genius evil

Chapter 861

Chapter 861
Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly. Why did Jiang Chen ask such a question? Could it be that he was molesting her in front of her master? How bold is he?
You know, her master is something that even Mr. He and Mr. Nie are afraid of. Once she gets angry, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Ask Miss Yan, don't be in a daze, answer my question quickly." Jiang Chen urged.

"Normal." Qin Wenyan said reluctantly, while talking, he looked at Mo Lao's face, seeing that Mo Lao didn't seem to mind, he was a little relieved.

"Impossible, if I'm only average handsome, why would there be a beautiful girl looking for me for no reason?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Jiang Chen, stop loving yourself here." Qin Wenyan couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore.

Mo Lao just said something about Miss Shen, Jiang Chen had already taken the initiative to think of the beautiful girl, this damned pervert!

"Ask Miss Yan, I'm really worried about you. You must be under a lot of pressure when a love rival falls from the sky." Jiang Chen said.


Jiang Chen quickly left with Mo Lao, and the few people who remained at the scene had a slightly delicate atmosphere.

Nie Ruhu took a deep look at He Danqing, and left immediately.

"Mr. He, who is Miss Shen?" Lin Yi asked cautiously.

His time in the Tianzu is not short, but he has never heard of Miss Shen. If it's an ordinary person, it's fine. When Mr. Mo said that Miss Shen wanted to see Jiang Chen, He Danqing and Nie Ruhu , looked unbelievable.

There is no doubt that Miss Shen is by no means simple, otherwise He Danqing and Nie Ruhu wouldn't have reacted like this.

"You don't need to ask, and you don't need to know." He Danqing said impatiently, and left in a hurry.

As soon as He Danqing left, Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi felt bored and left quickly, leaving Qin Wenyan alone in the end.

"Miss Shen wants to see Jiang Chen, what's wrong?" Qin Wenyan murmured.

Lin Yi and Shan Qixiong didn't know about Miss Shen's existence, but Qin Wenyan knew a little.

This secret base of the Tian group looks ordinary on the surface, but in fact, there is something unique inside.

After entering the inner courtyard, the architectural style became completely different, full of classical and elegant taste, this style vaguely reminded Jiang Chen of a place he had been to.

After walking through several corridors, Mo Lao stopped in front of a circular arch, and said to Jiang Chen: "You keep walking forward, remember, you are not allowed to trespass without the owner's permission. Shen Although the girl has a gentle temperament and is easy to talk to, if you break into a place you shouldn't go, you will inevitably get angry."

"I can promise you, the premise is that Miss Shen is really beautiful." Jiang Chen smiled and strode into the archway.

Behind the arch, there is a cobblestone path winding forward. This is a large yard with flowers and plants planted in the yard.

The flowers and grass are not expensive, but they are carefully arranged. It is obvious that the owner who lives here is a person with a lot of interest in life.

Jiang Chen walked along the cobblestone path, and after about a minute or two, he saw the figure of a woman in white.

The woman in white was standing under an old locust tree, and there was a small pool under the tree. In the pool, there were several koi, and the woman in white was feeding the fish.

From Jiang Chen's angle, he could only see the back of the woman in white. Her figure was exquisite and graceful. Even if he could only see one back, it gave people an infinitely beautiful feeling.

Jiang Chen walked straight over, and when Jiang Chen walked under the locust tree, Jiang Chen smiled.

Jiang Chen saw a pair of white embroidered shoes, but those shoes were not worn by the woman in white, but placed aside.

Looking over again, Jiang Chen suddenly saw that the feet of the woman in white were bare under the long white skirt.

"Miss Shen, do you know why someone invented shoes?" Jiang Chen asked after taking a look.

"Oh, why?" the woman in white asked, she sprinkled a handful of fish food with her jade hand lightly, attracting the koi in the pond to compete for food.

Speaking in a calm tone, it was obvious that although Jiang Chen's question caught her attention, she did not have the slightest curiosity.

"This principle is the same as growing rice in a rice field for eating, and the invention of shoes is naturally for wearing." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"But what if someone just doesn't like wearing shoes?" the woman in white asked.

"Maybe, it's the lack of a man who can put shoes on for her." Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

The woman in white smiled sweetly and turned around.

Under the big locust tree, the sky was a little dark, blocked by the luxuriant branches and leaves, but when the woman in white turned her head, it seemed as if the sky had brightened all of a sudden.

Autumn water is the god, jade is the bone, hibiscus is picturesque and willows are like eyebrows.

This is a face that makes people fall in love with it just by looking at it. In this world, all the adjectives related to beauty can be unreasonable, and they can all be used on her.

After all, it is unreasonable for a woman to be so beautiful.

Even such an unreasonable thing has appeared, and naturally it is even more unreasonable on other issues.

The appearance, temperament, charm, expression, shape, and figure were all so impeccable that Jiang Chen was distracted the moment the woman in white turned her head.

"I think that if someone really doesn't like wearing shoes, then there's no need to force her to wear shoes. Do you think I'm right or not?" asked the woman in white.

"You're right." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Why don't you stick to your point of view?" the woman in white asked.

"It's an extremely stupid thing to reason with a woman. If you want to reason with a beautiful woman, you might as well play the piano to a cow." Jiang Chen laughed.

"What do you mean by that, beautiful women are as stupid as cows? Is that so?" The woman in white said with a slight frown.

"A cow can't understand the sound of the zither. The master can hit or scold. A beautiful woman is unreasonable. She can't be beaten or scolded. Don't you think that this is actually the same thing?" Jiang Chen jokingly said .

"It sounds like you're swearing, do you have a problem with me?" the woman in white said.

"It must be your illusion." Jiang Chen said seriously, and said again: "But I have seen a woman who doesn't like wearing shoes before."

"To make you remember until now, that woman must be very beautiful." The woman in white looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"You guessed wrong, on the contrary, she is ugly." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Then why do you remember her?" the woman in white asked.

"Because she has a pair of beautiful little feet, which are as white as yours, and equally beautiful." Jiang Chen's gaze fell on the bare feet of the woman in white.

The woman in white who didn't wear shoes had a pair of tiny feet that were clean, spotless and as pink as jade.

Jiang Chen could swear that he had no foot fetish, but he had to admit that the little feet of the woman in white were the prettiest he had ever seen so far.

This even made Jiang Chen wonder whether it was because the white-clothed woman's little feet were so beautiful that she was unwilling to wear shoes, deliberately exposing this beauty to others.

It's like some women with big breasts like to wear low-cut clothes, and some women with thin waists like to wear low-cut pants.

"What do you want to say?" The bare feet fell into Jiang Chen's eyes. The woman in white didn't hide it, and didn't feel uncomfortable at all, just let Jiang Chen look at it gracefully.

"What I want to say is that this is really an extremely weird thing. After all, why such an ugly woman has such beautiful little feet is very unscientific." Jiang Chen said.

"Oh, a woman is ugly, so she must have a bad figure, must not have good-looking feet, and the best thing is, she doesn't even have good taste in dressing?" The woman in white joked.

"In this world, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones." Jiang Chen sighed, and said, "If a woman has a good figure, good-looking feet, and tasteful clothes, no matter what, she won't be too ugly." .”

"But you said that the woman you saw was ugly." The woman in white reminded her.

"So, I must have been deceived by her. Actually, she must be very beautiful." Jiang Chen looked into the eyes of the woman in white and said.

With long eyelashes, she blinked slightly, and the woman in white smiled lightly and said, "It may be so, but if she really lied to you, it must be a white lie."

"Why do you understand so well?" Jiang Chen asked.

"As a woman, there will always be something in common." The woman in white said.

"For example, apart from your beautiful feet, the two of you also look almost identical in body shape, and your charm and temperament are even more identical. The tone and tone of your speech are exactly the same as the twin sisters?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Isn't it because you suspect that the ugly woman you've seen before is me." The woman in white said with a slight smile.

"Isn't it you? The number one beauty in the capital, Miss Shen Shijing?" Jiang Chen stared at the woman in white, grinning and smiling.

Jiang Chen always remembered that that day, when he drove past a square, by the side of the fountain in the square, the woman with bare feet feeding the pigeons, her aura like a green lotus in the water made her so different. Independence.

A woman with such an aura has an extremely mediocre face, like two extremes on a balance, so disharmonious.

It is undoubtedly difficult for an ugly woman to pretend to be a beautiful woman.

But it is obviously much easier for a beautiful woman to pretend to be an ugly woman.

But no matter how he pretended, he couldn't change his height, breath, or charm, and Jiang Chen couldn't doubt it. From the first time he saw Shen Shijing, he had already concluded that Shen Shijing was the Rushui he had seen before. What a woman like Zhongqinglian said was just a further deepening of the temptation.

If there is an accident, the biggest accident is not that the number one beauty in the capital once made such a joke with him, but that Shen Shijing is inextricably linked with Tianzu...

(End of this chapter)

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