genius evil

Chapter 891

Chapter 891
Before he finished speaking, Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Xiong Defa on the other side of his face.

"You have to think that I, Jiang Chen, are easy to bully, so come on, try to bully me. I want you to see clearly whether I, Jiang Chen, are really easy to bully." Jiang Chen yelled loudly, with fierce aura rising to the sky.

Xiong Defa was directly slapped by Jiang Chen's two slaps. The burning pain on both cheeks was one thing, and his heart was bleeding even more.

When did he think that Jiang Chen was easy to bully?

He's not an idiot.

No, even if he is an idiot, it is impossible for him to think that Jiang Chen is easy to bully.

Xiong Defa was so wronged that he almost shed two tears. Jiang Chen is not easy to bully, he is clearly bullying others.

The other four people were also completely surrounded by Jiang Chen's sudden violent attack. They all opened their mouths wide and wanted to speak, but they couldn't utter a word.

Under the extreme anger, the meaning of what Jiang Chen said was already obvious.

That is, he has already been rejected once, everyone here today, don't think of rejecting him a second time, otherwise, no one can bear Jiang Chen's anger.

Each of them is a human being, and if you think about Jiang Chen's words carefully, you will find the tricky place.

Dare to say that Jiang Chen wanted to find out the unscrupulous journalists, but it was nothing more than a smoke bomb. The real thing to do was to merge and acquire their five companies.

This could not help but make the few of them regret it. If they had known that Jiang Chen would make such a move, they would have to agree to Jiang Chen's conditions anyway.

As for whether they would act obediently and act contrary to others in the process of investigating the unscrupulous reporters, that was beyond Jiang Chen's control. After all, Jiang Chen couldn't keep an eye on them all the time.

But now, it was too late to regret, Jiang Chen dug the pit too deep, and they jumped down one by one.

"Jiang Shao, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean you were easy to bully. What I meant was that Dongtian Entertainment is currently operating in good condition and will not accept mergers and acquisitions for the time being." Xiong Defa said with a sad face and aggrieved face.

"On the surface you say I'm not easy to bully, but actually you plan to treat me as an idiot?" Jiang Chen snorted coldly and said coldly, "What nonsense are you talking about? I’m full enough to play mergers and acquisitions with you, and my Jiang’s money is not blown by the wind, if you invest it, you will naturally make money, do you understand what I mean?”

Xiong Defa became more and more aggrieved, thinking that this is not an investment, you are clearly trying to forcibly snatch away a golden rooster that can lay eggs.

It sounded like a merger and acquisition, but no one knew how much Jiang Chen would spend.

But thinking this way in his heart, Xiong Defa didn't dare to say it, otherwise Jiang Chen would definitely teach him how to behave in no time.

"I asked you if you understand what I mean, are you stupid?" Jiang Chen said with extreme dissatisfaction.

"Understood." Xiong Defa nodded hastily.

"What about you four, do you understand?" Jiang Chen turned to the other four and asked.

The four of them nodded one after another, they had already talked about this kind of thing, how could they not understand the reason.

"That's great. A week later, the signing ceremony will be held at Shengshi Entertainment." Jiang Chen made a final decision, not giving anyone a chance to bargain.

The four of Liang Zicheng wanted to die a little bit, thinking that each of them could be regarded as a person with good hands and eyes, but in front of Jiang Chen, they didn't even have the qualifications to speak.

It was said that Jiang Chen was domineering, but after experiencing it personally, they finally understood how domineering Jiang Chen was.

A merger and acquisition plan worth tens of billions was reached in such an unimaginable way. Xiong Defa and the other five did not dare to stay longer. After asking Jiang Chen for instructions, they left immediately one by one without delaying even a second.

"Jiang Chen, are you joking or serious about merging their five companies?" Sister Mi couldn't help asking when the five left.

These five entertainment companies are all giants in the entertainment industry, controlling most of the resources in the entertainment industry, and some of the popular stars are almost all owned by these companies or their studios.

If every popular celebrity is regarded as a money tree, then if Jiang Chen succeeds, it means that Jiang Chen owns a forest of money trees.

Naturally, the funds spent on such mergers and acquisitions will also be an astronomical figure.

Because of this, Sister Mi wanted to ask whether Jiang Chen was joking.

"The way I looked just now, I shouldn't be joking." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Well, I thought you were not joking, but how could they be willing to accept mergers and acquisitions?" Sister Mi then asked.

Jiang Chen certainly frightened everyone today, but those five people were not lambs to be slaughtered, and there were intricate forces behind each of them.

On the surface, they are the bosses of five large entertainment companies, but it may be more accurate to say that they are the spokespersons of these five entertainment companies.

"Do they dare to refuse?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Isn't this a forced buy and sell?" Sister Mi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Then let's treat it as forced buying and strong selling." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

The acquisition of five entertainment companies was just Jiang Chen's impromptu idea, but it will definitely not be a loss-making business. Of course, Jiang Chen also knows that there are intricate relationships behind these five entertainment companies.

But so what, Jiang Chen has offended very few people?
Left and right have already offended so many people, Jiang Chen doesn't mind offending a few more, or offending some people more severely.

And this, to a certain extent, should be the interest paid for that rumor.

It was agreed that only the Jiang family and the Wu family were left among the four major families in the capital. Some people hid in the dark and fanned the flames, actively plotting to deal with him. Is it too much to charge such a small interest?
No, not at all!
Moreover, in this way, Ye Sichen's future development in the entertainment industry can be regarded as an all-round guarantee. All resources will be concentrated on Ye Sichen alone. The entertainment industry is messed up, otherwise almost no one would dare to slander Ye Sichen.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for doing so many things for Si Chen." Sister Mi took a light breath and said.

Jiang Chen straightforwardly admitted that it was forced buying and selling, but there must be a reason for this kind of thing, and this reason is Ye Sichen. Sister Mi felt that she had to say thank you to Jiang Chen on Ye Sichen's behalf.

"I want to say this is what I should do, will you scold me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly, and said, "Is it useful for me to scold you?"

Jiang Chen was going to spare no effort to pick up girls, and Miss Mi felt from the bottom of her heart that probably no woman in this world would be able to refuse this way of showing affection, right?

Not even by herself.

Ye Sichen was so simple and ignorant of the world, so he couldn't refuse.

Once this happened, Ye Sichen was 100% determined by Jiang Chen, and no matter what she did, she couldn't stop it.

Ye Sichen wrote songs alone in the recording studio. She was very touched today and inspired. I believe that a new album will be released in a short time.

And this new album will change the style of all previous album songs. Apart from the songs written for herself, it is more written for her fans and those who support and love her.

For Ye Sichen, this was a perfect transformation.

Everyone will grow up one day, not only himself will grow up, but also those who love and accompany him will also grow up.

No one can stand still, and Ye Sichen can't always sing about his girlish thoughts.

Of course, because of this transformation, Ye Sichen will have a wider space in the future development of music.

If before this, many people could see Ye Sichen's development to a high level, then after that, no one could predict what kind of height Ye Sichen would reach in terms of music.

Jiang Chen didn't bother Ye Sichen, he and Sister Mi ate a boxed lunch in the company, met the boss of Shengshi Entertainment by the way, and then left.

Downstairs, Jiang Chen's car was parked there. As soon as Jiang Chen opened the door to get in the car, he saw a person sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

Maybe it was because of the long waiting time, the woman was a little bit sleepy, her little head moved little by little, like a dozing kitten.

Jiang Chen smiled knowingly, and lightly closed the car door. He didn't rush to drive on the road, and sat quietly in the car, watching the woman doze off.

About half an hour later, the sleepy woman woke up suddenly, rubbed her eyes clumsily, and was slightly startled when she saw Jiang Chen sitting here.

"Jiang Chen, when did you get in the car, why didn't you call me?" A slightly reproachful voice sounded, and the woman said this, quite embarrassed.

"I saw you sleeping, so I didn't call you. Why, are you busy these days?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Fortunately, I have been staying in the capital for training." The woman said.

"Have you eaten yet? I'll take you to eat some." Jiang Chen said.

The woman didn't refuse, and let Jiang Chen drive on the road.

"You came here today to deal with Si Chen's affairs. Is Si Chen okay?" The woman asked a little worried.

"Silly Baitian is of course very good, but Miss Si Ran, anyway, I'm sitting next to you, so why don't you ask me if I'm good?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

This woman is Ye Siran. Hearing this, Ye Siran smiled and said, "You? Is it okay? There are so many beauties in Beijing University, you must be as good as you can be."

"Si Ran beauty, you are smart, you know that I like beautiful women the most, so you took the initiative to send them to my door." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Ye Siran inexplicably remembered the night at Xifu Hotel some time ago, his face blushed, he lowered his head slightly, and said shyly, "I didn't come to see you, I came to see Si Chen."

"To be precise, you are here to see me, so you can take a look at Silly Baitian." Jiang Chen corrected with a playful smile.

Ye Siran opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but before the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly panicked, that pretty face became more and more red, as if a fire was burning...

(End of this chapter)

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