genius evil

Chapter 858

Chapter 858

Jiang Chen's speed was too fast, when he shot, he was sharp and decisive, and he never dragged his feet.

Under Jiang Chen's terrifying speed, Fei Haiyuan didn't have time to do anything, but Jiang Chen grabbed his neck, and then, the slap in the face like a gust of wind and rain made Fei Haiyuan almost faint .

After Fei Haiyuan came to his senses, he was angry and anxious. He wanted to order Jiang Chen to let go, but he suddenly met Jiang Chen's gloomy gaze, and his heart skipped a beat. The words came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything. .

"Planting frame to blame?"

When Fei Haiyuan constantly accused Jiang Chen, in Qin Wenyan's view, there were obvious traces of acting.

At first, Qin Wenyan thought that Fei Haiyuan did this on purpose, trying to incite the emotions of Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi, but when he heard Jiang Chen mentioning the words "planting and blaming others", Qin Wenyan suddenly came to his senses.

Why did Chu Wen die so strangely?
So what, Fei Haiyuan's emotions are so excited?
You know, although Chu Wen is a member of the Tian group, if it is not because of the poisoning, it can be said that he has no sense of existence in the Tian group.That is to say, as the captain of the Fengzi Mobile Squad, she remembered Chu Wen's name.

To put it bluntly, whether Chu Wen is dead or alive has nothing to do with Fei Haiyuan, and Fei Haiyuan doesn't care about Chu Wen's life or death at all, let alone taking so much effort to stand up for Chu Wen.

Reminiscent of Fei Haiyuan abnormally bringing the old genius doctor Jin to treat Chu Wen, and asking Jiang Chen to leave the room again and again, Qin Wenyan finally understood where his bad premonition came from.

It was from Fei Haiyuan.

However, Qin Wenyan never imagined that Fei Haiyuan would be so frenzied, dragged Jiang Chen into the water, and killed Chu Wen in an extremely disgraceful way in order to blame Jiang Chen.

After understanding this point, Qin Wenyan immediately reprimanded: "Captain Fei, you are so deliberate, you killed Chu Wen yourself and blamed it on Jiang Chen, I want to see how you explain it .”

"Captain Qin, Jiang Chen killed Chu Wen. There are all the witnesses and material evidence. Jiang Chen can't turn black and white with a single word." Shan Qixiong said coldly.

"Jiang Chen, let Captain Fei go, otherwise, you will bear the consequences." Lin Yi said.

The incident happened suddenly, neither of them expected that Jiang Chen would attack Fei Haiyuan, and Fei Haiyuan acted so vulnerable in front of Jiang Chen.

But whether it was Fei Haiyuan who killed Chu Wen and then framed Jiang Chen as the blame, they simply would not care about it, because what they needed was just an excuse to attack Jiang Chen.

Fei Haiyuan just created an extremely perfect excuse for them. Now that they have grasped this excuse, they will naturally not let it go easily.

Moreover, Jiang Chen is now in the Tianzu, just like fish on a chopping board. Didn't Jiang Chen once say that he was waiting for the two of them to kill him?

Then just today, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Jiang Chen was killed in one fell swoop, so as to avoid future troubles!

"Captain Shan, you keep saying that Jiang Chen turned black and white, I think you are the one who turned black and white." Qin Wenyan said in a concentrated voice.

"Captain Qin, I know you have a good friendship with Jiang Chen. I heard that Jiang Chen has been pursuing you all along, right? Maybe you have already agreed to Jiang Chen's pursuit, or you may not have agreed yet... But, of course you It's a reason to defend Jiang Chen, but don't forget your own identity." Shan Qixiong said sternly.

"My relationship with Jiang Chen has nothing to do with you, Captain Shan. Don't mix it up." Qin Wenyan said angrily.

"It's Captain Qin, you don't distinguish between public and private, and you mix them up, but you beat them upside down. That's interesting." Shan Qixiong said coldly.

"You—" Qin Wen was so fuming that he couldn't speak.

"Ask Miss Yan, have you ever heard a sentence? You will never wake up a person who is pretending to be stupid?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Qin Wenyan suddenly came to his senses.

Indeed, whether it was Shan Qixiong or Lin Yi, they all deliberately aimed at Jiang Chen.

If there is no excuse, she will still make excuses. Now that she has an excuse, she will insist on not letting go. Whether she is reasoning or presenting the facts, both of them will pretend to turn a blind eye, and it is useless to say anything.

"Jiang Chen, I really can't understand where your sense of superiority comes from. If you don't let Captain Fei go, don't blame me. If you are rude to you, you won't be afraid. You won't be able to walk out of the gate of Tianzu Is it?" Lin Yi said sarcastically.

"It's up to you?" Jiang Chen said dismissively.

"I'm not enough, there is Captain Shan, and everyone in the Dutian group. You are already the enemy of my Tian group, and you are destined to die." Lin Yi said.

"Counsel." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

If this Lin Yi stood up alone, Jiang Chen might still give him a high look. This opening, which was said in a high-sounding and serious manner, was actually just to cover up his guilty conscience.

Ji Dong's face turned red, which was very ugly.

He is not stupid, and naturally he will not be so stupid as to stand up alone.

With Fei Haiyuan's strength, he was on par with him, and in front of Jiang Chen, he had no power to fight back. There is no doubt that compared with the last meeting, Jiang Chen's cultivation has improved again.

Fei Haiyuan was not Jiang Chen's opponent, nor could he be Jiang Chen's opponent. If he stood up alone, wouldn't he take the initiative to bump into the muzzle of the gun?

"You sharp-mouthed thing, you're going to die today." Lin Yi said gloomyly.

"I will kill Fei Haiyuan first, and then I will kill you. If there are still people who want to die, slowly line up at the back, and I will satisfy you one by one." Jiang Chen never took Fei Haiyuan's words to heart. .

Then, Jiang Chen glanced at Fei Haiyuan and asked, "Are you sure that Chu Wen died at my hands?"

"I—" Fei Haiyuan's eyes flickered and his scalp was numb.

Jiang Chen's cultivation was far beyond his expectations. He was now held by Jiang Chen's neck, unable to move, just like a chicken whose neck was held by Jiang Chen waiting to be slaughtered.

"Yes or not?" Jiang Chen said coldly, not giving Fei Haiyuan a chance to think.

"No——" Fei Haiyuan was about to answer no subconsciously. When the words came to his mouth, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly changed his words: "Jiang Chen, you killed Chu Wen. The evidence is conclusive. Could it be that you think that you can force me? Wash away your sins."

"Very good." Hearing what Fei Haiyuan said, Jiang Chen smiled instead of anger, and said with a light smile, "I have always firmly believed that everyone must pay the price for their actions, and I have always been firm in implementing it."

"What are you going to do?" A huge panic filled Zifei Haiyuan's heart.

"You can go to hell." Jiang Chen said lightly, the hand clasping Fei Haiyuan's neck suddenly exerted force, only heard a slight cracking sound, and Fei Haiyuan's neck immediately protruded.

"Jiang Chen, don't!" Qin Wenyan turned pale with shock.

Fei Haiyuan is certainly hateful, but once Jiang Chen kills Jiang Chen, the nature of the matter will change. Inside the Tianzu, they will definitely not let this matter go easily.


Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, another deep voice sounded, and with the voice of speaking, a figure came like the wind and appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

As soon as that person appeared, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed Jiang Chen's arm. A series of movements were incredibly fast.

However, that person's movements were fast, and Jiang Chen's speed was not slow. Almost when the person's big hands grabbed him, Jiang Chen had already taken Fei Haiyuan back.

At the same time, with Jiang Chen's wrist movement, Fei Haiyuan's neck was broken, and Jiang Chen threw him aside like a dead dog.


Seeing Jiang Chen kill Fei Haiyuan, Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi were shocked. They didn't know whether they were shocked by Jiang Chen's boldness or frightened by Jiang Chen's killing methods.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen didn't even show interest in taking another look at Fei Haiyuan. He bluntly said that with his current eighth-level cultivation of Body Tempering, killing an ordinary Guwu Houtian ninth-level practitioner would be the same as Killing chickens and dogs, there is no difference!
"Young man, you are too presumptuous, do you know that you are wrong?" The person who appeared stared at Jiang Chen and said word by word.

This is an old man, about sixty years old, with a short stature and a full face, which easily gives people a sense of power without anger, and when he stares at someone, it easily gives people a strong feeling oppression.

"Simply, whatever I do today is wrong, why not just make mistakes." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"There are two mistakes you made today. First, you shouldn't have killed Fei Haiyuan. Second, you shouldn't have killed Fei Haiyuan in front of me. You made two mistakes in a row, even if you had a huge reason. If you want to kill someone, you will have no luck today." The old man said in a deep voice.

"Big deal, I'll kill you again, that's fine." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, this is Nie Ruhu, Nie Lao." Qin Wenyan changed his face and said hastily.

The internal organization of the Tianzu is not complicated. Apart from Fenghuolinshan and the four mobile teams, there are also five old men with terrifying cultivation bases.

This old Nie, named Nie Ruhu, was one of the five old men.

As Nie Ruhu's name suggests, he has a temper as violent as a tiger. Killing people with a word of disagreement is a common occurrence, and the heavenly group is up and down, but when they hear Nie Ruhu's name, they all change color.

Jiang Chen's words like this would undoubtedly offend Nie Ruhu completely, which did not make Qin Wenyan anxious.

"Old Nie."

"Old Nie."

Seeing the appearance of Nie Ruhu, Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi greeted each other with a reserved and respectful expression!

"Kill me?" Nie Ruhu laughed loudly, looked at Jiang Chen like a joke, and said, "Young man, tell me, should I say that you are not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, or should I say that you are stupid? "

"It's not that there is a word "tiger" in your name. You are a tiger. At best, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are the king." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"The monkey dominates? Good, very good, then I will let you learn, who is the tiger and who is the monkey." Nie Ruhu's temper exploded at the slightest bit.

After the words fell, Nie Ruhu raised his palm, and Nie Ruhu slapped Jiang Chen's Tianling Gai with a slap, and slapped it aggressively...

(End of this chapter)

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