genius evil

Chapter 896 The Real Unreasonable Trouble

Chapter 896 The Real Unreasonable Trouble

"Sister Lan, what's the situation?" Seeing Sister Lan approaching, Jiang Chen asked incredulously.

"I don't know either." Sister Lan said helplessly, but her tone seemed very happy.

The business of the restaurant is so good, which is unexpected by Sister Lan. After all, the price of the food is really too expensive, far exceeding the normal consumption level, which is obviously to push the guests out.

Contrary to what Jiang Chen thought, Sister Lan ran the restaurant for the purpose of making money. Naturally, the more customers there were, the more money she would make.

Of course, the reason why she has such an idea is not because Sister Lan loves money so much, but because she wants to repay Jiang Chen with this. Otherwise, she really doesn't know how to repay Jiang Chen for his help. .

Moreover, there is not much she can do, or in other words, the only thing she can do is this.

In this way, it is natural to try our best to do a good job.

Since Sister Lan's restaurant opened, the business has been surprisingly good. How can this not make Sister Lan happy?
It even made Sister Lan feel like she was dreaming, lest she would wake up from this dream if she was not careful.

"Could it be that the food is too cheap?" Jiang Chen pondered.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of joke are you making? I warn you, this joke is not funny at all." Mao Dan immediately became furious.

If even the food at Sister Lan's restaurant can be considered cheap, then wouldn't other restaurants give it away for free?When Jiang Chen said this, did he consider the feelings of other hotel owners?
"There must be a problem." Jiang Chen said solemnly, and introduced Sister Lan to Jian Xiaoyu and the four daughters by the way.

Jian Xiaoyu's four daughters have never met Sister Lan before, but they have all heard of Sister Lan. There is no way, Sister Lan's restaurant is too famous, and even Sister Lan herself is very popular.

It has long been heard that the owner of Sister Lan restaurant is a stunning beauty, who attracts countless diners.But when they saw it with their own eyes, the four girls discovered that the exaggerated remarks about Sister Lan were not exaggerated at all.

The gazes of the four girls all fell on Sister Lan involuntarily, especially Jian Xiaoyu, perhaps because of her female intuition, she paid more attention to Sister Lan.

Sister Lan heard that Jiang Chen introduced her as a classmate, but she didn't think too much about it. She let the waiter do the work, and took Jiang Chen to the reserved room upstairs herself.

In the box, after taking his seat, Mao Dan casually picked up the menu and glanced at it. He was immediately dumbfounded, as if what he was holding in his hand was not a menu but a time bomb, and he threw it to Jian Xiaoyu without daring to touch it. up.

Jian Xiaoyu was surprised by Mao Dan's reaction, took a look at the menu, but also changed color.

One word, expensive!

Two words, very expensive!

In four words, it is ridiculously expensive!

No wonder there are rumors that Sister Lan's restaurant is expensive inside, and the rumors are indeed true.

Jian Xiaoyu is not surprised by Mao Dan's reaction at all, she herself has the urge to throw out the menu at this moment!

"Let me order." Jiang Chen took the menu from Jian Xiaoyu with a smile, and quickly ordered seven or eight dishes.

"There are a lot of guests, maybe you have to wait a little while." Sister Lan wrote down Jiang Chen's order one by one, decided to cook it herself later, said to Jiang Chen, and then left.

"Jiang Chen, are you familiar with Sister Lan?" As soon as Sister Lan left, Mao Dan immediately started gossiping and looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes.

"Very familiar." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"How familiar is it?" Mao Dan was dissatisfied with Jiang Chen's answer.

"When you check out later, it's almost the kind of familiarity that can be discounted by [-] percent." Jiang Chen then said it a little more concretely.

"Well, that's really very familiar." Mao Dan sighed.

She did a rough calculation just now, the seven or eight dishes that Jiang Chen just ordered would add up to over ten thousand. If there was a discount of [-]%, it would not be too much for a table of five people to spend around one thousand. Outrageous.

"I didn't expect that the business of this restaurant would be so good. This time it really opened my eyes." Over there, Tan Min also sighed.

"That's right, I never expected it. I'll have to try it out later." Zhu Ling said quietly.

"That's why I said, the food must be too cheap." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"I didn't find anything cheap at all." Tan Min curled her lips and said, "If you say that the owner of the restaurant is too beautiful, it's not too bad."

Speaking of this, Tan Min found that Jian Xiaoyu was a little absent-minded, and asked suspiciously: "Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you?"

"'s okay." Jian Xiaoyu stammered.

"I know what's going on." Mao Dan smiled mysteriously, and said like a witch, "Xiao Yu must have found that Sister Lan is too beautiful, so he felt a sense of crisis."

"What sense of crisis?" Tan Min asked curiously.

"Sure enough, women who have never been in love these days are like idiots." Mao Dan rolled his eyes, and said sternly: "We just entered the restaurant, and the waiters were extremely enthusiastic about Jiang Chen. Taking time out of your busy schedule to entertain personally, isn't that enough for you to see some problems?"

"What's the question?" Tan Min asked confusedly.

"Why are you so stupid? I said it so bluntly." Mao Dan was very dissatisfied, and then said: "Sister Lan and Jiang Chen are so familiar, Xiaoyu naturally has a sense of crisis, doesn't he? There is a saying Come on, beautiful women and beautiful women are natural enemies."

"Ah, I understand what you mean, you mean the three of us are not beautiful." Tan Min suddenly realized.

For a moment, Mao Dan was speechless.

Because after thinking about it carefully, she actually found that Tan Min's logic of understanding was flawless.

After all, she said it herself, beautiful women and beautiful women are natural enemies, and they have such a good relationship with Jian Xiaoyu, so it can only prove that they are not beautiful.

"Mao Dan, don't talk nonsense." Jian Xiaoyu couldn't stand Mao Dan anymore.

Mao Dan giggled, and said: "I was wrong. Is it okay if I'm really wrong? I shouldn't have said anything that is obvious. But if I don't say it, how would Jiang Chen know? Are you right? Why does he take it so seriously? So, after all, you should thank me."

Jian Xiaoyu's heart skipped a beat, as if, as if, as if, what Mao Dan said made sense.

If she didn't reveal her heart in front of Jiang Chen, how would Jiang Chen know what she was thinking in her heart?

After all, if she were to say such a thing, she would not be able to say it anyway.

Because what Mao Dan said was right, when she saw Sister Lan, even though she had always been quite conceited about her appearance, she couldn't help but feel ashamed, not to mention, the relationship between Jiang Chen and Sister Lan, So familiar.

"Thank you, you big bastard. Don't talk about obvious things. Are you the only one who is smart? Could it be that Jiang Chen can't see it?" Zhu Ling said angrily.

"Then Jiang Chen, did you see it?" Mao Dan then asked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled, and was about to speak, when he suddenly heard a "bang" vibration coming from downstairs, as if something had been smashed to the ground by someone.

"Fuck, what kind of broken restaurant? It's okay to pay 180 yuan for a plate of cabbage. It's still so unpalatable. Do you think we are Kaizi?" Immediately afterwards, a voice like a broken gong came over.

The voice was so loud that even in the upstairs box, it was still heard clearly, not only Jiang Chen heard it, but Jian Xiaoyu and the four daughters also heard it.

Sister Lan's restaurant has been open for several days. Although there are customers who complain that the food is too expensive from time to time, it is the first time that they directly smash things like this.

The waiter panicked and didn't know what to do, so she hurried to the kitchen to call Sister Lan.

Sister Lan, who was busy in the kitchen, was quickly called out by the waiter.

"Sir, do you have any dissatisfaction with our restaurant?" Sister Lan asked softly.

"Are you deaf or something? Didn't you hear what I just said? How did you cook this dish of cabbage? It's unpalatable, let alone burnt. Are you feeding us like pigs?" The broken gong roared at the top of his voice, and said with great dissatisfaction.

This is a young man about 25 or [-] years old. He didn't come to eat alone. At the same table, there were three young people of about the same age.

Hearing such a roar from Po Gong's voice, the other three also began to criticize one after another.

"Sir, if you are not satisfied, we can change the dish for you." Sister Lan said patiently.

"Hey, what's your attitude? This is, why do I listen, are you saying that our brothers are making trouble for no reason?" Po Gong said with a strange voice.

Sister Lan smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, don't get me wrong. The purpose of our hotel is to satisfy the guests. I am very sorry for the troubles I have caused you."

"Sorry? I just want to say sorry and just want to end the matter?" Po Gong sneered and said, "If I smash the restaurant later, I will say sorry to you again, do you think it is okay? If you think it is okay, we will discuss the matter today." Brothers, just pretend it never happened, if you think it’s wrong, let’s talk about it in detail.”

Xiumei frowned slightly, and Sister Lan knew that today's matter might not be so easy to deal with. No matter how slow the reaction was, it could be seen that these young people were deliberately finding fault.

Although she didn't know why they did this, Sister Lan still said, "Sir, your attitude won't solve the problem. I suggest you call the police. Maybe it's more appropriate for the police to deal with it."

"What do you mean? You just decided that my buddies are making trouble for no reason, right?" Po Gong's voice turned cold.

After a moment of hesitation, Sister Lan said slowly, "Yes."

As if he didn't expect Sister Lan to answer like this, he was stunned for a while before he burst out laughing. He pointed at Sister Lan with a finger, and said in a gloomy voice, "Very well, you really mean it. That's great, making trouble for no reason, right? Don't worry, we will definitely help you."

Saying this, he said to the other three people in a broken voice: "Brothers, don't be in a daze, and smash the store for me, so that the beautiful Boss Lan can see what real vexation is."

The three of them burst out laughing, stood up abruptly, and grabbed a chair each.

Sister Lan's eyebrows twitched involuntarily. She didn't expect these people to be so bold and planned to smash the restaurant, which was beyond her expectation.

According to her original idea, these people are looking for trouble for no reason, and they should just want to ask for a little money. If this smashes the store, isn't it intentional to make things worse.

The broken voice also grabbed a chair and was about to smash it. At this moment, a lazy voice came from upstairs: "Sister Lan, I finally know why the restaurant's business is so good."

(End of this chapter)

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