genius evil

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

"Old woman, may I ask who are you? Whether I have the intention to open a room is none of your business." Jiang Chen immediately said annoyed.

"Old woman?"

Upon hearing these three words, Kong Yujie almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Although she is no longer young, she has always taken good care of herself. Not to mention that she can be compared with a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, but the whole person's spiritual temperament He looked like he was in his early thirties at most, so he was definitely not old.

But Jiang Chen's mouth was like an old woman, Kong Yujie's body was like sifting chaff, if she didn't have some sense, she would almost rush to tear Jiang Chen's mouth at this time, to see if Jiang Chen dared to talk nonsense.

"My name is Kong Yujie." Kong Yujie introduced herself. She had just rushed over from the hospital. She had hoped that Jiang Chen would suffer a lot during the time he was arrested and taken to the police station. After all, even if she didn't What to do, but in terms of the Meng family's face, it is impossible for the police station to make it easy for Jiang Chen.

Kong Yujie never expected that Jiang Chen seemed to have nothing to do with it. If he didn't say anything, he would actually have a flirtatious sexual interest. This in itself made Kong Yujie feel very bad. What Jiang Chen said made her feel even worse. Depressed.

"Who is Kong Yujie, Da Feifei, do you know him?" Jiang Chen asked Liu Yufei without even looking at Kong Yujie.

"It seems that I have heard of it." Liu Yufei thought for a while, and had a faint impression of this name, but for a while, she couldn't remember where she had heard this name.

"You don't know Da Feifei, so I definitely don't." Jiang Chen said with a smile after he smacked his mouth.

"I'm Meng Xiangyang's mother." Kong Yujie said angrily. She didn't think Jiang Chen didn't know who she was. She thought Jiang Chen was just putting on airs.

"Oh, it turned out to be Meng Xiangyang's mother. I told you, old woman, why are you talking so much nonsense? Why don't you just say that you are here to beg me?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You—" Kong Yujie was dumbfounded. She had dealt with many people before, but she had never seen anyone like Jiang Chen. Even if she came to beg Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen couldn't behave a little Be tactful?

"Don't you and me, please hurry up if you ask me, I'm very busy." Jiang Chen's expression was very impatient.

Kong Yujie sneered in her heart, thinking that you were busy going to have a room with the little vixen, but Kong Yujie said, "Jiang Chen, rather than saying that I am here to beg you, it is better to say that I am here to make a deal with you." .”

"Old woman, are you being too self-righteous? I don't think you are qualified to make a deal with me." Jiang Chen looked uninterested.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to be too self-righteous, you and I know whether I am qualified to make a deal with you." Kong Yujie still had the air of a strong woman, her voice raised a lot.

Then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, Kong Yujie immediately said: "Jiang Chen, I don't know what you did to my son, but what you did was nothing more than worrying about being retaliated by my Meng family. My Meng family dare not touch you, but now, as long as you solve my son's problems, I can make the decision and guarantee that the Meng family will not pursue this matter."

Kong Yujie spoke very fast. After saying so much in one breath, she looked at Jiang Chen with burning eyes, waiting for Jiang Chen's answer.

These ideas were straightened out by Kong Yujie on the way to the police station by car. A teenager from an ordinary family would naturally do some extra aggressive actions in order to protect himself. Although Kong Yujie was angry, it was still understandable.

Now, Kong Yujie is using what she understands as a bargaining chip for negotiating with Jiang Chen. After all, with her status, it is impossible for her to put down her body and beg Jiang Chen. It's not that she doesn't value Meng Xiangyang, but that she doesn't Think Jiang Chen has such qualifications.

As for revenge, Kong Yujie said it nicely, but after confirming that Meng Xiangyang was fine, it would not be as simple as it said on the surface. It's been good.

But that's for the future, and with Kong Yujie's scheming, it's enough that she won't show it in the slightest.

"Kong Yujie, right? Don't you think you're very smart?" Jiang Chen said leisurely, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"I don't think I'm very smart, I just know what you want." Kong Yujie said confidently and unhurriedly.

"If you really knew what I want, then you wouldn't feel so good about yourself in front of me." While speaking, Jiang Chen waved his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Go away."

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean?" Kong Yujie couldn't adapt to Jiang Chen's reaction, did she say something wrong?

"It's very simple. It means, if you're here to beg me, then beg me seriously, beg me seriously, and once I'm in a good mood, Meng Xiangyang will be fine... If you're not here to beg me, then , don’t stand in the way of me, don’t you see that I’m making out with my eldest Feifei?” Jiang Chen said displeased.

Even if this woman guessed what his purpose of playing tricks on Meng Xiangyang was, so what?Why should Kong Yujie lead him by the nose after his purpose was guessed?
Kong Yujie was smart because she was smart, but she was a bit too smart. What she thought was what she thought after all, but Jiang Chen could change his mind at any time.

Now, Jiang Chen has changed his mind.

"Jiang Chen, you'd better think about what you're talking about. Once you make my son feel bad, me and our Meng family will definitely not make it easy for you... Moreover, you must end up worse than my son. Miserable." Kong Yujie said sharply.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said slowly: "Old woman, there is no doubt that in your eyes, my humble life is definitely not as precious as your son's life... So, if it is so wasted, it will eventually be wasted." If you don’t go down, it won’t be me.”

If it couldn't be Jiang Chen, then it could only be Meng Xiangyang.

Hearing this, Kong Yujie's complexion changed drastically. She couldn't understand more clearly that what Jiang Chen said was correct, even if one life was worth one life, even if ten Jiang Chens added up, Kong Yujie didn't think he could beat Meng Xiangyang.

"Then I want to see how much energy you consume." Kong Yujie said stiffly.

"At least, it won't be a problem if it takes a day or two... Oh, I forgot to tell you, there are still about ten hours left for Meng Xiangyang. Da Luo Jinxian can't save him either." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Kong Yujie's face became even uglier. After ten hours, Jiang Chen said that Meng Xiangyang had ten hours left...Kong Yujie couldn't be sure whether Jiang Chen was telling the truth or not, but whether it was true or not, Jiang Chen could tell the truth. Taking a gamble, she didn't dare to gamble, so she could only choose to believe Jiang Chen's words.

"Jiang Chen, what you've done is terrific." Kong Yujie's voice was sharp and hysterical.

"Old woman, you are wrong. If I really do this absolutely, then I will never give you the chance to beg me... As for whether you want to seize the opportunity, it is entirely your own business, and it has nothing to do with me." No." Jiang Chen pushed and acted, acting as if he stayed out of the matter.

Kong Yujie's heart skipped a beat. Hearing Jiang Chen's words, if she didn't beg Jiang Chen, then she personally killed Meng Xiangyang.

This made Kong Yujie feel extremely uncomfortable and extremely awkward. She looked at Jiang Chen bitterly, and after a while, she turned her head and looked at Police Officer Wu who had been stunned for a long time.

"Don't get out yet." Kong Yujie waved her arm and pointed at Police Officer Wu.

As a policeman, he has always dealt with all kinds of people. Officer Wu recognized Kong Yujie's identity as early as Kong Yujie's appearance.

Police Officer Wu knew better that Jiang Chen injured Meng Xiangyang, but when the situation developed to the end, Kong Yujie didn't come to Jiang Chen for trouble, but turned to beg Jiang Chen, which made Officer Wu a little confused.

It wasn't until Kong Yujie stretched out his finger that Officer Wu reacted and woke up. Indeed, these things were not what he should have seen and heard, and that would be of no benefit to him. I plan to leave along the way.

"Old woman, there is something wrong with this guy, he can't leave now." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to embarrass me?" Kong Yujie couldn't take it anymore.

"That has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said disapprovingly.

"Okay, I'll beg you on behalf of my son Meng Xiangyang." Kong Yujie is also a straightforward person, so she stopped talking nonsense and bowed her head directly. Anyway, she knows that even if Officer Wu was present, Officer Wu would not If you dare to say it, there is actually not much relationship between more people and fewer people.

"What are you talking about? The voice is too low, I can't hear it." Jiang Chen smiled narrowly.

"Jiang Chen, I beg you." Kong Yujie said loudly, her face was so humiliated, Kong Yujie was completely willing to go all out.

"That's right, I said old woman, if you begged me honestly early in the morning, wouldn't everyone be happy and waste my saliva for nothing," Jiang Chen complained.

Kong Yujie's face twitched, hating Jiang Chen to death.

"Jiang Chen, you should be satisfied with this, right?" Kong Yujie turned her head and said.

"Who says I'm satisfied? Do you think I'm just as stupid as you, and just give me a meaningless remark? At least, you have to show a little sincerity." Jiang Chen stared at Kong Yujie and said.

"What else do you want?" Kong Yujie was so angry that she couldn't help it, and she was about to explode.

"Did you see this guy?" Jiang Chen pouted at Officer Wu and said, "I don't like this guy very much."

"I understand what you mean." Kong Yujie took a deep look at Officer Wu, stretched out his hand and slapped Officer Wu's face with a slap, and after one slap, Kong Yujie slapped Officer Wu heavily with his backhand On the other side of the face.

"Old woman, you are so vicious. They say that hitting someone is not a face. You can do whatever you want, so that he can't be a man for the rest of his life. Just let him go carelessly." Jiang Chen yelled.


Kong Yujie kicked Officer Wu's crotch with a standard kick, and with an "Aww", Officer Wu let out a scream and fell to the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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