genius evil

Chapter 877 I like injections the most

Chapter 877 I like injections the most

A person will always experience many embarrassing things in his life.

For example, forgetting to bring paper when going to the bathroom, or forgetting to bring money when going to a restaurant to eat.

But the biggest embarrassment is when you like someone and you think that person likes you, but in the end you find that it is not the case.

Luzhi is experiencing this embarrassment, and she has a very strong urge to want to die.

But dying like this, Luzhi was extremely unwilling, at least it would be more cost-effective to kill Jiang Chen first, and then die.

This is a high-end western restaurant, Jiang Chen accompanied Ziyu and Lvzhi to dine here.

Lu Zhi was in a state of anger, anyone could see that she wished she could swallow Jiang Chen alive.

"Ziyu, have I offended the beauty Lu Zhi?" Jiang Chen asked vaguely while eating.

A woman's heart, like the sky in June, changes as soon as it is said, so caught off guard.

But Jiang Chen thought about it, but he didn't figure out what he had offended Lu Zhi.

To say that the only thing he did to Lu Zhi was to give a few injections.

It can't be that good intentions have turned into bad things, right?
Ziyu also felt strange, how could Luzhi become like this, as if she and Jiang Chen had a sworn feud.

Ziyu was even a little worried, whether Lu Zhi would rush to fight Jiang Chen at any time.

"Luzhi, what's wrong with you?" Ziyu asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Lu Zhi replied, three short words, said out through gnashing of teeth, a mouthful of small teeth, which clucked.

Ziyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, even if she was blind, she could tell that there was definitely something wrong with Lu Zhi.

"Is there something uncomfortable?" Ziyu asked.

"I'm very comfortable." Lv Zhi responded.

"Then... Jiang Chen really offended you?" Ziyu asked again.

"No, how could he offend me? I still have to thank him for recuperating my body." Luzhi smiled, with a gloomy look on her face.

"Jiang Chen, after eating in a while, you go first." Ziyu had no choice but to say.

Lvzhi's mental state is too abnormal, she looks like a powder keg, and it is estimated that it will explode at a little bit.

If Luzhi and Jiang Chen fight, it's not good for her to help anyone, and it's even worse not to help.

"Why do you want to leave? Didn't I just say that you two are going on a date? If you dislike me as a light bulb, I'll leave." Luzhi said ferociously.

"Luzhi, don't get me wrong, how could we despise you, I just look at you now, it seems..." Ziyu said, finding it difficult to describe Luzhi's state.

"My condition is very good. I have never been better than this time." Lu Zhi said without doubt.

Jiang Chen wants to run?There are no doors.

"Alright then, let's go shopping after we finish eating." Zi Yu said helplessly.

Half an hour later, the three of Jiang Chen walked out of the western restaurant. Jiang Chen was walking holding Ziyu's hand when he suddenly felt a chill on his back. When he turned around, he saw Luzhi following behind him like a ghost.

"Miss Luzhi, don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Are you scared to death?" Luzhi asked back.

If it was so easy to scare Jiang Chen to death, she wished for it.

However, Jiang Chen is not a timid person.

"How much do you want me to die?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"Guess." Luzhi smiled sweetly, but that smile was creepy no matter how you looked at it.

Jiang Chen shuddered, the resentment on this woman was too heavy, if he had been a little timid, he would probably have been scared to death.

Near the western restaurant, there is a large shopping mall.

Ziyu usually has various tasks to perform, so he has very little private time, and it is rare to go shopping. In addition, he is accompanied by Jiang Chen. As soon as he enters the mall, he starts shopping with great interest.

"Jiang Chen..." Luzhi's voice suddenly sounded behind Jiang Chen.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's okay, I'll call you whatever you want." Lu Zhi had an innocent expression on her face.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Jiang Chen was very suspicious.

"What can I do? If there is something to do, it's your business." Luzhi said.

"If you are fine, it is even less likely that I will be." Jiang Chen said casually.

"That's not necessarily true." Luzhi said coldly.

"I've decided on one thing. I'll give you a few injections after I go back later." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, I like injections the most, you need to give me a few injections." Luzhi said with a smile.

"Really, I also like giving injections the most, and I will definitely give you a few more injections until you are satisfied." Jiang Chen said meaningfully.

"That's it, I'm looking forward to it." Luzhi cast a wink at Jiang Chen, and she's too tired to die!

Over there, Ziyu had chosen something and was about to pay the bill, Jiang Chen walked over to take the card to the clerk, Ziyu complained in a low voice that he was rich, Jiang Chen patted his head and killed Ziyu, calming down Ziyu.

Such a scene fell into Luzhi's eyes, and she sneered again and again: "Jiang Chen, cherish the last time with Ziyu."

Taking advantage of the clerk to swipe the card, Ziyu asked Jiang Chen: "Do you know what happened to Lu Zhi?"

"I know." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Can you make her normal?" Ziyu said, it was the first time she saw Lu Zhi like this.

"Yes, but it's not the time yet, don't overthink it, let's continue shopping." Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

When Jiang Chen said this, Ziyu felt a little relieved, otherwise, she wouldn't even be in the mood for shopping.

Ziyu went shopping, Jiang Chen was in charge of swiping the card, while Ziyu was buying for himself, he also bought for Lu Zhi, thinking that if Jiang Chen really offended Lu Zhi somewhere, he would give something to Lu Zhi, Lu Zhi I might feel better.

Otherwise, if Lu Zhi has been maintaining this state, Lu Zhi did not go crazy, she herself went crazy first.

Jiang Chen and Ziyu went shopping, and Luzhi followed behind them without saying a word. To outsiders, they looked like Jiang Chen and Ziyu's followers.

But obviously, there will not be such a beautiful follower.

Of course, if Luzhi's complexion was a little bit better, then it would be more pleasing to the eye.

But in this way, there is also an advantage, that is, no one dares to come forward to strike up a conversation, regardless of whether they have eyes or not.

After all, no matter who it is, it can be seen at a glance that Luzhi is in a very angry state. If she goes up to strike up a conversation at this time, it will definitely be fruitless.

"Jiang Chen, is it okay now?" Zi Yu took a fancy to a piece of clothing, picked it up and made gestures, and asked Jiang Chen before entering the fitting room.

After shopping around for almost an hour, Lu Zhi still hasn't changed at all, no matter how beautiful the clothes are, Zi Yu is not in the mood to buy them.

"Almost." Jiang Chen nodded, pushed Ziyu into the fitting room, and walked out.

"Beauty Lu Zhi, come with me." Jiang Chen waved.

"What?" Luzhi asked, standing still.

"Let's do something that makes you happy." Jiang Chen smiled ambiguously, took Lu Zhi's hand and left, no matter how much Lu Zhi struggled, she never let go.

The corner was the fire stairwell, Jiang Chen pulled Lu Zhi over there, and closed the fire door smoothly.

"What did you bring me here for?" Lu Zhi said with a blank expression.

I thought to myself, could it be that Jiang Chen wanted to apologize to himself?
But how can a few simple apologies be able to make up for the psychological trauma Jiang Chen caused to her? She must make Jiang Chen pay the price.

But if Jiang Chen wanted to apologize, then she would listen. She also wanted to hear what Jiang Chen had to say and how sincere he was.

Who told Jiang Chen to play with her? It just so happened that she also played with Jiang Chen once.

Jiang Chen didn't answer Lu Zhi's answer, he lightly pushed Lu Zhi to the wall, leaned over, and pressed Lu Zhi down.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to play a hooligan?" Luzhi asked with her brows upside down.

Jiang Chen smiled, but still didn't speak, he searched for Luzhi's red lips and covered them.

Jiang Chen is not a fool, not only is he not stupid, he can be said to be a rare smart person in this world. Zi Yu may not be able to see Lu Zhi's abnormal reaction before, but how can he escape his eyes?

He couldn't be more clear about Lu Zhi's thoughts.

"What are you doing, let me go." Luzhi pushed Jiang Chen hard, and said loudly.

"Kiss you." Jiang Chen said solemnly, and kissed you as usual.

"Who told you to kiss me, stinky rascal, do you think I won't be angry if I look like this?" Luzhi was very annoyed.

It's fine if you don't apologize, but you actually forcefully kiss her without saying a word, do you think she is easy to bully?

Moreover, even if you don't apologize, it's not difficult to say a few nice words, right?Especially for Jiang Chen, didn't he say it casually?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen didn't say anything, and directly kissed him.

"Will you be angry? Let's talk about it after I kiss you." Jiang Chen said.


Lu Zhi suddenly cried out, tearing and hitting Jiang Chen.

Hateful bastard, why did you treat her like that?Why did you play tricks on her like that when you clearly understood what she was thinking?

Jiang Chen stood still, allowing Lu Zhi to be beaten, just looked at Lu Zhi and smiled.

"Jiang Chen, I hate you to death." Lu Zhi opened her mouth and bit Jiang Chen's shoulder forcefully.

Then, Lu Zhi tightly hooked Jiang Chen's neck with both hands, and offered her passionate kiss proactively and clumsily.

Ziyu tried on several clothes in a row, and it took about ten minutes before Jiang Chen and Luzhi appeared.

Jiang Chen entered the store alone, and Luzhi stood outside the door. Looking from a distance, Ziyu noticed that Luzhi's condition had improved a lot. She looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, not understanding what Jiang Chen had done to Luzhi. What, it actually works like this.

An hour later, when he realized that he had bought too much, Ziyu stopped shopping and returned to his residence. This night, Jiang Chen stayed in Ziyu and Luzhi's room logically.

At night, Ziyu took a shower and appeared in the bathroom in pajamas. Jiang Chen walked over, picked up Ziyu, and put him on the bed.

The two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time, and Ziyu had a long-lasting body. As soon as Jiang Chen hugged her, her delicate body trembled and went limp, and she collapsed into Jiang Chen's embrace.

Jiang Chen indulged himself on Ziyu's body, Ziyu bit his lips tightly, not letting himself make a shameful sound, it was just a physical reaction, and she couldn't control it at all, there was still an intermittent moaning sound coming from his throat came from the depths.

"Jiang Chen, why don't you just ask for Lu Zhi?" Zi Yu, who felt that she was about to be tortured to death by Jiang Chen, blurted out...

(End of this chapter)

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