genius evil

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to leave Zhou Jinse's small apartment, and while hanging out with Zhou Jinse all day, he spent another night here.

It wasn't until the next day, when Zhou Jinse was going to work, that Jiang Chen reluctantly let Zhou Jinse go.

While hanging out with Zhou Jinse, he turned off his cell phone by the way. After Zhou Jinse left, Jiang Chen hailed a taxi to go back to school. As soon as the cell phone was turned on, various text messages and call reminders kept ringing.

Jiang Chen flipped through it casually, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang both called in separately, and Wu Qingya, after Wu Qingya made more than a dozen calls in a row and Jiang Chen didn't answer, he sent more than a dozen text messages.

Fairy Tale also sent a message, asking Jiang Chen if he wanted to go to the cafeteria for dinner together.

Jiang Chen put the phone in his pocket after reading it, and didn't reply. He knew very well why Qian Fugui, Sun Haoyang, and Wu Qingya made this call.

Presumably, the rumors are intensifying.

But this matter has already started, Jiang Chen has no intention of explaining it to anyone, and he also doesn't care about the progress of the whole matter, he just needs to see the result when the time comes.

Besides, if you have the leisure time to deal with these messy things, it's better to spend this time picking up girls.

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking about this, a phone call came in that surprised him. It was Zi Yu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

After answering the phone and saying a few words, Jiang Chen asked the taxi driver to drive to a place that Ziyu had mentioned on the phone.

Half an hour later, in downtown Beijing, in an ordinary residential area, an ordinary residential building, on the seventh floor, Jiang Chen walked up to a door. The person opened from the inside, and a pretty and bright face poked out from the inside.

"Jiang Chen, you're doomed, do you know that?" The woman saw Jiang Chen, the first thing she said was gloating.

"Beauty Luzhi, what good will my death do you?" Jiang Chen said angrily, stretched out his hand and pushed Luzhi aside, and walked into the room.

"It's not clear whether it will be good for me, but there is no doubt that there is absolutely no harm at all." Luzhi said confidently.

"Jiang Chen, Lu Zhi was joking, don't mind." In the room, Zi Yu, who was dressed in a long black dress and wrapped her graceful and delicate body, gave Lu Zhi a look.

"Who said I was joking, I'm very serious, okay?" Luzhi snorted softly.

Jiang Chen lazily paid attention to Lu Zhi, pulled Zi Yu into his arms, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say you were in another place before? When did you return to the capital?"

"I heard a piece of news that Luzhi and Luzhi just came back from out-of-town today." Ziyu said a little worried.

"What a coincidence, I just heard about something today." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Jiang Chen, the matter was originally related to you. You have heard about it. Could it be that you didn't do it?" Luzhi asked.

"It seems that I haven't killed anyone yet." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Ziyu, did you hear that this guy teased me in front of you, can you still ask for it?" Lu Zhi shouted.

Ziyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Jiang Chen, could it be that the rumors are false?"

"It was fake before, but now it's real." Jiang Chen said.

Ziyu looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, unable to understand what he was talking about, so Jiang Chen had no choice but to explain briefly.

"Tsk tsk, turning the four major families in the capital into the two major families in the capital, if people make a joke casually, you take it seriously, do you want to be so childish and naive? Do you think this kind of thing can be done casually?" After listening, Lvzhi rolled her eyes and said in a run-on manner.

"Miss Lu Zhi, why did you not like me when we met this time? Is it because I have become handsome again, which makes you at a loss? Why don't you look at me for a while and get used to it?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"I'm fighting an injustice for Ziyu. Tell yourself, how long has it been since you saw Ziyu? Could it be that you can't go to Ziyu if Ziyu doesn't come to you in person?" Lu Zhi asked.

It was indeed this time that Jiang Chen was not pleasing to the eye, and Lu Zhi did not quibble at all, and directly admitted it.

"Zi Yu and I are in love with each other, and it's the same for anyone looking for it. You don't understand." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Luzhi sneered, and said: "Don't say it so nicely, you just spent the time looking for Ziyu on other women."

"Luzhi, don't talk yet." Ziyu interrupted Luzhi, and asked Jiang Chen: "Are you really planning to do that? Will it be too dangerous?"

The family is backed by the sect, and a powerful family relies on a powerful sect.

Ziyu knew about these situations.

Not to mention the four big families in the capital, the sects that the Zhao Qiansun, Li and the four small families relied on should not be underestimated. If Jiang Chen really decided to do that, he would be offended by more than just one or two sects.

Moreover, Jiang Chen was alone.

How can it be so easy to deal with those sect forces united?

"Of course...not dangerous at all." Jiang Chen said quite casually.

If he hadn't already broken through the eighth layer of Body Tempering, it would indeed be quite dangerous, even fatal, no matter whether he took the initiative to attack or passively received the move, he would be extremely embarrassing.

But he has already broken through the eighth level of Body Tempering, not to mention killing a strong man on the ninth level of Guwu Houtian is like killing a chicken, and even a mere expert on the ninth level of Guwu Houtian won't make him take it seriously.

Unless, among these families, there are hidden perverted strong men like Shen Shijing.

Even if there was, Jiang Chen didn't think there was anything to worry about. After all, he was a member of the Tianzu now. Could it be that the Tianzu would still refuse to save him?

With his own strong strength as the premise, and the strong backing of the Tianzu, Jiang Chen has no pressure, even Jiang Chen can't wait, and wants Gui Yuanzong to quickly recruit troops to attack him.

"Jiang Chen, don't die and be strong, okay? Anyone can say big things." Lu Zhi slandered.

No matter how strong Jiang Chen is, there is only one person. How can it be an easy task for so many strong people to join forces?At least Lu Zhi thinks that it is definitely not as relaxed as Jiang Chen's performance.

As for Jiang Chen, he acted so relaxed. In Luzhi's view, this was a sacrifice to save face.

Jiang Chen was speechless. Why did no one believe him when he told the truth?

Is it necessary for him to act very reluctantly?

He is good at acting, and he is very good at it, but is it necessary to act?

"Jiang Chen, just recently, Lu Zhi and I have no missions, let us help you." Ziyu said, also a little worried about Jiang Chen's bravado.

"I won't help, he's your man, not mine." Lu Zhi refused.

"How about you pretend that I am your man?" Jiang Chen suggested.

"You think beautifully." Luzhi was almost amused by Jiang Chen.

"Miss Lu Zhi, I swear, I said this completely for your own good, look at yourself, at such an age, no man wants to date, and your endocrine system is out of balance." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I look for a boyfriend with high vision, so don't dream about it." Lu Zhi said.

"Miss Lu Zhi, congratulations, you perfectly interpreted what it means to sacrifice face and suffer." Jiang Chen said, holding Zi Yu, and sat down on the sofa.

After sitting down, Jiang Chen's hand inadvertently touched something, and when he touched it, he felt it was silky smooth. He instinctively picked it up and brought it closer to his eyes, but it was a pair of black stockings.

Ziyu is wearing a long skirt today and does not need to wear stockings, while Luzhi is wearing a pair of shorts, with a pair of white and tender long legs, which are exposed outside. Obviously, the black stockings belong to Luzhi.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing, you pervert." Seeing the stockings being grabbed by Jiang Chen, Luzhi blushed, and went over to grab them and crumpled them into a ball.

Jiang Chen laughed, this woman has always been aggressive, but it is rare for her to be so shy.

Instead, he reached out to touch it, and found another thing on the sofa, which was also black with a lace border.

"Miss Lu Zhi, let me solemnly declare that I am not a pervert." Looking at the things in his hand, Jiang Chen said innocently.

Luzhi was so ashamed and angry that she snatched it from Jiang Chen's hand again, and ran to the bedroom in a hurry, feeling ashamed to face anyone.

The underclothes thrown on the sofa were all Luzhi's. When Luzhi came back, she took off her bra and stockings as soon as she entered the door.

They used to throw them casually like this before, but since no men have ever come here, I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. However, Jiang Chen held all the underwear in his hands, and they still hadn't been washed. That kind, even if Luzhi is careless, I can't stand it.

"Jiang Chen, what I just said was serious." Luzhi resisted the urge to say to Jiang Chen.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, I will take care of it myself, since I don't have any tasks during this time, just spend more time with me." Jiang Chen said softly.

When Lvzhi questioned him just now, he said it sounded grand on the surface, but he was not without guilt. It happened that he had time, and Ziyu also had time, so he made up for Ziyu.

"Okay." Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Zi Yu didn't say any more.

It took Luzhi a while before she came out of the bedroom. She changed into a new set of clothes, long clothes and trousers. Looking at her appearance, she seemed to want to be wrapped into a rice dumpling.

"Miss Lu Zhi, I didn't even notice you weren't wearing a bra just now, so why bother?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Luzhi was so focused on looking for thorns today, and he saw something that he shouldn't have seen. It is estimated that there is no need to stop, Jiang Chen can only express his opinion first.

"Didn't see it? Do you think I will believe your words?" Luzhi sneered.

The sofa was obviously so big, it was not good for Jiang Chen to sit anywhere, but he sat on something she had thrown away his clothes, so it was fine to sit down, she was sure, if Jiang Chen didn't do it on purpose, she wouldn't believe it anyway.

"You really have an endocrine disorder." Jiang Chen said regretfully, stood up, and took Luzhi's hand and walked to the bedroom.

Entering the bedroom, Jiang Chen pushed Luzhi onto the bed with a big hand.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do, I can scream, I really can scream." Lu Zhi stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, eyes full of disbelief.

It was fine for Jiang Chen to molested him in front of Zi Yu just now, but now he actually sent him to bed in front of Zi Yu, this guy is too perverted...

(End of this chapter)

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