genius evil

Chapter 878 My name is Jiang Chen

Chapter 878 My name is Jiang Chen
Jiang Chen originally wanted to spend more time with Zi Yu, but he left early the next morning and returned to his residence.

Sometimes, a woman's IQ can be underestimated, but a woman's intuition must never be underestimated. The most terrible thing is that a woman's intuition is often terrifyingly accurate!
Although Ziyu didn't know what happened between him and Luzhi, he had already noticed the clues just by relying on his intuition.

With that sentence, you should have taken Lv Zhi, and almost killed Jiang Chen.

If Ziyu hadn't said anything else after saying this sentence, Jiang Chen would have run away last night.

On Jiang Chen's side, just after returning to Capital University, Luzhi's phone call came in.

"Jiang Chen, you bastard." After swearing, Luzhi hung up the phone.

Jiang Chen laughed, women's problems are solved internally by women, he is a big man, so it's better not to get involved.

But after Luzhi hung up the phone, another call came in, it was Nangong Hua.

"Jiang Chen, Vice Principal Pan Ting is looking for you, where are you now?" Nangong Hua's voice came as soon as the call was connected.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"I heard that Pan Zijing died. It seems that you are now suspected of being the murderer. Jiang Chen, tell me, is Pan Zijing's death really related to you?" Nangong Hua said with a low breath.

"Of course it's irrelevant. How could such a gentle and kind person like me kill someone?" Jiang Chen flatly denied it.

Just kidding, how stupid is he to admit that he has something to do with him?
After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen frowned.

He did some tricks on Pan Zijing, but it wouldn't be fatal so quickly. On the surface, Pan Zijing was beaten badly by him that day, but in fact it was just minor injuries.

Unexpectedly, Pan Zijing would die so soon, making him the biggest suspect.It has to be said that he overestimated Pan Zijing's physical fitness.

Jiang Chen lazily wasted his time and energy on some trivial matter, so he called Sun Haoyang and asked Sun Haoyang to ask someone to take care of it.

Not long after, Qin Wenyan called and told him that on Monday, he would report back to Tianzu. Jiang Chen had nothing to do, so he drove the Range Rover that Qian Fugui had given him to Tianzu.

The Tianzu gave Jiang Chen very free arrangements for his work. Basically, he didn't give Jiang Chen any restrictions.

But there are two points that Jiang Chen must do.

The first is to appear in the sky group once a week. Unless the person is not in the capital or performing tasks in other places, they must not make excuses for not showing up.

The second is that Jiang Chen needs to formulate an effective training method based on the members of his team.

After Jiang Chen reported, he went to the captain's office of the Huozi Mobile Squad under Qin Wenyan's leadership.

"In the past, Huo Jiancheng was doing the daily training tasks of the Huozi mobile team, and Fei Haiyuan took over later. It didn't take long, which means that the daily training tasks of the team members were abandoned after Huo Jiancheng's death. So now, you have to Make a training plan as soon as possible." Qin Wenyan said to Jiang Chen.

"What is the main purpose of the training? Self-protection or killing?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Which one are you good at?" Qin Wenyan asked.

"Kill." Jiang Chen grinned.

"Then train according to what you are good at," Qin Wenyan said.

Inside the Tian Group, there are four mobile teams in Fenghuolinshan. Each team has a different training focus, and no one will interfere with Jiang Chen's normal training arrangements, especially Qin Wenyan.

Moreover, Qin Wenyan believes that killing people is the best way to protect themselves.

If you can't even kill someone, how can you protect yourself?
"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel like stepping into a deep pit. I hope you don't trick me too hard." Jiang Chen sighed.

It was agreed before, to report once a week, and then there is no need to go out to fight and kill, and you will be idle with a monthly salary of [-].

The speed of this change of mind is a bit too fast.

"Since it's here, it's safe." Qin Wenyan said with a smile.

A talent like Jiang Chen, now that he has entered the Sky Group, naturally must be used to the best of his abilities. Although Jiang Chen was given a lot of freedom in the early stage, Qin Wenyan knew very well that it was only temporary.

After all, it would be a huge waste if Jiang Chen was left unused.

In the office, a little girl was cleaning. When she saw Qin Wenyan, she respectfully called Captain Qin.

"His name is Jiang Chen, your new captain." Qin Wenyan introduced to the little girl.

"Hello, Captain Jiang, my name is Qiu Xiaoyi." The little girl said immediately, with a articulate tongue that was very flattering.

"Xiaoyi, I will take your Captain Jiang to give a formal introduction to all the members of the Huozi Mobile Squad in a while, and you should inform everyone to gather in 10 minutes." Qin Wenyan ordered.

Qiu Xiaoyi nodded and went down quickly.

"Are there many female members in the fire character mobile team?" Jiang Chen asked Qin Wenyan.

"Not much." Qin Wenyan said vaguely.

"Not many, how much?" Jiang Chen asked, he felt that if there were a few more female players like Qiu Xiaoyi, it would look very good, at least it would look pleasing to the eye, wouldn't it?

How boring would it be if they were all old men?

"There are two in total, Qiu Xiaoyi is one, and the other is Liu Ying." Qin Wenyan saw Jiang Chen asking the bottom line, so he had no choice but to satisfy Jiang Chen's curiosity.

"Liu Ying is a good name. Is he beautiful? I know he can't compare with you. How does he compare with Qiu Xiaoyi?" Jiang Chen asked with great interest.

A mobile team with only two female members is undoubtedly too few, but it is better than nothing, at least, besides Qiu Xiaoyi, there is also Liu Ying, right?
Qiu Xiaoyi wasn't pretty, but she was clean and pleasing to the eye, and her hands and feet were nimble. Jiang Chen felt that if this Liu Ying was a beautiful woman, there were only two female players, but they were about the same.

"You'll know in a while, it's not easy to say on my side." Qin Wenyan said in embarrassment.

Ten minutes later, when Qin Wenyan showed up at the training ground and pointed to a girl for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen finally understood why Qin Wenyan couldn't explain it.

That girl is Liu Ying.

Very tall, nearly 1.9 meters tall, far beyond ordinary people.

Being tall is of course not a disadvantage, but what is worse is that Liu Ying is still very fat. Judging by her weight, she must be over 150 kg.

There are no obvious defects in the facial features, but it is difficult to find any bright spots.

To put it simply, any fat people who are popular nowadays are potential stocks, and it must have nothing to do with Liu Ying. Even if she loses weight, she is just an ordinary girl.

After Huo Jiancheng's death, the stall of the Huozi Mobile Squad was handed over to Fei Haiyuan, and Fei Haiyuan died shortly after taking over. So recently, all the tasks were carried out by the other three mobile teams. All members of the mobile team stayed in the base.

Including the two members Qiu Xiaoyi and Liu Ying, there were a total of thirty members. After Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan appeared, everyone's attention subconsciously fell on Jiang Chen, staring at Jiang Chen. stand up.

Although, the cause of Fei Haiyuan's death was strictly sealed within the Tianzu, and it was not leaked out, but it was not completely blocked. Many members of the Huozi Mobile Squad knew that Fei Haiyuan died right in front of his eyes. This man named Jiang Chen teenager hands.

What's more dramatic is that Jiang Chen killed Fei Haiyuan, the former captain of the Huozi Mobile Squad, but he himself assumed the post of Huozi Mobile Team Captain.

Jiang Chen was very famous in the capital, and even more so within the Tianzu.

Before Jiang Chen joined the Tian Group, Jiang Chen was once the key surveillance object of the Tian Group.

However, although everyone had more or less access to some information about Jiang Chen, this was the first time they had seen Jiang Chen himself.

They were all very interested in Jiang Chen, and wanted to see how this famous young man was different, or how he was different from the rumors from the outside world.

Jiang Chen graciously let them watch, and after 2 minutes, he said: "Maybe, everyone here has heard of my name a long time ago, but I still decided to introduce myself For a moment, my name is Jiang Chen, and from today onwards, I will be your new captain."

"From now on, you can call me by my name directly, you can also call me Captain Jiang, or you can call me handsome guy." After a pause, Jiang Chen continued.

Qin Wenyan listened to Jiang Chen's words, and nodded in satisfaction. Jiang Chen's self-introduction was not bright, but fortunately, it can be heard that Jiang Chen has no resistance to such an arrangement, and he quickly entered the role. quick.

"Captain Jiang, do you think that your way of speaking is very humorous?" Just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a voice that was neither yin nor yang suddenly sounded.

The person speaking was a man in his thirties who was looking at Jiang Chen with a smile on his face. Qin Wenyan knew this man, his name was Feng Dong.

"Feng Dong, who told you to speak? Shut your mouth." Immediately, Qin Wenyan said sharply.

"Captain Qin, do you think there's anything wrong with what I said? Originally, I didn't think Captain Jiang's words were humorous at all. On the contrary, I thought he looked like a clown who had once gained power." Feng Dong said calmly.

"I told you to shut up, didn't you hear?" Qin Wenyan glared at him with a stern voice.

"Captain Qin, you are the captain of the Fengzi Mobile Squad, but I am not a member of the Fengzi Mobile Squad. I didn't obey your orders when I was not performing tasks. I shouldn't have violated discipline, right?" Feng Dong said leisurely.

Qin Wenyan's face was livid, Feng Dong's words were not wrong, indeed he had never violated discipline, but Feng Dong's attitude made Qin Wenyan very annoyed.

"So, you mean, you should obey my orders, right or wrong?" Jiang Chen gave Qin Wenyan a look, signaling Qin Wenyan to calm down.

Since this Feng Dong is targeting him, it is natural for him to solve this matter by himself.

"That's right." After being silent for a while, Feng Dong nodded reluctantly.

"Slap the mouth, one hundred slaps, start right away." After getting Feng Dong's response, Jiang Chen's expression darkened suddenly, and he said in a cold voice!

(End of this chapter)

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