genius evil

Chapter 866 You have to be gentle

Chapter 866 You have to be gentle

This is a painting that has been mostly completed. What is lacking is the enhancement of details. It has to be said that Nangong Hua's oil painting skills are quite good, and it is extremely vivid and vivid.

Right now, there is an atmosphere where nude model works are popular in the market. There are basically nude model works in major art exhibitions, which can be called a fashion.

As for what the painter was thinking in his heart when he was painting a nude model, it is unknown.

Public exhibitions of nude model oil paintings, what everyone sees is nothing more than a lively scene, but the word art is often the defining frame of anything that can be made public.

This self-portrait of Nangonghua is of course also a work of art.

If the nude model in the painting was someone else, if Jiang Chen was curious, Nangong Hua might still enjoy it with Jiang Chen, but the biggest problem is that the nude model is herself.

The vivid image on the paper easily reminded Nangonghua of her appearance without clothes, and she was so embarrassed that she just dug a hole and got in.

"Miss Nangong, this is your fault, good things should be shared with everyone." Jiang Chen said with a blush.

"Please, really don't look, close your eyes and give me a minute." Nangong Hua stammered.

"Miss Nangong, it's useless for you to study art, how can you look at people with colored glasses like this, this is art, do you understand art?" Jiang Chen said harshly.

"I understand art, but...but..." Nangong Hua didn't know what to say, and now she was thinking about it, and quickly destroyed this painting.

"Are you sure you really understand? If you really understand, what are you doing standing in front of me and blocking my view?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Stop, don't talk about it yet." Nangonghua raised her voice, and when she reached out, she wanted to tear up the painting.

Jiang Chen also quickly stretched out his hand and pulled Nangong Hua's hand back.

"Don't tear it." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said.

Just kidding, Jiang Chen can tell that Nangonghua has put his heart into this self-portrait, and it hasn't been finished yet. If it is torn up, it will be a waste of Nangonghua's hard work in the early stage.

"Turn the easel around, so I won't be able to see it, so I don't need to tear it off." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said again.

Nangong Hua lowered her head, and she did what Jiang Chen said. She quickly turned the easel, letting that painting disappear from Jiang Chen's sight, and then let out a soft breath.

"This painting is not finished yet. I look forward to your finishing the next work. After you finish, if you are willing to enjoy it with me, I will be very happy, but if you don't want to, I also hope you don't tear it up. Drop it, and treasure it up." Jiang Chen said softly.

Although the easel had been turned around, Nangong Hua had no intention of finishing the painting. She thought in her heart that after Jiang Chen left, she would just take down the painting and tear it up.

Nangong Hua didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such words, and looked at Jiang Chen in a daze.

"It's true that I like to joke, but what I said just now was not a joke." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Nangong Hua hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded slowly.

Nangonghua's goal in the future is to become a famous oil painting master in China and even in the world. She devotes all her enthusiasm to painting.

Many people like to say that their works are full of vitality and tension, but Nan Gonghua is not sure whether they have them or not.

However, Nangong Hua was unwilling to destroy her own things with her own hands unless she had to.

What Jiang Chen said was very serious, and Nangong Hua could hear it. The sincerity in Jiang Chen's words was a little moved for a moment.

"Jiang Chen, I'm in a bit of a mess right now. I'm afraid I won't be able to draw anymore. Why don't we come back another day." Nangong Hua then said.

When the voice fell, Nangong Hua became stunned.

Impressively, she saw that the clothes on Jiang Chen disappeared from her sight at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch. The speed at which Jiang Chen undressed was much faster than the speed at which she could speak.

Nangong Hua's eyes were wide open, and it was the first time that a person could take off his clothes so fast.

"Beauty Nangong, I've taken off all my clothes, you tell me this?" Jiang Chen looked at Nangong Hua with aggrieved eyes.

Nangong Hua hurriedly turned her head, not daring to look at Jiang Chen's body, blushing and said, "Hurry up and put on your clothes."

"Miss Nangong, hurry up, don't waste time, it will be dark soon, and the sensitivity of human skin is completely different under natural light and under light, which will greatly affect the texture of the work." Jiang Jiang Dust urged.

"Jiang Chen, although what you said is correct, I'm really not in the mood today." Nangong Hua said helplessly.

"Don't treat me like a man, just treat me like a bouquet of roses... no, it seems a bit of a motherfucker, just treat me like an apple, right?" Jiang Chen said.

Nangong Hua didn't know whether to laugh or cry. A good-looking person is still a man, or a man without clothes. Even if she is blind, she can't regard it as an apple, right?

"If you really can't imagine me as an apple, I think a bunch of apples is fine." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Just kidding, the clothes have already been taken off, so what's the point of putting them on?

"Jiang Chen, don't make me laugh, okay? Then you cover it with your clothes first, I have to make some preparations." Nangong Hua knew that even if she didn't want to paint, she couldn't do it.

Who made Jiang Chen undress so fast that she didn't even have a chance to stop it.

Moreover, in the final analysis, it was already a great sacrifice for Jiang Chen to make a nude model for her.Jiang Chen has good intentions, how can she live up to it?
Nangong Hua had to prepare paints and drawing paper, and make room for Jiang Chen in the small room.

The space in the place was too small, and it was the first time Nangong Hua brought a boy here. There was nothing in the room except a chair, and finally a piece of cloth was randomly pulled and spread on the floor.

It was Jiang Chen's own idea to lie on his side on the cloth, because Jiang Chen felt that it was more like a Sleeping Beauty, which fit his personality and temperament very well.

After nearly 10 minutes of tossing, Nangong Hua was finally able to start painting.


When Nangong Hua looked directly at Jiang Chen, her face suddenly flushed red.

Every detail of Jiang Chen's body fell into Nangonghua's eyes, revealing every detail.

When she didn't stare at Jiang Chen seriously before, Nangong Hua felt fine, but now she stared at Jiang Chen carefully, Nangong Hua's heart immediately panicked a bit shamelessly.

It came inexplicably, with an ambiguous aura that directly rushed into the depths of her heart.

At the same time, this also made Nangonghua realize how wrong it was to bring Jiang Chen to the rental house and let Jiang Chen act as a nude model for her.

Even though the incident itself was not ambiguous, when Jiang Chen was lying there without clothes on, an ambiguous atmosphere naturally existed.

It would be good if there were other people here, they could distract her a little bit, so as not to embarrass her too much, since there are only her and Jiang Chen here.

And another point is that the rental house is really too small, in such a small space, even if she deliberately avoided some details about Jiang Chen, she couldn't do it.

Girls who have never talked about boyfriends, facing this situation, the visual impact can be imagined.

Nangong Hua didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen at all, and quickly lowered her head.

"Miss Nangong, is my figure bad?" Jiang Chen's voice came.

"" Nangong Hua's voice was so low that she could hardly hear it.

Even though she has never seen a man's body in real life, she is an art student herself, so she is very clear about the details of the human body.

Not only was Jiang Chen's figure not bad, it could even be said that it was outrageously good.

The whole body has clear lines, and there are no exaggerated muscles, but the abdominal muscles and chest muscles are distinct, showing the golden ratio.

Nangong Hua thought that if Jiang Chen's body curves and proportions were followed, it would be a ready-made work of art.

"Since there is no such thing, why do you give me the illusion that my figure is too big to look at directly? By the way, how can you draw if you don't read my words?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I've already figured it out, don't talk." Nangong Hua said shyly, raised her head reluctantly, stared at Jiang Chen for a few moments, and began to draw lines.

Usually, when Nangonghua was painting, the time passed quickly, which made her feel that there was not enough time.

Today is the complete opposite. Every minute and every second of time passes so slowly, and the slowness makes her feel a little bit tormented.

She couldn't adjust her mental state at all, and after half an hour, she finally threw away her pen and gave up, saying in frustration, "Jiang Chen, I'm out of shape, I'm sorry."

"It's not that you're out of shape, it's because you're too shy. This can't be done." Jiang Chen stood up, walked in front of Nangonghua, hugged Nangonghua, bowed his head and kissed her.


Eyes widened, Nangong Hua looked at Jiang Chen, and the little rascal kissed her forcefully again.

"Miss Nangong, take it easy, or even if we come again next time, you will still be out of shape." Jiang Chen said vaguely, walking around Nangong Hua with his hands.

Soon, Nangong Hua was fascinated and out of breath, and the clothes on her body were unknowingly, one by one, stripped from her body, and Jiang Chen stripped her body into a naked lamb.

Jiang Chen picked up Nangonghua, put it on the cloth, and slowly pressed his body down.

Nangong Hua knew what was going to happen next, she looked at Jiang Chen nervously, slowly closed her eyes, and said in a trembling voice, "Jiang Chen, you have to be gentle."

A word instantly made Jiang Chen's blood boil. He lowered his head and kissed him again. Nangong Hua hooked Jiang Chen's neck with both hands and responded clumsily.

The love is getting stronger, squeak, the door of the rental house is suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a delicate figure walks in from the outside.

"Jiang Chen, cousin, you..." The girl who entered the rental house suddenly saw the scene of Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua rolling together. She was shocked and almost screamed. screaming...

(End of this chapter)

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