genius evil

Chapter 870 Jiang Chen's Influence

Chapter 870 Jiang Chen's Influence
"Haha, Young Master, Young Master Qian, I'm not late." As soon as the figure entered the restaurant, he laughed loudly and greeted Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui.

"Young Master Sun, what evil wind is blowing today that brought you here too." Qian Fugui teased that the person who came was Sun Haoyang.

"Young Master Qian, what you said is wrong. My friend's restaurant opened today. As my friend, I will naturally come to join in." Sun Haoyang narrowed his eyes and smiled, and walked in quickly.

Seeing Sister Lan standing aside, Sun Haoyang's eyes lit up, and he knew that this was the owner of Sister Lan's restaurant. Without further ado, he touched his pocket and took out a red envelope.

"Sister Lan, the opening is going well, good luck, a little meaning, I hope you don't dislike it." Sun Haoyang said, handing over the red envelope.

Sister Lan was startled, subconsciously took a step back, and looked at Jiang Chen.

"Sister Lan, go on, this guy has nothing but money, if you don't go on, he'll have to cry for a while." Jiang Chen joked.

When Sister Lan heard Jiang Chen say this, for a while, she couldn't tell whether what Jiang Chen said was true or false.

But since Jiang Chen said that, Sister Lan stopped being shy, said thank you awkwardly, and took the wallet from Sun Haoyang.

The red envelope was very thin, and it didn't feel like a hard object. Sister Lan knew that the red envelope contained not cash, but a cash check.

"Haha, Sister Lan, I should say thank you. Thank you, Sister Lan, for giving me a chance to spend money." Sun Haoyang smiled and sat down beside Jiang Chen.

"Eldest Young Master, with all due respect, I don't think what you said just now is quite right. Young Master Sun is quite rich, so can he be richer than me?" Qian Fugui said slightly dissatisfied.

From Qian Fugui's point of view, let alone the Sun family, even the four major families of Zhou, Wu and King Zheng, it is estimated that no one would dare to say that they are richer than the Qian family.

The Qian family claims to be as rich as an enemy, but it's not bragging.

Compared with Sun Haoyang in other respects, he may not have enough self-confidence, but he has more money than anyone else, and he is really not afraid of anyone, he beats Sun Haoyang without any pressure.

Sun Haoyang smiled and said, "Young Master Qian, I know you are rich, so it's okay? Oh, by the way, I just brought some friends over. They are parking their cars and they should come in later. One hundred flower baskets, seeing that this place is not easy to place, so I put them a little further away."

It was almost like Sun Haoyang's voice fell, and when he saw the entrance of the restaurant, several people filed in. At first glance, those people were all brought by Sun Haoyang. After looking at Sun Haoyang, they found a table and sat down.

"I'll fuck it." In an instant, Qian Fugui wanted to scold his mother.

Qian Fugui finally knew what Sun Haoyang was doing today, it was clearly to steal his limelight.

What was particularly fatal was that Sun Haoyang gave Sister Lan a red envelope, but he didn't.

However, Qian Fugui thinks that this kind of thing really cannot be blamed on him. After all, based on his experience of participating in countless business openings, he has never given a red envelope to anyone. Think of such a thing?
Qian Fugui felt a little regretful, he knew that he should have prepared a red envelope, and it didn't need to be too big, just a little bigger than Sun Haoyang's red envelope. In short, Sun Haoyang must not steal the limelight.

It's just that it is a bit obvious to prepare red envelopes now, and the money is inexplicably painful.

Jiang Chen was also very painful. He felt that he had greatly overestimated the taste and taste of these second generations of the capital.

Qian Fugui has always been the face of a nouveau riche, so it is understandable to play like this, but Sun Haoyang actually plays like this, as if he is not afraid of anything, except that others will not know that they are rich, is this really okay?

"Master, why are you all just sitting around? Naturally, you have to eat when you come to the restaurant, so let's order first." Sun Haoyang said.

He came here on purpose to cheer, and since he came, he naturally wanted to grab it to the end, picked up the menu and prepared to order.

"Hey, young master, there's something wrong with this menu, why is it so cheap?" Sun Haoyang asked with a cursory glance at the price.

"Is it very cheap?" Qian Fugui asked intentionally.

"It's not very cheap, it's too cheap. If you do business like this, you will definitely lose your money. The price of each dish is [-] times the original price. It is estimated that you have just saved your capital, and you can make money by [-] times." Already... how about this, let’s make a discount in the middle, and turn it up thirty times.” After thinking about it, Sun Haoyang said.

"You are ruthless!" Qian Fugui gave Sun Haoyang a thumbs up.

Sister Lan was stunned. Jiang Chen said before that the original price would be increased by ten times, but she just thought it was unbelievable. Unexpectedly, Sun Haoyang would increase by thirty times.

Based on the current price of 18 yuan for a dish of stir-fried vegetables, 540 times the price becomes [-] yuan. Is this really opening a restaurant instead of robbing a bank?

But about the price, Qian Fugui said it, Jiang Chen said it, and now Sun Haoyang is repeating the same old tune, which suddenly made Sister Lan realize that the price seems to be really too low.

It made Sister Lan realize that maybe the ten times the price that Jiang Chen said was just a good price.

Just really?Sister Lan was not sure, and was extremely entangled.

"Business is to make money, and only fools do business that doesn't make money. Do you think what I said is right?" Sun Haoyang said as a matter of course.

"Young Master Sun, everyone knows that opening a restaurant is a huge profit. According to your way of doing things, I think it's better to build a money printing machine and put it in Sister Lan Hotel to print money." Qian Fugui argued.

Sun Haoyang smiled and said, "I'll inquire after I get back to see if it can be done."

Ten times the price is already a huge profit, and Jiang Chen's decision will not be changed. The new menu that was sent to be printed has not yet arrived, but the kitchen has already started cooking.

Drinks and the like were brought to the table one after another, and Sister Lan also went to the kitchen to get busy.

"Jiang Shao, have you started eating now? Did we come too late?" A delicate voice suddenly came, and the girl with bright eyes and kind eyes said with a smile, but it was Wu Qingya.

But Wu Qingya didn't come alone, there was another person standing beside her, Hua Yunfei.

"Miss Wu."

"Miss Wu."

Seeing Wu Qingya coming, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang greeted Wu Qingya.

The Wu family is not peaceful now, Gui Yuanzong is ambitious, and the life of Changjianmen is very difficult.

But as the old saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. As one of the four major families, the Wu family is far beyond the power and influence of the Qian family and the Sun family.

"Why are you being so polite, I'm here to cheer Jiang Chen on a special trip." Wu Qingya smiled coquettishly.

Blinking, he asked Jiang Chen, "Jiang Shao, why don't you invite us to sit down?"

"Sit." Jiang Chen said lightly.

If Wu Qingya and Hua Yunfei came to support the smiling person, Jiang Chen would naturally not chase him away. At the very least, he still had to save face.

"Jiang Shao is quite leisurely." After sitting down, Hua Yunfei poured himself wine, and said with a half-hearted smile.

Wu Mengdi is dead.

A few days ago, it died in Jiang Chen's hands.

However, before Wu Mengdi died, Hua Yunfei received news that Wu Mengdi was going to deal with Jiang Chen.

It can be said that Wu Mengdi's behavior is not stupid. If he said he was seeking his own death, it would be regarded as giving Wu Mengdi face.

At first, Hua Yunfei thought that Chang Zhile would ask someone to stop Wu Mengdi from courting death, but who would have thought that Chang Zhile would never stop it at all, and perfectly fulfilled Wu Mengdi.

Intuition tells Hua Yunfei that this matter will not end easily, and Chang Zhile's attitude is intriguing, and there must be a next move.

But before Chang Zhile started to take the next step, Hua Yunfei couldn't figure out what kind of thoughts and calculations Chang Zhile had.

Coincidentally, Sister Lan Hotel opened today, and Hua Yunfei and Wu Qingya came here together. By the way, while cheering for Jiang Chen, he also wanted to test Jiang Chen's thoughts.

"When Sect Master Hua entered the door just now, did you see the signboard of this restaurant?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Sister Lan Hotel." Hua Yunfei said.

"The name of the restaurant is Sister Lan Restaurant. Obviously, the owner of this restaurant is Sister Lan." Jiang Chen reminded.

Hua Yunfei smiled, thinking that what Jiang Chen said was really interesting. Perhaps, the owner of this restaurant is called Sister Lan, but if the owner is Jiang Chen's woman, then this restaurant , in the final analysis, is it not Jiang Chen's?

But Hua Yunfei also understood that Jiang Chen said this not to clear up his relationship with Sister Lan Hotel, but to tell him that Sister Lan Hotel opened today, and he didn't want to talk about irrelevant topics.

Jiang Chen didn't care, Hua Yunfei naturally understood the interest, drank the wine in the cup, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

As everyone knows, at this moment, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang are both in a stormy mood.

As soon as they heard Jiang Chen talk about the master of the Hua sect, the two of them recognized Hua Yunfei's identity as the master of the Changjian sect. This didn't make the two of them terrified.

Fortunately, Hua Yunfei directly ignored the existence of the two of them, which made them barely able to sit still.

Sister Lan personally brought out a bowl of soup, and when Sister Lan put down the soup bowl, Wu Qingya took Sister Lan's hand, sat down with Sister Lan, and said affectionately: "Sister, you are so beautiful, why are you so good in shape? Well, I am so envious of my sister."

Sister Lan looked at Wu Qingya strangely, but Wu Qingya knew her very well. She held Sister Lan back and refused to let her go. It's a check.

Just a while after Wu Qingya gave the red envelope, someone came to give the red envelope again, and it was Li Tianxing who came to give the red envelope. After Li Tianxing sent a red envelope, he excused something and left in a hurry.

After Li Tianxing, as if they had made an agreement, Zhao Zhongxing appeared, and Zhao Zhongxing also came to give red envelopes, and then he found a poor excuse and left quickly.

When Li Tianxing and Zhao Zhongxing came, the four small families in the capital were able to live together. On the surface, they were given a red envelope, but in fact, how could Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang not know that this was due to Jiang Chen's powerful influence. reflect.

In other words, regarding Jiang Chen's matter, even if it is the Li family and the Zhao family, no matter how much they disagree with Jiang Chen, face must be given, and it is impossible not to...

(End of this chapter)

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