genius evil

Chapter 872 I'm a Hooligan and I'm Proud

Chapter 872 I'm a Hooligan and I'm Proud

The small person with a stern face really makes people laugh. When Sister Lan saw Xiaodie, she felt a lot lighter all of a sudden.

She said: "Xiaodie, it's very late now, go to bed quickly, if you have anything to say, we can talk about it tomorrow."

"No, I have to say it now, or I will lose sleep." Xiaodie said delicately.

"Okay then, tell me, and go to bed when you're done talking." Sister Lan had no choice but to say.

"Mommy, I want to tell you, since brother Jiang Chen gave you the money, you should not return it." Xiaodie then said.

"No." Sister Lan shook her head decisively.

If it was several thousand or tens of thousands of dollars, Sister Lan might be able to accept it, but it was hundreds of millions, a wealth that countless people would never be able to achieve in their lifetime, how could she accept it?

"Mummy, you should listen to what people say first." Sister Xiaodie Bailan glanced at her and said, "Mummy, why are you so stupid? There is no reason to take back a gift that someone gave you."

"Xiaodie, you misunderstood, this is not a gift, these red envelopes are all for the sake of your brother Jiang Chen's face, I just accept it for you." Sister Lan explained patiently.

Xiaodie is a small ghost, despite her young age, she knows a lot. The reason why Sister Lan is so patient is because she is worried that Xiaodie will develop bad values.

A huge sum of [-] million yuan, I don't know how many people should be excited and crazy. Even though Xiaodie is still young, Xiaodie is smarter than many of her peers because of her early wisdom and her living environment since she was a child. Even the over-aged people understand the meaning of money better.

"Mommy, of course I know that these red envelopes were given to Brother Jiang Chen by others, and the people who gave the red envelopes don't know you, but now that Brother Jiang Chen gave these money to you, he became Brother Jiang Chen. A gift for you, Mommy, you are so stupid, you don't understand the truth that a child like me understands." Xiaodie said with a look of disgust.

Sister Lan looked at Xiaodie speechlessly, is she really stupid?So that he was so disgusted by Xiaodie?

"There is never a reason to return the gifts that boys give girls, unless that girl hates that boy... So, Mommy, if you return the money, Brother Jiang Chen will definitely think that you are very I hate him, and I don't want to have anything to do with him." Xiaodie then vowed.

"Xiao Die, you have to understand a truth, it has nothing to do with whether you hate it or not." Sister Lan thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

"Brother Jiang Chen will definitely misunderstand anyway, Mommy, you can just figure it out." Xiaodie said.

Sister Lan smiled wryly. She thought what Xiaodie said had some truth, just like what Xiaodie said, if she insisted on returning it, maybe Jiang Chen would think that she didn't want to have anything to do with Jiang Chen.

Of course, Sister Lan didn't want to see that kind of situation happen, or, at that time, she had to think of other ways.

"Okay, I'll figure it out." Sister Lan said to Xiaodie.

Xiaodie rolled her eyes, and said: "It sounds very insincere, Mommy, don't think about it here, okay, brother Jiang Chen's feelings for you, don't you know until now?"

"Huh?" Sister Lan looked at Xiaodie in surprise.

Xiaodie just said: "Mommy, when we were the poorest, Brother Jiang Chen tried to help us out. He even let us come to the capital, opened a shop for us, and let us live in his house. Here is a present for you, Mommy, do you understand Brother Jiang Chen's intentions?"

"I don't understand." Sister Lan said in amazement.

"Mummy, you are really stupid, I won't tell you anymore, go to bed." Xiaodie yawned slightly, then turned and went back to the bedroom.

Sister Lan entered the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror, looked at the face reflected in the mirror, recalled what Xiaodie said just now, and sighed softly.

She really didn't understand Jiang Chen's feelings for her, or rather, she didn't feel that Jiang Chen had any feelings for her, but one thing that cannot be denied is that in just a few short months, Jiang Chen had done everything for her and for Xiao Die. Do many, many things.

"I really owe him a lot." Sister Lan murmured.

The next morning, the sky was bright.

By the shore of Weiming Lake, on a long stone bench, the girl holds a book in her hand and reads it quietly, giving people a sense of incomparable tranquility.

People pass by from time to time, and every passerby will subconsciously linger on the girl for a few seconds. Some people intend to strike up a conversation, but they lack some courage, so they walk away quickly, lest they accidentally disturb the girl. Picturesque and beautiful picture.

There are always many people who are knowledgeable and interested.

In an institution of higher learning with a strong academic atmosphere like Capital University, most people still live in peace and contentment every day.

Of course, there are also people who are restless.

A young man was strolling leisurely by the lake. When he saw the girl reading a book, he walked over in a few steps and sat down beside the girl.

"It's so boring, so boring." After sitting down, the young man complained.

The girl frowned slightly, wondering who this is, she is so ignorant, didn't you see her reading a book here?It's okay to sit down, but he still hates to disturb her.

Looking up at the young man who was talking, the girl just froze for a moment, she saw a smirking face, and the moment she raised her head, that smirking face came closer, almost squeezed filled her pupils.

"You annoying guy." The girl giggled coquettishly.

"Miss Mingzhu, you must be too bored, so you're reading here, or else, I'll take you out to play." The young man said with a smile, it was Jiang Chen, and the girl was Zhou Mingzhu. .

It had been several days since school started, but Jiang Chen saw Zhou Mingzhu for the first time.

The girl has not changed, she always has a quiet and pure aura on her body, and her eyes are timid and weak, which is completely opposite to her sister Zhou Jinse's strong style.

"When you're reading, you won't be bored anymore." Zhou Mingzhu said, she took a book from her schoolbag and handed it to Jiang Chen, and said, "If you're bored, read a book too."

"Reading is undoubtedly the most boring thing in this world. I'm already bored enough, Miss Mingzhu, do you want me to be even more bored?" Jiang Chen asked dissatisfied.

Zhou Mingzhu put away her books and said, "Why are you bored? Every day there are so many things to do, so many books to read, so many things to learn, right?"

"In this world, there are too many people who are not boring. There are always a few people who are not boring. It's like there will always be people who have nothing to do all day long, there will always be people who don't like reading, and there will always be people who don't want to study at all." Jiang Chen Said seriously.

Zhou Mingzhu felt that what Jiang Chen said made sense, but she couldn't refute it, so she lowered her head and continued to read.

"Is this considered a failure to strike up a conversation?" Jiang Chen said to himself, rubbing his nose.

Could it be that the charm of Jiang Da handsome guy can't compare to a book in Zhou Mingzhu's hand?

"Miss Mingzhu, haven't we seen each other for a while?" Jiang Chen continued to strike up a conversation unwillingly.

"Yeah." Zhou Mingzhu nodded lightly, and gently turned over a page of paper.

"I haven't seen you for so long, Miss Mingzhu didn't notice, have I become handsome again?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You're already handsome." Zhou Mingzhu said in a natural tone without turning her head.

Jiang Chen thought that Zhou Mingzhu's aesthetic vision was quite normal, and said with a smile, "Miss Mingzhu, what do you mean by that, I'm particularly handsome?"

"Hehe, you're so narcissistic." Zhou Mingzhu laughed out loud, and finally raised her head, looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, can you stop talking, you always make people laugh, you can't even read a book."

Jiang Chen just didn't want Zhou Mingzhu to read. This timid and well-behaved girl seemed to have a strange magic power. Every time they met, it was exciting and he wanted to tease her a little bit.

Jiang Chen himself couldn't figure out what kind of bad taste this was, but it wasn't a bad thing anyway, and Zhou Mingzhu was so cute.

"Miss Mingzhu, I really think that reading is the most boring thing in the world. You see, the weather is so good today, how can you waste time on such boring things." Jiang Chenyu said earnestly.

"It's so ridiculous. It's the first time I've seen someone speak so grandly and ignorantly." It was Jiang Chen's voice, and before Zhou Mingzhu could reply, a sneer came into Jiang Chen's mouth. in the ear.

The one who spoke was a tall, slightly handsome boy, wearing expensive sportswear, looking at Jiang Chen with a sneer. He seemed to be running, with sweat on his forehead and wet hair.

"Hey, who are you? I'm talking to Miss Mingzhu, why are you interrupting?" Jiang Chen asked unwillingly.

"Boy, did you forget me so quickly? But you forgot me, but I didn't forget you. Remember, my name is Tao Lu." The boy said.

"Oh, I remembered who you are, aren't you just that routine? What's the matter, did you just finish exercising and want to take a bath again?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Boy, I didn't invite you or provoke you. If you dare to do anything to me, I will never end with you." As soon as the matter of bathing was mentioned, Tao Lu remembered the scene of being kicked into the Weiming Lake by Jiang Chen time and time again, and his face turned pale. Hong, said with a stern voice.

"If you want to take a bath, you can tell me boldly, I don't mind at all for you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Tao Lu looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, ignored Jiang Chen, and said to Zhou Mingzhu, "Zhou Mingzhu, this person looks like a little hooligan at first glance, don't you think you have seen his true nature yet? "

"Hey, how do you know I'm a hooligan? I have a good eye." Jiang Chen said happily, feeling like he had encountered a confidant.

Tao Lu was speechless, what's the matter, Jiang Chen is a hooligan and he is so proud, what's the matter?

"I'm talking to Zhou Mingzhu right now, please don't interrupt, please?" Tao Lu said angrily, feeling that Jiang Chen's ideological realm was not at the same level as his own, which meant that the so-called words were not speculative.

"Then, you must think that Miss Mingzhu is innocent, so you want to lie to him, right?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

In a word, Tao Lu almost exploded in anger, who is going to lie to Zhou Mingzhu?Can you still be reasonable?

(End of this chapter)

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