genius evil

Chapter 863 The more beautiful the woman, the harder it is to raise

Chapter 863 The more beautiful the woman, the harder it is to raise
Jiang Chen joined the Tianzu, the process was twists and turns, and everyone was happy in the result, but the happiest was Qin Wenyan.

Qin Wenyan tried his best to invite Jiang Chen to join the Tianzu long ago, but Jiang Chen refused all of them. Today, after meeting Miss Shen, somehow, he changed his mind.

Moreover, Jiang Chen became the captain of the fire character mobile team!
Qin Wenyan didn't know what Miss Shen and Jiang Chen had said, so that Jiang Chen actually changed his mind, but he didn't ask any further questions, and after congratulating him, he drove Jiang Chen away.

"Jiang Chen, I apologize to you for what happened today." After the car was on the road, Qin Wenyan said suddenly.

If Miss Shen didn't come forward, the situation would turn around, Jiang Chen might have become the number one enemy of the Tianzu, and Qin Wenyan would feel deeply guilty about this matter.

After all, it was she who invited Jiang Chen to treat Chu Wen's illness, which gave Fei Haiyuan an opportunity.

"It's a trivial matter, it's not worth mentioning." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

No one has evidence that Huo Jiancheng died at his hands, but almost everyone, including Qin Wenyan, knows that the murderer was him.

Even if there is no today's event, if He Danqing wants to stand up for Huo Jiancheng, he will find other opportunities to attack him.

Instead of letting He Danqing shoot cold arrows behind his back, Jiang Chen quite liked this way of fighting with open flames.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously at all, Qin Wenyan was slightly taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Huo Jiancheng really died at your hands?"

Regarding Huo Jiancheng's death, although Jiang Chen was the most suspected, Qin Wenyan had suspected Jiang Chen more than once, but Jiang Chen never admitted it.Regarding this point, Qin Wenyan was not without deep curiosity.

"Guess." Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's lazy to guess, anyway, you have to remember that from today onwards, you are the captain of the Huozi Mobile Squad." Qin Wenyan said.

"Uh, let me ask, is there any benefit for this captain or something? How much is the salary? How about the benefits? Is there a room and a car?" Jiang Chen asked.

At any rate, it was his first meaningful job. Although it was semi-forced, it was considered a member of the management level after all. If the salary and benefits were too bad, Jiang Chen would not do it.

"You're not short of money." Qin Wenyan's head was full of black lines, and he couldn't understand what was the point of Jiang Chen asking such a question.

Others may not know the details of Jiang Chen, but some people in the Tianzu know the basics very well. Moreover, Qin Wenyan also specially investigated Jiang Chen. It can be said that Jiang Chen has several bank cards and each bank card is How much money there is, that is crystal clear.

Not to mention that Jiang Chen has a Feifei medical and beauty company that is making money every day, and has money exchanges with Fang Tongjun and the Qian family. He can be called a real super rich man. Is it necessary to care about such a small amount of money?
"Miss Ask Yan, you are wrong to say that. I am not short of money, but I have no grudge against money." Jiang Chen said unwillingly, no matter what Qin Wenyan meant, he wanted him to How about working for Tianzu for free?
"The monthly salary is [-], and the benefits are calculated separately. There is no room or car." Qin Wenyan had no choice but to say angrily.

"That much?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment.

"Usually, we don't have anything to spend money on. The money is just a symbolic amount. If you have special needs, you can apply for it." Qin Wenyan explained.

"The treatment is too bad." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said, "I'm also a shameless person. If it gets out and people know that my monthly salary is only so little, how can I pick up girls?"

"There are already enough women around you." Qin Wenyan snorted coldly.

"I still have to ask Miss Yan." Jiang Chen laughed out loud.

Qin Wenyan blushed slightly, changed the subject bluntly, and said, "Jiang Chen, as the captain of the Huozi Mobile Squad, you only need to come to the Sky Team to report once a week if there are no special circumstances. In principle, you must be on call 24 hours a day to carry out your mission."

"If there is any task, you can solve it by yourself. It is impossible for me to make a fool of myself with such a small amount of money." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"You—" Qin Wenyan became a little angry.

"It's getting late, ask Miss Yan, aren't you going to treat me to dinner?" Jiang Chen said after yawning.

"All my money was used to buy medicine for Chu Wen. I have no money." Qin Wenyan said, and sighed softly while talking.

"It's too wasteful and prodigal. As for that kid Chu Wen, he has long since been unable to recover. Why do you waste money on him?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You mean?" Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"That trash Fei Haiyuan took the blame for nothing." Jiang Chen said casually.

Qin Wenyan had always been concerned about Chu Wen's death, but he didn't expect that there would be such a reason in the middle, but didn't Jiang Chen say that it was just a little troublesome?How did it become a hopeless one again?Could it be that he lied to her?

Or, did Jiang Chen see that Fei Haiyuan had bad intentions early on, so he deliberately found a reason to let Fei Haiyuan take the blame?
If this is the case, doesn't it mean that He Danqing thinks he has plotted against Jiang Chen, but he doesn't know that every step he takes is plotted to death by Jiang Chen?

Qin Wenyan thought about it for a while, but he felt a little shuddering, this little rascal was too monstrous.

"Don't worry, I won't use these methods on you. I've always been gentle with beauties." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You dare." Qin Wenyan raised her brows and let out a coquettish shout.

"Ask Miss Yan, do you want to try it? If that's the case, I don't mind at all, but you have to be responsible for the consequences." Jiang Chen said with a smile again.

Qin Wenyan suddenly felt powerless. In the past, she could still have a little bit of pride and superiority in front of Jiang Chen, but this time, Jiang Chen became so difficult for her to see through. All the pride and superiority, It's all gone.

No matter how angry Jiang Chen was, he felt powerless.

"Forget it, I won't talk nonsense to you, if you are hungry, go back to the cafeteria to eat later." Qin Wenyan said.

"Don't you plan to give me a chance to treat guests to dinner?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You invite me?" Qin Wenyan gave Jiang Chen a strange look, and said, "What kind of bad intentions are you playing?"

"The worst thought is just to eat you up in one bite. Sooner or later, why guard me like a thief." Jiang Chen looked helpless.

Qin Wenyan couldn't help gnashing his teeth, what did Jiang Chen mean by this, did it mean that he was determined to eat her?

Could it be that she, Qin Wenyan, looks easy to bully?
Qin Wenyan was a little annoyed, but he drove Jiang Chen to a big restaurant. Didn't Jiang Chen take the initiative to treat guests to dinner?Then let Jiang Chen be brutally beaten, and see whether Jiang Chen dares to be so frivolous in front of her in the future.

How could Jiang Chen fail to see what Qin Wenyan was up to, but just like what Qin Wenyan said, he was not short of money.

Entering the restaurant, Qin Wenyan took the menu and ordered the most expensive item, not to mention, he also ordered two bottles of the most expensive red wine.

She can't drink if she wants to drive. The red wine was ordered for Jiang Chen, anyway, it was spent on Jiang Chen's money, so it should be regarded as borrowing flowers to present Buddha.

After a rough calculation, the wine and dishes ordered together cost almost 10 yuan. Only then did Qin Wenyan pass the menu to the waiter and call for the dishes to be served.

"It is said that the more beautiful a woman is, the harder it is to raise, I have finally seen it now." Jiang Chen sighed.

"This is the price you paid for making me angry." Qin Wenyan said triumphantly.

"If you really want me to spend money, I can teach you a way. You can give me your bank card number and let me transfer the money to you. How long will it take to spend such a little bit of money?" Go?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.


Inexplicably, upon hearing Jiang Chen say this, a word that was definitely not a compliment appeared in Qin Wenyan's mind.

With such a complexion, he couldn't help turning red again, and muttered: "Don't talk nonsense, I won't ask for your money."

"Sooner or later, it's a family. Besides, if you don't use my money, others will use it. It's better to take the initiative to fight for what should be fought for." Jiang Chen reminded.

Qin Wenyan was speechless, was this little rascal trying to brainwash her?

If she really took Jiang Chen's money, wouldn't she acquiesce that she is Jiang Chen's woman?
Besides, with Jiang Chen's character of never wanting to lose money, if she took Jiang Chen's money, Jiang Chen would definitely try every means to take the advantage back.

"You must not lose the big because of the small." Qin Wenyan warned himself.

"You said it yourself, all your money was spent on Chu Wen, and then eating and refueling the car will be a problem, so how about this, you tell me the bank card number, I will give you 1000 million pocket money first When you run out of money, you can tell me." Jiang Chen said richly.

Qin Wenyan thought to himself that he would never be able to spend 1000 million yuan in his lifetime, but when it came to Jiang Chen, it turned into pocket money, just like the concept of ten yuan and 100 yuan.

"As a woman, you have to be kind to yourself. Clothes cost money, right? Cosmetics also cost money, bags and shoes, all of which cost money. You are willing to treat yourself badly, but I don't want to. Hurry up. Tell me the card number." Jiang Chen urged.

Qin Wenyan glanced at Jiang Chen, speechless. Hearing what Jiang Chen said, he really planned to keep her, but who did Jiang Chen think Qin Wenyan was? She is not the kind of woman who loves money .

Just as he was about to sternly reject Jiang Chen, he saw a waiter walking over quickly.

The waiter glanced at Jiang Chen, then his eyes fell on Qin Wenyan, and he said softly: "Beauty, our boss happened to be entertaining guests in the store today, so it looks like this, the boss hopes you can go up and toast."

Upon hearing the sound, Qin Wenyan's expression changed suddenly.

And Jiang Chen's complexion suddenly became unsightly. He raised his hand and slapped the waiter to the ground.

"Jiang Chen, don't embarrass her, she's just a messenger, let's go." Qin Wenyan let out his breath and said displeased.

"Beauty, I just asked you to go up and toast a glass of wine. Is it necessary to be so shameless?" Before Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan left, another voice came...

(End of this chapter)

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