genius evil

Chapter 882 Omniscient Omnipotent

Chapter 882 Omniscient Omnipotent
Hearing the sudden voice, Lao Wan was slightly startled. He didn't understand why there was another person in the villa. He raised his eyes to follow the sound, and saw a young man smiling at him with a smile on his face. Brilliant, with a gentle and harmless face.

But, for some reason, the brighter and more harmless the young man's smile, the more he gave Lao Wan a feeling of unreliability.

He stared at the young man for several times, and was about to ask who the young man was and why he appeared here. Before he could say anything, Nangong Hua exclaimed, "Jiang Chen, why are you here?"

Nangong Hua was both surprised and pleasantly surprised.

When she realized that she didn't bring her mobile phone, Nangong Hua almost felt a little desperate. She never thought that Jiang Chen would appear in such an incredible way.

It was Jiang Chen who came.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "I have a premonition that something is wrong with you, so I came here."

"I don't believe it." Nangong Hua giggled coquettishly, walked over, stood beside Jiang Chen, and said, "Solve the problem now, and we'll talk about it after we get out."

"Why don't you believe me? I am omniscient and omnipotent." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Okay, I know you're amazing." Nangong Hua stuck out her tongue mischievously, muttering that Jiang Chen's appearance was too strange, as if he really knew everything.

As for whether Jiang Chen is also omnipotent, that depends on Jiang Chen's next performance.

I hope that Jiang Chen's performance won't be too bad, otherwise, she will be very disappointed.

"Boy, are you this girl's boyfriend?" Lao Wan saw that Nangong Hua and Jiang Chen were quite intimate, and said in a deep voice.

"Good vision." Jiang Chen nodded.

"However, even if you are this girl's boyfriend, there is no way I will let you take her away tonight. I have already bought her for 200 million." Lao Wan said.


Like a ghost, Jiang Chen's figure suddenly appeared in front of Lao Wan, raised his hand and slapped Lao Wan's face heavily, and said displeasedly, "Shut up."


Lao Wan didn't even see how Jiang Chen moved, but he was slapped in the face by Jiang Chen, and feeling the pain on his cheek, he was angry and angry.

Lao Wan said sharply: "Boy, do you know who I am? How dare you do anything to me, believe it or not, I will prevent you from leaving this villa alive tonight."

"Are you threatening me?" Eyes narrowed, Jiang Chen smiled.

"Threatening you? What kind of thing are you? Is there anything worth threatening me? To put it more appropriately, it is to remind you not to be impulsive, let alone provoke me, otherwise the consequences will not be something you can bear." Lao Wan said, reaching out his hand, from In his pocket, he took out a pistol, and pointed the black muzzle straight at Jiang Chen.

Seeing the gun in Lao Wan's hand, Nangong Hua was startled, her expression changed, she rushed forward, stood in front of Jiang Chen, and shouted: "Jiang Chen, go quickly, leave me alone."

"Stop yelling, it's useless to yell louder, and no one can leave without my permission tonight." Lao Wan said grimly.

Originally, according to Lao Wan's script, he wanted to act as a gentleman in front of Nangonghua, and Nangonghua's beauty really deserved his more patience.

However, it's fine if Nangong Hua doesn't cooperate, and a man even rushed in rashly... In this case, even if Lao Wan wanted to maintain a gentleman's side, he couldn't do it.

Jiang Chen said what he just said was a threat, but the actual situation is that through Jiang Chen's slap, Lao Wan felt the threat from Jiang Chen.

Smart people never put themselves in danger.

Lao Wan always thought that he was a smart man, so naturally he would not let himself risk himself!
Therefore, he had to show his fangs and solve Jiang Chen's trouble first.

As for whether the process of solving the trouble will be too bloody and leave a psychological shadow on Nangonghua, Lao Wan is temporarily unable to care so much.

"Miss Nangong, I really didn't expect that your hair is short, but your knowledge is so short." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, be serious, I can tell that it's not a toy gun." Nangong Hua said anxiously.

"Toy gun?" Lao Wan laughed loudly, and said, "This young man, besides being impulsive, is also extra childish."

"It doesn't matter that young people are naive. It's hard for you to be so naive at such a young age. Do you think that a mere gun can stop me?" Jiang Chen said puzzled.

"Perhaps, you can try." Lao Wan said with a grin.

More or less, Lao Wan admired Jiang Chen's calmness.

Under the gunpoint, Nangong Hua's face turned pale from fright, but Jiang Chen was very calm from beginning to end, as if he didn't pay attention to the gun in his hand.

Lao Wan didn't know whether Jiang Chen was really calm or pretending to be calm, but it didn't matter, the moment he pulled the trigger, Jiang Chen would definitely show his original shape.

"We don't have to be impulsive, and you shouldn't be impulsive either. Don't shoot." Nangong Hua hurriedly said, stammering.

Rao is a girl who has never been too courageous, but for the first time in her life, being pointed at with a gun, no matter how courageous she is, she would still be terribly frightened.

"I'm sorry, I've already decided to be impulsive." Lao Wan grinned grimly.

"What a joke." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, why are you swearing?" Nangong Hua felt like crying.

At this time, the most important thing to do is to appease Lao Wan's emotions, let Lao Wan put down the gun in his hand, and then talk about something.

Jiang Chen cursed, if Lao Wan was angered and Lao Wan shot, both she and Jiang Chen would die today.

It doesn't matter if she died, but Jiang Chen only appeared to save her. If he died because of him, Nangong Hua's conscience would be disturbed for the rest of her life.

"Miss Nangong, relax, maybe you have forgotten what I said just now, besides being omniscient, I am also omnipotent." Jiang Chen said lightly.

While talking, Jiang Chen seemed to prove to Nangonghua that he was indeed omnipotent, and Jiang Chen disappeared in place again. When Jiang Chen reappeared, he had an extra gun in his hand.

Originally, Lao Wan's right hand holding the gun became empty, and the gun in his hand disappeared and appeared in Jiang Chen's hand.


Lao Wan felt like he was alive.

Just now Jiang Chen just slapped him before he could react, but this time, he actually took the gun away from his hand before he could react.

Lao Wan turned pale with shock. Is this young man a human or a ghost? How could he have such a terrifying speed?This is already far beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension.

Nangong Hua also looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief, to be precise, at the gun in Jiang Chen's hand.

This gun was obviously in Lao Wan's hands, so how could it be in Jiang Chen's hands in the blink of an eye?
You know, she is standing beside Jiang Chen, and she can see what Jiang Chen is going to do, but just blinked, and an incomparably miraculous thing happened.

"Jiang Chen, are you really omnipotent?" Nangong Hua said, mouth shut.

"Beauty Nangong, it's wrong to doubt your man's ability." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Nangong Hua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it wasn't that she had to doubt Jiang Chen's ability, it was that the word "omnipotent" contained too many meanings, so she had no choice but to doubt it.

"In the future, no matter what happens, Nangong Meimei, you must remember that I can take care of everything, you just need to watch the show." Jiang Chen said.

Nangong Hua nodded subconsciously. The future situation cannot be determined for the time being, but tonight, what she has to do next is indeed to watch a play.

The gun passed from Lao Wan's hand to Jiang Chen's, and the biggest threat was removed. In other words, it was no longer Lao Wan threatening her and Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen threatening Lao Wan.

"Young man, don't be impulsive." Lao Wan said stiffly, his expression changing.

"What? You are only allowed to be impulsive, and I am not allowed to be impulsive?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"I didn't mean that, I meant... I meant..." Lao Wan couldn't even finish his sentence in a hurry.

"Don't say anything, because I also decided to be impulsive." Jiang Chen interrupted Lao Wan unceremoniously, and then pulled the trigger.

Jiang Chen only fired one shot, and left the villa with Nangong Hua.

The security facilities of this villa are indeed very complete, but when Jiang Chen entered the villa, the security guards of the villa were all knocked out by Jiang Chen early in the morning and left aside.

The car Jiang Chen drove was parked at the gate of the villa. Jiang Chen opened the door, stuffed Nangong Hua inside, got in the car, and drove back to Capital University.

Nangong Hua turned into that dazed state again, even though Jiang Chen had covered her eyes with his hand when he fired the gun just now.

However, after just one shot, Lao Wan's voice was never heard again. Even if he didn't see it, Nangong Hua knew what happened.

Lao Wan was killed by Jiang Chen.


She personally experienced a murder incident, and the murderer was Jiang Chen, the man who might become her closest object.

Nangong Hua's mood was extremely complicated and extremely disturbed.

It was true that Jiang Chen killed someone, but it was also because of her that he killed someone.

Nangong Hua didn't know what to do. Her heart was in a mess, beating very fast, and she couldn't control it at all. Her face was even paler, her lips were trembling, and her body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Miss Nangong, do you think that people like Lao Wan shouldn't be killed?" Jiang Chen said softly.

"It's time to kill." Taking a deep breath, Nangong Hua said.

"Since it should be killed, why do you give me the feeling that you are going to call the police to arrest me every minute?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

Nangong Hua was at a loss for a moment, and looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes. After a while, with a slap, a teardrop rolled down along the delicate little face.

But soon, Nangong Hua wiped away the only teardrop, and said with a smile and tears, "Jiang Chen, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

(End of this chapter)

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