genius evil

Chapter 884

Chapter 884
"Jiang Chen? Why are you?"

The light in the private room was dim, but the moment Jiang Chen entered the private room, Deng Yashu recognized Jiang Chen, and then his face changed, with a bad feeling.

"Bitch, Jiang Chen is your name? Young Master." Qian Fugui meant to turn his back on him, so he raised his hand and slapped Deng Yashu on the face.

Deng Yashu was beaten by Qian Fugui all of a sudden.

But what confused her even more was Qian Fugui's attitude.

Qian Fugui is called Jiang Chen's young master. Doesn't this mean that Jiang Chen's background is greater than Qian Fugui, otherwise, how could Qian Fugui respect Jiang Chen so much?

Deng Yashu immediately complained. If she had known this was the case, she would not have taken the initiative to seduce Qian Fugui anyway. She only needed to do her best to seduce Jiang Chen.

At the same time, Deng Yashu was envious of Nangonghua.

Nangonghua has always been ruthless towards boys. Almost everyone thinks that Nangonghua will not fall in love when she is in college.

Who would have thought that if Nangonghua didn't fall in love, she would be hanging on to the rich man-in-law.

Fortunately, Nangong Hua was sold by her for 200 million yuan, and she didn't know whether she was dead or alive tonight. Thinking about it this way, Deng Yashu's mind was a little more balanced.

"I'm sorry Jiang Chen, I don't know your identity, and I won't call you by your name again." Deng Yashu was also a person who could endure humiliation, and said immediately, wanting to win Jiang Chen's favor.

Jiang Chen didn't even have the interest to take another look at Deng Yashu, so he asked Qian Fugui with a light smile, "How do you feel?"

"It's boring, it's not challenging." Qian Fugui shook his head repeatedly.

"Since this is the case, the game should be over, how do you plan to deal with it?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I have a mine in Africa. I think this woman has long hands and feet. It's just right for me to send her there to mine." Qian Fugui laughed.

"I heard that female workers are not easy to recruit, right?" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, it's too difficult to recruit. Once this woman passes by, she will definitely be loved by thousands of people. She will like that kind of feeling." Qian Fugui said with a smile.

In a few words, one's own destiny is determined.

After understanding the meaning of Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui's words, Deng Yashu was so frightened that she almost passed out.

She was so unbelievable, when she glanced at Qian Fugui and then at Jiang Chen, her whole body trembled.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't be a bitch." Deng Yashu said in a hurry, she can't be sent to mine, she will die there.

"Is it wrong?" Jiang Chen smiled, sat down next to Sun Haoyang, picked up the wine glass and touched Sun Haoyang, took a sip of red wine, and then asked: "What's wrong, please explain clearly?"


Deng Yashu twisted Nini's body, unable to speak.

Because, Deng Yashu suddenly realized that if it was just to seduce money and wealth, she would definitely not be sent to Africa to mine.

Unless there are other reasons.

As for the other reason, Jiang Chen already knew about the good things she did to Nangonghua.Otherwise, how could Jiang Chen's methods be so ruthless?
"I was wrong, I was really wrong." With a plop, Deng Yashu fell to her knees and kowtowed to Jiang Chen.

"Actually, you are absolutely right. In my opinion, everyone has the right to pursue a happy life." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Deng Yashu couldn't understand the meaning of Jiang Chen's words. After all, if Jiang Chen didn't think she was wrong, how could he treat her like this?

"You like to hook up with rich people, so I'll send you two rich people to hook up with you. See, isn't that interesting?" Jiang Chen said without haste.

Now, Deng Yashu finally understood.

Jiang Chen's words were telling her that the appearance of Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang was ordered by Jiang Chen, in other words, it was a trap.

To be exact, it was a trap specially set for her.

But what she didn't know was that there was an extremely stupid way to fall headlong into the trap, no matter how much she struggled, she would only be played by Jiang Chen.

Deng Yashu had the feeling of being poured with a basin of ice water in the cold winter of March [-]th.

She likes to hook up with rich people, so Jiang Chen sent someone to hook up with her. She thinks that she is unparalleled in charm, as long as it is a man who wants to hook up, there is always a way to get her.

Jiang Chen dealt her a fatal blow precisely at the place where she was most contented and self-satisfied!
"After going to Africa, remember to dig mines honestly. I heard that the richest people there are local tyrants. Maybe you can find true love." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

He didn't intend to kill Deng Yashu directly, in Jiang Chen's view, it would be too cheap for Deng Yashu.

What he wants is to destroy Deng Yashu wholeheartedly. The price may be a bit heavy, but when Deng Yashu did that to Nangonghua, did she ever think about what ending Nangonghua would face? ?

For a woman with such a poisonous heart, Jiang Chen naturally would not have the slightest bit of pity.

Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang came here to deal with Deng Yashu's matter. From their point of view, this may be a suspicion of making a fuss over a molehill, but naturally they will not interfere with Jiang Chen.

A few people came along with them, but Deng Yashu's attention was on the two supercars at the time, so she didn't notice.

Following Qian Fugui's phone call, Deng Yashu was taken away, and she was about to face the fate of going to Africa to mine.

When Deng Yashu was taken away, the man named Tian Tao was also taken away. However, Tian Tao was not as lucky as Deng Yashu, so he was destined not to survive tonight.

After the matter was settled, Jiang Chen had no interest in drinking and left immediately.

"Qian Shao, how do I feel about this matter? It's a bit subtle." In the box, Sun Haoyang and Qian Fugui did not leave in a hurry, drinking wine, Sun Haoyang said.

"It's just two insignificant characters, not worth mentioning." Qian Fugui said lightly.

"It's just because they are two insignificant characters that they are so subtle. You never thought that Young Master Jiang can leave this matter to you and me to handle it. Why do you have to handle it yourself?" Sun Haoyang said in a deep voice.

"It seems to be the same, why is that?" Qian Fugui said belatedly.

"I have a feeling that Young Master Jiang did this on purpose to show us." Sun Haoyang thought for a while and said.

Qian Fugui was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Young Master Sun, you are you and I am me. I have never done anything wrong to Young Master Jiang. What are you doing with me? I am not easy to bully. "

Sun Haoyang looked at Qian Fugui speechlessly, thinking that if you have the guts to try something, he said depressedly: "Don't be nervous, I don't just mean you and me when I say us."

"You mean, Young Master Jiang wants to make an example of others?" Qian Fugui said.

"It's about the same. Young Master Jiang has always done things with deep meaning, which is beyond my comprehension." Sun Haoyang sighed.

"This flattering is really good, but Young Master Jiang is not here, what's the use of you flattering Young Master Jiang in front of me?" Qian Fugui said contemptuously.

Wu family.

"Has the matter of the Red Coral Bar been resolved?" Hua Yunfei saw Wu Qingya walking in from the outside, and asked.

"It's solved." Wu Qingya nodded, and said again: "Such a trivial matter, do we need to care about it?"

"Oh, you don't think it's worth caring about?" Hua Yunfei smiled lightly.

"In my opinion, it's just a trivial matter, but Jiang Chen's heart is really big enough. At this moment, he still wants to pick up girls." Wu Qingya slandered.

"For men, there is never a time and place to pick up girls." Hua Yunfei said.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen is so confident? I found out that I can't understand Jiang Chen at all now." Wu Qingya asked, she was referring to that rumor, because of that rumor, she and Changjianmen They are all in a state of desperation.

But Jiang Chen, as the first person involved, seemed to have nothing to do, which made Wu Qingya very puzzled.

"Have you understood him before?" Hua Yunfei asked with a half-smile.

After thinking about it carefully, Wu Qingya shook her head and said with a wry smile, "No."

"If someone thinks he understands Jiang Chen, I'm afraid he is definitely not a wise man, but the number one idiot in the world." Hua Yunfei said with emotion.

Everyone is trying to understand Jiang Chen, and Hua Yunfei has also tried, but no matter how much they know about Jiang Chen's information, when they really face Jiang Chen, everyone will find that, in fact, there is nothing at all. Don't understand Jiang Chen.

This has to be said, is a very scary thing.

Take what happened at the Red Coral Bar tonight. Many people, like Wu Qingya, would subconsciously think that it was a trivial matter that was not worth paying attention to.

But Hua Yunfei saw something tricky.

Jiang Chen made too much of a fuss, for a small character like Deng Yashu, there was no need for him to come forward, but Jiang Chen still came forward, and made a big fuss, lest others would not know about it.

"Qingya, make arrangements and send people out. Everyone around Jiang Chen will be protected by me." Hua Yunfei gave an order.

"Protect the people around Jiang Chen?" Wu Qingya looked at Hua Yunfei in astonishment, and immediately reacted, saying, "Uncle Hua, don't you think that Jiang Chen did this on purpose tonight, and he was sending out a warning?" , don't try to touch the people around him?"

"Otherwise?" Hua Yunfei asked back, and said with a wry smile: "Jiang Chen won't be really boring, right?"

"I see." Wu Qingya nodded, and murmured, "That Nangonghua, he's only known each other for a few days, is it necessary?"

After saying this, Wu Qingya's emotions became a little complicated, and she didn't know whether she was angry or jealous.

She has known Jiang Chen for a long time, even if the relationship with Jiang Chen is not pure, but why did Jiang Chen care about her so much?
I'm afraid that one day she will die in front of Jiang Chen. Probably, Jiang Chen won't even blink his eyelids, right?

Hua Yunfei was well aware of Wu Qingya's petty thinking, but he did not express his opinion.

If Wu Qingya could make further progress with Jiang Chen, he would be extremely happy to see it succeed, but Wu Qingya is too utilitarian, how could Jiang Chen like her?

(End of this chapter)

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