genius evil

Chapter 864 Only I Can Hit Your Mind

Chapter 864 Only I Can Hit Your Mind

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with fat head and big brain, wearing a business suit, with the appearance of a successful person, while talking, he greedily looked at Qin Wenyan.

"Jiang Chen, slap me." Qin Wenyan said coldly.

For this kind of thing, if she wanted to slap her in the face, she would feel that her hands were dirty.


As soon as Qin Wenyan finished speaking, Jiang Chen slapped the middle-aged man's face. Immediately, five red finger prints appeared on the fat face of the middle-aged man.

"Boy, you dare to hit me, do you want to die?" Caught off guard, Jiang Chen slapped his face, feeling the pain like a needle prick on his cheek, the middle-aged man said sinisterly.


Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and slapped the middle-aged man's face again. Immediately, the fat face on the other side of the middle-aged man was also flushed.

"It's easy to kill me, tell your boss to come down." Jiang Chen said.

When Qin Wenyan heard that Jiang Chen was going to call the owner of the restaurant, he knew that Jiang Chen was going to make a big fuss, and was moved in his heart, but he didn't want to make it too big. It's okay to be disgusted by a fly, no need to go to war.

"Jiang Chen, there's no need to be familiar with them, let's go first." Qin Wenyan said.

"Ask Miss Yan, leave this matter to me to handle." Jiang Chen said, naturally he would not leave just like that.

Perhaps in Qin Wenyan's view, it was a trivial matter, but to Jiang Chen, the restaurant owner's actions undoubtedly touched his inverse!

"You want me to tell the boss to come down, right? Very good, you wait here. I tell you, you're going to die soon." The middle-aged man covered both sides of his face, gave Jiang Chen a hard look, and quickly went to He ran upstairs and got into a box.

After a while, the door of the upstairs box opened, and several figures came out one after another, and walked downstairs under the leadership of the middle-aged man.

"Little friend, my humble Yan Kai." A man in his fifties gave Jiang Chen a look and introduced himself.

Then the man smiled again and said, "Young people are so angry, so why bother? Can't you just talk about it? It's just to ask your little girlfriend to toast a glass of wine to cheer up the fun. There's no need to be so impulsive, right?"

"You like drinking, don't you?" Jiang Chen asked indifferently.

"It's one thing to like it or not, but it's another thing to have a beautiful woman to cheer you up. I think this is the case today. Let your little girlfriend accompany us to have a drink. When we are happy, we will let you go." Leave... Don't be unhappy, and don't think that I, Yan Kai, are bullying others. With my Yan Kai, this is already a very light punishment." Yan Kai said.

"Don't worry, I will make you drink very happily." Jiang Chen suddenly smiled, stretched out his right hand like lightning, grabbed Yan Kai's neck, and walked towards the counter with it.


Walking to the front of the counter, Jiang Chen raised his hand and smashed Yan Kai on the counter, took a bottle of white wine from the wine cabinet, uncorked the bottle, and poured it into Yan Kai's mouth.

"doing what?"

"Let go of Mr. Yan."

"Boy, do you want to die?"

Jiang Chen's series of actions were too fast, until Yan Kai was drunk by Jiang Chen like a dead fish, the rest of the people reacted one after another, and rushed up one by one.

"Jiang Chen, show mercy." Seeing this, Qin Wenyan said hastily.

The matter has become a big mess, and it is too late to stop it. If there is no accident, everyone here will be severely beaten by Jiang Chen.

Qin Wenyan could only pray that Jiang Chen would not kill anyone.

"Get away from me." Jiang Chen gave a low drink, and the wine bottle in his hand was crushed into pieces of glass with the movement of his five fingers.

With a flick of his hand, glass shards splashed out in all directions, hitting those who rushed up at a speed comparable to bullets.

The people who rushed up fell to the ground one after another, lying on the ground one by one, howling like ghosts and wolves.

As early as when Jiang Chen was smoking middle-aged men, the guests dining in the restaurant were all alarmed. Seeing Jiang Chen's attack so viciously, everyone was so terribly frightened that they ran away one after another.

Soon, only Jiang Chen, Qin Wenyan, Yan Kai and his party were left in the noisy restaurant.

"Don't go, don't go."

The guests scattered one by one, the loss was too great, Yan Kai howled.

"It seems that you not only like drinking, but also like money." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, grabbed another bottle of wine, and poured it into Yan Kai's mouth.

Yan Kai's alcohol capacity is not bad, nearly half a catty, but where has he ever drank like this, Jiang Chen always inserted the wine bottle down his throat, and the spicy wine, like tap water, was crazily poured into his stomach.

Yan Kai retched endlessly, but his mouth was blocked by the wine bottle, so he couldn't vomit at all. He tried to struggle to get rid of Jiang Chen's shackles, but he couldn't do it at all, so he could only passively accept Jiang Chen's drinking.

After the second bottle was filled, Jiang Chen grabbed the third bottle, then the fourth bottle, and the fifth bottle...

This Yan Kai keeps asking Qin Wenyan to toast, so good, he will let him drink as much as he wants at once.

"Jiang Chen, forget it, if you keep feeding him, he will die." Qin Wenyan said aloud.

Qin Wenyan didn't care about Yan Kai's life or death, but he didn't want Jiang Chen to kill people. Moreover, once Jiang Chen forced Yan Kai to death, he would kill people for her.

"If you die, you can die. What difference does it make if this kind of person is dead or alive." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Relying on a little money, he acted like a domineering and oppressed goodness. He Jiang Chen was so rich, had he ever done such a thing?
There is no doubt that Yan Kai's routine is so skillful, it is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, and Jiang Chen happened to be doing a good thing for the people today.

Qin Wenyan couldn't laugh or cry, he couldn't understand why Jiang Chen was so angry.

In her opinion, this is just a trivial matter. How can this Yan Kai force her to do something she is not willing to do?

Jiang Chen continued to drink, and poured ten bottles into Yan Kai's stomach. Seeing that Yan Kai's stomach was swollen and he couldn't get it in, he stopped drinking.

Yan Kai muttered and climbed down from the counter, and fell to the ground with a "bang", clasping his throat with both hands, trying to spit out the wine in his stomach.

"The amount of alcohol is really good, so I'm not drunk." Jiang Chen was a little surprised, he stepped on Yan Kai's body, and only heard the sound of bones breaking, Yan Kai, whose consciousness was a bit chaotic, suddenly became extremely sober.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen grabbed a chair and smashed it up in the restaurant.

Jiang Chen's destructive power was terrifying. Hearing only a burst of crackling noises, within 5 minutes, the restaurant was smashed beyond recognition by Jiang Chen, as if a typhoon had passed through.

"My restaurant." Yan Kai howled, heartbroken.

"This will make you sad, I haven't had enough fun yet." Jiang Chen said jokingly, "Next, transfer all the money you have on you to me, or you will be killed."

After another 5 minutes, one after another mobile phone transfer reminder sounded, Jiang Chen grinned, kicked Yan Kai on the back of the head, and Yan Kai passed out immediately.

Qin Wenyan glanced at Yan Kai expressionlessly, knowing that Yan Kai was completely useless. Although Jiang Chen didn't hit him hard, he was in a coma after pouring so much alcohol. Poisoning is inevitable, and the rest of his life is estimated to be spent in a hospital bed.

Originally, he wanted to blackmail Jiang Chen, but in the end it turned out like this, either to make Qin Wenyan helpless, or to leave the hotel with Jiang Chen when he saw that Jiang Chen's matter had been dealt with.

"How much is the total?" Qin Wenyan asked as he drove on the road.

"It's only a few tens of millions. That guy looks like a dog. It's only a small amount of money." Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"Jiang Chen, this is extortion, this is a crime." The corner of Qin Wenyan's mouth twitched. She thought it was only a few million, but there were tens of millions, but seeing Jiang Chen's meaning, it was obviously disgusting. too little.

"One of the principles of eliminating harm for the people is to eliminate evil and do everything. That Yan Kai will naturally be honest when he has no money in the future." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Qin Wenyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it was obviously a very unreasonable thing, but Jiang Chen said such righteous words.

"Actually, it's really a trivial matter, there's no need to be so angry." Qin Wenyan said after hesitating.

Jiang Chen's method of dealing with this matter was not insensitive. If Qin Wenyan hadn't seen such a big scene, he would probably have been taken aback.

"Ask Miss Yan, I need to remind you that in this world, only I can think of you. Anyone else, remember, it is anyone. If anyone dares to think of you, I will not." It will make him feel better." Jiang Chen rarely took it seriously.

Qin Wenyan rarely saw Jiang Chen passing by, this time it was rare to be serious, but under such circumstances, her red lips parted slightly in astonishment, and she looked at Jiang Chen in a daze for a long time, but was speechless Come.

"Is this... a confession?" Qin Wenyan said to himself in his heart.

There is no tenderness and romance as imagined, and there are no gifts such as flowers and diamond rings. There are only strong and domineering and serious flavors like oaths.

But a heart is not up to expectations, and it jumps up and down.

Qin Wenyan knew in his heart that this was the so-called confession, or perhaps, only such an alternative confession was in line with Jiang Chen's personality, and gave people a strong sense of stability, right?
Next, on the drive to Capital University, Qin Wenyan's heart was beating wildly, no matter what Jiang Chen said, he never responded.

After arriving at Capital University, as soon as Jiang Chen got out of the car, Qin Wenyan kicked the accelerator and drove away in a panic, as if he hesitated for a moment and couldn't leave anymore.

Jiang Chen watched Qin Wenyan drive away and grinned loudly. This trip to Tianzu was finally worthwhile.

"Jiang Chen, why are you smiling so ripplingly? Is it a good thing with Captain Qin?" But at this moment, a strange voice sounded in Jiang Chen's ear, and a woman with big breasts appeared. In front of Jiang Chen.

And her breasts were originally very big, but she put her hands on her hips and held her head high, as if to let Jiang Chen see more clearly, her breasts are really big...

(End of this chapter)

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