genius evil

Chapter 893

Chapter 893

Suddenly lost, suddenly gained.

In a short period of time, there were ups and downs, and experienced rain, snow, wind and frost.

When Ye Siran left, he bit Jiang Chen's shoulder hard and hard, and he didn't let go until he bit the blood stains.

"Jiang Chen, you have to remember, if one day I become a bad woman, you will force me to do so." Ye Siran said with a sob, turned and ran away.

Jiang Chen didn't catch up this time.

He knew that it would not be easy to completely untangle Ye Siran's heart, unless Ye Siran figured it out completely, and judging from the current situation, it will take some time until that day comes.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry.

Ye Siran left, Jiang Chen drove back to Capital University, and his meeting with the bosses of Glory World Entertainment and several other entertainment companies today exploded like a thunderbolt.

"Old Xiong, you mean, Jiang Chen wants to forcibly acquire Dongtian Entertainment?"

This is at Wang's house, Wang Mingjie asked Xiong Defa loudly.

"Yes." Xiong Defa smiled wryly.

"It seems that he is really going crazy." Wang Mingjie said, his face was so ugly.

On the surface, the Wang family has nothing to do with Dongtian Entertainment. It is neither a shareholder of Dongtian Entertainment, nor has it directly invested in Dongtian Entertainment.

But in fact, the Wang family holds nearly 60.00% of Dongtian Entertainment's shares through several shell companies. That is to say, the actual owner of Dongtian Entertainment is the Wang family.

An entertainment company in the district, to the children of a family like Wang Mingjie, in the eyes of many people, it is nothing more than sending beautiful stars for their entertainment.

For a time, Xiong Defa thought so too.

After Xiong Defa left Shengshi Entertainment, he went back to the company and thought about it for a while. In the end, he came to Wang's house to ask Wang Mingjie to tell him about it, because he understood that this matter was beyond his control.

Wang Mingjie was very angry. Xiong Defa had thought of this a long time ago. After all, through Dongtian Entertainment, he sent more than ten beautiful stars to Wang Mingjie.

However, Xiong Defa did not expect Wang Mingjie to be so angry. He felt that Wang Mingjie's reaction would be a little too radical?

Is it because you are worried that there will be no beautiful stars to play with in the future?

However, with Wang Mingjie's status, he can't get any kind of woman he wants. As long as he asks, some women recommend themselves as pillow mats, and they have to wear condoms themselves.

To play with female stars is to play with their fame. In fact, is there any difference between them and other women?Is there any need to be so angry?
"Young Master Wang, I don't know if Jiang Chen has gone crazy, but how do you think this matter should be handled?" Xiong Defa said.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Wang Mingjie panted heavily and said unhappily.

So far, as long as it is what Jiang Chen wants to do, he has not seen anyone who has successfully stopped it. Wang Mingjie doesn't think he has the ability to stop it, and he has suffered losses at Jiang Chen's hands, not once or twice.

"I can't really buy it for Jiang Chen." Xiong Defa said unwillingly.

To the Wang family, Dongtian Entertainment was just a money-making machine, but to him, it was his life's effort, and he was counting on Dongtian Entertainment to support him in retirement.

If this is really acquired, wouldn't he have nothing?
"Shut up, didn't you see that I was thinking of a way?" Wang Mingjie said angrily.

Xiong Defa shrank his neck, it was the first time he saw such a side of Wang Mingjie, he was frightened and dared not speak.

"I said young master, it's not easy for him to be an old bear. Is it really okay for you to be so angry? Don't scare people." A cynical man sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and smoked.

He smoked very quickly, one after another. After a while, the living room was full of smoke, and the ashtray was also full of cigarette butts.

Xiong Defa had met this man several times before, and he knew that his addiction to smoking and alcohol was amazing, but he was extremely eccentric, he must drink the best when he drinks, but he doesn't care about smoking at all.

At this time, he was smoking three yuan a pack of cigarettes, and his throat was very hot. Xiong Defa felt that he would lose half his life if he smoked one, but this man smoked one pack in a row, and he couldn't stop at all.

"Wang Longxiang, do you care if I get angry?" Wang Mingjie said angrily upon hearing the sound.

The man named Wang Longxiang said with a smile: "What's the use of getting angry, if you have the ability, go and beat Jiang Chen up."

"You fucking shut up too." Wang Mingjie couldn't help but swear again. If he beat Jiang Chen too hard, he would have beaten Jiang Chen to the ground in the morning. Why would he have to wait until today?
Wang Longxiang didn't get angry, and said with a smile: "If you can't beat the other party, then you just bear with me and smoke?"

Wang Mingjie looked at Wang Longxiang's cigarette in disgust, waved his hand and said to Xiong Defa: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it."

"Okay...ok..." Xiong De said repeatedly, what he wanted was Wang Mingjie's words, and he left quickly.

Xiong Defa left, Wang Mingjie sat down and asked: "You said Jiang Chen went crazy this time, is he really crazy or pretending to be crazy?"

"Guess." Wang Longxiang said with a smile.

"It can't really be because of Ye Sichen, I think he's clearly trying to take the opportunity to drag me down." Wang Mingjie said fiercely.

The most important thing for entertainment companies is cash flow. This is a special feature that many industries do not have. Because of this, many family forces are directly or indirectly linked to entertainment companies.

The Wang family actually controlled Dongtian Entertainment Company, and laundered tens of billions of money through Dongtian Entertainment every year. If Dongtian Entertainment was acquired by Jiang Chen, it would mean that the Wang family lost a channel for money laundering.

This is why Wang Mingjie is so angry. It has nothing to do with female stars. Moreover, no matter how smart Wang Mingjie is at this point, it is impossible for Wang Mingjie to still miss a few little stars.

"Drawing from the bottom of the pot, this description is a very delicate feeling." Wang Longxiang said happily.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen is really planning to reshuffle the layout of the capital?" Wang Mingjie frowned tightly.

It seems to be an ordinary thing, but different people see different problems from different angles.

What Sister Mi saw was Ye Sichen's future, what Xiong Defa cared about was his own wallet, and Wang Mingjie stood a little higher, what he saw was the future of the Wang family.

A mere entertainment company naturally couldn't hurt the Wang family. Such a huge loss was not easy to bear.

"Don't ask me, I really don't know, talk a lot, don't you really smoke? This cigarette is so overbearing." Wang Longxiang smacked his mouth and lit another one for himself.

Wang Mingjie ignored the man, and began to ponder alone.

The same situation is happening in the Li family of the four small families.

The Wang family controls Dongtian Entertainment indirectly, while the Li family controls Qifeng Entertainment directly, and Li Tianxing holds a director position in Qifeng Entertainment.

When Li Tianxing heard Liang Zicheng talk about Jiang Chen's plan to acquire Qifeng Entertainment, he immediately jumped up.

He has no other hobbies, the only two hobbies are spending money and playing with women.

He has a lot of money, the kind that can be spent in a few lifetimes no matter how he spends it, and the women are continuously provided by Qifeng Entertainment.

As soon as he heard that Jiang Chen was going to acquire Qifeng Entertainment, the first thing Li Tianxing thought of was that he would have to look at Jiang Chen's face when playing female stars in the future, and he couldn't bear it every minute.

"Tianxing, be quiet." Li Yiqun said with a frown.

"Dad, Jiang Chen is trying to cause trouble on purpose, why do you want me to be quiet?" Li Tianxing yelled.

"This matter is not as simple as you think." Li Yiqun said coldly.

Afterwards, Li Yiqun asked Liang Zicheng to tell the ins and outs before signaling Liang Zicheng to leave.

"Dad, this matter is very simple. That bastard Jiang Chen did it to please Ye Sichen... This bastard, Yanfu is really good, even Ye Sichen got her hands on it."

In the capital, there were many people who wanted Ye Sichen's idea, but those who had the courage to do Ye Sichen's idea could be counted on one hand. Li Tianxing undoubtedly belonged to the kind who didn't have the courage.

The four small families in the mere capital city cannot compare with the Ren family of Xifu in terms of power or background.

Li Yiqun glared at Li Tianxing with resentment, he said everything for this sake, but what Li Tianxing was thinking about was women.

"I see you bastard, you will die in a woman's belly sooner or later." Li Yiqun said bitterly.

"Dad, am I your own? What are you cursing me for?" Li Tianxing said angrily.

"Get out." With a wave of his hand, Li Yiqun became extremely impatient.

Li Tianxing got out of the way. After walking out of Li's house, he called Liang Zicheng. He decided to have a naked party tonight. Otherwise, he would have to look at Jiang Chen's face when he really wanted to pick up girls. Fate.

Li Tianxing's limbs are well developed and his mind is simple, but his mind is full of muddleheadedness. Li Yiqun undoubtedly thinks more and more far-reaching.

"Jiang Chen, are you planning not to leave any activities for us? Is it true that you are so ambitious at such a young age?" Li Yiqun said to himself viciously.

When it was rumored earlier that Jiang Chen intended to break the existing pattern of the capital, Li Yiqun didn't believe it that much, but now, this incident gave Li Yiqun a feeling that Jiang Chen had already started to do something.And as soon as he made a move, he went straight to the vital point.

"Jiang Chen, you have bullied my Li family over and over again, and the Li family has never cared too much about you. You don't know good and bad, and you want to swallow elephants like snakes, so you don't worry about killing yourself with one bite?"

"It's something that is not worth dying for. You forced my Li family to do this."

Li Yiqun talked to himself, took out his cell phone, and made a call.

This night was destined not to be a peaceful night. After Ye Sichen's incident, the actual controllers behind several major entertainment companies surfaced one after another.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen is really good at attracting hatred, and often in a way that no one can imagine.

Looking at the whole capital, if Jiang Chen said that he was second, no one would dare to say first.

It wasn't just Wang Mingjie and Li Yiqun who gritted their teeth with hatred for Jiang Chen, there were many more people. Under the surging undercurrent, invisible fights and connections happened one after another.

All the spearheads, either explicitly or secretly, pointed at one target—Jiang Chen!

(End of this chapter)

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