genius evil

Chapter 897 The murder caused by a plate of cabbage

Chapter 897 The murder caused by a plate of cabbage

"Why?" Looking up, seeing Jiang Chen walking out of the box and walking downstairs, Sister Lan felt slightly relieved, and subconsciously asked.

"The biggest reason is that the restaurant's service attitude is too good. So I decided that from today onwards, the attitude of the waiters must be bad, as bad as it can be!" Jiang Chen said solemnly, a few steps , appeared next to Sister Lan...

"The service attitude is too good, so it's a little bit worse?"

All the diners in the restaurant, after hearing Jiang Chen's words, one by one counted as one, and everyone was shocked by the thunder.

What does it mean to have a great service attitude?
Isn't that what it should be?
Conversely, if the service is not good enough, then there will be problems, right?

What's more, compared to other high-end consumer places, no one thinks that the service attitude of Lanjie Restaurant is so good, it is just the standard of ordinary street shops, which is completely inconsistent with the consumption level of Lanjie Restaurant .

If it weren't for the reputation of Sister Lan's restaurant and the fact that Sister Lan, the owner of the restaurant, is too beautiful, many people would not come here to spend at all. After all, they are rich, but not all of them are fools, and they are not so easy to fool. of.

All of them couldn't understand what Jiang Chen's so-called service attitude was based on. Could it be because the business of Sister Lan's restaurant was too hot?
But if this is the case, Jiang Chen has to say that Jiang Chen is not pumping.

It wasn't just the group of diners who felt that way, the four daughters Jian Xiaoyu who followed Jiang Chen and went downstairs to watch the fun all had their mouths twitching non-stop after hearing the sound.

"Xiao Yu, didn't we have a drink just now?" Mao Dan asked.

"No wine." Jian Xiaoyu replied.

"Since he didn't order any wine, it means that Jiang Chen didn't drink, but he didn't drink any wine, why did Jiang Chen start talking drunk?" Mao Dan said innocently.

Jian Xiaoyu couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead, he couldn't laugh or cry, and he couldn't understand how Jiang Chen could say such words.

You know, if it is said that Sister Lan's restaurant is suspected of kicking out customers because the food is too expensive, then Jiang Chen's words like this are tantamount to kicking out the guests with open fire.

Is there any business doing this?

Jian Xiaoyu doesn't know if there is or not, but one thing is certain is that she has never seen anyone doing business like this.

"Jiang Chen, don't be joking." Sister Lan said angrily.

She has always opened a restaurant and is very clear about the internal procedures. She is very clear about the service of Sister Lan's restaurant. Moreover, because of the abnormally hot business, Sister Lan plans to hire a few more waiters.

Otherwise, once the service cannot keep up, it is easy to cause the loss of passenger flow.

"This is really not a joke." Jiang Chen was rarely so serious, and then said solemnly: "If the service attitude is not so good, such a few rubbish would have been swept out long ago, wouldn't they?"

"To shut up!"

"How dare you say that we are rubbish, court death."

"Boy, are you impatient to live?"

The four people with broken gongs and voices immediately clamored, each of them gearing up to beat Jiang Chen violently every minute.


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen slapped his face, knocked his broken throat to the ground, and said in displeasure, "I'm giving you a face, right? If you're a bastard like you, you shouldn't be allowed in. A plate of cabbage won't let you in." It's only one hundred and eighty, and you can't even afford one hundred and eighty, so why don't you just hit your head and kill it?"

"It's not a matter of affordability." Struggling to get up, covering his face with his hands, he shouted loudly.

"Then, could it be that your character is too bad? You see so many people here, but the fried cabbage you ordered is just mushy. It seems that your character is not good." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

Broken throat almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

His character may not be very good, but what does it have to do with a plate of cabbage?
"By the way, all customers who come into the store for consumption in the future will have to test their character. If the character is not good, just go as far as you can." Jiang Chen added as if he remembered something.

"Boy, you slapped me and scolded me for being a bad character. Do you think you can fool me like this? Brothers, don't talk nonsense with him and smash the store." The broken voice said angrily.

"Who talked nonsense to you? Did I talk nonsense to you?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied, raised his hand and slapped him again, knocking his broken throat to the ground.

"Boy, you really are looking for death." The other three couldn't stand it anymore, and grinned one by one.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have good moral character, but you actually blatantly accused the hotel of having a problem. In my opinion, it's you who are courting death." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Do it."

"beat him."

The three of them couldn't bear it any longer, and after looking at each other, they rushed towards Jiang Chen one after another, throwing the chairs they held in their hands madly at Jiang Chen.

"Be careful." Sister Lan turned pale with shock.

Jiang Chen gave Sister Lan a reassuring look. He didn't even look at him. He raised his hand and slapped his ears quickly. When the slaps fell, the three guys who rushed towards him all looked like pigs' heads. He was lying on the ground crying and howling like ghosts and wolves.

"Hey, did you guys see that? This is the end of bad character." Jiang Chen shouted at the diners after beating him up.

Everyone knows that Jiang Chen is talking nonsense. Although Jiang Chen's beating has nothing to do with them, but it has to be said that Jiang Chen's appearance is too much to be beaten. Give Jiang Chen a good beating.

Although looking at the current situation, they couldn't beat Jiang Chen at all. If they really did, the final result could only be a violent beating by Jiang Chen.

"So in the future, if anyone thinks that his character is not good, pay the bill and get out, okay?" Jiang Chen said politely.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, how could they all admit that their character was not good, and they were very frustrated.

"It turns out that everyone's character is good, so the next problem is coming." Smacking his mouth, Jiang Chen said, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the broken throat from the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Po Gong's voice was terribly frightening, Jiang Chen was too ruthless when he whipped people, it was absolutely deadly.

"It's very simple. Based on what I just said, the service of Sister Lan Hotel must be poor. Next, I want to let you know how Sister Lan Hotel will deal with rubbish like you in the future." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The heart trembled in Po Gong's throat, thinking that Jiang Chen might want to whip himself again.

But before he could react, Jiang Chen just moved his wrist and threw him out of the store. Soon, the other three were also kicked out of the store by Jiang Chen one by one, like kicking a football.

"Sister Lan, in the future, when you encounter this kind of rubbish, you should do this. I guarantee that the business of Sister Lan's restaurant will go up to a higher level." Jiang Chen winked and said with a playful smile.

"Okay, let's go upstairs to eat." Sister Lan said dumbfounded. Jiang Chen's behavior could not be said to be presumptuous, but Sister Lan didn't say much.

Jiang Chen nodded, waved at Jian Xiaoyu's four daughters, and led them upstairs. After walking a few steps, Jiang Chen seemed to have thought of something. He stopped and said to the other diners, "Everyone, remember to pay when you finish eating later." , if anyone pays less than a penny, it means that the character is not good, and as for the end of the bad character, I believe you have all seen it, so I don’t need to say more.”

"Jiang Chen, what happened just now?" Mao Dan asked impatiently after entering the box.

"Obviously, the business of Sister Lan Restaurant can be better." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"I read a lot, you can't fool me." Mao Dan rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Didn't you see that? When you said that just now, the faces of all the people who were eating turned green. I paid the bill and left before I finished eating a few meals, and I probably won’t come again in the future.”

"That's really great." Jiang Chen said happily.

"Sister Lan will hate you to death." Mao Dan reminded.

"Absolutely not, she will thank me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"If I were Sister Lan, I would be the first to kick you out." Zhu Ling said quietly.

Tan Min chuckled, and said, "Yeah, Jiang Chen, you're too bad, and you said you know Sister Lan very well, so why are you cheating me like this?"

"Miss Xiaoyu, do I have sister Keng Lan?" Jiang Chen asked rather puzzled.

Jian Xiaoyu smiled wryly, a little worried about the business situation of Sister Lan's Restaurant in the future, but remembered that when he just came to Sister Lan's Restaurant, Jiang Chen said that the food in the restaurant was too cheap.

Combined with Jiang Chen's actions just now, Jian Xiaoyu suddenly understood that Jiang Chen might have done that on purpose, and he didn't want the business of Sister Lan's restaurant to be too good.

If the restaurant business is good, it is a matter of course that they can make more money. No one will have any grudges against money, and Jiang Chen obviously won't either.

In this way, there was only one possibility, that is, Jiang Chen didn't want Sister Lan to be too tired, so he fooled everyone by pretending to be crazy.

"Is it like this?" Jian Xiaoyu said silently in his heart, looking at Jiang Chen, a little unsure.

After all, if it was as she imagined, then the relationship between Jiang Chen and Sister Lan was more than just familiarity.

However, if Jiang Chen and Sister Lan had an unusual relationship, how could he be willing to bring her to Sister Lan's restaurant for dinner?Aren't you worried that Sister Lan will be jealous?
After a meal, it was already an hour later.

Sister Lan's craftsmanship is nothing to say, Jian Xiaoyu's four daughters were all very satisfied with the food, their mouths were full of oil, and they all lamented that it was worth the money.

But at the moment when they walked out of the box, Jian Xiaoyu and the four daughters were stunned.

Because of Jiang Chen's riot, they originally thought that the restaurant would be extremely deserted, but the reality was completely opposite to what they had imagined.

It was still full of seats, and it was extremely popular. It was even more impressive to see that there was a long queue at the entrance of the restaurant, and some diners were waiting in line.

The four women were all dumbfounded, and they were about to lose their minds. They couldn't understand why this happened.

Could it be that they are all trying to prove their character?

"It seems that the hotel's service can be even worse." Jiang Chen muttered, but he was also speechless.

He was so blatantly chasing away customers, these people are still here, are they burning too much money?

Hearing Jiang Chen's muttering, Jian Xiaoyu's four daughters were all startled, especially Jian Xiaoyu, thinking that Jiang Chen had really driven out on purpose, his mind was inexplicably entangled, and there was still a little bit of melancholy.

Jiang Chen sent the four girls back to school, and just after they left, his cell phone rang. Seeing that the call was from Sister Lan, Jiang Chen picked it up casually. After listening to a few words, Jiang Chen grinned and muttered Nan said: "This is really courting death."

(End of this chapter)

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