genius evil

Chapter 867 The Girl's Mind

Chapter 867 The Girl's Mind
A few minutes later, Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua were all fully dressed, and seeing Gu Wanxi who was standing motionless like a pupil who made a mistake, both of them felt extremely strange.

Nangonghua was in a weird mood because of the scene where she rolled with Jiang Chen just now, she was bumped into by Gu Wanxi who was so lucky to die, which made her very worried that Gu Wanxi would have a bad opinion of her.

After all, before this, the image she gave Gu Wanxi was always clean and self-sufficient, showing no color towards boys.For several years in college, let alone being very close to boys, there was no scandal.

However, I have only known Jiang Chen for two or three days, and even if I have sex with Jiang Chen, this speed is not unpleasant.

Even if she tried to have sex, Nangong Hua was worried that Gu Wanxi would think that she was a casual woman.

Jiang Chen was in a weird mood because Gu Wanxi ruined the good news.

If Gu Wanxi wants to come, come later or earlier, or if she must choose to come at this time, can she not open the door and come in?
Just when his desire was high, he was suddenly interrupted by Gu Wanxi. No matter how good his mental quality was, he would inevitably be a little shadowed.

In his current state, he can't go up or down, and he can be as uncomfortable as he wants.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't get angry at Gu Wanxi yet. First, Gu Wanxi didn't do it on purpose. Second, Gu Wanxi had already realized his mistake. Third, if he got angry, he might scare Gu Wanxi to tears.

It's okay for Gu Wanxi to cry in fright, but if it affects the sexual life between him and Nangong Hua, it would be bad.

Therefore, due to the above three reasons, no matter how depressed and furious Jiang Chen was, he could only restrain himself.

"Jiang Chen, cousin, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Gu Wanxi apologized with a sad face.

How did she know that she would see such a thing?

If she had known in the morning that Nangong Hua had brought Jiang Chen to rent out the house, and if she was going to do that kind of thing, she wouldn't have come here.

"Wan Xi, what's the matter with you coming to see me?" Nangong Hua said angrily and amusedly.

"I have nothing to do. I came here to play with you, my cousin. I really didn't expect you two... two..." The girl who looked like a little white rabbit said, but she couldn't say anything after that.

"The two of us were having an art exchange just now, Miss Wanxi, you don't have to be embarrassed." Seeing that Gu Wanxi was about to cry, Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Art exchange?" Gu Wanxi looked at Jiang Chen in confusion.

"It looks like this. Have you seen this easel? I came here today to be a nude model for Nangong beauty. That's why I'm not wearing any clothes." Jiang Chen said.

"It turned out to be like this." Gu Wanxi suddenly realized.

On the painting on the drawing paper, Nangong Hua only drew a few strokes, but from the outline, it can be seen that the character in the painting is Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen has no clothes on.

In other words, Jiang Chen did indeed act as a nude model for Nangonghua, and did not use it as an excuse to deceive her.

As for why Jiang Chen would act as a nude model for Nangonghua, and why Nangonghua wanted to draw a nude model, Gu Wanxi didn't think much about it.

Because she knows that there are many people majoring in oil painting who can draw nude models.

"That's right, that's the way it is. As for why Nangong beauty is not wearing clothes, don't get me wrong, there is a certain reason for it." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Nangonghua wanted to draw Jiang Chen, but Nangonghua didn't wear any clothes. Gu Wanxi was about to ask this question, lest she subconsciously think too much and cause misunderstanding, but Jiang Chen took the initiative to say it.

She looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, waiting for Jiang Chen to continue.

"Nangong Beauty is the first time to draw a nude model. She is too shy, so I let her take off her clothes and face me honestly. This way, if she looks at me and looks at her, everyone will not suffer." Jiang Chen explained.

Nangong Hua gave Jiang Chen a sneaky look. It was her first time drawing a nude model, and she was very shy, but it was Jiang Chen's nonsense to say that she took off her clothes so that everyone would not suffer.

It was clear that Jiang Chen took off her clothes when she was in a state of confusion and love, and wanted to take advantage of her.

If it wasn't for the coincidence that Gu Wanxi came here, she would have already lost her body to Jiang Chen.

But Nangong Hua also understood that since Gu Wanxi had bumped into them, it was not good to tell the truth directly, and it was full of loopholes to make up lies.

It is more convincing to say that the truth is mixed.

Sure enough, Gu Wanxi believed it, and said embarrassingly: "Cousin, Jiang Chen, I misunderstood you two, shouldn't I come, why don't you two continue, I'll go first."

"It's getting dark outside, we'll go back together later," Nangong Hua said.

Gu Wanxi almost had an accident two days ago, Nangong Hua didn't dare to let Gu Wanxi leave alone, otherwise it would be bad if something unexpected happened.

"Cousin, don't you stop painting?" Gu Wanxi asked.

"I won't draw for the time being today, I'll pack up my things first," Nangong Hua said.

"Alright then." Gu Wanxi nodded.

Nangong Hua was extremely fast, and after a while, the three of them left the rental house and walked to the school.

"Miss Wanxi, what major do you study?" Jiang Chen asked casually as the three of them walked towards the school.

"I'm not as good as my cousin, I majored in guzheng." Gu Wanxi said softly.

"So Miss Wanxi, you are still a classically gifted woman. I heard that since ancient times, the qinxiao... the zither and the zither have not been separated from each other. Can you play the flute, Miss Wanxi?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"I've learned a little bit, but I'm not very proficient. If you're interested, I can show you someday when I have time." Gu Wanxi said.

"As long as Miss Wanxi has time, I have time for Miss Wanxi to play the flute for me at any time." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Nangong Hua couldn't listen anymore, pinched Jiang Chen's waist with her fingers, and warned him not to talk nonsense with her eyes.

Even if she is a layman, she can tell that Zheng and Xiao are not separated. Jiang Chen is talking nonsense in a serious manner.

What did you say to ask Gu Wanxi to play the flute for him? It's obviously a different way to take advantage of Gu Wanxi.

Gu Wanxi was innocent and didn't hear the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words, but Gu Wanxi couldn't hear it, so why couldn't she hear it.

"Miss Nangong, you see that Miss Wanxi is so versatile, don't you also have other special skills?" Jiang Chen smiled without changing his expression.

"No." Nangong Hua gritted her teeth and said, she really felt that this guy's face was too thick, like the school's courtyard wall.

"My cousin is also very talented, and she dances very well." Gu Wanxi said.

"Miss Nangong, you actually know how to dance. Why have you never told me that when the time comes, you and Miss Wanxi, together with Xiao Wu, will definitely be very pleasing to the eye." Jiang Chen said with a look of longing.

Nangong Hua couldn't bear it again, pinched Jiang Chen hard, and said angrily: "I haven't danced for a long time, and I've been abandoned for a long time."

"Is it a long time? When you were at home during the summer vacation, cousin, you skipped it all." Gu Wanxi said.

Nangonghua was full of complaints, why did Gu Wanxi want to tear her down?

When she said that, she just didn't want to dance for Jiang Chen. Who made Jiang Chen say it so ambiguously, full of bad taste?
Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua first sent Gu Wanxi to the dormitory, and watched Gu Wanxi go upstairs. Nangong Hua complained: "Next time, you are not allowed to bully Wanxi again."

"Did I bully her? She really bullied too much." Jiang Chen said angrily.

Nangong Hua giggled coquettishly, and said, "Why are you so small, Wan Xi didn't do it on purpose."

"You can't blame me for this kind of thing. Any man wouldn't be magnanimous." Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed.

"But you can't say that, it would be so embarrassing if Wanxi understood what you said." Nangong Hua said.

"Did I say she didn't understand?" Jiang Chen said with a strange smile.

Gu Wanxi returned to the dormitory, went into the bathroom, poured cold water on her hot face.

A girl, no matter how innocent she is, will always receive a lot of information actively or passively after she enters university.

For example, the second meaning of blowing flute.

Of course, Gu Wanxi is not as innocent as Nangonghua thinks, and if a student who can be admitted to Capital University is innocent, it is definitely not a good thing.

Gu Wanxi, who was not so innocent, actually had one more question that she didn't ask Jiang Chen. No, she didn't ask it on purpose, because once she asked, all the lies that Jiang Chen had carefully woven would be completely destroyed.

This question is why Jiang Chen and Hui Nangong Hua hugged each other.

Painting a nude model can be explained, and taking off clothes to remove psychological barriers can barely be explained, but two stripped men and women roll together in ambiguous poses, even if there are a thousand and ten thousand explanations, they can only be deceitful That's all.

"Cousin, a girl whose eyes are so high above her head, has fallen so quickly. Jiang Chen's charm is really great." Gu Wanxi murmured.

Gu Wanxi knew that Nangonghua had many suitors, all of whom were excellent boys, but none of them could catch Nangonghua's eyes.

Every time, when someone refused, Nangong Hua refused directly, without giving the other party a chance.

But even if it could be seen that Nangonghua's attitude towards Jiang Chen was different from that of other boys, Gu Wanxi never thought that Nangonghua and Jiang Chen would develop so rapidly.

Of course, Gu Wanxi would not think that Nangong Hua is a casual girl because of this, and Gu Wanxi also admitted that Jiang Chen has a very peculiar charm, which is almost fatal to women.

"Chui Xiao... is really a bad guy. I don't know if my cousin understands Jiang Chen's words. It would be bad if I accidentally misunderstood it." Gu Wanxi said to herself.

She suppressed her shame before, so she didn't show any flaws. At this time, she was alone in the bathroom, and the girl's thoughts became clear at a glance.

Turning on the faucet, pouring cold water on her face again, Gu Wanxi tried her best to look as if nothing had happened, walked out of the bathroom, and appeared in front of her roommate...

(End of this chapter)

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