genius evil

Chapter 886 Don't Bully Me Anymore

Chapter 886 Don't Bully Me Anymore
With a red face, Jian Xiaoyu explained: "Xiao Min, don't talk nonsense, people will laugh at you if you hear it, I have something to do with Jiang Chen."

"Xiao Yu, don't explain. Anyway, no matter how you explain, we won't believe it. Besides, we just saw that handsome Jiang Da is feeding you." Tan Min said.

Jian Xiaoyu froze for a moment, when did Jiang Chen feed her?
"No." Jian Xiaoyu said in a daze.

"Obviously there are big soft and white steamed buns, they must be delicious." Tan Min smiled strangely, staring at Jian Xiaoyu's chest non-stop, and almost scratched it with his hands.

As a result, Jian Xiaoyu's complexion also became weird. When she saw Tan Min was staring at her chest when she said this, she subconsciously lowered her head and glanced at her chest. Her face turned red hot. stand up.

Tan Min was overjoyed immediately, and said, "Miss Xiaoyu, what handsome Jiang Da is thinking, you finally understand now."

"I don't understand." Jian Xiaoyu murmured.

According to Tan Min's suggestion, it meant that Jiang Chen gave her big steamed buns, and he was actually molesting her.

But is it really like this?
Even if Jiang Chen teased her, how could there be any reason to tease her in front of Nangonghua?

Also, are her boobs really big?Why doesn't she feel that way herself? It's probably at the level of normal people.

"Xiao Yu, it's so obvious, so don't pretend to be stupid." Mao Dan said carelessly, "The two school girls competed on the same stage, I have to say it was very exciting, Xiao Min and Xiao Ling, tell me, Jane Big school belle and Nangong school belle, who will win the beautiful boy in the end."

Compete on the same stage?

Embrace a beautiful boy?
Jian Xiaoyu has the feeling of seeing a ghost in broad daylight, what is this all about?Can't you be a little more pure?If this continues, Jian Xiaoyu feels that it is hard to guarantee that her thoughts will become impure.

She came to Jiang Chen because she really had something to do, why didn't she believe her words?
"There is no doubt that our little fisherman has a better chance of winning." Tan Min said in an extremely positive tone.

"I saw Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua holding hands just now, Xiao Yu has to work harder." Zhu Ling said seriously.

"It's just holding hands, what's the matter, don't forget, Xiaoyu knew Jiang Chen first, even if Nangong Xiaohua is thinking of coming from behind, she has to pay attention to first come first come first." Tan Min said.

"Uh, didn't you two realize that when Xiao Yu and Nangong Xiaohua were sitting together just now, the picture was very harmonious?" Mao Dan whispered.

"So?" Tan Min asked.

"Haven't you guys considered the feasibility of two women serving one husband?" Mao Dan's voice became even softer.

"Okay Maodan, when did you become so impure, full of feudal thoughts." Tan Min scolded.

"But it's really harmonious." Mao Dan said.

Mao Dan repeatedly emphasized the word harmony, and Tan Min and Zhu Ling, who were not prepared to think about it, inevitably thought about it.

Zhu Ling looked at Jian Xiaoyu in surprise, and asked, "Xiaoyu, can such a thing really happen?"

"What are you talking about?" Jian Xiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She and Jiang Chen hadn't written off their horoscope yet, so why did they become two daughters serving one husband together, and, even if she was willing, would Nangong Hua be willing?

After thinking about it for a while, Jian Xiaoyu just felt wrong, why would she want to?

It should be that even if Nangonghua is willing, she is not willing.

"Why do I feel that Mao Dan is not talking nonsense at all." Zhu Ling said.

"Okay, I won't tell you these things anymore, it's time to go to the classroom." Jian Xiaoyu changed the subject uncomfortably.

"Xiao Yu, I think that if you really have a heart for Jiang Chen, you should be bolder. You see, Nangong Hua knew Jiang Chen later than you, and his relationship with Jiang Chen is much closer than you and Jiang Chen. , I think if you don't work harder, Jiang Chen will be snatched by Nangong Hua." Zhu Ling reminded.

Jian Xiaoyu became annoyed, it was undoubtedly too embarrassing for a girl who had never been in a relationship before, and who didn't even know how to get along with boys to think about such complicated issues.

"Yes, yes, why should we give Nangong Hua the first chance, Xiaoyu, you are no worse than her, we are optimistic about you, snatch Jiang Chen back, and give our dormitory a sigh of relief." Tan Min clenched his fist and said .

"What's the use of being optimistic, we need to help Xiao Yu think of a solution. At the very least, we need to test Jiang Chen's attitude towards Xiao Yu first." Mao Dan said.

"I don't know why, but I think what you said makes sense." Mao Dan nodded in agreement.

"It should be so. Xiao Yu can only proceed to the next step if Jiang Chen's attitude is confirmed. Xiao Dan, what do you think?" Zhu Ling also agreed.

"Two days ago, wasn't there a dormitory in Shuimu University who said that he wanted to have a fellowship with our dormitory. I think this is a pretty good opportunity." Mao Dan said.

"What kind of opportunity is this? It's clearly Xiaoyu's idea." Tan Min rolled his eyes, and after a final thought, he said suddenly, "I understand."

"I understand too." Zhu Ling nodded.

"Why don't I understand anything?" Jian Xiaoyu was very shy.

It doesn't matter whether Jian Xiaoyu understands or not, anyway, Mao Dan's three daughters all understand, so on the way to the classroom, Mao Dan took out his mobile phone and made a call to confirm the friendship.

A freshman is training in the military base, Jiang Chen can be said to be one of the most leisurely students in the entire Capital University.

Fairytale will find something for himself to do every day, so that he will not be in a state of boredom all the time. It just so happens that Tong's family has a company in the capital. .

Jiang Chen didn't think about finding something to do for himself at all, or in other words, he himself enjoyed such a leisurely and comfortable time.

Nangonghua is currently in her third year, and she has already passed the time when she is busy with schoolwork. If there is no homework to do, she basically has a lot of time.

"Jiang Chen, Jian Xiaoyu cares about you very much." Nangong Hua said as they wandered around the campus with Jiang Chen.

"Miss Nangong, you care about me too." Jiang Chen said casually.

"It's different." Nangong Hua said with a slight pout.

How could her concern for Jiang Chen be the same as Jian Xiaoyu's concern for Jiang Chen?

You know, between her and Jiang Chen, there is only one last step to break through. Nangong Hua already regards herself as Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

Therefore, she felt that she was obliged and necessary to care about Jiang Chen.

Under such circumstances, the other girls' concern for Jiang Chen, in Nangonghua's view, is to play Jiang Chen's idea, and it is absolutely necessary to guard against the passing of time.

Even if she is not a girl with a small belly and a jealous heart, it is absolutely impossible to say that she has no idea at all.

Especially when the other party is a girl who is not inferior to her in the slightest, Nangong Hua inevitably has more thoughts, and is very worried about gains and losses.

"It's really different." Jiang Chen smiled, and suddenly said seriously: "Miss Nangong, I have to make sure, are you jealous?"

Nangong Hua couldn't help but startled, yes, is she jealous?

I didn't realize that I was jealous beforehand, but the jealousy was very obvious.

"No." On the surface, Nangong Hua denied it flatly, so she wouldn't admit it.

Moreover, even though she has never been in a relationship before, Nangong Hua also knows that love is like a tug-of-war. Whoever uses more force and who uses less force is all particular.

If she used too much force, if Jiang Chen didn't cherish it, what should she do?
"No? What is the strong smell of sour vinegar in the air?" Jiang Chen pretended to sniff, and said amusedly.

"I heard about Jian Xiaoyu a long time ago. She is a very clean and self-loving girl. Such a girl is also very stubborn to a certain extent." Nangong Hua said softly.

She thinks it doesn't matter whether she is jealous or not, what matters is Jiang Chen's attitude, if Jiang Chen has no intentions towards Jian Xiaoyu, then it's best to make it clear to Jian Xiaoyu earlier, lest Jian Xiaoyu get deeper and deeper.

Yes, Nangong Hua could feel that Jian Xiaoyu had a crush on Jiang Chen. A girl couldn't possibly care about a boy for no reason, right?

"Miss Nangong, if I told you that I am a very philanthropic man, what would you think?" Jiang Chen said after thinking about it.

He and Nangonghua have not known each other for a long time, but since entering Capital University, they have been in contact with each other, and he knows that Nangonghua is the kind of proud and independent girl.

Such a girl is more likely to get into a dead end.

Nangong Hua looked at Jiang Chen in amazement, and asked, "Are you saying you're very playful?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

Nangong Hua was a little angry, and said angrily: "So you want to step on two boats?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen still nodded seriously.

So Nangong Hua became even more angry. She shook off Jiang Chen's hand and said, "Jiang Chen, I, Nangong Hua, are not easy to bully. Don't try to bully me."

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "But I just want to bully you, what should I do?"

"No." Nangong Hua sternly refused.

Where is it like this?
If you are a flowery heart, let's be a flowery heart, even if you admit that you are a flowery heart in a serious manner, even if you are deceiving, Nangong Hua finds it difficult to accept.

"No, no, I've decided to bully you for the rest of my life." Jiang Chen said very seriously, he hugged Nangong Hua, and kissed him fiercely.


Nangonghua struggled hard, trying to break free, but no matter how she broke free, she could only passively accept Jiang Chen's kiss. After a while, she was kissed tenderly~ Panting endlessly, she collapsed into Jiang Chen's embrace.

He whimpered and said: "Jiang Chen, you bastard, I hate you to death. I will let you bully me this time, and you will never be allowed to bully me again in the future."

Hearing these words, Jiang Chen was both distressed and funny. For the first time, he reflected on whether he was really too careless, but soon, Jiang Chen didn't have the time to think too much, because a very strange laugh came in his face. In the ear, it rang.

"Ha...haha..." That laughter was both weird and penetrating...

(End of this chapter)

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