genius evil

Chapter 86 Has Someone Said You're Stupid

Chapter 86 Has Someone Said You're Stupid

Although it was Jiang Chen's treat, but Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan were still responsible for ordering food. There was no way, these two girls were both young rich women, and needless to say, they often went to high-end places.

And although Jiang Chen has made some money recently, such a small amount of money is not even considered a nouveau riche. As for Bao Shifan, it goes without saying, as can be seen from Bao Shifan's cautious demeanor.

But to Jiang Chen's surprise, Bao Shifan's rigidity was reserved, but he didn't lose his composure. At most, he was just unaccustomed and uncomfortable.

Because there was still class in the afternoon, I didn't ask for wine, but ordered a few bottles of drinks. After the food was served, the four talked and laughed together and started eating.

"Shark's fin gargles, bird's nest for soup, the days of the rich are really pleasant." After drinking a cup of bird's nest, Jiang Chen said with feeling.

"No matter how rich a rich person is, they won't eat like this every day. It's not something delicious. What's there to be emotional about?" Jiang Yanyan said annoyedly, thinking that Jiang Chen was targeting her, a little Regret taking out the membership card.

Jiang Chen glanced at Jiang Yanyan and said, "I didn't make insinuations or anything, I just think that the shark's fin gargling feels pretty good, and when I have money, I'll drink one bowl after another."

"Only the nouveau riche would do that, can't you pursue it a little bit?" Jiang Yanyan reminded.

"Actually, my pursuit has always been money and beautiful women." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Vulgar." This time, even Xu Anqi's face turned red.

Jiang Chen had nothing to be ashamed of. No matter what kind of social order, money and beautiful women are the eternal pursuit of men. Jiang Chen naturally didn't feel that there was anything inappropriate to say so bluntly.

"Jiang Chen, will this meal be expensive?" Bao Shifan asked in a low voice. He glanced at the menu just now and was startled by the numbers behind it.

"It's okay, anyway, Jiang Chen wants to be a nouveau riche, let him cultivate the temperament of a nouveau riche first." Jiang Yanyan took the words and said sarcastically.

"Student Yanyan, why can't you follow the example of class leader Xu, eat and drink quietly, like a goddess, how pleasing to the eye." Jiang Chen sighed.

"That is, how can I compare with An Qi, An Qi is a goddess, and I am at most a female nerve." Jiang Yanyan took a sip of her drink and replied vaguely.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be quite self-aware." Jiang Chen laughed, but before he could stop laughing, he heard a bang, and someone kicked open the door of the box from the outside.

"Sir, you can't do this, this box is already occupied." An anxious voice came from outside.

"Shut up, you don't have a place to talk." Another irritable voice sounded, and immediately a young man in his twenties, Shi Shiran, walked in.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't you see anyone eating here?" Jiang Yanyan said displeased.

"It's true that there are people now, but there will be no one in a while." The young man hooked his fingers with a careless expression, and said, "Go and pay the bill, I want this box."

"Obviously we came first, so why should we get out? If you want to get out, you're the one to get out." Jiang Yanyan, who was originally a small pepper, immediately exploded when she heard such words.

"Oh, it looks like you don't want to get out, so you might as well stay." The young man glanced at Jiang Yanyan, saw Xu Anqi again, his eyes lit up slightly, pointed at Xu Anqi, and said, "You stay too. I will drink some wine with my master, the other two, get out!"

The other two refer to Jiang Chen and Bao Shifan.

"Do you like telling others to go away?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a half-smile.

"Why, you're not convinced?" The young man said contemptuously, looking sideways at Jiang Chen.

"It doesn't matter whether you are convinced or not, it's just that since you like it so much, then let's perform it first, how to get out." Jiang Chen's words did not have a trace of fireworks, but Jiang Chen was already very angry at the moment, he just wanted to be quiet It's just a quiet meal, this guy kicked open the door of the box, not to mention, he just told people to get out of his mouth, obviously he didn't want him to have a good meal, if this is the case, then this guy shouldn't even think about eating today .


No one could see clearly when Jiang Chen left his seat. He suddenly raised his right arm. Jiang Chen slapped the young man heavily. The young man opened his mouth and spat out a few bloody teeth. Before he could utter a cry of pain, Jiang Chen kicked the young man's thigh again, kicking him to the ground, and kicking him like a rolling gourd towards the outside of the box with another kick. go away.

"It turns out that the feeling of making people roll is really quite good." Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's very good, but it's a pity that you can only experience this feeling once in your life." Jiang Chen had just finished speaking when a voice came from the doorway.

At the door of the box, there were three more people. The one standing in the front was a young man fully armed with Givenchy, and it was he who spoke.

And the person standing behind the young man on the right can be regarded as Jiang Chen's old friend, but it is Shi Lei.

Seeing Jiang Chen here, Shi Lei was obviously a little surprised, but the surprise was only for a moment, and soon, a cold sneer appeared on the corner of Shi Lei's mouth.

After laughing, Shi Lei whispered a few words in the young man's ear. While listening to Shi Lei's words, the young man looked at Jiang Chen meaningfully.

After Shi Lei finished speaking, the young man nodded and said again: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Meng Xiangyang. I think it is very necessary for you to remember my name."

"Meng Xiangyang? Meng Xiangyang from the Meng family?" Jiang Chen didn't feel anything about these three words, but Jiang Yanyan lost her voice in surprise.

"Is this guy famous?" Jiang Chen asked, frowning slightly.

Jiang Yanyan nodded vigorously. The Meng family is one of the few big families in Yilan City. It is a typical family combining government and business. This Meng Xiangyang is young, but he is already the president of a listed company. How can he not be famous.

"I don't know if you're really famous, but your name really has nothing special about it, so there's no need to tell me." Stretching, Jiang Chen said lightly.

Meng Xiangyang grinned, and said with a smile, "Are you telling me that those who don't know have no fear, right? Or directly, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes?"

"You can think whatever you want." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"If I want to think whatever I want, I will think too much, and if I think too much, you may have problems." Meng Xiangyang said threateningly.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but find it funny, and joked, "You don't have to put on airs in front of me, since the first sentence you said, you've already decided that you're going to eat me, don't you?"

"I come to Zhizun Yipin about three to four times a week, usually in this box. Of course, I don't come here alone. Every time I bring someone over... Yilan The city is really not that big, and there are very few people who think they can save my face. Unfortunately, I know all those people, and even if I don’t, I have heard of them, but I haven't heard that among those people, there is a young man named Jiang Chen." Meng Xiangyang said very maturely.

These words were spoken slowly, neither in a rush nor slow, and extremely proud. After a long conversation, not a word was threatening Jiang Chen, but in fact, every word was to show that he was determined to eat Jiang Chen. dust.

"I said you are a chatterbox? You like to talk nonsense so much?" Although Jiang Chen thought it was funny, Jiang Chen was more amused. Could it be that this guy didn't know that these words didn't mean anything to him?

"It seems that I didn't make it clear. Let's keep it simple. I want this box. At the same time, you have to pay a price." Meng Xiangyang said slowly.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are stupid?" Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" A gleam of coldness flashed in Meng Xiangyang's eyes.

"You said I have to pay the price, I have to pay the price, who do you think you are?" Jiang Chen's words were extremely blunt.

"Ignorant idiot." Meng Xiangyang was completely irritated by Jiang Chen, turned his head to Shi Lei and said, "Shi Lei, doesn't this kid have old grudges with you? I don't like his tone of voice, so smash his mouth first."

"He fights really well." Shi Lei said.

Meng Xiangyang smiled and said, "Just do it. To be honest, I want to see if he has the courage to resist."

When Shi Lei met Jiang Chen at the supreme first rank, it could be said that the enemy was extremely jealous. The humiliation Jiang Chen brought to him was something he would never forget in his whole life.

Originally thought that to take revenge on Jiang Chen, he would need to use some other means, but he never thought that Jiang Chen would fall into Meng Xiangyang's hands, giving him a chance to take revenge.

Sticking out his tongue and licking his slightly dry lips, Shi Lei no longer hesitated, stepped forward a few steps, stretched out his hand and slapped Jiang Chen across the face.


The crisp applause sounded, and Meng Xiangyang smiled coldly, but that smile just appeared at the corner of his mouth, and soon froze.

Because that slap hit Shi Lei's face, five red finger marks appeared on Shi Lei's face, half of his face was red and swollen.

"You are really stupid." Jiang Chen slapped Shi Lei in the circle, and with a movement of his feet, he appeared in front of Meng Xiangyang. He didn't even look at it. He slapped Meng Xiangyang heavily in the face as before. superior.

"Why do you think I dare not resist?" After a slap, Jiang Chen said lightly, and slapped Meng Xiangyang with another slap with his backhand.

"Jiang Chen, I originally planned to teach you a little lesson and forget it. You are looking for death." Meng Xiangyang's eyes burst into flames. He had always walked sideways in Yilan City, and no one disobeyed him. Jiang Chen dared to slap him. Regardless of whether Jiang Chen is ignorant or has something to rely on, he will definitely destroy Jiang Chen.

"Idiot, you made a mistake, you are looking for death." Jiang Chen smiled coldly, waved his hand quickly, and slapped Meng Xiangyang one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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