genius evil

Chapter 883

Chapter 883

Killing, no matter who it is, is destined not to be a fun thing.

The same is true for Jiang Chen.

Originally, Jiang Chen didn't necessarily want to kill Lao Wan. When Zhou Jinse called him and told him that Nangong Hua had been kidnapped, Jiang Chen knew by the way that the instigator of this incident tonight was Deng Yashu.

That is to say, 90.00% of the responsibility lies with Deng Yashu.

The one who deserves to be damned is definitely not Lao Wan, but Deng Yashu!
However, Lao Wan was too confident. He thought that with a gun in his hand, he could control everything, so he showed his ferocious fangs unscrupulously.

As everyone knows, if he didn't show his gun, Jiang Chen would at most just beat him up, and the moment he showed his gun, he was doomed to die tonight!

Nangong Hua really won't have a major event, Jiang Chen believes that Nangong Hua can bear it.

Moreover, when he shot Lao Wan, he intentionally covered Nangonghua's eyes, preventing Nangonghua from seeing the bloody scene.

Nangonghua only knew that he killed Lao Wan, and Nangonghua had never seen the process and result.

The reason why he felt scared was just a very normal reaction. Jiang Chen believed that after a few days, Nangong Hua would be able to calm down completely.

But Nangong Hua will be fine, but some people will be fine.

Near Capital University, about 10 minutes' drive from Capital University, there is a bar called Red Coral.

The style of the bar is not high, and the consumption is also two grades on the low side. Most of the people who come here to consume are students with a little spare money and white-collar workers who hunt for schoolgirls.

Tonight, the Red Coral Bar was a bit abnormal. Around nine o'clock in the evening, two supercars, one in front and one behind, stopped at the entrance of the bar.

Deng Yashu, who just came over from the capital university, saw these two luxury cars, and her eyes almost couldn't move.

Ordinary girls don't know much about cars, they only know a few luxury brands on the streets, but due to some reasons, Deng Yashu is different from ordinary girls. Brands can be said to be precious.

Deng Yashu recognized them at a glance. The two supercars were Bugatti Veyron and the Koenigsegg, which is rare even in Beijing.

Compared to these two top supercars, the Land Rover Range Rover that Jiang Chen drove was without a doubt instantly shattered.

"What's the situation tonight? How could such a rich person come to the Red Coral Bar?" Deng Yashu said in her heart, her mind suddenly became active.

Deng Yashu often came to the Red Coral Bar, sometimes to consume by herself, and sometimes to be taken to consume by others, but after coming so many times, it was the first time that she saw a car of this level parked at the door.

There is no doubt that the owners who can afford to drive this kind of supercar are all first-class top rich people.

After all, in the capital where the rich and powerful are everywhere, if it is not the top class of rich people, how can ordinary rich people be so flamboyant?

Bugatti Veyron and Koenigsegg stopped one after the other, the door opened, and two young men got out from the two cars respectively.

Deng Yashu's attention was completely focused on the man who came down from the Koenigsegg, because she knew that the Koenigsegg was even rarer than the Bugatti Veyron, which meant that the young man who drove the Koenigsegg was more rare than the Bugatti Veyron. A young man who drives a Bugatti Veyron has to be richer, more prestigious, and more background.

Since it was better, it was only natural that she would stare at the better one.

At this moment, Deng Yashu completely forgot that she had betrayed Nangonghua because she was rejected by Jiang Chen. What's more, she even forgot about Jiang Chen, and she focused all her attention on the young man who came down from Koenigsegg.

Deng Yashu's eyes widened, her breathing gradually became hot, her thoughts turned quickly, thinking of what to do to get the young man's attention.

Furthermore, how to give full play to one's own charm, and keep that young man in his own bed tonight.

Deng Yashu has always been confident in her beauty and figure, and she is also willing to give, knowing that she can't be a wolf if she doesn't want to bear her children.

"Ouch." Seeing the two young men approaching, Deng Yashu's body suddenly shortened, pretending to have twisted her foot, and let out a shallow groan.

"Young Master Sun, did you see that a woman sprained her ankle, here is your chance to show off." The young man driving the Koenigsegg said with a smile.

"Get out, I'm not interested in this kind of thing." Young Master Sun said.

"Are you sure you're not interested? Don't say I didn't give you a chance later." The young man who drove the Koenigsegg laughed.

"If I want such an opportunity, I will have it every minute. If you have money, don't pretend to be here, just take it if you want." Sun Dashao said.

These two are none other than Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang.

Qian Fugui smiled ripplingly, and said: "Young Master Sun, it is precisely because I know that you rarely have such an opportunity that I deliberately leave the opportunity to you. Since you are sure not to, then I will not be polite. gone."

While talking, Qian Fugui stepped forward, took a look at Deng Yashu, and said, "Beauty, come, let me help you, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to take advantage of you."

Deng Yashu just wanted Qian Fugui to help her, and Qian Fugui also came over. Hearing what Qian Fugui said, Deng Yashu groaned again and fell on Qian Fugui.

"What's the smell? It's so pungent. It smells too bad." It was Deng Yashu who moved, and Qian Fugui stepped back. Deng Yashu couldn't control her body, and fell to the ground, screaming.

"Is it the smell of my perfume?" Deng Yashu hurriedly got up and said with embarrassment.

"Is it the smell of perfume? I thought it was body odor." Qian Fugui said.

"Don't make fun of me. I'm a student. How can I buy expensive perfume? It's just make do with it." Deng Yashu said aggrievedly.

"So it's a student. I like student girls the most." Qian Fugui laughed and walked into the bar. After Sun Haoyang, the two of them entered the Red Coral Bar one after the other.

Seeing that Qian Fugui didn't even touch her from the beginning to the end, Deng Yashu was so sad that she almost doubted her own charm.

She lowered her head and smelled the scent on her body. Although the perfume she used was not top-notch, it cost several thousand dollars. How could it smell bad?

But seeing Qian Fugui's disgusted appearance just now clearly does not seem to be a fake, it just makes Deng Yashu feel embarrassed, if she had known this, she would not wear perfume tonight.

Deng Yashu chased after her unwillingly, but she didn't believe it. Since Qian Fugui had already struck up a conversation and could still escape her palm, even if she tried her best tonight, she had to stay in Qian Fugui's heart. The next deep impression.

Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang were not in the lobby of the bar, but went to the box upstairs. As soon as Deng Yashu entered the bar, Tian Tao greeted him.

"What's the situation?" Tian Tao asked.

"Nothing happened." Deng Yashu said coldly.

"What's the matter, you just want to get rid of me when you see a rich man?" Tian Tao said coldly.

"What are you talking about? I can't understand a word." Deng Yashu said pretendingly.

"What's the matter, do you think I didn't see what happened at the entrance of the bar just now? Deng Yashu, I really didn't see that your ambition is so big? Very good, this is very interesting, 1000 million, I only want 1000 million, those two guys don't care if you hook it Give me 1000 million if you cheat on someone, and I'll protect you for your bad things, otherwise, I'll absolutely beat you to death." Tian Tao threatened.

He was with Deng Yashu just for fun, and he didn't mean it sincerely, but since Deng Yashu kicked him off first, the benefits should not be missed.

"1000 million?" Deng Yashu sneered, "I haven't written my horoscope yet, why are you so anxious? Just wait, if I succeed, you will benefit. But if you ruin my good deeds, don't blame me and you!"

While talking, Deng Yashu asked which box Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang went to, and followed them.


Watching Deng Yashu leave, Tian Tao said viciously.

When Deng Yashu entered the box, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang were already drinking, Deng Yashu opened the door, Qian Fugui saw her, oops, and said with a smile: "Sorry, why did you forget about the beauty, come in quickly Have a drink or two."

"Don't bother me?" Deng Yashu pretended to say, and walked in.

"How come, I like to be disturbed by beautiful women the most." Qian Fugui said with a playful smile.

Deng Yashu walked over and sat down next to Qian Fugui, thinking that this guy was full of gossip at first glance, and he was just putting on a show, but that's okay, this made her much more sure of success.

"Thank you just now. In fact, I'm fine, but my leg cramps." Deng Yashu said.

"Is it like this? I thought you were trying to seduce me on purpose." Qian Fugui touched his chin and said.

Deng Yashu's expression changed, of course she did it on purpose, but how did Qian Fugui know?

Could it be that Qian Fugui has experienced this kind of routine many times, so he is very vigilant.

"No, I don't know you." Deng Yashu said hastily.

"Of course you don't know me. If you knew me, how could you seduce me." Qian Fugui said as a matter of course.

Deng Yashu felt something was wrong, and said awkwardly: "I didn't seduce you, it's because I really have cramp."

"Beauty, it's your fault. If you don't admit that you are seducing me, how can I be seduced by you later? Just be direct, I like direct women." Qian Fugui said feigning dissatisfaction.

Deng Yashu froze for a moment, what kind of weird hobby is this?

Don't men all like to hide their tricks?How money and wealth are not the same.

"It's really not seduction." Deng Yashu smiled coquettishly, and said: "However, we are still very destined, how about this, I will toast you, and then I will leave."

"It's really a predestined relationship. We came here to find you. Without any effort, you just took the initiative to send it to your door. Young Master, tell the truth, have I become handsome again, Qian Fugui?" Qian Fugui said carelessly. Said.

"It's not that you've become handsome, it's just that someone is blind." A lazy voice sounded, Jiang Chen pushed open the door of the box, and walked in from the outside...

(End of this chapter)

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