genius evil

Chapter 894 Jian Xiaoyu's First Date

Chapter 894 Jian Xiaoyu's First Date

Jiang Chen definitely wouldn't admit that he was pulling hatred. He wasn't full and had nothing to do, so why would he spend his leisurely and comfortable life just causing trouble for himself?
As far as he himself is concerned, he just did what a man should do.

This principle is exactly the same as that of any man in the world who vents his anger on his woman after being bullied.

It can be said that the cause and effect of the whole matter are obvious. As for whether anyone will think too much about it, it has nothing to do with him.

On the bank of Weiming Lake, the warm wind blows, making people intoxicated.

Jiang Chen laid down on the grass and basked in the sun leisurely, using his hands as pillows.

Holding her skirt, Jian Xiaoyu trotted over, blushing, and sat down beside Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you going out today?" Jian Xiaoyu asked after sitting down.

She first went to the boys' dormitory building, and saw Jiang Chen's car parked there, then called Jiang Chen, and learned that Jiang Chen was at the bank of the Weiming Lake, and just ran over from the boys' dormitory, a little panting.

"That's right, doesn't Miss Xiao Yu have to go to class?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Ah... no... no class." Jian Xiaoyu murmured, embarrassed to tell Jiang Chen that she actually skipped class, because she wanted to say sorry to Jiang Chen for what happened yesterday.

After being sent back to school yesterday, Jian Xiaoyu thought about it and felt that he was too naive, so he didn't go to class this morning, and went to wait downstairs in Jiang Chen's dormitory very early.

"Don't be nervous, come on, lie down and talk." Jiang Chen patted the grass beside him and chuckled.

Jian Xiaoyu glanced left and right, and found that someone was paying attention to her and Jiang Chen, her face blushed, but she still listened to Jiang Chen's words, and lay down beside Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday." After lying down, Jian Xiaoyu whispered.

"Yesterday? Oh, I was really too busy, so I didn't go there. I must have missed a lot of exciting things." Jiang Chen said.

Jian Xiaoyu heard this explanation from the driver yesterday.

However, Jian Xiaoyu didn't dare to believe it all. She thought that probably what she did made Jiang Chen bored, so Jiang Chen didn't go.

But Jiang Chen sent a driver there to take care of her self-esteem, and made up a lie.

"Jiang Chen, are you angry?" Jian Xiaoyu said, his voice even softer.

"Is there anything to be angry about?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I think you should be angry. My behavior yesterday was too unreasonable." Jian Xiaoyu said embarrassingly, with the urge to dig a hole into it.

Jian Xiaoyu couldn't understand what happened to her yesterday, that she would agree to Mao Dan to do that by accident. You know, she is not that kind of person herself.

"It was the driver I called to pick you up that made you angry, and you made things difficult for him?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No." Jian Xiaoyu stammered.

"Since that's the case, where did the unreasonable trouble come from?" Jiang Chen said, seeing that Jian Xiaoyu's pillow was uncomfortable, he stretched out a hand and put it on Jian Xiaoyu's pillow.

Jian Xiaoyu was resting on Jiang Chen's arm, her heart was beating non-stop, almost jumping out of her throat.

She didn't know if Jiang Chen just lent her his arm to pillow, or this move was just enough to hold her in his arms.

He was thinking again, if Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation and hugged her, should he obey or refuse, or, if he obeyed, should he take the initiative or be more reserved.

How could Jiang Chen know that a small action of his own caused so many thoughts in Jian Xiaoyu, he simply saw that Jian Xiaoyu was a little uncomfortable lying down.

Jian Xiaoyu waited for a while, seeing that Jiang Chen didn't seem to have the intention of hugging him into his arms, secretly annoyed that he would think wildly, it was a bit unlike him.

Hesitating, Jian Xiaoyu said: "Jiang Chen, I'm worried that you will be angry, and I will never do that again."

"Xiao Yumei, you can do whatever you want." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Jian Xiaoyu's face changed slightly, what he said was so cold, sure enough, Jiang Chen actually cared, was he actually angry?
Panicked, Jian Xiaoyu almost cried, and said in a stuttering voice, "Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I really won't be like that anymore."

Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, and with his arms, he pulled Jian Xiaoyu over. He turned his head, saw Jian Xiaoyu's red eyes, and said with a smile, "Beauty Xiaoyu, if you look like this, if you are seen by outsiders, you will definitely Think I bullied you."

"'s not." Jian Xiaoyu hurriedly explained, but his eyes were getting redder and tears were about to overflow.

"You like me?" Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"Ah—" Jian Xiaoyu opened his mouth wide, staring at Jiang Chen in a daze.

"So you did something boring yesterday to get my attention?" Jiang Chen said again.

Jian Xiaoyu was so ashamed that she closed her eyes and blinked her long eyelashes quickly.

"If you like me, why don't you tell me directly?" Jiang Chen said again.

Jian Xiaoyu's breathing became rapid, and she felt her delicate body was burning hot, especially her face, which seemed to be on fire.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, her liking for Jiang Chen was very obvious, right?
Not only Mao Dan and the others could see it, Jiang Chen also knew it early on.

"When are you going to date me?" Seeing Jian Xiaoyu's embarrassed look, Jiang Chen laughed.

"You arrange it." Jian Xiaoyu was so ashamed that she couldn't tell clearly whether it was she who confessed to Jiang Chen or Jiang Chen who confessed to him when Jiang Chen said such words.

"If I arrange it, let's treat it as if the two of us are already dating." Jiang Chen said.

"Is this a date?" Jian Xiaoyu was a little distracted, thinking about what the girls in the class are doing when they date their boyfriends?

Go to the cafeteria to eat together?

Study together in the classroom?
Or, go shopping outside together?
Does anyone go on a first date just to cuddle with a guy?
If Mao Dan and the others knew that she and Jiang Chen were on their first date like this, they would definitely laugh at her.

But thinking like this in her heart, Jian Xiaoyu felt warm in her heart. She knew that Jiang Chen was not angry and did not blame her. Her childish and ridiculous behavior did not make Jiang Chen bored, otherwise, Jiang Chen would hate it. How could he date her?
But just when Jian Xiaoyu was thinking wildly like this, her mobile phone rang suddenly. Jian Xiaoyu took the mobile phone and saw that it was Mao Dan calling, and connected the call.

"Xiao Yu, come quickly, the teacher has called your name, if you don't come, you will die." Mao Dan's bluffing voice came.

Jian Xiaoyu was startled, stood up in a panic, and said, "Jiang Chen, I'm going to class, and the teacher is taking roll calls. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

This was the first date between her and Jiang Chen. The date had just started and was about to be forced to end, but Jian Xiaoyu had to go to class again.

Jian Xiaoyu ran away while talking, Jiang Chen was a bit dumbfounded, she is really a good girl, just imagine, when she gets along with Jian Xiaoyu in the future, Jian Xiaoyu will say sorry from time to time, maybe it will be a very funny scene, right?
Jian Xiaoyu ran back to the classroom and sat down next to the three of Mao Dan. The teacher who called the roll glanced at Jian Xiaoyu, nodded slightly, and said nothing more.

Jian Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was late this time, the teacher probably didn't write down her name.

"Xiao Yu, you left the dormitory early in the morning, what did you do?" Mao Dan lowered his voice and asked curiously.

Jian Xiaoyu has always been a good student, and has never left sooner or later, let alone absent from class. Moreover, the teacher in this class has always been notoriously strict. knew.

Mao Dan was very surprised that Jian Xiaoyu had something important to do and almost missed class. If she hadn't called Jian Xiaoyu in time, Jian Xiaoyu might not have come to the classroom.

"Something happened." Jian Xiaoyu said vaguely, not knowing how to tell Mao Dan.

"What's the matter?" Mao Dan asked.

"Xiao Dan, why are you asking so many questions? Let me tell you, there is only one truth." Tan Min said mysteriously.

"Don't be sloppy, tell me quickly," Mao Dan urged.

"Xiao Dan, are you stupid? If Xiao Yu skipped class, then of course he went to Jiang Chen. It's so obvious that you can't tell it? And you can see that Xiao Yu's face is blushing, it's clearly the appearance of a spring heart, maybe I went to Jiang Chen to confess." Tan Min said with a smile.

Mao Dan and Zhu Ling looked at Jian Xiaoyu, but they found that Jian Xiaoyu really had peach blossoms in his eyes.

"Xiaoyu, did you really confess your love to Jiang Chen? Did he not mind what happened yesterday? Did you agree?" Mao Dan began to gossip. The school belle of Jane University who ranks third on the top ten school belle list, from now on, the famous flower has a master.

"Don't talk nonsense." Jian Xiaoyu almost got his head under the table.

"Hee hee, it must have been successful. I said Xiao Dan, you shouldn't have called Xiao Yu just now, trying to do bad things to others, just skipping a class, can the teacher still eat Xiao Yu?" Tan Tan Min complained.

Mao Dan was aggrieved, and said, "I didn't know it would be like this, it's over, Jiang Chen will definitely hate me, no one can save me from heaven or earth."

Jian Xiaoyu wanted to cry, but Bai Maodan glanced at him: "How can he be so powerful."

"You didn't listen to what the driver said. Jiang Chen can mobilize the resources of the entire capital at will. I am extremely worried now. As soon as Jiang Chen got angry, he sold me to the mountainous area to be his wife. Xiao Yu, you must Help me, or I will die." Mao Dan said with a mournful face.

"Miss Mao Dan, do you hate marriage so much? How about I find someone to find a way to see if there are any unmarried people in the mountainous area, how about sending you there?" Mao Dan's voice just fell, and there was a smile that was not a smile. The voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing the sound, seeing Jiang Chen appear for some unknown reason, Mao Dan was startled, her face turned pale... She felt that this time she really went to heaven and earth, and no one could save her...

(End of this chapter)

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