genius evil

Chapter 88 You Are All Sick

Chapter 88 You Are All Sick

Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Chen arrived at the police station in a police car.

It was the first time in his life to enter the police station. For Jiang Chen, this was undoubtedly an extremely novel experience. After entering the police station, he kept looking around, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Show great interest, ask a sentence or two from time to time.

The black-faced policemen annoyed Jiang Chen so much that they wondered if Jiang Chen had a brain problem. After all, if Jiang Chen had no brains, how could he dare to attack Meng Xiangyang.

It's fine to do it, and beat Meng Xiangyang so badly, isn't this impatient?

Soon, the black-faced policeman brought Jiang Chen into the interrogation room. However, he was not the only one who was interrogating Jiang Chen. Another tall middle-aged policeman entered the interrogation room.

The black-faced policeman and the tall policeman had a brief exchange, and after a simple understanding of the cause and effect, the tall policeman seemed a little surprised and looked at Jiang Chen a few more times in surprise.

"Name?" The interrogation began quickly, and the tall policeman asked in a deep voice.

"It's kind of interesting, it's similar to the show on TV." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Be serious, you think this is a TV show, answer my question, or be careful I'll be rude to you." The tall policeman frowns, extremely displeased. In his opinion, Jiang Chen's attitude is It was obvious that he hadn't taken him seriously.

"Brother, I know you've been in a bad mood these past two days, but it's your fault for spreading fire on me." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"What do you mean? I am handling the case impartially, and I have no personal emotions involved. Don't try to slander me." The tall policeman said angrily.

"I didn't say you were unfair, so why bother to get rid of it in such a hurry?" Jiang Chen smiled strangely, and said lightly, "I'm just fighting for you, brother. After all, a man whose wife cuckolded him can still handle the case with due diligence. Waiting for She Xiao's family to be proud of everyone is really rare."

"What did you say?" The tall policeman's expression changed drastically, and he stood up abruptly.

"You're impotent." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile.

"I—" The tall policeman's eyes flickered rapidly, looking at Jiang Chen's eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

The tall policeman's name is Yang Wei. When his parents gave him this name, they hoped that the man of the Yang family would be tall and upright. However, I don't know if the name Yang Wei is not very auspicious. Because of this, after many years in the police station, Yang Wei is still standing still, and even fell into a problem of impotence. Yang Wei's impotence, this name, is worthy of his name.

Because of this problem, which is not considered a disease, Yang Wei is often ridiculed by his wife at home. He looks like a man outside, but he can hold his head up every day at home.

Quarrels are commonplace for Yang Wei and his wife. Regarding his own problems, Yang Wei has suffered a lot, and he has also worried that his wife will cuckold him, but the worry is nothing to worry about. It is to live on.

Yang Wei would never have thought that the interrogation of Jiang Chen had just begun. Jiang Chen just pointed out his impotence, and even bluntly said that he was cuckolded by his wife, which shocked and frightened Yang Wei.

What was surprising was that no one had ever known about his problem. How could Jiang Chen know? What was scary was whether his wife really gave him a cuckold. If it was true what Jiang Chen said, he would In the future, I will have no face to see people again.

"You don't have to look at me like this. I've been impotent for three years. No matter how much your wife loves you, she's doomed to cheat...Of course, if you don't believe me, you can check your wife's record of cheating." , as a policeman, this kind of thing is still very easy to do." Jiang Chen said it very easily and casually.

Yang Wei's face became more and more ugly. He stared at Jiang Chen for a long time, then suddenly got up and walked towards the side of the interrogation room. The black-faced policeman hurriedly yelled a few times, but couldn't stop him, and laughed awkwardly. One sound.

"My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and then said, "Next, should you ask me my age?"

The old face of the black-faced policeman twitched. According to the normal interrogation level, he should indeed ask this question, but how to handle the case, should Jiang Chen teach him?

"Age?" Soon, the black-faced policeman asked.

Yang Wei is gone, and the interrogation will continue, but it is obvious that the black-faced policeman is a little absent-minded at this time, Yang Wei is impotent, and his wife is wearing a cuckold. This news is so explosive that the black-faced policeman will inevitably die Think about gossip.

"Sure enough, it's such a routine, it's really exactly the same as in the TV drama." After clapping his hands, Jiang Chen said happily.

The black-faced policeman was stunned for a while, and looked at Jiang Chen like a fool. Why is this guy's brain circuit so different? Even if it is exactly the same as the one in the TV series, then there is no need to be so happy. After all, this is really not the same. What a thing to be happy about.

"No...something is not quite right..." Thinking of Yang Wei's situation, the black-faced policeman suddenly thumped in his heart, looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, and said, "Boy, don't play tricks in front of me, I am not impotent. "

"I know you're not impotent, but a mere 5 minutes of fighting power is nothing to show off, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Shut up." The black-faced policeman's face darkened, and at the same time his mood sank slightly. Jiang Chen knew that Yang Wei was impotent, but he knew that he only had 5 minutes of fighting power. Could it be that this kid is a monster?
"For a man, this kind of thing is indeed a bit embarrassing to talk about, but you don't have to worry about being cuckolded by your wife. In comparison, you are much happier than Yang Wei." Jiang Chen said seriously.

The black-faced policeman couldn't laugh or cry, and thought to himself, what is there to compare with this kind of thing?Isn't this a poor man who is richer than a beggar on the roadside, happy ass.

"But although you are not impotent, you will be impotent in about a year and a half, so don't be so anxious...Of course, this is not the point. The point is that you have liver disease. To be precise, your whole family, young and old, all have liver disease .” Jiang Chen said again.

The black-faced policeman was horrified and inexplicable. He did have liver disease, and his family had it. It was caused by genetics on the one hand and contact infection on the other.

But this kind of disease, like impotence, must not be known to outsiders, otherwise the disease will spread, and the hat on his head will definitely be taken off.

"Nonsense." The black-faced policeman was stern, almost roaring.

"Yes... yes... I'm just talking nonsense, anyway, no one will believe what I say." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said with a smile.

The more Jiang Chen laughed, the more uneasy the black-faced policeman became. He knew that there was no way to go down for interrogation, otherwise Jiang Chen might dig out some old secrets.

"You wait, I'll call someone over to continue interrogating you." The black-faced policeman said loudly, and left in a hurry, unwilling to stay with Jiang Chen for a second.

"Hey, don't be in a hurry, you need to be treated if you are sick, right?" Jiang Chen shouted behind the black-faced policeman.The black-faced policeman staggered and almost fell to the ground.

After the black-faced policeman left, about 5 minutes later, two policemen, one old and one young, entered the interrogation room, but the two couldn't hold on for even five minutes, and left the interrogation room in despair.

Then, someone took over the baton to interrogate Jiang Chen. Without exception, they were all disgraced by Jiang Chen.

"You have kidney deficiency."

"You have genital warts."


Jiang Chen often said such words when he opened his mouth. A pair of eyes are more poisonous than anything else, and they hit the nail on the head, making people want to die. At first, the people who interrogated Jiang Chen suffered. Later, some people did not believe in evil and watched the interrogation process. In the end, no one had the guts to interrogate Jiang Chen, so they could only leave Jiang Chen alone in the interrogation room and no longer talk to him.

"The profession of the police is really hard work. So many policemen go into battle despite their illnesses to protect the safety of the country and the people's property. It's really great." Jiang Chen sighed endlessly.

The deputy director of the sub-bureau originally wanted to see if Jiang Chen was really that magical. He hadn't entered the door yet, but when he heard Jiang Chen talking to himself, his legs went weak and he sneaked away.

"It's finally quiet." Hearing the sound of footsteps going away, Jiang Chen chuckled, leaned back on the chair and fell asleep.

At this time, Ren'ai Hospital in Yilan City.

Renai Hospital is the largest private hospital with the most complete facilities in Yilan City.

This hospital has the background of the Meng family in Yilan. To be precise, the Meng family is the largest shareholder of Ren'ai Hospital. Therefore, Meng Xiangyang immediately came to Ren'ai Hospital for treatment after leaving Zhizun Yipin.

From Meng Xiangyang's point of view, his face was simply swollen by Jiang Chen's slap, and the treatment process should be very simple, all he needed to do was to reduce the swelling.

However, what happened next immediately plunged Meng Xiangyang into a situation where he couldn't die.

The beginning of the pain was when a little nurse gave Meng Xiangyang an anti-inflammatory injection. The moment the needle went in, Meng Xiangyang felt as if he had been slashed, and the pain made him gasp.

At first, Meng Xiangyang thought it was the nurse's wrong way of giving the injection. After angrily slapping the nurse across the face, the head nurse came over. After the skin, Meng Xiangyang felt as if half of his body had been run over by a wheel.

For the next nearly an hour, Meng Xiangyang had been experiencing this painful pleasure. He could take medicine without getting an injection, but his throat was so hot that it seemed to be burning. It was hysteria that made Meng Xiangyang painful.

Meng Xiangyang was terrified, the person in charge of the hospital was terrified, and Meng Xiangyang's mother, Kong Yujie, the majority shareholder of Renai Hospital, who rushed over, was also terrified...

(End of this chapter)

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