genius evil

Chapter 881 The Taste of Regret

Chapter 881 The Taste of Regret

What Deng Yashu was going to was a bar not far from the school. Deng Yashu often came to this bar, so he could be regarded as a regular customer.

There were several men and women sitting at a table in the bar. When they saw Deng Yashu coming, they waved to Deng Yashu.

Deng Yashu walked over, threw herself into the arms of a young man, and said with a coquettish smile, "I'm not late, am I?"

"It's just right, let's drink." The young man said.

"Drinking and so on, Tian Tao, did you tell me last time that you have a friend who wants to find a student girl in Beijing University to be a surrogate?"

"That's right, what's the matter, someone has chosen?" The young man named Tian Tao asked after taking a sip of his wine.

"There is a suitable candidate. When I talked to her last time, she refused, but recently something happened to her family and she urgently needed money, so she reluctantly agreed." Deng Yashu said.

"It takes money to do things well, otherwise, it would be hard to talk about finding such a person." Tian Tao smiled and said, "How does he look like, and how is his academic performance?"

"Don't worry, I understand your friend's request. A beauty at the school beauty level is still an art student. She is guaranteed to be satisfied... But she also has her own pride. She must pay first before she is willing to meet. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about it." Deng Yashu said.

"Have you asked, how much does it cost?" Tian Tao said.

"Two million, not a penny less. As I said just now, something happened to her family. She is a serious girl. If she had no other choice, how could she be willing to come out and do such a thing?" Deng Yashu sighed tone.

"200 million?" Tian Tao frowned and said, "You guys play first, I'll go out and make a phone call, and I'll be back later."

A few minutes later, Tian Tao came back from the outside and said: "My friend said that 200 million is fine, provided that there is nothing wrong with the information you provided, otherwise you will know it. Don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

"It's 100% no problem. I'll send you the photos later. If your friend is satisfied after seeing the photos, he can pay first and I'll arrange a time for them to meet. What do you think?" Deng Yashu said.

"No problem, I'll just wait for your photo." Tian Tao said.

Deng Yashu smiled sweetly, offered a glass of wine to Tian Tao, and said in her heart: "Nangonghua, aren't you afraid that I will rob your boyfriend? The more you are afraid, the more I want to rob you, but I want to see, what do you do?" Fight with me!"

That night, after Deng Yashu returned to her bedroom, she asked someone for a candid photo of Nangong Hua's face, and sent it to Tian Tao immediately.

The following transactions went smoothly, and within an hour, 210 million was transferred to Deng Yashu's account.

According to the verbal agreement, the extra 200 yuan is the introduction fee for Deng Yashu, and the other [-] million yuan will be given to the parties through Deng Yashu's hands.

There was no so-called party involved at all, but it was all compiled by Deng Yashu, so Deng Yashu put a lot of money into his own pocket.

Then, Deng Yashu began to plan how to lure Nangonghua into the Internet.

Since the relationship between her and Nangonghua is very bad, it is definitely not possible to come forward in person. She has to find someone Nangonghua can trust.

However, this naturally did not trouble Deng Yashu. Because Nangonghua is very popular and has many friends, Deng Yashu easily found a suitable partner, and made a phone call, saying that she had something to talk to Nangonghua , but I can't make an appointment with Nangong Hua, so let me make an appointment.

By the way, the time has been set, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, it will be at eight o'clock tomorrow night.

The next night, at around seven o'clock, Nangonghua received a call. The caller asked her to borrow a picture book and told her to wait at the school gate, hoping to send it there. It was urgent.

It's normal for you to borrow mine and I borrow yours. Nangong Hua didn't think much about it. She took the album from the table and walked towards the school gate.

"Nangonghua, this way." Nangonghua just appeared at the school gate when she saw Deng Yashu standing there. She wanted to go around a bit, but Deng Yashu saw her first and greeted her.

"What's the matter?" Nangong Hua said reluctantly.

"The album, give it to me." Deng Yashu stretched out her hand.

"Didn't Guo Xia ask for it? How did it become you?" Nangong Hua frowned. If she had known in the morning that Deng Yashu wanted to borrow it, she would definitely not have borrowed it, causing her to waste time and run so far.

"Nangonghua, why are you so stingy? It's just a picture book, how much money can you have? I was worried that you would not borrow it, so I asked Guo Xia to call you, hurry up, I'm really I need it urgently." Deng Yashu said.

"You don't study oil painting, what do you want this album for?" Nangong Hua asked.

"Don't worry about it. I'm useful anyway. I haven't found it in many places. At worst, I'll buy it from you. That's okay, right?" Deng Yashu said.

How could Nangonghua want Deng Yashu's money, so she reluctantly handed the album to Deng Yashu, and said, "If there is nothing else, I'll go first... Besides, I don't want this album, so I can give it to you."

"Give it to me? When did it become so good?" Deng Yashu smiled and said, "Don't worry about leaving, you send me the album, how about I treat you to something to eat? My friend's car is parked there, I Take you to eat delicious food."

While talking, Deng Yashu couldn't help but dragged Nangonghua to the car parking place. Nangonghua tried her best to break away from Deng Yashu, and said unhappily, "No, you have to go by yourself."

"I really don't understand, how did you find a boyfriend with such a bad temper." Deng Yashu said, pulling Nangong Hua back again, and beckoning quietly to the parking place of the car.

The car door opened, and two people rushed over from the car. Without a word, they picked up Nangong Hua, stuffed them into the car, and drove away.

Nangong Hua was taken to a villa. She was in a daze along the way, thinking it was Deng Yashu's prank.

It wasn't until a middle-aged man appeared in front of her and looked at her like he was looking at goods that Nangong Hua realized that things were more than ten thousand times more complicated than she had imagined.

"Who are you?" Nangong Hua asked, staring at the middle-aged man.

"I'm your employer, you can call me Lao Wan." The middle-aged man said.

He has seen Nangonghua's photos, and just looking at the photos, he is already astonished. Now, when he sees Nangonghua himself, Lao Wan feels that Nangonghua's beauty makes him speechless.

Not to mention 200 million, even if it is 2000 million, Lao Wan still feels that the money is worth the money. This is definitely the most cost-effective investment he has made in his life.

Compared with his ups and downs in the stock market, Lao Wan feels that he can talk about this investment for a lifetime.

"What employer, I can't understand what you're talking about." Nangong Hua asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you already accept the 200 million? Little girl, don't try to play tricks in front of me." Lao Wan said unhappily.

"What 200 million?" Nangong Hua was even more confused.

What Lao Wan said meant that she was given 200 million, so she appeared here, so Lao Wan became her employer.

But these, to Nangong Hua, were all very unfamiliar terms.

"Deng Yashu, do you know him?" Lao Wan snorted.

"I don't want to know her at all." Nangong Hua said coldly.

"You have a stubborn temper." Lao Wan laughed and said, "I heard Deng Yashu say that you are a serious girl. If there is no accident at home and you are in urgent need of money, you would not come out to do such a thing. Now it seems that you really are in this way."

After a pause, Lao Wan continued: "But don't worry, I'm not a mean person. As long as you are honest and obedient, I will not treat you badly."

"Wait, can you tell me the specific situation, I don't understand anything at all now." Nangong Hua said.

Lao Wan frowned, isn't it obvious that he asked the question knowingly?
Or, is it out of girlish reserve?

After pondering for a while, Lao Wan still briefly explained the cause and effect of the whole incident. After Lao Wan finished speaking, Nangong Hua was shocked.

This was definitely not a prank, but she was accidentally sold by Deng Yashu for 200 million.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the panic in her heart, Nangong Hua tried her best to calm herself down, and said, "This matter is a complete misunderstanding, there is no so-called transaction, and I have no knowledge of the whole matter. You were all given by Deng Yashu. You lied. I'm leaving here now, don't stop me, or I'll call the police. "

"Take my money and want to leave, is there such an easy thing in this world?" Lao Wan was angry.

"Are you trying to detain me illegally? This is a crime. If I call the police, you will go to jail. I have never seen your 200 million. You shouldn't ask me for it. You gave it to Deng Yashu , you can go to her and ask her to come back." Nangong Hua said angrily.

This matter was so inexplicable that Nangong Hua couldn't understand why there would be such a stupid person being played around by Deng Yashu.

Nangong Hua felt that she was stupid enough to be played so miserably by Deng Yashu.

"You think the money is too little, right? It doesn't matter, I can add money to you, 200 million is not enough, 500 million, or 1000 million, 2000 million is also fine." Lao Wan said.

"It's not about money. Even if you give me [-] million, don't even think about it. You'd better not try to do anything to me, or you will regret it for the rest of your life, I swear." Nangong Hua warned.

"Regret? I, Lao Wan, have never regretted doing anything in my life. If possible, I would like to try it. What does regret feel like?" Follow Nangong Hua to grab it.

Nangong Hua took a step back, avoiding Lao Wan's hand, and rummaged through her pocket for her mobile phone to call the police, but soon, Nangong Hua remembered that when she left the dormitory, her mobile phone was on the table. Did not bring it out.

"What should I do?" Nangong Hua was anxious all of a sudden. This old Wan lived alone in such a big house, so it was impossible for her to have no security facilities at all. If no one came to rescue her, she would not be able to escape by herself.

"Are you sure, do you really want to taste regret?" But at this moment, a lazy voice suddenly sounded from inside the villa...

(End of this chapter)

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