genius evil

Chapter 87 Waiting for You to Beg Me

Chapter 87 Waiting for You to Beg Me

Meng Xiangyang didn't know how many times he had been slapped. He felt that both sides of his face were about to burn. The burning pain made him scream like a pig being killed.

The previous pride and self-confidence were gone at this moment. If possible, Meng Xiangyang even wanted to beg Jiang Chen not to slap him again, but unfortunately he didn't have the chance to speak.

The speed of Jiang Chen's attack was too fast, a slap in the face, like a gust of wind and rain, was greeted on his face without the slightest pause.Such a technique was like Jiang Chen had specially practiced how to slap someone in the face.

The sound of "Papa Papa" stunned everyone in shock.

After a hundred slaps in the face, Jiang Chen put his hands away, looked at the work he had created, nodded in satisfaction, and said leisurely, "It's not bad, it looks a bit stupid after all."


Meng Xiangyang was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Chen didn't use dirty words in his curse words, he was clearly calling him stupid for looking like a pig, Meng Xiangyang's eyes turned black, and he almost passed out.

Jiang Chen didn't care about Meng Xiangyang's mentality, he waved at Shi Lei, and said with a smile, "Now it's your turn."

"What are you going to do?" Shi Lei said in shock.

The Jiang Chen right now, in Shi Lei's eyes, is a real lunatic, he went crazy and denied his relatives, and actually beat Meng Xiangyang into a pig's head.

Jiang Chen even dared to fight Meng Xiangyang, so he would definitely not let him go. Today's loss is a deal, how could Shi Lei not be afraid.

"Just now you thought that Meng Xiangyang would be your backer, allowing you to attack me without any scruples. It turns out that your vision is really not very good, at least far worse than Qiu Shaojie." Jiang Chen said lazily .

Shi Lei had a mournful face, but he didn't refute.

What he meant by Jiang Chen's words was that Jiang Chen put himself in a higher position than Meng Xiangyang. Shi Lei didn't think Jiang Chen and Meng Xiangyang were comparable. After all, there was too much difference in family background between the two. Far.But now, naturally, there will be no objection.

"You don't have to pretend to be pitiful in front of me. When you do something to me, you should understand what the consequences will be." Jiang Chen said again.

"Then do you know what consequences your actions today will bring to you?" Shi Lei couldn't help asking.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "This is another threat, right? Unfortunately, it's of no use to me."

After saying this, Jiang Chen stopped talking nonsense and started directly, punching and kicking. There was not a single intact place on Shi Lei's body, and he was lying on the ground with only the breath in and out. hand.

There were four people who accompanied Meng Xiangyang this time. Except for the one at the beginning, Meng Xiangyang and Shi Lei were followed by Jiang Chen's poisonous hands, and the last one was already pale with fright. , My legs are weak, I can't walk, I can't walk.

"Hey, I beat them so badly, why didn't you call the police? Is it possible that I can't do it myself?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

"You said you want me to call the police?" The man didn't feel well.

No matter who it is, it is too late to escape after hitting someone, but Jiang Chen actually told him to call the police, is Jiang Chen insane?

"I've always been a law-abiding, good citizen. If I hit someone, I'll be held accountable. Hurry up and call the police. If I dare to beat you up." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

That person was weird, but Jiang Chen had already said that, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet, took out his mobile phone, called the police, and hurriedly explained what happened here.

"Okay, let's wait for the police to come and take me away." Jiang Chen was finally satisfied, and returned to his seat. Seeing Xu Anqi's uneasy appearance, he said with a smile, "Eat, I'll be cold for a while." It won't taste good anymore."

"Jiang Chen, can you still eat?" Jiang Yanyan was about to cry, Jiang Chen actually waited for the police to arrest him, what is this all about.

"I've always had a good appetite, so of course I can eat it." Jiang Chen said, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat. Both Xu Anqi and Bao Shifan lost their appetite, and watched Jiang Chen eat Hesai with wide eyes. The expressions on his face were indescribably dull.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Chen was full, and the police finally arrived after a long time.

"Who called the police?" A black-faced policeman said angrily.

"It's me." The guy who called the police hurriedly raised his hand, pointed at Meng Xiangyang, who was beaten into a pig's head, and said, "That's Young Master Meng, who was beaten up."

"Meng Shao?" The black-faced policeman looked at Meng Xiangyang, and when he recognized who it was, he was startled and said loudly, "Meng Shao, what's going on, how could anyone dare to touch you."

"It's nothing, just being beaten." Meng Xiangyang said very simply, he lost all face this time, so naturally he wouldn't say anything more.

"You're so brave, whoever did it, stand up for me." The black-faced policeman knew Meng Xiangyang's identity, and immediately roared angrily.

"Don't be so loud, my ears are very good." Jiang Chen hiccupped, stood up, and said, "I called... well, I also asked someone to call the police, hurry and arrest me Get up."

"You beat someone, and you still asked someone to call the police?" The black-faced policeman was a little confused.

"Stop talking nonsense, he even asked you to arrest him on his own initiative, what are you still doing?" Meng Xiangyang said angrily, he would not care about what Jiang Chen was up to, anyway, let Jiang Chen get into the trap first.

"Okay... okay..." The black-faced policeman stepped forward, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Jiang Chen's hands, and said seriously: "Be honest, follow me."

Jiang Chen smiled, fiddled with the handcuffs, and said, "This thing is not bad, it's quite strong."

The black-faced policeman was speechless, he pushed Jiang Chen hard, and said, "Stop laughing here, but even dare to beat Young Master Meng, you will suffer later."

"This old man, even if Meng Xiangyang has some status, you don't have to flatter him so blatantly." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Presumptuous, when did I curry favor with Meng Shao." The black-faced policeman said angrily, even if he was currying favor with Meng Xiangyang, Jiang Chen couldn't say it outright, why is he so ignorant.

"If you didn't flatter him, you should at least ask me why I beat him." Jiang Chen reminded.

"By the way, why are you beating someone?" After being reminded by Jiang Chen, the black-faced policeman came to his senses and asked quickly.

"It's very simple, because he deserves a beating." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Hearing this, the black-faced policeman already had a very black face, as black as carbon. He felt that he had been played by Jiang Chen, but he couldn't figure out where he was played by Jiang Chen. , Wo Huo very.

"Jiang Chen, it's not a skill to have a good mouth. When you beg me, you will know who is stupid between you and me." Meng Xiangyang said gloomyly, his cheeks were swollen. A fairly handsome face, deformed and distorted, the words he spoke were vague, but he could finally understand them.

"That's right, when you beg me, you will find that you are really stupid without a limit." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You said I would beg you." Even though it was in excruciating pain, Meng Xiangyang couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Of course you will beg me, and you will beg me soon, I hope you don't beg me so soon, otherwise I will be very disappointed." Jiang Chen said seriously, and walked out of the box go.

Jiang Chen was taken away by the black-faced policeman, and Meng Xiangyang didn't have the face to wait any longer. Soon he left the box and went to the hospital. In the box, only Xu Anqi and three people were left.

"An Qi, Jiang Chen was taken away by the police, why don't you look in a hurry?" Jiang Yanyan looked at Xu Anqi's quiet and elegant face, and asked curiously.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Xu Anqi comforted.

"Is everything going to be okay? An Qi, what are you thinking." Jiang Yanyan's mind was in a mess.

"I didn't think about anything, it's just because I believe in Jiang Chen." Xu Anqi smiled slightly, and spoke softly, with a soft voice, but also with a strange firmness.

"Trust Jiang Chen? Don't you think that Meng Xiangyang will beg him? Is there any mistake? How could Meng Xiangyang beg him, unless Meng Xiangyang is mentally ill!" Jiang Yanyan asked in confusion.

"Jiang Chen said that, so it should be like that." Xu Anqi said with certainty.

Xu Anqi didn't know if Jiang Yanyan and Bao Shifan had noticed Jiang Chen's changes, but she had discovered that Jiang Chen had grown a lot taller and handsomer... But this is not the point, the point is, in Xu Anqi's impression , Jiang Chen never seemed to disappoint anyone.

What Jiang Chen said may seem frivolous on the surface, but in the end, they will often become true. On this point, Xu Anqi has a particularly deep understanding.

"Meng Xiangyang is not easy to provoke, and the Meng family is even more difficult to provoke. Jiang Chen treats Meng Xiangyang like this, and the Meng family will not let Jiang Chen go." Jiang Yanyan didn't know where Xu Anqi's self-confidence came from, and she went crazy.

"Jiang Chen asked someone to call, and is still waiting here for the police to arrest him. This is enough to explain a lot of problems, isn't it? He doesn't worry about anything, why should we worry?" Xu Anqi was very relaxed.

"Uh, it seems to be the same." Jiang Yanyan said in a daze.

"Squad leader Xu, classmate Yanyan, Jiang Chen was taken away by the police, who will pay the bill?" Bao Shifan, who had been silent all this time, said coyly at this moment.

This meal cost tens of thousands, and Bao Shifan must have no money, so Xu Anqi or Jiang Yanyan could only pay the bill, which made Bao Shifan very embarrassed.

"Jiang Chen, that damned guy, is really too shameless. Could it be that he deliberately waited for the police to take him away just to escape orders?" Jiang Yanyan gritted her teeth.

Xu Anqi was stunned for a while, and Bao Shifan was also stunned for a while. How could they also feel this way? Now even the two of them felt that Jiang Chen was shameless and had no bottom line...

(End of this chapter)

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