genius evil

Chapter 887 Not a Level 1 Opponent

Chapter 887 Not a level opponent
"What a joke." Jiang Chen was so upset that he even wanted to beat someone up.

If you want to laugh, just laugh, you can't be funny, why laugh so badly?
"Jiang Chen, you are fine. Not only did you kill my son, but you also caused my brother to lose his job. Are you really a student? I don't think it would be an exaggeration to call you a hooligan." sounded.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged woman with an ashen complexion, and she looked at Jiang Chen with gritted teeth. Looking at that appearance, she seemed to want to bite off a piece of flesh and blood from Jiang Chen's body.

Jiang Chen was so helpless, what was going on?
After Pan Zijing died, Pan Ting came to trouble him. After Pan Ting died, Pan Zijing's mother came again. This family is endless, right?

"Get out!" Immediately shouted angrily.


Following Jiang Chen's rolling, the middle-aged woman suddenly felt an invisible pressure rushing towards her face, making it almost impossible for her to catch her breath.

Shouting like thunder, she rushed directly into the depths of her heart, as if someone held a hammer and hit her heart so hard that it was about to burst.

And the blood in the whole body is like a pot of boiling water, rushing directly from the soles of the feet to the forehead.

The strange feeling of suffocation caused the middle-aged woman to collapse on the ground, and then, as if seeing a ghost in broad daylight, she crawled away in a panic.

"This—" Nangong Hua was very surprised.

That middle-aged woman clearly came to trouble Jiang Chen, so why did Jiang Chen scare the crap out of people, is it so scary?

"Don't worry about it, let's continue." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, have you forgotten what I just said, I won't bully you again." Nangong Hua said proudly.

"Have you ever said that? Why did I forget?" Jiang Chen said, without further ado, he kissed him again. The result of this approach was to scare Nangong Hua away.

As soon as Nangong Hua ran away, Jiang Chen's mobile phone text message rang. He took out the mobile phone and looked, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Around six o'clock in the afternoon, surrounded by Mao Dan's three daughters, Jian Xiaoyu reluctantly walked towards the school gate.

"Does it have to be like this?" Jian Xiaoyu asked.

"Xiao Yumei, I have already agreed to her, and she has even booked a place for social gatherings, so I have to go?" Mao Dan said.

"It's fine if you want me to go, but I declare in advance that you can't play tricks on me." Jian Xiaoyu said helplessly.

"Xiao Yu, you are the treasure of the town house in our dormitory, our baby, you are too late." Mao Dan said with a smile.

Walked out of the school gate, hailed a taxi, and went to the appointed place.

Twenty minutes later, the taxi stopped at the entrance of a restaurant, while Mao Dan was talking on the phone, he and Jian Xiaoyu walked inside.

Entering the restaurant, I found that this restaurant is not big, but it has a petty bourgeois atmosphere.

There were already four men waiting in the restaurant, and when they saw Jian Xiaoyu appearing, they all waved.

The four of Jian Xiaoyu walked over, and the four boys invited the four of them to sit down and introduced themselves.

Mao Dan and Tan Min are both familiar with each other, and they soon became friends with each other. Zhu Ling's personality is relatively cold, and she often talks less in front of unfamiliar people.

And Jian Xiaoyu talked even less, listening to the boy sitting across from him talking non-stop, Jian Xiaoyu kept complaining, but he didn't know what bad idea Mao Dan had come up with.

And he was also confused, but he really came here.

Jian Xiaoyu felt that every minute and every second was such a torment, so he simply turned a blind eye to the other party, holding a cup of tea in his hand, drinking silently, thinking about what kind of excuse he should find to leave later.

And secretly vowed that even if she really wanted to pursue Jiang Chen actively, then she would pursue it in her own way, and never again would these three bad friends give her such inexplicable ideas.

After sitting for about 10 minutes, Jian Xiaoyu couldn't sit still anymore, and said to Zhu Ling, "Xiaoling, why don't we go first."

"Jiang Chen hasn't come yet, so don't worry." Zhu Ling said in a spirited manner.

"Who is Jiang Chen?" The boy who kept talking was called Tan Yu, and asked immediately.

"The suitor of Xiaoyu beauty." Zhu Ling said lightly.

"Haha, classmate Xiao Yu is so beautiful. There must be many suitors in Capital University. Speaking of which, I kind of want to see what that Jiang Chen looks like." Tan Yu said, feeling relieved.

In Tan Yu's view, it is normal for a beautiful woman like Jian Xiaoyu to have many suitors. If there are no suitors, it is abnormal.

However, no matter how many suitors Jian Xiaoyu has, Tan Yu is still very confident in himself.

Not to mention Shuimu University and Jingcheng University, they are well-matched, and Tan Yu is also very confident in his own conditions.

He is nearly 1.8 meters tall and has good facial features. He has dated several girlfriends before, but this time he came to participate in the dormitory fellowship because of the instigation of his roommate.

Before he came, Tan Yu didn't expect much, but when he saw Jian Xiaoyu, he felt astonished, so he kept striking up a conversation.

However, Jian Xiaoyu was extremely indifferent, even if he had a glib tongue, he would remain indifferent. It has to be said that it was a very discouraging thing.

But after hearing that Jian Xiaoyu's suitor would come, Tan Yu's fighting spirit was immediately aroused, and he didn't believe that he was really that bad.

It is said that only by comparison can we see the difference. Tan Yu thinks that after he compares himself with Jiang Chen, maybe Jian Xiaoyu will be able to see his excellence.

Thinking about it this way, Tan Yu was looking forward to Jiang Chen's appearance sooner.

"Better handsome than you." Zhu Ling said with a sidelong glance at Tan Yu.

Tan Yu was dumbfounded. Even if Jiang Chen was handsomer than him, would it be good for Zhu Ling to say it so directly?Aren't you afraid of hurting his self-esteem?

"What good is a man just being handsome?" Tan Yu said.

Zhu Ling said again: "I have more taste than you."

Tan Yu's expression froze, slightly embarrassed, and he said, "I'm afraid you didn't say something about taste?"

But Zhu Ling said again: "It's richer than you."

Tan Yu immediately became annoyed, "Beauty, what do you mean by saying that? Is it necessary to target me like this? I have never offended you from the beginning to the end today."

"I'm just telling the truth. Whether you can accept it is your own business, but next, please shut up, okay?" Zhu Ling said.

A big man, chattering endlessly, not only annoying Jian Xiaoyu, Zhu Ling is also very annoying.

"What's the matter, are you okay?" The boy next to him asked.

"It's okay, just kidding." Tan Yu said angrily, but wanted to see if Jiang Chen was really as good as Zhu Ling said.

"Excuse me, who is Miss Jian Xiaoyu?" A voice suddenly sounded.

"You are Jiang Chen?" Hearing the voice, Tan Yu looked up and saw a young man in a black suit.

The first time he subconsciously looked at the other person's appearance, Tan Yu thought that the so-called handsomer than himself was a joke, and it was a joke that was not funny at all.

As for being tasteful and rich, Tan Yu thought, could it be possible to show it by wearing a suit?joke.

The young man glanced at Tan Yu lightly, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm not here for anything, I'm just a driver."

Then he said to Jian Xiaoyu: "Miss Jian, the young master told you to go back to school early. Otherwise, it will be late, and I'm afraid it's not safe."

"Ah... good." Jian Xiaoyu was stunned.

"Then, Miss Jane, please, please come with me, the car is parked outside." The young man said.

Almost involuntarily, Jian Xiaoyu followed the young man out, and the three of Mao Dan followed after seeing this.

"Fuck, why are you pretending to be coercive?" Tan Yu cursed.

He originally wanted to compare with Jiang Chen, but he didn't know that Jiang Chen didn't come at all, so he sent a driver over. It has to be said, it was too shocking.

A white Bentley sedan was parked outside the door, and the young man invited Jian Xiaoyu and his four daughters to board the car, and then drove back to Capital University.

After seeing the Bentley, the four Tan Yu who chased them were all a little silly, especially Tan Yu, who was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

This is not richer than him, it is too rich, it is useless for him to want to compete with Jiang Chen, this is not an opponent on the same level at all.

"Where's Jiang Chen?" Mao Dan said.

"It's all right." The young man said politely.

"Um, Xiaoyu, do you think we succeeded or failed?" Mao Dan then asked Jian Xiaoyu.

Today's release was precisely to attract Jiang Chen's attention. Jiang Chen didn't come and called someone over. Logically speaking, it was considered to have attracted Jiang Chen's attention, but it made Mao Dan feel unsafe.

Jian Xiaoyu smiled wryly, feeling inexplicably disappointed, she really hoped that Jiang Chen would come, although Jian Xiaoyu knew it was very hypocritical.

But that's what Jian Xiaoyu thought in her heart, otherwise, she wouldn't have come to participate in any dormitory fellowship today.

"Xiao Dan, don't worry about Jiang Chen coming or not, just take a look at this car." Tan Min said.

"Very good." Maudan said.

"Isn't it great?" Zhu Ling said.

"Yeah, that's great. By the way, who is this Jiang Chen? He just called a Bentley over casually." Mao Dan asked.

The young man driving the car smiled and said proudly: "As long as the young master is willing, he can use all the resources in the capital at will. As for who the young master is, I think he will tell you if the young master is willing."


Mao Dan's three daughters are all messy, is this really a joke?

How much energy would it take to mobilize the resources of the entire capital?

But why, it sounds like it's true?

"Xiao Yu, did you hear that? Don't be stupid." Mao Dan gently pushed Jian Xiaoyu.

"Xiao Dan, do you think Jiang Chen thinks I'm naive?" Taking a light breath, Jian Xiaoyu said extremely worried.

Mao Dan's three daughters looked at each other in blank dismay. It seemed that today's behavior was indeed a little naive. Was it because Jiang Chen resented him that Jiang Chen didn't come over in person?
Jiang Chen wasn't out of resentment or something, but something happened. There was a little trouble with Ye Sichen...

(End of this chapter)

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