of our Tianzu are so worthless?" Fei Haiyuan said sternly. Said.

Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi looked at each other, their expressions became a little strange.

Chu Wen is dead?

Or died in Jiang Chen's hands?
But, wasn't Jiang Chen invited by Qin Wenyan to treat Chu Wen?How could Jiang Chen kill Jiang Chen?
But listening to Fei Haiyuan's swearing, it didn't seem like a fake, and the eyes of the two naturally fell on Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you are so courageous. You dare to openly kill people inside our Tianzu's base. Do you take our Tianzu seriously?" Shan Qixiong asked.

"Captain Qin, if I remember correctly, you said that if anything happens, you will bear it all. Chu Wen was killed by Jiang Chen, how should you bear it?" Lin Yi asked immediately. .

When Jiang Chen came to Tianzu this time, he made Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi ruthlessly disgusted. They had new and old grudges, and at this time they decided to settle together.

Even if the two of them hadn't understood the cause and effect of the whole incident at all, they definitely wouldn't miss the opportunity to make trouble and attack Jiang Chen one after another.

"The matter hasn't been investigated clearly, and you all insisted that Jiang Chen did it. Could it be that if I say that Chu Wen's death has something to do with you, can I push the responsibility to you?" Qin Wenyan said through gritted teeth. .

"Captain Qin, what's white can't be black, what's black can't be white, the matter has come to this point, no matter what you say, it's useless, Jiang Chen has to pay the price." Fei Haiyuan said.

"Oh, what price do you want me to pay?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Killing for life is justified. You killed Chu Wen in a cruel and outrageous way. You must pay your life for your life in order to calm the anger of the public." Fei Haiyuan said without doubt.

"People's anger?" Jiang Chen laughed again, and said, "Why do I only see you jumping up and down by yourself? Don't you know that your acting skills are very alarming?"

"Jiang Chen, I admit that your eloquence is good, but today's matter, you can't escape death even if you talk about it, I advise you, it's best to die honestly, don't try to resist and escape, in this case, My Tianzu may let you die with dignity." Fei Haiyuan said.

"Really?" Jiang Chen was still smiling, and in the next second, a figure appeared in front of Fei Haiyuan like a ghost.

Jiang Chen's right hand stretched out like lightning, and immediately grabbed Fei Haiyuan's neck, lifting Fei Haiyuan off the ground.

At the same time, Jiang Chen moved his left hand and slapped Fei Haiyuan's face like a rain of more than a dozen slaps, directly turning Fei Haiyuan into a pig's head.

"Such an obvious framing can be so justified by you. You want me to die with dignity, right? Well, I will do what you wish and make your death ugly." Youyou, Jiang Chen's words made Fei Haiyuan's hair stand on end...

(End of this chapter)

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