genius evil

Chapter 890 Crush the crown 1 anger is red face

chapter 890
"Young Master Jiang."

"Young Master Jiang."

As soon as Jiang Chenfu showed up, voices of greetings rang out one after another.

These five people's energy in the capital, not to mention covering the sky with one hand, but at least in the entertainment industry, they are at the absolute top of the food chain.

People like them, not to mention their hands and eyes, are at least well-versed in all directions, and they have maintained good relations with every family and every force.

They haven't met Jiang Chen before, but it doesn't prevent them from hearing Jiang Chen's name. No, when they greet Jiang Chen, they are all extremely respectful.

"Hmph!" Listening to those voices, Miss Mi couldn't help but hum softly.

She had heard that the person who called these people earlier was the boss of Shengshi Entertainment. Can't tell.

It's okay for everyone to come now, but after Jiang Chen appeared, everyone sat upright, as if they were elementary school students who wanted to listen to the teacher's lecture.

However, Sister Mi also knows very well that these people are all good people who can get to such a position in the entertainment circle, and it’s okay to listen to what they say, and whoever takes it seriously will definitely be eaten without even a bone left.

And each of them is the most snobbish, and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Naturally, from the greetings, one can also see Jiang Chen's terrifying influence!

"You all know me?" Jiang Chen jokingly said, and sat down casually.

"Jiang Shao, we have all admired your name for a long time, but we have never had a chance to meet you before." Said a fat middle-aged man, Yu Jingfeng, the boss of Jingteng Entertainment.

"Really, if you don't mind, I will visit your company more in the future." Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face.

Yu Jingfeng couldn't tell whether Jiang Chen's words were true or false, let alone whether Jiang Chen's words had other intentions, so he could only laugh dryly.

"In the past two days, someone has issued a draft to smear Ye Sichen. You have all heard about it." Jiang Chen didn't have the heart to talk nonsense, and went straight to the point to talk about business.

"Several of our companies have paid attention to this matter. These unscrupulous reporters are getting more and more excessive." A middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking gentle said, this man is the boss of Qifeng Entertainment Liang Zicheng.

"Oh, what you mean is that you hate those unscrupulous reporters very much?" Jiang Chen asked after hearing the sound.

"Jiang Shao, you don't know something. Some time ago, an artist in our company was blacked out because he appeared in a TV series. Now he is going on strike with me." Liang Zicheng said with a wry smile.

"Since that's the case, I'll leave it to you to find out the unscrupulous reporter behind Hei Ye Sichen. Presumably, you won't let me down, right?" Jiang Chen smiled gently.

Liang Zicheng subconsciously wanted to refuse. As an insider, he knew very well that Ye Sichen's hack this time was not as simple as a few unscrupulous reporters making trouble.

But as soon as he came into contact with Jiang Chen's smiling face, he suddenly discovered that under Jiang Chen's gentle smile, there was a sharpness that could not be refused, and the words of refusal came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything.

"I'll do my best." Liang Zicheng said dryly, regretting so much, why talk too much, isn't this just asking for trouble?
Seeing Liang Zicheng's deflated appearance, Miss Mi smiled silently.

Liang Zicheng is known as a gentle beast outside, and most of the female artists under his company, not to mention all, have been ruled by him in various ways.

At the beginning of Shengshi Entertainment's opening, before Ye Sichen became popular, this person even wanted to sign Ye Sichen to Qifeng Entertainment. Sister Mi knew very well what his plan was.

It was only later that Liang Zicheng gradually figured out the background of Shengshi Entertainment, and then he became honest.

"What I want is not to do my best, but to be sure to do it. No matter who is behind the scenes, they must be caught by me, unless you want to tell me that this matter has something to do with you." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"Jiang Shao, don't get me wrong, I am also a victim." Liang Zicheng was startled and said hastily.

"Really? Then I want to hear how you became a victim when something happened to Ye Sichen. The other four, please tell me together, if something happened to Ye Sichen, it really hurt your interests." , I will compensate you for your losses as appropriate," Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, what I mean is that unscrupulous reporters have caused trouble, and each of our companies has suffered great losses." Liang Zicheng explained.

"It turns out that every company has suffered losses. I understand what you mean. In this way, I won't embarrass you. Since everyone has a common enemy, the five companies that have uncovered the unscrupulous reporters behind the scenes will jointly handle it. .” Jiang Chen said slowly.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Liang Zicheng heaved a sigh of relief. In short, he didn't put all the responsibility on him, and he wouldn't care about other people's life or death.

"Jiang Shao, to put it bluntly, we have no obligation or responsibility for this matter. How can you entrust this matter to us?" The young man said that this person is Meng Hong, the boss of Dayang Entertainment.

"Do you think there is something wrong with my arrangement?" Jiang Chen asked after glancing at Meng Hong.

"Jiang Shao, I just have something to say, and I have no intention of targeting you. Artists have been smeared for no reason. It happens to every company, so why bother to go to war?" Meng Hong said.

"Jiang Shao, I think Mr. Meng is right. This is a trivial matter. After time passes, everyone will gradually forget about it. Moreover, Ye Sichen is currently popular. The so-called popular right and wrong is just such a truth." Another A middle-aged man with a bald head said that this person is Xiong Defa, the boss of Dongtian Entertainment.

"Jiang Shao, let me say that any piece of news is time-sensitive, and everyone's first business is to seek money. If we really tear ourselves apart with media reporters, we will only lose in the end. "The last person said slowly, this person is not like a businessman, but a bit like a butcher, he is Pang Manchun, the boss of Tianyi Entertainment Company.

Everyone objected, but Jiang Chen smiled, because their attitudes did not exceed his expectations at all.

If everyone agrees, regardless of the conditions and consequences, then what he is going to do next will not be easy to do.

"Very good, I think what each of you said is very, very reasonable. As for me, I have always been the most reasonable and never do things that are difficult for others. Since you are not willing, I will not force you. "Jiang Chen said, with a gentle and kind attitude.

When Liang Zicheng and the others said that, it was tactful rejection of Jiang Chen. They were all apprehensive, worried that Jiang Chen would turn his back on him.

After all, in their cognition, this seemingly gentle and harmless young man in front of him is notorious for turning his back on him, without any reason.

They were all a little stunned, they didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so easy to talk, they looked at each other for a while, not only couldn't breathe a sigh of relief, but in their hearts, they felt a little more uneasy.

"There is one thing that everyone knows, and I believe you all know it too." Jiang Chen didn't care what they thought, and then said: "So far, Shengshi Entertainment has only signed an artist, Ye Sichen, and all the company's business , all centered on Ye Sichen, now that Ye Sichen has been smeared for no reason, it has a great impact on the current and future commercial value, and it is very likely that because of this, Shengshi Entertainment will not be able to operate. go down."

The five people are well aware of the business situation of Shengshi Entertainment. It is naturally difficult to avoid such a situation when all eggs are put in one basket.

It's just that before, Ye Sichen's development has been going smoothly, and such shortcomings have not been revealed. Now that Ye Sichen has an accident, the shortcomings of Shengshi Entertainment are undoubtedly revealed.

But the five of them were all human beings. They understood the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, but they didn't understand Jiang Chen's intentions, so they naturally wouldn't talk too much.

"I have a suggestion, and it's also a small request. In consideration of the current media environment and the protection of Ye Sichen, I plan to carry out mergers and acquisitions for your five companies. The specific merger plan will be announced in the Come out within a week." Jiang Chen said calmly.


The five of them all looked at Jiang Chen as if they had seen a ghost.

Jiang Chen actually planned to acquire five of their entertainment companies. What exactly was he planning to do? Could it be that he wanted to take all the resources of the entertainment industry in the capital?

And you must know that the entertainment resources in Beijing can be said to account for more than 80.00% of the country. If Jiang Chen succeeds in the acquisition, he will be able to monopolize half of the entertainment industry in one fell swoop.

The reason for the merger, according to Jiang Chen, was to consider the current media environment and the protection of Ye Sichen.

Everyone knows that the so-called media environment is just a very poor excuse. After all, the media environment has always been like this. It has never been better, and it will only get worse.

In the final analysis, Jiang Chen was just trying to protect Ye Sichen.

For a woman, such a large sum of money shocked the hearts of the five of them. The so-called anger into a beauty is probably nothing more than that.

Sister Mi was also stunned, and looked at Jiang Chen stupidly. She never thought that Jiang Chen would do such a thing, and it was for Ye Sichen.

She didn't think Jiang Chen was crazy, because Jiang Chen did have such ability, but Jiang Chen's actions made Mi Jie's mood extremely complicated.

She realized that she couldn't understand Jiang Chen's attitude towards Ye Sichen at all. In other words, is Ye Sichen worthy of Jiang Chen's behavior?

"No." Xiong Defa immediately refused.

Mergers and acquisitions are not things that Jiang Chen can merge and acquire if he wants to. Their respective companies are operating in good condition, why should they accept mergers and acquisitions?


Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Xiong Defa on the face, and said coldly: "This is not okay, that is not okay, what are you? You rejected me once and want to reject me a second time. Could it be that you want to reject me a second time? Am I, Jiang Chen, easy to bully?"

(End of this chapter)

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