genius evil

Chapter 876 You Get Out Of Me

Chapter 876 You Get Out Of Me
"I have a problem." Jiang Chen didn't know that Luzhi would have those wild thoughts, so he said.

"Unspeakable secret?" Luzhi subconsciously had an idea.

While talking, he glanced at Ziyu in the living room, thinking that he couldn't, Jiang Chen looked quite normal, how could he have such a problem?

No wonder, the last time Jiang Chen was with her in the hotel room, he said something about defying the law and looking decent, but in the end he let her run away.

Dare to love, it's because Jiang Chen has an unspeakable secret.

All of a sudden, Lu Zhi felt a little pity for Jiang Chen. She was such a charming and beautiful woman, and she was sent to Jiang Chen's mouth, but Jiang Chen could only watch her fly away. The most painful thing in the world, Nothing more than this, right?
Then, Luzhi felt sorry for Ziyu, saying that the things between men and women are the happiest things in the world, but Ziyu can't enjoy them, it's so pitiful.

"Uh, what kind of eyes do you have?" Jiang Chen looked at Lu Zhi like a ghost in broad daylight. Why, he interpreted a sense of pity from Lu Zhi's eyes?

"I didn't think about anything." Luzhi said, and at the end, she seemed to be afraid that Jiang Chen would not believe her, so she added: "Jiang Chen, don't get me wrong, I really didn't think about anything."

"Is there something wrong with you?" Jiang Chen scolded, it was so obvious that he didn't even think about anything, taking him for a fool?
"Jiang Chen, you actually scolded me. I lied to you to protect your self-esteem as a man. Why are you so ignorant?" Lu Zhi was furious.

"What's wrong with my self-esteem?" Jiang Chen wondered, how did this issue come up?

"What's the matter, you know it well, Ziyu is a good woman, you must not let her down, you know?" Luzhi warned.

"Of course I know that Ziyu is a good woman, but I can't even understand the punctuation marks in what you said." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

It is said that women have a needle in the bottom of their hearts, even if he has read countless women, he dare not say that he understands it.

"It's fine if you don't understand, anyway, you know that Ziyu is a good woman." Lu Zhi didn't explain, after all, it's too embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing.

Jiang Chen has a thick skin, maybe he doesn't care, but her skin is not comparable to Jiang Chen.

While speaking, Luzhi got up and wanted to get out of bed.

"Miss Luzhi, didn't you hear me? I really have a problem." Jiang Chen emphasized.

"I already know that there is something wrong with you. Is it necessary to say it twice? Is this something to be proud of?" Luzhi said angrily.

She didn't even want to talk about it, Jiang Chen wanted to mention it again, as a man, didn't he even want the minimum self-esteem?
"Wait, there might have been some misunderstandings. Tell me directly, what's your situation?" Jiang Chen asked, unable to bear Lu Zhi's attitude.

Luzhi hesitated for a moment, and found that she still couldn't speak, she waved to Ziyu and called Ziyu to come over.

Ziyu entered the bedroom inexplicably, and Luzhi leaned into Ziyu's ear, whispered a few words, Ziyu's face suddenly turned red, and she looked at Luzhi strangely.

Lu Zhi sighed and said, "Zi Yu, don't be sad."

Ziyu's face was even more weird, and she leaned into Lu Zhi's ear, and said a few words in a low voice, after listening, Lu Zhi was in a mess.

Luzhi didn't pay attention to Ziyu's words at all, but only listened for an hour or a few hours, all in all, Jiang Chen's fighting power was amazing.

"It's really a misunderstanding." Lv Zhi suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Jiang Chen, please explain clearly next time you speak? What's wrong with you?" Luzhi said with a blushing face.

On the one hand, he blamed himself for thinking too much, and on the other hand, he blamed Jiang Chen for being vague.

Although she knew that Jiang Chen didn't do it on purpose, if Jiang Chen finished speaking at once, how could she misunderstand, so Jiang Chen should still be blamed.

Luzhi and Ziyu spoke in a very low voice, but the room is so big, Jiang Chen couldn't do it if he wanted to pretend he didn't hear it, so he laughed, Jiang Chen said: "My problem is that I don't want others to misunderstand me. Of course, you can't blame you for this problem, after all, who made you endocrine disorders."

At the beginning when Jiang Chen said that he had an endocrine disorder, Lu Zhi thought that Jiang Chen was scolding, but now, Lu Zhi really doubted whether he had an endocrine disorder.

Otherwise, how could she think of that aspect? She is so ashamed.

"Why don't I apologize to you, is this okay?" Luzhi said.

"Apologizing won't solve the problem, we have to start from the root cause." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Luzhi's heart skipped a beat suddenly, what did Jiang Chen mean by this, could it be that he wanted to execute her on the spot, so as to prove his manly side?
Is Jiang Chen going crazy?Ziyu is here.

No matter how magnanimous Zi Yu was, she would definitely not be able to tolerate Jiang Chen cheating under her nose, right?
Even if Jiang Chen wanted to prove it, couldn't he avoid Ziyu to prove it?It is necessary to be in a hurry, isn't it afraid of chicken flying eggs?

Luzhi's mood was very chaotic, and the chaos couldn't be more chaotic, because she soon discovered that all she was thinking about now was Ziyu's feelings, and she never thought about whether she was willing to try it out and let Jiang Chen prove it.

"I'm going to die." Luzhi thought sadly in her heart, when did she become so unselfish?
"Does it have to be now?" Lu Zhi asked in a whisper.

"Your situation is a bit serious, the sooner the better." Jiang Chen nodded.

Biting her lip, Luzhi took a look at Ziyu, wondering whether to let Jiang Chen take off her clothes or to do it herself. After a little thought, Luzhi still felt that it was better to let Jiang Chen take off.

In short, she couldn't be too active, otherwise it would be easy for Ziyu to feel that she was the one who took the initiative to seduce Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen had to take the initiative. Even if Ziyu was angry, he would be able to push all the responsibility to Jiang Chen.

"Since you want to, then come." Luzhi resigned to her fate, lying on the bed, motionless.

"Ziyu, am I hallucinating? Is Luzhi beauty seducing me?" Jiang Chen couldn't help asking Ziyu seeing Luzhi running into an extremely attractive posture.

Lu Zhi's long eyelashes fluttered, and she wanted to cry without tears. Is Jiang Chen going to put all the responsibility on her?How can you be such a jerk?
As a man, can't he take more responsibility?
"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Ziyu complained.

"Injection." Jiang Chen replied.

"Then hurry up, it's a little strange." Ziyu said, and walked out.

Ziyu knew the spirit of Jiang Chen's medical skills, and guessed that Lv Zhi had some endocrine disorders, so he gave Lv Zhi a treatment.

But Ziyu thought so, Luzhi didn't think so.

Luzhi realized that she admired Jiang Chen a little bit, so she said such things with incomparable righteousness, but fortunately, Jiang Chen was talking about injections, not anything else, so it was a little more euphemistic.

At the same time, Lu Zhi also had an extremely strange attitude towards Zi Yu.

Jiang Chen said that he wanted to give her an injection, but Ziyu was not angry at all, and even left the bedroom. Is this to give her and Jiang Chen some space?

In my impression, Ziyu is extremely conservative when it comes to men and women, but now, why has she become so generous?Jiang Chen cheated on her right under her nose, and didn't take it seriously.

Is Jiang Chen's charm too great?

Or, Ziyu regards her as a good sister, even men are willing to share with her?
Luzhi felt that the second point was more likely.

Luzhi admitted that Jiang Chen's charm was great, otherwise, how could she have fallen without knowing it?
No matter how attractive a man is, it is impossible for a woman to let him have sex with someone, especially when someone is under her nose.

On the contrary, when a man is very attractive, as a woman, he should guard against death and be in a state of fighting all the time, not giving other women opportunities to take advantage of it.

Not only did Zi Yu not guard against her, but she also left space for her and Jiang Chen, and Lu Zhi was so touched that she wanted to cry.

In other respects, if Ziyu has something good to share with her, even men are willing to share it with her. Lu Zhi really thinks that Ziyu is too good.

In comparison, she was robbing Ziyu for a man, which made Luzhi feel very ashamed, and secretly swore in her heart that she must treat Ziyu better in the future.

"Jiang Chen..." Lu Zhi called out to Jiang Chen with a whisper.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen glanced at Lu Zhi.

"Do you like me?" Lu Zhi asked.

"Ah?" Jiang Chen glanced at Jiang Chen again.

"If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Is it difficult to answer?" Lu Zhi was dissatisfied.

"Can I say I don't like it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You damn liar, if you don't like it, why do you still treat me like this?" Luzhi said bitterly.

This damn little rascal, at this time, can't he say something she likes to hear?Why do you always make her angry?
"I'm just giving you an injection." Jiang Chen explained.

"It's just an injection...?" Lu Zhi gritted her teeth.

Isn't this kind of thing serious?What does Jiang Chen mean by such an understatement?
"That's right, it's just an injection." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

Even if he wanted to take advantage of Luzhi, how stupid would he be to take advantage in front of Ziyu?Besides, the door is not closed, at least the door must be closed, right?

Luzhi thought silently, besides injections, could there be other tricks?It's just that Jiang Chen doesn't play tricks today, only injections?
Soon, Lu Zhi felt a slight tingling pain, something entered her body, and the pain disappeared in an instant, replaced by an indescribable joy and comfort.

Jiang Chen shot quickly, one after another the silver needles pierced Luzhi's body.

The expected undressing did not happen. Luzhi watched Jiang Chen stab her body with a silver needle, and after that, she felt a little unwell.

Yes, this is indeed an injection, and indeed, it is nothing more than an injection.

If you don't play tricks, it is estimated that it will be difficult to play any tricks.

"Jiang Chen, get out of here!" He kicked Jiang Chen, and the Lvzhi River Lion roared...

(End of this chapter)

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