genius evil

Chapter 871 Let the Red Envelope Fly

Chapter 871 Let the Red Envelope Fly
Wu Mengdi died at the hands of Jiang Chen. Regarding this matter, all parties did not block the news. As early as a few days ago, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang knew about it.

It is well known that Wu Mengdi is just a puppet supported by Gui Yuanzong, and he is not an important person in itself.

But no matter how stupid Wu Mengdi is, since he was supported by Gui Yuanzong, it represents Gui Yuanzong's face and interests.

Wu Mengdi has not been in the position for a long time, but he still maintains his identity and is arrogant and unscrupulous, which caused many people a headache.

Jiang Chen said that if he killed Wu Mengdi, he would kill Wu Mengdi, and he didn't give Gui Yuanzong any face. However, several days had passed, but Gui Yuanzong hadn't moved at all.

It is not difficult to see from this, Gui Yuanzong's fear of Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's unshakable status and influence created by his powerful fighting power.

Even if Jiang Chen was just a bare-bones commander with no status or background, how many people would dare to act without looking at his face?

At least, among the four small families, none of them would dare.

Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang's thoughts were a little complicated, thinking in their hearts that the red envelopes from the four small families had all been given away, and the four big families, apart from the Wu family, were afraid that there would be other families who wanted to come.

The situation was not beyond the two's expectations, and it didn't take long for someone to send a red envelope.

The person who gave the red envelope was the representative of the Wang family, who came here to send the red envelope on behalf of the Wang family. After delivering the red envelope to Sister Lan, he left.

"The Zhou family and the Zheng family are left." Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang looked at each other, thinking in their hearts.

Zheng Xiangyu was abolished by Jiang Chen and turned into a vegetable, Zheng Chengze also became disabled, and Chu Yanwang died at Jiang Chen's hands again.

Not to mention, Jiang Chen even extorted an astronomical amount of money from the Zheng family.

The Zheng family's vitality was seriously injured, and it could be said that they would never die with Jiang Chen. Because they no longer had the ability to deal with Jiang Chen, it was only recently that they kept a low profile.

Under such circumstances, neither of them would think that the Zheng family would still sell Jiang Chen a face.

However, the Zhou family's situation is a bit different.

The four major families, the Wu family, the Zheng family and the Wang family, had more or less conflicts with Jiang Chen, but in many conflicts, the Zhou family was unscathed.

No one knows the hidden truth, but the Zhou family has always kept a low profile, but it is an undeniable fact.

Therefore, both Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang thought that after the Wang family sent the red envelope, the next thing that should happen was the Zhou family.

However, what the two of them didn't expect was that the Zhou family didn't show up for a long time. On the contrary, the Zheng family, who thought they would never die with Jiang Chen, sent them a red envelope.

"What's the situation?" Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang were very puzzled.

Lanjie Restaurant opened today with great momentum.

But as the red envelopes were sent one by one, the nature quietly changed, and it became a stage for Jiang Chen to show his strength, and everything centered on Jiang Chen.

It wasn't just the members of the four big families and the four small families who sent the red envelopes. Some of the other small families that Jiang Chen had never dealt with, and even the small families whose names he had never heard of, also sent people to send red envelopes.

What is quite interesting is that all the red envelopes were not given to Jiang Chen, but were all given to Sister Lan.

This situation caused Sister Lan to cook a meal for Jiang Chen herself and didn't have time, so she was busy collecting red envelopes here.

What's even more interesting is that every red envelope is not cash, but a check.

This also means that the amount of each red envelope will not be too small, because no one will write a check for a mere few thousand or tens of thousands of dollars.

Sister Lan received a total of more than 100 red envelopes. This situation did not stop until the restaurant was about to close at nine o'clock in the evening.

The entire building of the hotel was rented out by Fang Tongjun.

The second and third floors are all private rooms, and the top floor of the fourth floor is a decorated place for resting. Jiang Chen stayed at Sister Lan Hotel all day long.

After all, there are many things that Sister Lan can't handle, and he can only come forward in person.

Of course, this is just the opening today, and there are many things to do. After tonight, the situation will be much better afterwards.

After the restaurant closed, the waiters and cooks were dismissed, and Jiang Chen sent Sister Lan back to her residence to rest.

Xiaodie, who came back from school early, saw Jiang Chen and Sister Lan pushing the door in. The little people ran over and hung on Jiang Chen like a koala.

"Brother Jiang Chen, why did you come here, I'm almost bored to death." Xiaodie complained with her mouth pouted, her eyes and expression were called a plaintive.

Jiang Chen hugged Xiaodie, rubbed Xiaodie's little head, and said with a smile, "Your mommy and I were collecting red envelopes in the store. There are too many red envelopes, and my hands are sore."

"Oh my god, are there a lot of red envelopes? Why don't you ask me to collect red envelopes? People like to receive red envelopes." Xiaodie's eyes were shining brightly, staring at a bag in Sister Lan's hand.

The bag is transparent, and the contents inside are all red envelopes. When Xiaodie looked at it, her saliva was about to flow out.

"Brother Jiang Chen, please let me down quickly, I'm going to open the red envelope." Xiaodie said in a hurry.

When Jiang Chen put Xiaodie down, Xiaodie quickly ran to Sister Lan, looking at Sister Lan pitifully.

"Let's open the red envelope together." Sister Lan said helplessly, this little girl has never seen her love money so much before.

"Okay, okay." Xiaodie nodded as if pecking at rice.

Sister Lan just opened the bag and dumped the red envelope on the tea table next to the sofa. Xiaodie quickly grabbed a red envelope and quickly tore it open.

"I don't have any money." As soon as the red envelope was torn open, Xiaodie was not happy.

There was no cash at all, just a thin piece of paper inside.

"Xiaodie, this is a check, you can go to the bank to change it." Sister Lan said.

"Is it like this?" Xiaodie's eyeballs rolled around, staring at the numbers written on the check, and began to count.


Xiaodie is cute and cute, with her cute little mouth pouting, she keeps counting.

"Mom, this check has a one in front and seven zeros in the back. Is it 1000 million?" After counting twice in a row, Xiaodie asked Sister Lan.

Hearing the sound, Sister Lan's face changed color quietly, and she took the check from Xiaodie's hand, staring at the check, Sister Lan found that Xiaodie did not count wrongly, there were indeed seven zeros, that is to say, This is a cash check for 1000 million.

Even when I was collecting red envelopes downstairs, I found that each red envelope was filled with checks instead of cash, and I vaguely knew that the amount of each red envelope would not be too small.

However, what Sister Lan never expected was that the amount of the red envelope would be so large.A red envelope that Xiaodie casually opened contained 1000 million yuan.

For a moment, Sister Lan's hand holding the check was like picking up a hot potato. She looked at Jiang Chen in shock, not knowing what to do.

"There are so many red envelopes, Xiaodie, hurry up and open them, you should go to bed soon after opening them." Jiang Chen greeted.

"Okay, okay." Xiaodie said happily.

All of a sudden, a red envelope with a 1000 million check was opened, Xiaodie was so happy, her two little hands moved quickly, and opened one red envelope after another.

More than 100 red envelopes, it took half an hour to open all of them. The amount of each check in the red envelopes was an integer, ranging from one hundred thousand to one million to ten million.

The number of red envelopes with a value of one million is the largest, with nearly [-], followed by red envelopes of the [-] level, around [-], and the rest are red envelopes of the tens of millions.

After unpacking the red envelopes, Xiaodie ran to the bedroom to sleep contentedly, while Sister Lan was distracted for a while as each red envelope was opened, not knowing what to do.

After a rough calculation, Sister Lan found that the amount of these red envelopes added up to more than [-] million.

This number, in the past, was a number that even Sister Lan didn't dare to think about, but now, so much money is all in front of her.

Fortunately, all of them were checks, otherwise, if they were exchanged for cash, the visual impact would become even more terrifying and unbearable.

But even if it was a check, it still shocked Sister Lan so much that she couldn't recover for a long time.

"Sister Lan, what's wrong with you, are you alright?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's okay." Sister Lan shook her head stiffly, quickly put the checks away, put them in a bag, then took the bag, stuffed it into Jiang Chen's arms, and said, "Jiang Chen, you keep these checks."

Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "What do you mean I keep it? These are red envelopes given to you by others, what does it have to do with me?"

While talking, Jiang Chen casually stuffed the bag back.

"Jiang Chen, don't be like this. If it weren't for you, no one would know me at all... Don't make things difficult for me, okay?" Sister Lan said seriously.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen, she wouldn't have come to the capital to open a restaurant, not to mention someone giving a red envelope. Sister Lan defined her role as working for Jiang Chen.

She hoped to help Jiang Chen run the restaurant well, and then, give Xiaodie a good learning and living environment.

"Sister Lan, listen to me. To me, this money is just a small amount of money, no different from 100 yuan. If you give it to me, I really don't think much of it. Besides, you have to understand, The money was not collected in my name, but in the name of Sister Lan Hotel, every red envelope was handed over to you, and this is your money." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Sister Lan didn't know how rich Jiang Chen was, but when Sister Lan's restaurant opened, so many people sent red envelopes, and the amount was so huge, she knew that Jiang Chen was definitely not short of money.

But even so, how could she be willing to take this money? She insisted on giving it back to Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's attitude was very firm, and she refused to take it no matter what.

Sister Lan had no choice but to reluctantly accept it first, treating it as temporary safekeeping for Jiang Chen, and returning it to Jiang Chen when Jiang Chen needed it.

Jiang Chen sat down for a while and then left. Sister Lan found a place, put away the bag containing the check, and was about to take a bath when Xiaodie suddenly ran out of the bedroom, looking at Lan Sister, said sternly: "Mummy, I have something to tell you..."

(End of this chapter)

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