genius evil

Chapter 885 2 Girls 1 Drama

Chapter 885
Early the next morning, Jiang Chen appeared downstairs in the girls' dormitory where Nangong Hua was.

He kissed Nangong Hua here that night, which attracted some people's attention, and even caused some girls to lose sleep all night.

You know, before Jiang Chen appeared, there were quite a few rumors that Nangong Hua pursued singleness, that's why she didn't pay any attention to the pursuit of all boys.

Because of this, some girls who don't really want to find a boyfriend or can't find a boyfriend for a while can take Nangong Hua as a shield for granted.

After all, Nangong Hua is not in a hurry to find a boyfriend, so why should they be in a hurry?

When Nangonghua figured it out or suddenly couldn't figure it out, and decided to find a boyfriend, it would not be too late for them to find a boyfriend.

It's just that no one thought that this day would come so fast and be caught off guard.

It wasn't that the moment Jiang Chen appeared, he was recognized by many girls.

"Big handsome guy." Of course, there were also girls who didn't know Jiang Chen. Seeing Jiang Chen standing there with his hands in his trouser pockets and a relaxed expression, he couldn't help but become a little nympho.

Not to mention, Jiang Chen is quite attractive no matter his handsome face or the evil temperament on his body.

"No matter how handsome you are, you don't deserve it. He is Nangong Xiaohua." People who knew Jiang Chen immediately poured cold water on him.

Of course, there were also those who were more courageous, who greeted Jiang Chen with a smile, and asked Jiang Chen how he managed to catch up with Nangong Hua. In the end, Jiang Chen straightforwardly said that Nangong Hua was chasing after him, causing the other party to stare blankly.

"Jiang Chen, I really suspect that if I slow down, you will be eaten by these perverts." Nangong Hua ran downstairs and said angrily.

She just went downstairs a few minutes late, and Jiang Chen was surrounded by a large circle of girls. When those girls looked at Jiang Chen, their eyes shone brightly, as if the big bad wolf saw the little girl. Like a white rabbit.

Of course, Nangong Hua knew very well that Jiang Chen was definitely not a big white rabbit, but a genuine big bad wolf.

"Yeah, I also think they are too enthusiastic. But this is also my fault, who made me look so handsome. Really, I actually don't want to be so handsome at all." Jiang Chen nodded in agreement, grinning Said.

"Smelly guy." Nangong Hua said amusedly, and asked Jiang Chen, "What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

"I'm here to treat you to breakfast." Jiang Chen said.

"Speak well." Nangong Hua rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I'm here to invite you to have breakfast together." Jiang Chen had no choice but to say.

"Jiang Chen, I'm actually fine." Lowering her voice, Nangong Hua said, feeling warm in her heart, knowing that Jiang Chen was worried about her psychological shadow, so she ran over early in the morning to make jokes.

"Whether you have something to do or not, breakfast is always eaten, let's go." Jiang Chen said, couldn't help but refuse, took Nangong Hua's hand and left.

Entering the cafeteria, Jiang Chen bought a lot of food, and sat with Nangong Hua to eat.

Nangonghua's appetite is pretty good, and it can be seen that what happened last night didn't have much impact on her.

"I went to find Deng Yashu after I came back last night, but she was not in the dormitory. I made a special call this morning to ask, but I couldn't find anyone." Nangong Hua said while eating.

"She must be too ashamed, so avoid you." Jiang Chen said casually.

Nangong Hua shook her head, not thinking that Deng Yashu would understand what shame is, and said, "If you want to teach Deng Yashu a lesson, a small lesson will do."

Nangong Hua was a little worried that Jiang Chen would kill someone.

It's not that she doesn't hate Deng Yashu, but that she doesn't want Jiang Chen to kill again for her!
"Don't worry, I will definitely deal with it in a very peaceful way." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

Nangong Hua couldn't believe Jiang Chen's words, but since Jiang Chen said so, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Jiang Chen, Nangong Hua, can I sit down?" Just as Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua were talking, a voice sounded beside them.

"Jian Xiaoyu?" Hearing the sound, Nangong Hua was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously remembered that the first time she met Jiang Chen was in the cafeteria. At that time, Jiang Chen and Jian Xiaoyu were eating together in the cafeteria.

It's just that, at that time, Nangong Hua just felt that Jiang Chen's way of doing things suited her own taste, but she didn't expect that she and Jiang Chen would develop to this point.Moreover, it has developed to this point in such a short period of time.

Just like most girls in this world, every girl, when she reaches the age of one year, will look forward to what her future husband or boyfriend will look like.

It doesn't have to be the type of prince charming. After all, if every girl wants to find a prince charming, there are many white horses, and there are simply not enough princes.

Naturally, Nangonghua had longed for it, and even thought about the way she would get along with the boy she liked if she fell in love in the future.

It's just that Jiang Chen plundered her heart in one fell swoop in a rather direct and even domineering way, causing all her plans to come to naught, which made Nangong Hua dumbfounded.

"Of course." Nangong Hua said with a slight smile.

The girl who spoke was Jian Xiaoyu, and Jian Xiaoyu smiled back, and sat down beside Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I heard that Vice Principal Pan Ting was looking for you, did something happen?" Jian Xiaoyu asked.

She wasn't as well-informed as Nangonghua. She didn't know that Pan Zijing was dead, and she didn't know that something happened to Vice Principal Pan Ting.

"Nothing happened." Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "Have Xiaoyu beauty had breakfast, why don't we have some together?"

"I just came here." Jian Xiaoyu said, and when the words fell, a big steamed bun was stuffed into his hand.

"Then let's eat steamed buns. The big soft and white steamed buns are very delicious. I like them the most." Jiang Chen said.

Jian Xiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Jiang Chen didn't want to be so direct without asking her if she liked steamed buns.

Jian Xiaoyu didn't mind eating steamed buns, but she always ate very little for breakfast, usually a cup of soy milk and an egg, but the big steamed buns were already stuffed in her hands, so Jian Xiaoyu had to lower her head and eat slowly.

When Nangong Hua heard Jiang Chen say that she was soft and white, her eyes subconsciously fell on Jian Xiaoyu, and stared at Jian Xiaoyu for a few times.

She has a thin body. Apart from her thin waist and long legs, she doesn't think her body is very good, especially her chest. Although it does not cause trouble, Nangong Hua has to admit that Jian Xiaoyu's chest is indeed bigger than She is much bigger, which is very in line with Jiang Chen's soft and white standard.

On the surface, she just ate steamed buns, but Nangong Hua faintly felt that Jiang Chen was taking advantage of Jian Xiaoyu, otherwise, why would she have to give them steamed buns.

"Miss Nangong, do you want some steamed buns?" Jiang Chen grabbed a steamed bun in his hand and asked.

"I drink milk." Nangong Hua said.

"The steamed buns are delicious, why don't you eat them? Come on, you can eat one too." Jiang Chen said, without any explanation, he also stuffed a steamed bun for Nangong Hua.

Holding the steamed bun that Jiang Chen had stuffed in her hand, Nangong Hua's expression was slightly weird, wondering if Jiang Chen didn't think her figure was bad?

Taking a closer look, he found that the steamed bun in his hand was much smaller than the steamed bun in Jian Xiaoyu's hand, so he was taken aback and gave Jiang Chen a bitter look.

"Sure enough, men will care about it." Nangong Hua muttered in her heart.

It is said that the same sex repels the opposite sex attracts, and beautiful girls and beautiful girls are natural enemies, but Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu broke this rule.

The two ate the steamed buns stuffed by Jiang Chen and chatted softly, the atmosphere was harmonious.

And naturally, as the only man at this table, Jiang Chen would have to die if he didn't want to be watched by everyone.

On the first day of school, Jiang Chen and Jian Xiaoyu appeared in the cafeteria together, which shocked many people. Who knew that Jiang Chen was not afraid of big things, and this time he brought Nangong Hua along.

Two beauties at the school girl level are unattainable existences for countless people. Normally, anyone who can say a few words with one of them will be excited all day long.

It was good for Jiang Chen, to let the two big girls accompany him, and to make the two daughters happy, it almost made everyone's eyeballs drop to the ground.

"God, send a thunderbolt to strike that guy to death." Some people were so resentful that they cursed endlessly.

There are not a few people who have this kind of resentment, of course all of them are boys, but most of the girls are more curious about what makes Jiang Chen different.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't know what these people were thinking, and even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart. Jian Xiaoyu didn't talk much, and was smiling most of the time.

In comparison, Nangong Hua's mind was a bit more complicated, because Nangong Hua remembered one thing, that is, Jian Xiaoyu knew Jiang Chen before her.

Moreover, since Jian Xiaoyu and Jiang Chen had dinner together on the first day of school, it was tantamount to showing that the relationship between Jian Xiaoyu and Jiang Chen was very good.

Then Nangong Hua wondered if Jian Xiaoyu knew about the relationship between her and Jiang Chen, and if she knew, what would Jian Xiaoyu think.

After this breakfast was finished, Nangong Hua was thinking again, whether she should leave alone or with Jiang Chen, but soon, Jiang Chen made the decision for her and walked together holding her hand.

Holding Jiang Chen's hand, Nangong Hua subconsciously glanced at Jian Xiaoyu, thinking that Jiang Chen had announced his relationship with her to Jian Xiaoyu.

Jian Xiaoyu watched Jiang Chen lead Nangong Hua away, feeling somewhat depressed for some reason, and walked slowly outside the cafeteria alone.

"Xiaoyu, wait." Jian Xiaoyu was waiting, when he suddenly heard Mao Dan's voice behind him, and then, Mao Dan, Tan Min and Zhu Ling's three daughters trotted over.

"The three of you are having breakfast here too, why didn't I see you just now?" Jian Xiaoyu said.

"Senior Colonel Jian spends all your attention on Jiang Chen, so how can you notice us?" Tan Min winked at Jian Xiaoyu and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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