genius evil

Chapter 888 I Only Sing For You

Chapter 888 I Only Sing For You
The music company Ye Sichen signed with was called Shengshi Entertainment. The investor behind this company was the Ren family. Specifically, it was a company specially set up by the Ren family for Ye Sichen's development in the entertainment industry.

Although the capital background of Shengshi Entertainment is not familiar to too many people, there are not too few people who know the background of Shengshi Entertainment.

This is also the reason why Shengshi Entertainment has sprung up in the capital in the past few years, but has never encountered any trouble.

Ye Sichen is the only contracted singer of Shengshi Entertainment. All the resources in the company are tilted towards Ye Sichen.

The advantage of doing this is that it can ensure the concentration of resources, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the lack of diversity. If there is a problem with Ye Sichen, the operation of the entire company will be paralyzed.

Ye Sichen's accident this time was originally not a big deal, and it can be said that it would be insignificant if it was replaced by other artists. That is to say, some fans said that Ye Sichen's songs were not written by himself, which is the so-called Yes, take the songs written by others and use them as your own songs.

Not to mention, all of Ye Sichen's songs were originally written by Ye Sichen, and the company never bought songs from outside.

On the other hand, it is commonplace in the entertainment industry to regard purchased songs as original by singers, and major entertainment companies have agreed to
But I don't know what went wrong, just this afternoon, at Ye Sichen's new album signing event, a fan splashed ink on Ye Sichen's body. The wave made Ye Sichen hit the entertainment headlines, and because of this, it triggered many follow-up reactions.

All kinds of so-called insiders came forward one after another to analyze Ye Sichen's songs and gossip, and there was a tendency to dig Ye Sichen to the bottom.

In the end, after it was discovered that Ye Sichen was the only signed singer in Glory World Entertainment, there were even rumors that Ye Sichen was the lover of the boss of Glory World Entertainment. As everyone knew, the boss of Glory World Entertainment was actually a woman.

Moreover, out of the protection of Ye Sichen, in Shengshi Entertainment Company, unless some specific positions such as security guards must use men, even the bodyguards used by Ye Sichen to attend some large-scale events are all women.

In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, Ye Sichen is probably the only one who can still keep out the mud without staining his true colors. Looking at the entire entertainment industry, Ye Sichen is probably the only one!
But maybe it's because Ye Sichen is too clean and too independent that people tend to gossip more easily. No, when those so-called insiders' remarks broke out, Ye Sichen immediately fell into a storm of public opinion. middle.

The company was in turmoil. They knew that someone was pouring dirty water behind their backs, but they couldn't figure it out. Sister Mi had a terrible headache. She didn't want to contact Jiang Chen, so she had to give Jiang Chen a beating. a phone call.

Therefore, Jiang Chen did not go to meet Jian Xiaoyu, but came to Shengshi Entertainment Company.

Inside the company, Ye Sichen's exclusive lounge, Jiang Chen saw Mi Jie, but did not see Ye Sichen, Mi Jie told Jiang Chen that Ye Sichen was in the recording studio.

"Si Chen is very sad and sad this time. This kind of thing has never happened before. It seems that all her efforts were denied overnight. Si Chen just told me that she wanted to quit the entertainment industry. Circle, no longer sing or write songs." Sighing, Mi Jie said.

Jiang Chen frowned suddenly. Sister Mi told him that something had happened on the phone, but she just gave a general idea, but she didn't expect it to be so serious.

More importantly, because of this incident, Ye Sichen was affected.

For a girl who regards music as her life to say that she will no longer sing or write songs, it is conceivable that Ye Sichen will be heartbroken.

"Where there is no wind, there are no waves. There must be a lot of people behind this matter." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"As far as I know, several well-known entertainment companies in Beijing seem to be involved, but it's not clear if they weren't the ones who started it." Sister Mi said helplessly.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. When people are popular, all kinds of icing on the cake, but once something goes wrong, all kinds of troubles will follow.

Regarding the practices of several major entertainment companies, Miss Mi feels that she has nothing to say. After all, there are only so few resources in a circle, and every company will definitely do its best to fight for its artists.

If it was her, she would do the same.

"Very good, let someone contact the bosses of these entertainment companies, and within an hour, get me here." Jiang Chen said.

"What are you going to do?" Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"Invite them to drink tea, let's chat happily." Jiang Chen grinned.

"Is it necessary to use rolling characters to drink tea and chat?" Sister Mi said angrily. If Jiang Chen hadn't said that, she would have thought Jiang Chen was going to kill someone.

However, Sister Mi quickly made arrangements, Jiang Chen also left the rest room, and under the guidance of the staff, went to the recording studio where Ye Sichen was.

In the slightly empty recording studio, Ye Sichen was alone.

White shirt and jeans, the hem of the clothes was tied on the waist of the trousers, and the whole person was full of youthful and lively atmosphere.

When the door of the recording studio was pushed open, Ye Sichen didn't even notice that she was wiping all kinds of equipment in the recording studio with a clean towel in her hand.

First the guitar, then the microphone, then the piano.

Slender and slender fingers slowly swept across the keys, and the sound of the piano sounded like flowing water... The sudden sound of the music made Ye Sichen stunned for a moment, but soon, she couldn't stop. The keys were no longer touched, and the piano was carefully wiped.

Ye Sichen had used every piece of equipment in the recording studio, and she did all the daily maintenance of the instruments herself.

For some singers, staying in the recording studio all day may be a hard job, but for Ye Sichen, this place is like her private amusement park, carrying all her joys!

Her joys, her sorrows, her teenage thoughts and her secrets that cannot be told to others, bit by bit, are all contained in her music.

Music is her second life, and there is probably no one else who regards music as her life like her.

After wiping the piano, turning his head, Ye Sichen realized belatedly that there was an extra person in the recording studio.

"Jiang Chen, when did you come here?" Ye Sichen was slightly surprised when he saw the man, put down the towel in his hand and walked over.

Jiang Chen chuckled and stretched out his arms, Ye Sichen threw himself into Jiang Chen's embrace without hesitation.

"I've been here for a while, and I saw you were busy, so I didn't bother you." Jiang Chen hugged Ye Sichen, feeling the girl's soft body, and said.

"Did Sister Mi call you?" After hugging Jiang Chen for a while, Ye Sichen left, looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, and asked.

"If I said I missed you, would you believe it?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"I don't believe it." Ye Siran shook his head, Jiang Chen had never looked for her before, she was the one who looked for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said: "Silly Baitian, you are not stupid at all, so this will be troublesome. If I want to lie to you in the future, I will have to spend more brains."

"Bad guy." Ye Sichen laughed tenderly.

Ye Sichen pulled Jiang Chen to sit down, and said: "Jiang Chen, I will have a lot of time in the future. If I go to the Capital University to look for you, don't bother me."

"You are welcome to find me at Capital University at any time, but you certainly won't have a lot of time." Jiang Chen said.

"Did Miss Mi tell you that I won't sing from today?" Ye Sichen asked.

"But I really like your singing, what should I do?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Then... from now on, I'll just sing for you alone, okay?" Ye Sichen said, biting his lip slightly, hesitating.

"Wouldn't it be a pity if such a moving voice could only be heard by me." Jiang Chen sighed, grabbed Ye Sichen's little hand, and said, "You have so many fans, each of them People are waiting to hear your singing, if they can't hear it from now on, what should they do?"

"Everyone doesn't like me anymore." Ye Sichen said angrily, like a child who made a mistake, and lowered his head.

"How about we give it a try and see if anyone likes you?" Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"How to try?" Ye Sichen asked unsurely.

"Come with me." Jiang Chen didn't say it directly, he took Ye Sichen's hand and walked out.

Sister Mi had just arranged for someone to make a phone call, and was coming to find Jiang Chen when she saw Ye Sichen brought out of the recording studio by Jiang Chen.

"Sister Mi, I'll take Silly Baitian out first, and I'll be back in an hour." Jiang Chen said, not giving Sister Mi a chance to refuse, he pulled Ye Sichen into the elevator.

"Jiang Chen, don't make trouble." Miss Mi hurriedly rushed up, trying to stop him, but the door of the elevator was already closed.

Jiang Chen led Ye Sichen straight down the elevator, walked out of the company, and walked to the street outside.

"Jiang Chen, where are you taking me?" Ye Sichen asked curiously. Could it be that Jiang Chen wanted to take her shopping, but how could she be in the mood for shopping now?

Moreover, she doesn't want to see anyone except Jiang Chen now, and she is also very afraid of seeing strangers.

"Don't go anywhere, just walk around on this street." Jiang Chen smiled, signaling Ye Sichen to be at ease, and then took Ye Sichen by the hand, wandering around this street.

"Ye Sichen...ah, it's Ye Sichen..."

Not far away, suddenly, a high-pitched scream came.

It was a little girl who screamed. The little girl looked at Ye Sichen in disbelief, jumped up and down excitedly, her face was flushed, ran over quickly, and said loudly: "Ye Sichen, you Can you sign me an autograph? I am your most loyal fan and I like your songs the most, and I also bought your latest new album."

"Ah...okay..." Ye Sichen said blankly.

The little girl hurriedly looked for paper and a pen, but after searching for a long time, she found that she didn't bring it with her. Jiang Chen handed over a pen from the recording studio, and then Ye Sichen signed his name on the girl's palm.

"I haven't washed my hands for a week, no, I haven't washed my hands for two weeks." The little girl screamed excitedly, and ran away bouncing...

(End of this chapter)

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