genius evil

Chapter 879 Teach You To Kill

Chapter 879 Teach You To Kill

"Jiang Chen, why do you tell me to slap your mouth? You are avenging your own private revenge." Feng Dong did not expect that Jiang Chen would issue such an order, his face changed drastically, and he said angrily.

"Here, there is no such thing as public or private. Every word I say is an order." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"Captain Jiang, you have gone too far. This is public revenge."

"That's right, this is too much, Captain Jiang, you are bullying people."

"Captain Jiang, even if what Feng Dong said is not pleasant, it is undeniable that what he said is the truth, isn't it?"

Although Jiang Chen was unquestionable, it still aroused suspicion, and there were still several people who doubted it.

Qin Wenyan's face was very ugly. What's going on with each of these guys? Could it be that Jiang Chen is a newcomer and wants to give Jiang Chen a blow?

But don't they know Jiang Chen's personality?

This is simply looking for death, really angered Jiang Chen, they will deal with it badly in the future, even if Jiang Chen directly kills, no one can stop him.

"It's interesting, I like people to have different opinions the most." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Come on, tell me your names."

"Dong Shuai."

"Huang Deng."

"Shang Jipeng."

"Shin Jimin."

The few people who stood up and sang against each other reported their names.

"Very good, I have memorized the names of the four of you. Now, the four of you can slap a hundred with Feng Dong. Or, let me help you." Jiang Chen ordered.

"Captain Jiang, did we do something wrong?" Dong Shuai said unconvinced.

"Dong Shuai, you don't need to talk nonsense with him, I think he is determined to avenge himself today." Feng Dong said.


Jiang Chen appeared in front of Feng Dong one step at a time, raised his hand and slapped Feng Dong's face, half of Feng Dong's face turned red and swollen.

"It's been a while, let me help you guys." Jiang Chen said lightly, raised his hand, and slapped Feng Dong on the face again.

"There are still 98 slaps, you need to count them clearly, otherwise, don't blame me for taking too many." After the second slap, Jiang Chen said.

While talking, Jiang Chen slapped Feng Dong's face like a violent storm.

A hundred slaps seemed like a lot, but in less than 2 minutes, Jiang Chen slapped them all.

When Jiang Chen finished his last slap, Feng Dong fell straight on the ground, passed out, and that face couldn't see the original appearance at all, even a pig's head praised him.

Naturally, this was the result of Jiang Chen trying to be merciful, otherwise, a slap in the face by Jiang Chen would be enough to slap Feng Dong to death.

Feng Dong fell to the ground, and the faces of all the members of the Fire Character mobile team changed drastically, especially those who had sang against Jiang Chen, they looked at Jiang Chen one by one, full of horror.

Jiang Chen was too ruthless, saying that a hundred slaps is a hundred slaps is no discount at all.

They could all see that, in fact, Feng Dong had been slapped unconscious a long time ago, but Jiang Chen slapped his face too fast, and he slapped him left and right. Chen woke up soberly, and it wasn't until the hundred slaps were finished that Feng Dong was able to fall to the ground.

"You four don't do anything yet, do you want me to help you?" Jiang Chen didn't care what they thought of him, and said with a half-smile.

How could Dong Shuai and the others dare to ask Jiang Chen to help them, otherwise their fate would definitely not be better than Feng Dong's, and they couldn't help but regret why they wanted to stand out, this is really looking for death.

The four looked at each other in dismay, each gritted their teeth, and bowed left and right on their faces.

"The rest of you should do a thousand push-ups on the spot, and move quickly." Jiang Chen shouted in a low voice.

No one dared to question Jiang Chen's order anymore. After hearing the sound, the remaining 25 team members quickly fell to the ground and did push-ups.

"You four, after you finish slapping your mouth, leapfrog on the spot a thousand times." Jiang Chen said to Dong Shuai and the others again.

After issuing these two orders, Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan returned to the office.

"That Feng Dong was brought in by Huo Jiancheng from outside, and Huo Jiancheng also thinks highly of him." Qin Wenyan poured Jiang Chen a glass of water and said to Jiang Chen.

The four of Dong Shuai are almost in the same situation.

The Huozi mobile team, on the surface, is a whole, but naturally there will inevitably be small teams, and the other mobile teams are almost the same.

Then, Qin Wenyan said: "If you think that Feng Dong and the others are not suitable to stay in the Huozi mobile team, you can apply to transfer them away."

"Daily training is too boring. It's good to have a few people let me have fun. You must not transfer them away." Jiang Chen said.

"Aren't you afraid that they will cause you trouble?" Qin Wenyan asked.

"What I'm most afraid of is that they won't trouble me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

If every team member is honest and obedient, Jiang Chen will feel bored if he dares to go east and west. Of course, if Feng Dong and the others dare to sing against him after the whole day today, he will He will look up to a few of them.

"So you are looking for trouble for them?" Qin Wenyan said vigilantly.

Small punishments and small punishments are fine, but it would be bad if Jiang Chen killed people.

"Ask Miss Yan, are you doubting my character?" Jiang Chen was unhappy.

Qin Wenyan thought to himself that your character is very questionable. After all, among the four major mobile squads, and all the captains in the past, which captain gave the first order to let the team members slap their mouths?
When Jiang Chen appeared at the training base again in the afternoon, thirty team members were all waiting there.

They all completed the instructions given by Jiang Chen, but except for Feng Dong who was sent away for treatment, no one dared to leave before Jiang Chen gave the order to disband.

Everyone, not to mention eating lunch, didn't even drink a sip of water, it can be said that they complained endlessly.

Especially the four of Dong Shuai, who were unanimously targeted by the rest of the people. After all, if they hadn't jumped out to sing the opposite, how could Jiang Chen, who is so good, punish everyone?
"Are you hungry?" Jiang Chen glanced at everyone and asked.

"Hungry." Liu Ying rubbed her stomach and whispered.

"Aside from Liu Ying, is anyone else hungry?" Jiang Chen asked again.

This time, no one said anything.

"Not hungry, right? Liu Ying, I'll give you half an hour now to solve the problem of eating, and come back after eating." Jiang Chen said.

Liu Ying was overjoyed. When he listened to Jiang Chen's question for the second time but no one responded, he thought Jiang Chen would punish him, so he was very uneasy. Unexpectedly, he could go to dinner.

Liu Ying happily ran away, and the rest of the people were all sitting on their stomachs. What does Jiang Chen mean by this? He played cards out of common sense.

If they had known earlier that they could eat if they were hungry, why would they not say a word?
It was purely because they were frightened by Jiang Chen's methods in the morning, and worried that Jiang Chen would punish him, so no one dared to speak.

"Since none of you are hungry, we will start a small training mission." Having said that, Jiang Chen grinned and asked, "Have you ever killed anyone?"

In modern society, killing people is undoubtedly out of reach for ordinary people.

However, most of the members of the Tian group came into contact with ancient martial arts practitioners. Although killing people is not the norm, it is definitely not uncommon.

When Jiang Chen asked this question, a small half of the members nodded.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, Qiu Xiaoyi, who seemed to be well-behaved, had actually killed someone before.

"Then, will you kill people?" Jiang Chen asked again.

One has killed people, and the other has killed people.

The two questions were asked together, which made everyone puzzled.

In their view, whether they have killed people or not, killing people is not a very difficult thing or something that requires unique skills to do.

Especially for some members who have killed more than one person, they feel that Jiang Chen's second question is very inexplicable.

After all, if they can't kill people, how did they kill people before?It can't be that the other party can't figure out the suicide, can it?

"It seems that each of you thinks you can kill someone, right?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "All 29 of you, attack me together now, remember, use your best killing methods, and try your best to kill me." attack my vitals, I will stand here without moving, and you don't have to worry about me fighting back, come on!"

When the last word came out from the depths of Jiang Chen's throat, it almost sounded like an explosion. Everyone was blown into a daze, and almost involuntarily rushed towards Jiang Chen, launching the most violent attack.

Among them, Dong Shuai is the most important.

It was Jiang Chen himself who said to stand still, and it was Jiang Chen who said he would not fight back. No one forced Jiang Chen, everything was done voluntarily by Jiang Chen, so if Jiang Chen was injured or killed by them, Jiang Chen deserved it.

The four of Dong Shuai had the most resentment, and the rest of the members also had a lot of resentment towards Jiang Chen. Each of them did a thousand push-ups with overload, and they didn't even eat lunch. Furious, since Jiang Chen gave them the opportunity to spread their anger, how could he be polite to Jiang Chen.

All of a sudden, a group of people swarmed up, attacking Jiang Chen's vital parts.

"Ping ping pong pong..."

After a messy meal, accompanied by a messy scream, in less than a minute, all the people who rushed to attack Jiang Chen became a mess.

In this short period of 1 minute, each of them was attacked at least twice, some were unlucky, they were attacked more than ten times, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they were extremely miserable.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen, who stood motionless and did not fight back, was unscathed, as if these 29 people were not trying to attack Jiang Chen just now, but killing each other.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being dumbfounded, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

It would be fine if Jiang Chen moved or fought back, but the problem is, Jiang Chen didn't move or fight back at all, he just stood there from the beginning to the end.

"Are you sure now that you really know how to kill people?" Jiang Chen asked, ignoring the foolish people.

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Jiang Chen said slowly: "From today, there is only one training task for you, and that is to kill people with the most effective means in the shortest possible time, and I will teach you how to kill people!"

(End of this chapter)

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