genius evil

Chapter 895

Chapter 895

Until the end of get out of class, Mao Dan didn't dare to look Jiang Chen in the eye, that kind of meaning obviously showed her extreme guilt.

After class, Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, "Beauty Maodan, you seem to be afraid of me, why?"

"Is there?" Blinking, Mao Dan said, refusing to admit it.

"I suddenly remembered that some time ago, a few friends of mine went on a road trip and passed by a small village..." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Ah—" Mao Dan screamed, his face turned pale.

"That village is very poor and remote. The people in the village have lived a life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset..." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Stop it, please." Mao Dan was about to cry, do you want to be so scary?

She said that if Jiang Chen got angry, he would sell her to the mountains to be his wife. It was just a small joke. Does Jiang Chen mind it?
"I haven't finished talking yet, don't worry." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, stop teasing Xiao Dan." Jian Xiaoyu said with a smile upon seeing this.

If she hadn't known that Jiang Chen had never been serious, she would have doubted whether Jiang Chen was really going to sell Mao Dan.

"Hey, aren't you all curious about my friends' experience in that village? It's very interesting." Jiang Chen said pretending to be innocent.

Mao Dan shook his head like a rattle, and said loudly, "I don't want to, not at all."

"That's really a pity. Don't look at the village as poor, but the scenery is very nice. I originally thought that if I had time, I would take a few of you there for a tour. Of course, I will cover all the board and lodging. Yes." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

Mao Dan was stunned for a moment.


All inclusive?

Aren't you going to sell her?
She looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, both annoyed and sad.

"Jiang Chen, last time our little fish beauty invited you to dinner, shouldn't it be time for you to treat our little fish beauty to dinner again?" Tan Min said with a smile.

"No." Mao Dan said decisively.

Seeing that after saying this, including Jian Xiaoyu, the three girls looked at her strangely, Mao Dan hurriedly said: "What I mean is, Jiang Chen has to invite all of us in the dormitory to dinner. You have to eat a big meal, otherwise wouldn't it be too cheap for him."

"Yes, we must be invited together, and we must have a big meal." Tan Min nodded in agreement.

"Add two chicken legs to each of you." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, why don't you be so stingy." Mao Dan rolled his eyes.

"Then three." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"I heard that there is a restaurant called Sister Lan's restaurant opened near the school, so let's go there to eat." Mao Dan pretended not to hear Jiang Chen's words, and said.

"Sister Lan Hotel?"

Hearing this, Tan Min and Zhu Ling, who had been silent all this time, had a strange look on their faces.

"No, I won't go there." Jian Xiaoyu said in a hurry.

She has also heard about Sister Lan Hotel, which has not been open for a long time, but it has a great reputation, and the battle on the first day of opening has shocked countless people's eyes.

However, it is one thing to be famous, the most important thing is that it is too expensive, not ordinary expensive.

"Why not? It's just a little expensive." Mao Dan shouted.

Jian Xiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he rolled his eyes at Mao Dan, it's not a little expensive, is it dead expensive, okay?Her monthly living expenses are not enough to eat a meal at Sister Lan's restaurant.

"I also don't think we should go to Sister Lan's restaurant for dinner." Tan Min said.

It is one thing to ask Jiang Chen to treat guests to dinner. If Jiang Chen agrees, it means that he attaches great importance to Jian Xiaoyu, but it is another thing to go to Sister Lan's restaurant for dinner.

In this world, there is no man who would be willing to be treated as a winner.

In particular, it seems that the relationship between Jiang Chen and Jian Xiaoyu has not been determined at the moment, what if Jiang Chen is dissatisfied with Jian Xiaoyu because of this?

In that case, wouldn't they become sinners?
"Let's find a restaurant to eat at random. The per capita consumption should be around [-]." Zhu Ling said silently.

"Yes." Jian Xiaoyu nodded, looking at Jiang Chen, not knowing whether Jiang Chen was willing or not.

But deep down, she still hoped that Jiang Chen would agree, not because of her vanity, but because she hoped that if she really had a relationship with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen could also have a good relationship with the sisters in the dormitory.

"Actually, I think Beauty Mao Dan's suggestion is good, let's go to Sister Lan's Restaurant." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Sister Lan's restaurant has been open for a few days. Except for the first day, he hasn't been there since, and he also wants to have a look.

In addition, it has been a long time since I have eaten the meals made by Sister Lan herself, and Jiang Chen misses Sister Lan's craftsmanship very much.

"Jiang Chen, I was just joking, don't take it seriously." Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Mao Dan was frightened again, and silently decided in his heart that he would never make fun of Jiang Chen again.

Otherwise, on the surface it was she who played tricks on Jiang Chen, but in fact she was played to death by Jiang Chen.

"Beauty Maodan, you don't have to worry about spending money. I have plenty of money. So, don't say anything, just make a happy decision." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen led the way ahead and led the four girls towards the Commercial Street.

"Mao Dan, it's all your fault." While walking, Tan Min blamed in a low voice.

If Mao Dan hadn't mentioned Sister Lan's restaurant, why would there be so many troubles?That's all right, I'm really going to eat at Sister Lan's restaurant.

"Who asked Jiang Chen to play tricks on me? I didn't do it on purpose." Mao Dan stuck out his tongue and said aggrievedly.

"Xiao Yu, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." While speaking, Mao Dan repeatedly apologized to Jian Xiaoyu.

"It's okay, didn't Jiang Chen say that, he has plenty of money, so there's no need to save money for him." Jian Xiaoyu said.

"I didn't think about saving money for him, but saving money for you, okay? No matter how much money Jiang Chen has, after you marry him, the money will still not be yours." Mao Dan said seriously.

Jian Xiaoyu was speechless, when did she say she was going to marry Jiang Chen?
Moreover, Mao Dan has even considered her married life for her. Is it too exaggerated?
After walking out of the school gate, there was a commercial street. Soon, Jiang Chen and five people appeared at the entrance of Sister Lan's restaurant.

This entire commercial street is full of various shops.

The storefront of Sister Lan Hotel is definitely not the largest, and the decoration is not the most luxurious, but it is undoubtedly the most famous.

The reason for this is that there was too much noise on the opening day of Sister Lan's restaurant.

Secondly, every dish at Sister Lan's restaurant is outrageously expensive.

Especially the latter, in a very short period of time, made Sister Lan's restaurant famous and known to everyone.

Just like what Qian Fugui thought, even the advertising fee was saved.

Most of the customers in the shops in the commercial street are students, so the consumption here is relatively close to the people. Many people subconsciously think that it will never open in the long run. If it lasts for a month or two, it will have to close down.

After all, it's true that there are many rich people these days, but what Sister Lan Restaurant did is very suspicious of treating the rich people in the world as fools.

Jiang Chen himself was not optimistic about the management of Sister Lan's restaurant, but this dislike was intentional, and he wanted that kind of effect.

You must know that this commercial street has a huge customer flow, and it may be difficult to say whether other stores will make money, but opening a restaurant is definitely a business that can make money without losing money.

And Jiang Chen asked Sister Lan to open a restaurant in the capital, not for making money, but more for the convenience of his own food, as long as he doesn't lose money, that's enough.

This is why he insisted on raising the price of the menu so high, in order to minimize the number of people entering the store.

However, he just appeared at the entrance of the restaurant. Looking at the situation inside the restaurant, Jiang Chen was stunned.

Impressively, he saw that there were no empty seats in the hotel lobby, and several waiters were interspersed among them like butterflies, busy all the time.

What's more, Jiang Chen saw Sister Lan.

Apparently, because the business was too good and there were not enough waiters, Sister Lan had to temporarily work as a waiter.

Even so, there were still signs of being overwhelmed.


It wasn't just Jiang Chen who was stunned, Jian Xiaoyu and the others behind him were all stunned, their reaction was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

No, I'm afraid even if they really saw a ghost in broad daylight, they might not be so shocked.

The current business situation of Sister Lan Hotel is much more terrifying than seeing a ghost in broad daylight!
"Why is the business so good?" Tan Min murmured.

"There are so many rich people." Mao Dan said quietly.

"Could it be that all the rich people in the world are idiots?" Zhu Ling said in a very puzzled manner.

Even a dish of seasonal vegetables in Sister Lan Restaurant costs as much as 180 yuan a plate. Such a price is not cheap.Even if you look at the whole capital, it can be regarded as the only one.

Whether it's Jian Xiaoyu or Mao Dan's three daughters, they all think that opening such a restaurant, after the excitement of opening, will definitely be deserted and unwelcoming.

But the reality is so dreamlike.

If it wasn't for the fact that they hadn't entered the door yet, the signboard hanging above their heads clearly read the four characters of Sister Lan's Restaurant, and the four girls would have suspected that they had gone to the wrong place.

"Jiang Chen, there seems to be no seats left, why don't we eat at another place." After thinking about it, Jian Xiaoyu took the opportunity to say.

She was reluctant to come here to eat, and she didn't want Jiang Chen to spend money. It happened that the business of Sister Lan's restaurant was so good that there was not even a vacant seat, which just provided her with a perfect excuse.

"Yes, yes, it's too noisy here, let's change places quickly." Maodan Chick nodded as if pecking at rice.

"Jiang Shao, are you here for dinner?"

But just as the second woman's voice fell, a waiter saw Jiang Chen, put down the work in hand, trotted over, and smiled courteously.

Jiang Chen only came here on the first day of Lanjie's restaurant opening, but the waiters were very impressed with Jiang Chen. Moreover, Lan Jie told them that she herself was just a part-time worker, and Jiang Chen was the one. He is the owner of a restaurant, so this waiter is extraordinarily enthusiastic towards Jiang Chen.

"Bring a few friends over for dinner." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Okay, Young Master Jiang, you and your friends come with me." The waiter said, talking, leading the way ahead, leading Jiang Chen and five people inside.

"Jiang Chen, you're here." Just as Jiang Chen entered the restaurant, Sister Lan, who was busy over there, also saw Jiang Chen and walked over quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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