genius evil

Chapter 869 Too Cheap

Chapter 869 Too Cheap
For the next few days, Jiang Chen's life was uneventful.

Since he and Xianhua were the only two people who did not participate in the military training in the entire freshman year, it was only natural that Jiang Chen accompanied Xianhua for several days.

Then, finally came the day when Sister Lan restaurant opened.

Early in the morning, when Jiang Chen was sleeping in a daze, that guy Qian Fugui's phone call came in.

"Young master, I have already brought someone here, do you need me to do something?" Qian Fugui said loudly on the other end of the phone.

"What you have to do is hang up the phone and let me sleep for a while." Jiang Chen cursed.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chen, who had slept until he woke up naturally, got up and walked towards the commercial street in a leisurely manner.

The commercial street was still very lively here, Jiang Chen had just walked near Sister Lan's restaurant, but he was shocked by the battle.

Impressively, at a glance, all of them are luxury cars. A dozen luxury cars are parked in a row, occupying about one-third of this street.

Apart from the luxury cars, there are also flower baskets. A rough count shows that there are nearly a hundred flower baskets neatly arranged, occupying one-third of this street.

Probably because of such a battle, it was too shocking, whether they were students or tourists, they all stopped and looked sideways, staring at Sister Lan's restaurant non-stop.

From time to time, there would be one or two voices of discussion, discussing who is the god who opened a restaurant that is not very eye-catching, but it has such a big ostentation.

"Young master, my arrangement is okay." Qian Fugui emerged from the crowd, appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and said with a smile.

Looking at that appearance, it is clear that we are implying Jiang Chen, praise him, praise him quickly.

"Uh, it's okay." Jiang Chen said strangely.

Two days ago, Jiang Chen made a phone call to Qian Fugui, told Qian Fugui about the opening of Sister Lan Restaurant, and asked Qian Fugui to bring some friends over to join him, lest the restaurant's business be too deserted.

Qian Fugui's request to him was unconditionally implemented, no, today Lanjie Restaurant opened, Qian Fugui came as promised, and brought people to join him in a big way.

"Young master, is there any dissatisfaction with you?" Qian Fugui suddenly became a little apprehensive.

While talking, Qian Fugui looked around, wanting to see if there was something that was not done well enough.

No matter how you look at it, Qian Fugui feels that today's ostentation and situation are impeccable. Guaranteed that from today onwards, most people in the capital will know that there is a restaurant called Lanjie Hotel that opened next to the Capital University. Yes, even the advertising fee was saved by Jiang Chen.

However, although I did a very good job, what if Jiang Chen's aesthetic taste is not good?This is not to make Qian Fugui deeply worried.

"I'll just ask you a question, aren't you afraid that the city management will come to trouble you?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

Qian Fugui smiled, pointed in one direction, and said, "Young Master, look over there."

Jiang Chen looked in the direction Qian Fugui's finger was pointing at, and saw more than a dozen city management officers wearing city control uniforms standing there, but they were definitely not here to collect things, but to maintain order at the scene.

Such a scene has long made the eyeballs of many people almost fall out of their sockets.

Especially those stores on the opposite street, because the doors of their stores were blocked by cars, they were very angry at first, and they had the urge to smash the cars.

Looking at these cars, none of them is less than 100 million. Looking at it again, they actually mobilized the city management to maintain order. This shit is almost more amazing than mobilizing the armed police army. Shout out.

"Young Master Qian, I think you are very promising." Jiang Chen laughed and patted Qian Fugui on the shoulder vigorously.

Qian Fugui made such a big fuss today, and the city management was dispatched. Jiang Chen knew that in the future, there is no need to worry about the security of Sister Lan's restaurant. Can save a lot of trouble.

In this way, it can be regarded as Qian Fugui's carelessness.

Therefore, Jiang Chen chose to forgive Qian Fugui even though he had a headache about Qian Fugui's taste.

Sister Lan Hotel is still called Sister Lan Hotel, and the name of the hotel remains unchanged.

This was not Sister Lan's idea, but Jiang Chen's idea.

Sister Lan had carefully asked Jiang Chen's opinion on this issue, and thought that the restaurant called Sister Lan was too small to be on the table.

This restaurant has such a large area and high-end decoration. If it is called Sister Lan Hotel, it will probably scare away many guests.

Jiang Chen thought it would be good to call Lanjie Restaurant, the owner of the restaurant was called Lanjie, and the name of the restaurant was Lanjie Restaurant, which was a matter of course.

Therefore, Jiang Chen strongly rejected the restaurant's name change, and continued to use the name.

There were too many onlookers, Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui separated from the crowd, and then they walked to the door of the restaurant. Sister Lan, who was sitting on the chair, saw Jiang Chen coming, and ran out of the restaurant in a hurry.

"Jiang Chen, what's going on?" Sister Lan asked a little uneasy.

"This guy is my friend, and he specially brought someone to join us today, so you don't need to pay attention to him." Jiang Chen smiled, and introduced Qian Fugui to Sister Lan.

Qian Fugui glanced at Sister Lan from a distance just now, and felt that Sister Lan was very charming. Now when he looked at her up close, he was even more amazing.

But just glanced at it, Qian Fugui didn't dare to look any further.

Qian Fugui has already summed up a rule that the women around Jiang Chen, especially the beautiful women, must have an indistinct relationship with Jiang Chen. She will definitely become Jiang Chen's woman.

Qian Fugui called Sister Lan honestly and politely, which made Sister Lan quite flattered.

The restaurant opened today. Sister Lan remembered that Jiang Chen said that people would come to support him, but according to Sister Lan's idea, it was just that Jiang Chen brought a few friends to have a meal. How could he think that it would be in this way.

This is a luxury car and a flower basket, which makes Sister Lan very at a loss.

Fortunately, the people brought by Qian Fugui were all respectful to her, and they didn't even dare to look at her more, which kept Sister Lan from being frightened.

Sister Lan led Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui into the restaurant. There were already more than a dozen people sitting on several tables in the restaurant.

More than a dozen people sat there honestly, without squinting, trembling, like elementary school students waiting to be reprimanded honestly.

These dozen or so people were all called by Qian Fugui.

When Qian Fugui called them over, he told them that this restaurant was Jiang Chen's property, and he even sternly warned them to be honest, otherwise they would not know how they died.

In fact, there was no need for Qian Fugui to warn, the lethality of the name Jiang Chen was already great enough, looking at the entire capital, how many people dared to be dishonest in front of Jiang Chen?
Don't look at these people, usually one by one blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, but they know very well that even jiang chen's eyes can't get in.

They all felt that Qian Fugui called them, not so much to support Jiang Chen, but rather to give them a chance to show their faces in front of Jiang Chen.

Opportunities like this don't come along all the time, so when Qian Fugui called someone, the dozen or so people agreed without hesitation.

Originally, there were more people who wanted to come, but they were all stopped by Qian Fugui.

Qian Fugui understands that it is enough to have a few people here, and he doesn't dare to take the lead, otherwise Jiang Chen will kick him to death.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked after entering the restaurant and seeing these dozen people.

"Boss, I called these people." Qian Fugui said.

"I know you called me, but I want to know, why don't they order food? What kind of place is this, a restaurant, why don't you eat in a restaurant?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Order, order quickly, the most expensive one." Qian Fugui responded and greeted immediately.

Fortunately, before the restaurant opened, Jiang Chen asked Sister Lan to find a few waiters. At this time, when he wanted to order food, those waiters just took the menu and got busy.

Sister Lan personally brought the menu to Jiang Chen. Although the restaurant hired two chefs, Sister Lan decided to cook for Jiang Chen herself today.

Jiang Chen glanced at the menu, casually handed it to Qian Fugui, and asked, "Master Qian, take a look at this menu, is there any problem?"

When Qian Fugui found the menu, he stared at it carefully and said, "There is a problem, there are too few dishes."

"What about other problems, you didn't notice?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"It seems that the types of drinks are relatively small, not high-end enough." Qian Fugui looked carefully again and said.

"Play the piano to a cow." Jiang Chen was helpless.

"Ah, I understand, it's too cheap." Qian Fugui is also a smart person, Jiang Chen has hinted several times, how can he still not understand.

"Really? Is it very cheap? A stir-fried vegetable costs 18 yuan, shouldn't it be cheap?" Jiang Chen said in a false manner.

"Young master, that's what you don't know. It's really not that cheap to switch to another hotel, but where is this place? It's a prime location. The rent of the store is going to be in the millions. Look at the flow of people outside. , and look at the beautiful proprietress of the restaurant... After a comprehensive conversion, it costs 18 yuan a piece of fried vegetables, which is almost free." Qian Fugui said solemnly.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that what you said is quite reasonable, why don't you tell me how to set this price better." Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's very simple. Just add a one in front of each dish. For example, this stir-fried vegetable dish costs at least 110 190 to make ends meet. Look at this boiled beef dish, which requires at least [-] [-] to barely make ends meet. Balanced." Qian Fugui said in a straightforward manner.

"Very good, I'll do as you said, call someone over, and reprint some according to this menu, but it's too conservative to add one to what you said, and the original price will be ten times the original price." Jiang Chen said .

Qian Fugui understood, beckoned to someone, gave some instructions, and that guy immediately ran out of the restaurant and went to work.

Sister Lan listened to Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui's few words, that is to say, the price on the menu was increased by ten times, which was very angry and funny.

The price is expensive, although the profit is much higher, but how can ordinary people afford such a price? In the end, it must be a loss.

Although the hotel was invested by Jiang Chen, Sister Lan wanted to make money for Jiang Chen instead of making him lose money, which made Sister Lan very worried.

Just when Sister Lan was full of worries, a figure walked in at the entrance of the restaurant...

(End of this chapter)

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