genius evil

Chapter 862

Chapter 862

"When I met you for the first time, I realized that you are smart and sensitive. This is the second time I met you, and that's true." Shen Shijing said softly.

"Is that admitted?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You have already decided that she is me and I am her. It makes no difference whether you admit it or deny it." Shen Shijing said.

"There is still a difference. In the future, you can go to Fushou Building with your signboard to eat for free." Jiang Chen said.

"You even know this?" Shen Shijing looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word. He had passed through the circular arch before and entered the inner courtyard. He saw that the architectural style here was very similar to that of the Fushou Building. Moreover, the owner here was surnamed Shen. He knew it early in the morning. The woman in white is undoubtedly the number one beauty in the capital, Shen Shijing.

Seeing this, Shen Shijing knew that Jiang Chen didn't know nothing about her, so she invited Jiang Chen to sit down and poured Jiang Chen a cup of jasmine tea.

Then he said: "Before we met last time, I actually wanted to meet you a long time ago, but when the time was not ripe, I didn't meet you until I realized that you were about to leave the capital."

"If you had shown your true colors last time, I would definitely not have left the capital so soon. As for me, I have no other shortcomings, except that I prefer beautiful women." Jiang Chen took a sip of tea and smiled.

The tea is already cold, but the rich aroma is still refreshing.

"This time you came to the capital, I still wanted to see you again, but I never thought that you would appear in the Tianzu." Shen Shijing smiled.

As for why he didn't show his true colors last time, Shen Shijing didn't explain.

Speaking of this, the smile on Shen Shijing's face became stronger, and he said: "You asked repeatedly to join the Tianzu, is this true?"

"I'm joking." Jiang Chen coughed dryly, and almost spit out a mouthful of scented tea in his mouth.

Sure enough, this is the key point.

"Many people took it seriously, including Miss Qin and me." Shen Shijing said seriously.

"A person like me, who is ignorant, cruel and bloodthirsty, has a bad temper, and always likes to stir up trouble everywhere, is obviously not in line with the recruitment standards of the Tianzu." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"These are not problems. The Tianzu never needs a perfect person. In this world, there has never been a perfect person... Unless, you have a problem with the Tianzu." Shen Shijing smiled lightly.

"Well, you're right, I do have opinions on the Tianzu, and the opinions are very strong, so no matter what, I can't join the Tianzu." Jiang Chen said seriously, full of resentment.

"I will accept any opinions and correct them as much as possible. Talents are rare." Shen Shijing also said seriously.

Jiang Chen immediately felt a little bitter. Hearing what Shen Shijing said, since he said that, even if he didn't want to join the sky group, he had to join the sky group.

It was true that he dug a hole for He Danqing to jump into, but he was accidentally thrown into the hole himself.

It's too bad, Jiang Chen thought depressingly.

"I absolutely admit that I am a talent, but you may not know that besides being good at dealing with beauties, what I'm worst at is dealing with interpersonal relationships." Jiang Chen sighed and said with self-blame.

"It doesn't matter, you only need to deal with two people in the future, one is Miss Qin, and the other is me. It doesn't matter if you don't like dealing with me, you just need to deal with Miss Qin." Shen Shijing said.

Jiang Chen was not mistaken. Shen Shijing really wanted to take the opportunity to keep Jiang Chen in the Tianzu. What he said was like pouring water. Give Jiang Chen a chance to repent.

For this reason, she can offer Jiang Chen extremely generous conditions.

Because Shen Shijing couldn't be more clear, this person Jiang Chen cannot be treated with common sense.

Jiang Chen's growth rate was too fast, and Shen Shijing knew very well what it would mean if he could keep Jiang Chen in the Tianzu.

"Miss Shen, you are such a beautiful woman, how could I not like dealing with you, but if you insist on letting me stay in Tianzu, I am very worried that I will make mistakes uncontrollably." Jiang Chen scanned Shen Shijing With a glance, he pretended to hesitate and said.

"What's wrong?" Shen Shijing asked casually.

"I'm afraid that if I can't help it, I'll flirt with you." Jiang Chen pretended to be embarrassed.

Looking at Jiang Chen strangely, Shen Shijing said: "As far as I know, there are quite a few women around you. Women mean trouble, and more women mean more trouble. It is impossible for you to understand this reason."

"Fantasy is a kind of disease, I guess I can't get rid of it in this life, so, in order to avoid being the most beautiful woman in the capital from being harmed by me, it's better for me not to join the Tianzu." Jiang Chen then said.

"No one has ever said that they want to pursue me. If you want to pursue me, I don't mind having another person to pursue. Of course, it is my business whether to agree to your pursuit." After thinking about it, Shen Shijing said .

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't drink any more tea at this time, otherwise he would definitely spray it.

Shen Shijing paid too much to keep him in Tianzu, right?

He knew that he was excellent, and he was sure that he was a talent, but the unsuspecting beauty trick was staged, which really made him very embarrassed.

"Are you sure no one has ever said that they want to pursue you?" Jiang Chen was immediately amused, and said, "It's really great."

"Okay?" Shen Shijing was confused.

"Of course it's great. You have to be clear. The reason why no one has ever pursued you is because no man thinks you are worthy of you. And you and I just happen to be a man, a man, a woman, and a match made in heaven. We are a perfect match." Jiang Jiang Dust said with a smile.

"If you want to pursue me, you have to show me your sincerity. I won't listen to anything you say." Shen Shijing smiled lightly.

Immediately, Shen Shijing said: "You mean, you are willing to join the Tianzu?"

"I can be sure that if I pursue you, I will be sincere." Jiang Chen said.

This was only half said, Jiang Chen didn't say the rest, but Shen Shijing could hear it, Jiang Chen needed to see her sincerity.

"He's really a guy who doesn't want to suffer." Shen Shijing thought to himself, as soon as he waved, a young woman appeared quickly.

"Go and invite Mr. He to come over." Shen Shijing ordered.

The young woman nodded and disappeared quickly.

After about 5 minutes, He Danqing appeared.

"Miss Shen, are you looking for me?" He Danqing said politely, a little cautious, but if you look carefully, you turn a blind eye to the beauty of Shen Shijing.

"I know what happened today. Huo Jiancheng's death has nothing to do with Jiang Chen, but Fei Haiyuan killed Chu Wen and blamed Jiang Chen. What do you say about this matter?" Shen Shijing said indifferently. asked.

"Miss Shen, Chu Wen and Fei Haiyuan are both dead. If there is no proof of death, don't listen to one side or believe it, so as not to chill people's hearts." He Danqing said with a frown.

"Are you doubting my judgment?" Shen Shijing snorted softly.

"Miss Shen, the old man has worked hard for Tianzu for so many years. Everyone has seen it. There is absolutely no reason to instruct Fei Haiyuan to harm Chu Wen." He Danqing said.

"What I need is an explanation. Fei Haiyuan is your disciple, and you have always been the only respected one. Without your instruction, he would not be so courageous." Shen Shijing said coldly.

"Miss Shen, you are insisting that I let Fei Haiyuan kill Chu Wen, so why bother to say more, I am leaving." He Danqing said angrily.

Some things can be done, but absolutely not admitted.

Fei Haiyuan and Chu Wen were both dead, and no one had any evidence to prove that this matter was related to him, He Danqing, and He Danqing would not be so stupid as to admit it in front of Shen Shijing.

"Mr. He, for the sake of your hard work, I didn't want to argue with you, but your attitude disappointed me." Shen Shijing said regretfully.

"Miss Shen, it's chilling that you favor an outsider so much." He Danqing said angrily.

After all, he was an old man of the Tianzu. For so many years, even if he had no credit, it was hard work. But what is Jiang Chen?
Shouting that he wants to join the Tianzu is to impress Shen Shijing, which makes He Danqing very resentful.

"It seems that you still don't know where you are wrong." Shen Shijing shook his head.

In the next second, the figure suddenly moved and appeared in front of He Danqing. He raised his slender hand and pressed it on He Danqing's chest.

In an instant, He Danqing seemed to be attacked by a shell, and was thrown backwards, landed on the ground, blood ran wildly, and died in an instant.

"Jiang Chen, this is my sincerity." To kill one person, Shen Shijing took out a handkerchief, wiped his palms, and said softly.

"Miss Shen, you are making things difficult for others." Jiang Chen said in a low voice.

As soon as Shen Shijing made a move, he killed He Danqing. He Danqing had no power to resist in front of Shen Shijing. Jiang Chen finally understood why everyone, including Mo Lao Nie, was so afraid of Shen Shijing up.

This number one beauty in the capital can also be said to be No. 1 in the capital!
Under the alluring beauty, the strength she unintentionally revealed is at the crushing level when facing the experts at the peak level of the Ninth Level of Guwu Houtian.

Jiang Chen knew in his heart that if Shen Shijing wanted to kill him, he might not be spared.

And you must know that although Shen Shijing was attacking He Danqing and cleaning up the family, but killing people in front of him, isn't this putting pressure on him?

Shen Shijing smiled and said, "Jiang Chen, from today onwards, you will be the captain of the Tianzu Huozi Mobile Squad."

When he said this, his tone of voice was so casual and so taken for granted.

It's like a boy who, after successfully confessing his love to a girl, declares to that girl that from today onwards, you are my girlfriend.

The voice fell, and before Jiang Chen could respond, the figure had already drifted away, not even giving Jiang Chen a chance to refuse.

"Really, a domineering woman." Staring at Shen Shijing's leaving back, Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

One shot kills two birds with one stone. Not only is she domineering, but her wisdom cannot be underestimated. It is said that beautiful women have no brains. This Shen Shijing undoubtedly subverts this statement.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen saw Qin Wenyan again.

"Jiang Chen, welcome to the Sky Group." Qin Wenyan stretched out his hand and said formally.

"Temporary." Jiang Chen said lightly, sooner or later he would let Shen Shijing understand that no matter how much a woman, especially a beautiful woman, bullies a man, the end result is that she will be bullied by a man.

He, Jiang Chen, is not the kind of man who can be bullied casually...

(End of this chapter)

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