genius evil

Chapter 865 Dedication to Art

Chapter 865 Dedication to Art

"Li Pan'er, you still dare to come to see me." Jiang Chen said lightly after glancing at the big-breasted woman.

"Why don't I dare to come to see you? This girl stands upright and never does anything wrong, okay?" It was Li Pan'er who came, and she hummed softly.

"Are you sure you are standing up straight?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"Could it be that you found out that I did something wrong?" Li Pan'er was inexplicably a little uncertain, and her eyes rolled around.

"You are so guilty, it seems that you have really done something to be sorry for me." Jiang Chen said.

"I really don't have that." Li Pan'er denied it, and said confidently: "At most, there are some things that I didn't tell you if you didn't ask me. This has nothing to do with cheating, let alone being sorry for you."

"For example, what is it?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Why do you say that even if you don't know anything?" Li Pan'er said dumbfounded.

"If I didn't say that, how would I know that you have done something wrong to me?" Jiang Chen said.

"Stop, I'm so dizzy." Li Pan'er shook her head and said, "Don't say anything next, I'm here to deliver something to you, after the item is delivered to you, you can ask me again if you have any questions. "

While talking, Li Pan'er took out a small pink wallet from the bag she was carrying.

"Give me money?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

He just extorted tens of millions from Yan Kai, and now Li Pan'er came to give him money again, so it's possible that he is destined to get rich today.

"It's not money, it's your salary card." Li Pan'er said, handed over a bank card to Jiang Chen, then took out another card, and said, "This is your identity plate."

"Now, you can ask me questions." After Jiang Chen received the two cards, Li Pan'er said.

"Is my monthly salary really only fifteen thousand?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"Why is this a problem?" Li Pan'er was dumbfounded.

Shouldn't Jiang Chen ask her why she sent the salary card, or ask her what kind of identity she has?
"I only care about this issue." Jiang Chen said.

"That's right, it's [-]. If you think it's too little, you can tell Miss Shen in person." Li Pan'er said, feeling like being played by Jiang Chen... no, it was a teasing.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said, "Actually, I'm still quite curious about how you joined the Sky Group."

"There is of course a very long story here. But at present, only you know about this matter, so don't tell Tang Yue about it." Li Pan'er said.

Having said that, Li Pan'er suddenly felt something was wrong, and said in amazement: "Jiang Chen, what do you mean, did you know that I am a member of the Tianzu?"

"Li Pan'er, Gan Qing'er, Xie Bei'er, Rao Min'er, all of you are named for fun, please don't insult my IQ?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Li Pan'er said with a smile: "My name is not randomly chosen, it was chosen by my parents. The three of them joined the Tian group later than me, so their names are based on my name. of."

"Is this something to be proud of?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course it's something to be proud of." Li Pan'er puffed up her chest and said, "Miss Shen, you've seen it before. Isn't it something to be proud of as Miss Shen's maid?"

"It is a proud thing to be able to marry Shen Shijing home as a wife." Jiang Chen corrected.

"Damn beast, you actually let Miss Shen down, do you still have humanity?" Li Pan'er yelled angrily, as if Jiang Chen's casual words had seriously blasphemed her goddess , looking at that posture, almost desperate to fight Jiang Chen.

"A woman like Shen Shijing, apart from me, no one would dare to marry her. I am too human, so I can't bear her to die alone." Jiang Chen said righteously.

"I think even if Miss Shen dies alone, it's better than being harmed by you." Li Pan'er said seriously.

"I'm completely out of good intentions. Don't misinterpret my good intentions... When you go back later, bring me a sentence to Shen Shijing, and tell him not to fall under my jeans too quickly." Jiang Chen said.

"I will definitely bring a message to Miss Shen." Li Pan'er gritted her teeth and said.

Li Pan'er left soon, rather than saying that she came to deliver something to Jiang Chen, it would be better to say that she came here on purpose to confess her identity.

However, Jiang Chen was not very interested in these things. What interested him was Shen Shijing.

Although Shen Shijing only made a move once, in Jiang Chen's view, he might be stronger than Wen Qingxin, which means that Shen Shijing might have stepped into the innate realm.

The innate realm is far away, and I don't know how many strong people can't get in. At such an age, Shen Shijing is already a congenital strong person. Jiang Chen is amazed by his talent and understanding.

Jiang Chen went to the cafeteria to eat first, and then returned to the dormitory, but was stopped by a guy on the way back to the dormitory.

"Student, do you remember me? My name is Peng Liang. We met in the morning." The boy said.

"You're here to discuss with me again, right? Come on, I'm ready." Jiang Chen said.

Peng Liang was taken aback, and said, "Student, don't rush to make a move. It's like this. I'm the president of the Wushu Association of Capital University. I want to invite you to join our Wushu Association."

"Are there any beauties in the Martial Arts Association?" Jiang Chen asked.


"Salary?" Jiang Chen asked again.


"Look, it's not that I don't want to join your martial arts association, but that the martial arts association has no beauties or money, so why should I join?" Jiang Chen said.

"Student, the purpose of our martial arts association is to spread Chinese martial arts. Your kung fu is superb. It can be seen that it is the result of more than ten years of winter training and summer training. Don't you have the heart to let your ten years of hard work, Putting it into practice? Come on, join our Wushu Association, it will definitely give you infinite opportunities to shine." Peng Liang said.

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched slightly. If he didn't know that this guy was a student of Capital University, Jiang Chen would have thought that this guy was engaged in pyramid schemes.

So Jiang Chen, who couldn't bear it any longer, clenched his fists and punched Peng Liang's eyes. In the end, Peng Liang finally became honest and ran away in despair.

"Jiang Chen, why are you beating someone again?" Nangong Hua came over and complained when she saw Jiang Chen beating someone.

"Miss Nangong, did you come here specially to find me?" Jiang Chen grinned, stepped forward and held Nangong Hua's little hand, and said, "Did you sleep well last night? You must have dreamed about me." .”

"Don't take advantage of me." Nangong Hua hurriedly shook off Jiang Chen's hand and said, "I slept well last night, and I didn't have any dreams."

Speaking of this, Nangong Hua felt very embarrassed.

She usually sleeps very well, but last night she didn't know if she was kissed by Jiang Chen or what happened, but she had a dream all night. When she woke up in the morning, she always had two big dark circles under her eyes.

"It's okay, I don't mind at all if you take advantage of me." Jiang Chen grabbed Nangong Hua's hand again.

Nangong Hua was dumbfounded by Jiang Chen's rogue, and shook Jiang Chen's hand away again, saying, "I didn't come here specially to find you, but seeing that you have nothing to do all day long, why don't you do me a favor?" ? I just want to find a model, and I think you are quite suitable."

"Nude model?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Ah——" Nangong Hua's face flushed, and she said, "What a mess, she's a very serious model."

"Beauty Nangong is so easy to be shy. It looks like she has never drawn a nude model. If you continue like this, it will be easy to waste your studies. Well, I will dedicate myself to art and make a nude model for you. You don't need to thank me." ,This is what I should do."

Nangong Hua has indeed never drawn nude models.

Unlike the rest of the class, who have more or less been in contact with nude models, Nangong Hua is extremely resistant from the bottom of her heart. What she hates the most is that many people in the oil painting circle nowadays regard painting nude models as a fashion. It seems that oil painting is insulated from art without nude models.

But Nangong Hua also understood that no matter how much she resisted, in the end, she couldn't get around the nude model, otherwise, it would be very difficult for her to graduate in the future.

Of course, if it is necessary to draw a nude model, Nangong Hua will definitely choose a female model.

Jiang Chen offered to be a nude model for her, and it was so obligatory, as if she would be sorry to Jiang Chen if she didn't draw.

"This guy kissed me to take advantage of me, and I took advantage of him in turn. It shouldn't matter." Nangong Hua said in her heart.

She didn't dislike Jiang Chen, on the contrary she had a good impression of him, otherwise when Jiang Chen kissed her, he would have turned his back on him long ago.

"Jiang Chen, are you serious? Did you lie?" Nangong Hua asked in a low voice.

"Absolutely serious, hurry up and take me to the studio, I can't wait to take off my clothes." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

"Don't go to the studio, I have a rented house outside, you follow me to the rented house." Nangong Hua thought for a while and said.

The house that Nangonghua rented was next to Capital University, not far from the school gate.

A small single room stuffed with various drawing papers and paints.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Chen saw an unfinished painting. It was a self-portrait of Nangong Hua, but it was the one with no clothes on.

"Miss Nangong, it turns out that you have such a good figure." Taking a look, Jiang Chen's attention was completely attracted, and he began to appreciate the unfinished painting with relish.

"Jiang Chen, don't look." Nangong Hua's complexion changed, and she hurried forward, blocking Jiang Chen's sight, her face was as red as a ripe apple.

This painting is Nangonghua's practice of taking selfies on her mobile phone. It is for herself to see. Once the painting is completed, she will destroy it herself so as not to reveal it.

It was precisely because the painting was not finished yet, so it was placed here for Jiang Chen to see.

Nangong Hua wants to cry but has no tears. Why did she forget about this matter? Now it's all over, let Jiang Chen see it all...

(End of this chapter)

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