genius evil

Chapter 880 I'm Notoriously Serious

Chapter 880 I'm Notoriously Serious

Jiang Chen stayed at the Tianzu base for a whole day. In the morning, he was a little playful. In the afternoon, he was officially engaged in daily training.

"Jiang Chen, you did it on purpose, right?" In the evening, after Jiang Chen returned to the office after training, Qin Wenyan couldn't help asking.

"What intentional?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"In the morning, Feng Dong and the others made things difficult for you. Did you make them slap you on purpose? Was it also intentional to ask the other members to do push-ups?" Qin Wenyan asked in more detail.

"Ask Miss Yan, under what circumstances do you think a person is most vicious?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Qin Wenyan's question, but asked.

"Of course it's when you hate another person." Qin Wenyan said without thinking.

"So, if you say that I did it on purpose, it can almost be considered intentional, because I want to see where their true potential is when they are pushed to the extreme one by one." Jiang Chen said.

"As for the result, are you disappointed or satisfied?" Qin Wenyan just smiled. Sure enough, Jiang Chen did it on purpose.

This guy, always playing cards inadvertently and unreasonably, led everyone by the nose to follow him. Unexpectedly, some people were led by the nose by him, and they still didn't understand what happened.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lie?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Truth." Qin Wenyan said, no matter how nice a lie is, what's the point?It is better not to listen.

"The truth is, they are all rubbish in my eyes." Jiang Chen said.

"Huh?" Frowning, Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

When Jiang Chen asked her if she wanted to listen to the truth or lies, Qin Wenyan thought that what Jiang Chen was going to say might not be pleasant to hear, but what Jiang Chen said was too unpleasant.

And you must know that there are strict selection criteria for anyone entering the sky group. Although not everyone is outstanding, in Qin Wenyan's view, they will not be reduced to rubbish.

"Why do you say that?" Qin Wenyan asked in surprise.

"This is my most honest opinion." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Jiang Chen's vision is so high, although it is very unfair and unreasonable to evaluate these players with his vision.

But compared to the earth, the laws of the cultivation world are more cruel. Others have higher talents and resources than you, which is very unreasonable in itself.

What's more, in this world, how can there be so many reasons to talk about?
"So, what about the next training arrangement?" Qin Wenyan asked, a little worried that Jiang Chen would choose to strike out of dissatisfaction with the team members.

"It is obviously impossible to turn rubbish into gold, but it is obviously not a very difficult thing to turn rubbish into less rubbish," Jiang Chen said.

Qin Wenyan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Jiang Chen didn't go on strike, he could say anything.

Jiang Chen didn't intend to spend the night in the Tianzu. After dealing with Qin Wenyan, he drove back to Capital University.

Jiang Chen had just driven the car to the downstairs of the dormitory, when he got out of the car, he saw Nangong Hua hurried over.

Seeing Jiang Chen, Nangong Hua couldn't help but blame: "Jiang Chen, why can't your phone get through?"

"The battery is out, what's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Before, wasn't Vice Principal Pan Ting looking for you? Later, I don't know what happened. Vice Principal Pan Ting was taken away. I think the situation is a bit complicated..." Nangong Hua said.

"Worried about me having an accident?" Jiang Chen smiled, grabbed Nangong Hua's hand, and said, "Don't worry, accidents may happen to everyone, and nothing will happen to me."

"Big words." Nangong Hua rolled her eyes.

However, Vice President Pan Ting was taken away, and there is no news until now, but Jiang Chen is safe and sound. This allows Nangong Hua to be sure that Jiang Chen is really all right, so he can feel at ease.

Jiang Chen grabbed her hand, Nangong Hua struggled a little, but seeing that she couldn't break free, she had no choice but to let Jiang Chen hold her.

"Miss Nangong, when do you think we will go to your rental house again?" Jiang Chen asked while playing with Nangong Hua's little hand.

Nangong Hua was a little ambiguous when she heard what Jiang Chen said, thinking that Jiang Chen was talking about sex, her face blushed, and she said, "I can't do it these days, my one is here."

"When that comes, can't you draw?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

Nangong Hua was terribly ashamed, of course she could draw when she came, but she was too embarrassed to explain to Jiang Chen, and muttered, "Let's talk about it in a few days. If I'm in good shape, I'll ask you to go."

"Nangong beauty, in fact, you don't need to be in a good state to do that kind of thing." Jiang Chen reminded.

"How can you draw well if you don't have a state of painting?" Nangong Hua said.

"Oh, I'm talking about sex, it doesn't matter if you're out of shape, anyway, I'm always there." Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

Nangong Hua blushed again, thinking that Jiang Chen was really too bad. When she said east, Jiang Chen said west, and when she said west, Jiang Chen said east.

After all, no matter what she said, Jiang Chen would eventually get in, and she couldn't get out no matter what.

"I'm not as leisurely as you. I'm very busy with schoolwork." Nangong Hua muttered.

"No matter how busy the schoolwork is, you have to combine work and rest. For example, dancing, or asking Miss Wanxi to play Xiao Xiao to cheer up the fun, I think it will be more efficient when you study." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I'm going to die." Nangong Hua couldn't help scolding Jiang Chen.

This guy actually still remembers blowing the flute. Could it be that he was really thinking about Gu Wanxi blowing the flute for him? He would be ashamed to death?

"Nangong beauty, is there something wrong with dancing and playing the flute?" Jiang Chen asked innocently.

"No, but you are not allowed to say any more." Nangong Hua stomped her feet and said, her ears turned red.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said: "The beauty playing the flute, how poetic and artistic, what are you thinking about in your head, it's too impure."

Nangong Huai was so angry that Jiang Chen was clearly the most impure, so he beat him up.

"Handsome guy, I'm going outside for a while, can you drive me?" Jiang Chen was teasing Nangong Hua, when suddenly a delicate voice came.

Jiang Chen followed the sound and saw a girl with long legs and big breasts walking over, looking at her with a smile.

"Are you talking to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Handsome guy, are there any other boys here?" the girl said, "I don't know if you have time? The road is not far away. If you drive, you can get there in about 10 minutes."

"Deng Yashu, won't you walk so close by yourself? Or call a taxi. If you don't have any money, would you like me to lend you some?" Nangong Hua said coldly.

"Nangonghua, I didn't provoke you when I talked to this handsome guy." The girl named Deng Yashu said.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what your plan is." Nangong Hua snorted coldly.

"I just saw that this handsome guy happened to have a car, so I just wanted him to give it to me. What can I do? Could it be that I can still eat this handsome guy?" Deng Yashu smiled coquettishly.

"You know what the idea is. Anyway, Jiang Chen definitely doesn't have time to see you off. Go away quickly, I don't want to see you." Nangong Hua said coldly.

"Whether you have time or not is not up to you, handsome guy, are you right?" Deng Yashu cast a wink at Jiang Chen.

"Do I have to have time?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Handsome guy, it's only 10 minutes. You shouldn't be short of time." Deng Yashu said.

"Did you learn your math from your physical education teacher? Go for 10 minutes, come for 10 minutes, a total of 10 minutes." Jiang Chen corrected.

Deng Yashu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would argue with her on these insignificant details, and immediately said with a smile: "So handsome, can you spare me 10 minutes? Please."

"No, my girlfriend will be angry." Jiang Chen pulled Nangong Hua into his arms and said seriously.

Deng Yashu touched her nose, and reluctantly walked away, until Deng Yashu disappeared from sight, Nangong Hua let out a small sigh of relief, and left Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Nangong beauty, that Deng Yashu is not as good as you, and not as beautiful as you, why are you so nervous?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"That's because you don't know her well. This woman is not simple." Nangong Hua said.

"Are you good at stealing other people's boyfriends?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Ask knowingly." Nangong Hua murmured.

Otherwise, why should she be nervous?

Moreover, if it was a serious girl, how could she rashly let a strange man drive her off?Wouldn't this be delivered to someone's door to take advantage of it?

"Miss Nangong, do you care too much about me, or do you not have confidence in yourself?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"I don't have no confidence in myself." Nangong Hua refused to admit it, and said, "Anyway, if there is another time, you just reject her."

"That is to say, you don't have confidence in me? Could it be that I look like that kind of casual man?" Jiang Chen said sadly.

Nangong Hua smiled and said, "You're not a serious person anyway."

If Jiang Chen was a serious person, how could he take the initiative to undress in front of her within a few days of knowing each other, and take off her clothes by the way?
Thinking about it this way, Nangong Hua felt that something was wrong again. Although Jiang Chen was not serious, she didn't seem to be that serious either.It was clearly unknowingly, being led to ruin by Jiang Chen.

"You're wrong. I'm notoriously serious. Since you misunderstood me too deeply, I decided to find a hotel room and have a serious talk." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, I just said, mine is here." Nangong Hua whispered.

"Uh, beauty Nangong, why do I feel that the one who is not serious is you?" Jiang Chen said.

Nangong Hua covered her face with her hands, and walked fast, she was ashamed to see Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen laughed, thinking about the girl named Deng Yashu just now, if I remember correctly, this Deng Yashu also seems to be one of the top ten campus beauty rankings of Capital University, but she is the last one, a junior this year.

"The forest is so big, there are really all kinds of birds." Jiang Chen sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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