genius evil

Chapter 889 We all love you

Chapter 889 We all love you

"Jiang Chen, if you don't wash your hands for two weeks, will it be unhygienic?" Ye Sichen asked seriously.

Jiang Chen laughed, but on the surface he said in a serious manner: "Silly Baitian, if you stop singing, you will no longer be a superstar in the future. The autograph on the palm of that little girl just now has become out of print. If she knows If you don’t, you will never wash your hands in this lifetime.”

"Don't wash your hands all your life?" Ye Sichen thought for a while, but it seemed hard to imagine what kind of picture that would be, and couldn't help feeling worried.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if she doesn't wash her hands for the rest of her life, that is, she will eat with her hands after tonight, and she will just have diarrhea. But it's just diarrhea, and it won't kill anyone, so don't worry." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, don't scare me." Ye Sichen said with a bitter face.

"Silly Baitian, you are a big star, how would you know what kind of emotion a fan has for his idol?" Jiang Chen said.

Ye Sichen thought about it.

However, Ye Sichen didn't have much time to think about this question at all, and someone discovered Ye Sichen's existence again.

Maybe it was too surprising, but you can see big stars just by walking on the road, and Ye Sichen has no pretense, he is as friendly as the girl next door, and because there is a man beside him, the few people who recognized Ye Sichen, in the When they first saw Ye Sichen, they all thought they had misunderstood the person.

After discovering that they did not admit their mistakes, they swarmed over, also asking for their signatures.

But these people are students, well prepared, have paper and pen.

Ye Sichen responded to every request, earnestly signed his name on their notebook.

After these few people, more people saw Ye Sichen. Just a few minutes later, the street started to be congested because of Ye Sichen.

Not only the people who were shopping on this street stopped shopping one after another, but also the people who were shopping several streets away rushed over as soon as they received the news through Moments of Friends and other channels.

As time went by, more and more people came, until the entire street was completely blocked.

One by one, they called Ye Sichen's name loudly.

"Ye Sichen, we love you."

"Ye Sichen, you are my goddess."

"Ye Sichen, we will always support you!"

The overwhelming shouts were deafening.

Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen were surrounded by the crowd. Ye Sichen's eyes gradually became moist when he heard the shouts.

She originally thought that after the attack, she would be abandoned by everyone, but she didn't expect that there would be so many people supporting her as always.

Because there were too many people, all the people were scrambling to squeeze forward. They were sweating profusely, but their faces were full of excitement, just to take a look at her.

And what did she do for them?

The only thing I did, or the only thing I could do, was probably to sing a few songs for them.

If she really gave up her singing career, as Jiang Chen said, they will never hear her singing again from now on, what should they do?
Ye Sichen suddenly became a little uncertain.

She wasn't sure if she was right or wrong in deciding to give up singing.

"What are you talking about, Ye Sichen can't hear it, so speak up." Jiang Chen shouted loudly.

Jiang Chen was not at all surprised that so many people would gather to watch.

No one has ever been able to refuse, a girl as pure as jade, with singing and her own unique voice, interpreting her thoughts and stories.

"Ye Sichen, did you hear that, we all love you."

"Love you for 1 years!"

Jiang Chen's words were echoed everywhere, and the enthusiastic fans shouted loudly with all their strength, expressing their love for Ye Sichen.

"thanks, thanks……"

Ye Sichen kept chanting, bowing around, humble and peaceful.

"Silly Baitian, have you seen or heard that these people all like you because of your singing voice, you can give up writing songs, you can give up singing, but have you ever thought about whether they will Give up on you?" Jiang Chen whispered in Ye Sichen's ear.

"No, they will never give up on you, they won't stop liking you because of a few pieces of news, they won't stop liking you because of some people's gossip, they love life, love everything, they love everything with fervent love, love looking at you."

Jiang Chen continued, feeling gradually excited.

"Look at their eyes, each of them is so pure, it is they who give you the inspiration for every song, every song of yours is written for yourself, but also for them Write for everyone."

"If you don't write songs anymore, what do you praise? If you don't sing anymore, what do you use to thank them for their love?"

Ye Sichen listened to Jiang Chen talking in her ear, and slowly, she couldn't hear anything, her heart and eyes were all surrounded by enthusiastic fans.

Each of them squeezed forward frantically, trying to get closer to her, but when they finally squeezed forward, they timidly kept their distance, and no one dared to take a step closer to her.

It seemed that once she got any closer, it would be a blasphemy against her!
The blazing emotion contained in those pure and blazing eyes made Ye Sichen's eye sockets more moist, after all, two teardrops slipped down quietly along his cheeks.

What do you use to sing praises?

What do you use to give thanks?

With so much love and so much strong emotion, what reason does she have to give up on herself?
Even if she was abandoned by thousands of people, there are still thousands of people supporting her, and they either appeared here or in every corner of the country.

Could it be that she thinks that those who don't like her will give up on such a lovely fan she has always liked?
Ye Sichen suddenly came to her senses, she realized how capricious and worthless her decision was.


Suddenly, there was the sound of crying bitterly.

The high-pitched and sharp crying made the scene suddenly quiet, and the sobbing and sobbing sound touched everyone's heart.

The one crying was a 38-year-old middle-aged man. He squatted on the ground, crying loudly, tears streaming down his face, like a child.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Sichen asked.

This middle-aged man was squatting in front of her, and he was crying so sad and uncomfortable, as if he was experiencing the pain of being abandoned by this world.

"Ye Sichen, I've heard every song of yours." The middle-aged man looked at Ye Sichen with tears in his eyes, and said, "It's been three years. For these three years, I have to listen to your songs every night. Sing to fall asleep."

"I remembered that there was a girl in my life who loved me like life, but I resolutely walked out of the mountain village and came to the capital for the so-called dream. I decided to spend ten years to realize one of my dreams, but I Forget that the girl who loves me like her life, I am her biggest dream in this life."

"I lost her, I lost her completely, and I will never get back the missing ten years in my life. Even if I am successful and famous now, even if I am famous now, I will never go back to the past."

A middle-aged man, well-dressed, he no longer has the innocence of the past, but the lost beauty of that year is forever engraved in his heart.

All of this was because of Ye Sichen's singing.

Someone recognized the identity of this middle-aged man. He is a proud man in the financial field and a frequent cover of financial magazines. He was once popular in the financial circle and is a business genius in the eyes of countless people.

The dream returned to reality, but he was just an ordinary man who lost my love forever.

The only thing he has is to use Ye Sichen's songs to comfort and remember the love he once missed.

Until an hour later, Ye Sichen was led by Jiang Chen to break through the siege, and returned to the company. Before Ye Sichen's eyes, the sad face of the middle-aged man was still shaking.

There has never been a sentence that can completely tell a person's mind, but a song can.

There will always be such a song, which will make people recall that it rained in the city that day, will make people miss the love in their hearts, and will connect every joy, anger, sorrow and joy in their hearts.

So, how can you give up singing?
So, how can you not continue to sing?

"Jiang Chen, thank you." Ye Sichen rubbed her red eyes, she looked at Jiang Chen, wanted to cry but also wanted to laugh.

Today's inadvertent encounter brought her too much touch and emotion, and let her know that being liked by others is such a happy thing.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Miss Mi ran over in a hurry.

Not far from the company building, the entire street was surrounded by water, the traffic police and patrol police were all alarmed, and Mi Jie's heart jumped out of her throat almost frightened.

As soon as she ran over, Miss Mi walked up to Ye Sichen and looked around, leaving Ye Sichen unscathed. Then Xiao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, glared at Jiang Chen, and said, "They are already here. In the meeting room, Young Master Jiang, when will you go over?"

"It's too polite. You don't need to call me Young Master Jiang, just call me handsome Jiang Da. It's more kind and at the same time more in line with my temperament." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Ye Sichen pursed his lips and smiled lightly, swaying like a flower.

Hearing Ye Sichen's smile, Miss Mi couldn't help but froze for a moment.

She has witnessed Ye Sichen's growth all the way, and brought Ye Sichen to the top of the music scene all the way. No one knows better than her what music means to Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen, who has decided not to sing anymore, no matter what she does from now on, her life will be doomed to lack a lot of happiness!
But Ye Sichen smiled, and she smiled so heartily, as if the haze that shrouded her head had cleared away.

"Jiang Chen, what did you do to Si Chen?" Sister Mi asked in disbelief.

"This is a secret between me and Jiang Chen." Ye Sichen said hastily.

"That's right, it's a secret that can't be told." Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

One minute later, under the leadership of Miss Mi, Jiang Chen went to the conference room, and met the bosses of the five entertainment companies who had been waiting in the conference room for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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