genius evil

Chapter 91 Hello Mother-in-Law

Chapter 91 Hello Mother-in-Law

"Jiang Chen, this should be okay, right?" Seeing Officer Wu whose face was distorted in pain, Kong Yujie inexplicably felt an almost perverted pleasure.

Although she knew very well that Jiang Chen was using her hand to teach Officer Wu a lesson, but she had nowhere to vent the anger that Jiang Chen had made her full of, and it just happened to be vented on Officer Wu, so she found a place to vent. Channels, otherwise, she would not have worked so hard.

"Old woman, what you said is a bit interesting. You are the one who slaps people, and you are the one who kicks people. What does this have to do with me? You ask me like this because you want to drag me into trouble." Jiang Chen A very unhappy look.

Kong Yujie looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, did this bastard shamelessly pass all the responsibility on to her?What is this all about?

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, can you go to the hospital with me now?" Since Kong Yujie had lowered her head, she no longer had unnecessary arguments with Jiang Chen.

"Well, actually, I'm really busy. I want to open a room with my Da Feifei. Besides, my Da Feifei is also full of troubles..." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"I think I can help with this young lady's matter if necessary." Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, Kong Yujie said.

"This, isn't it good?" Jiang Chen pretended.

"I can really help." Kong Yujie gritted her teeth. Although she didn't know what happened to Liu Yufei, with her identity and the energy of the Meng family, no matter what it was, it wouldn't be a big problem. of.

"This is really not good, I'll do it myself." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said.

Kong Yujie was slightly taken aback, she thought that this shameless man would use her to the fullest, she was also mentally prepared, otherwise she would not have offered to help, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen would refuse.

"Jiang Chen, I will take care of my affairs myself, so I won't bother you." At this time, Liu Yufei said.


Jiang Chen directly stretched out his hand and slapped Liu Yufei on the buttocks.

"Jiang Chen, you...why did you hit me again." Liu Yufei was aggrieved.

"Da Feifei, what do you mean you can solve your affairs yourself? You are my woman, and your affairs are my affairs." Jiang Chen said displeasedly. It seems that Liu Yufei has not yet awakened to be his woman, but The feel is really pretty good.

"Jiang Chen, I just don't want to trouble you." Liu Yufei said depressedly. In her opinion, even if she really slept with Jiang Chen, it might not necessarily be Jiang Chen's woman, right?

It's just that I don't know why, Jiang Chen's all-inclusive strength is rare, and Liu Yufei's mood is a little strange. This man is not entirely interested in hitting her body, at least, he shows that he cares hers.

"There is no trouble, no trouble, as long as I make a move, no trouble will be a problem." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

Liu Yufei's mood was even more strange. Naturally, she would not believe Jiang Chen's words. She just assumed that this man intended to show off in front of her, so she didn't say much, so as not to make Jiang Chen feel ashamed.

Kong Yujie couldn't speak at this moment. In her opinion, Jiang Chen's words were very naive, and she would not believe Jiang Chen's words. If Jiang Chen hadn't held Meng Xiangyang to threaten her, she would have given Jiang Chen a long time ago. Jiang Chen was so desperate for life.

"Let's go, let's go to your house first, and solve the problem by the way. You actually dare to bully my Jiang Chen's woman. You're getting impatient, aren't you?" Jiang Chen said again.

"Go to my house?" Liu Yufei blushed. Doesn't this mean that she wants to meet her parents directly?
"Jiang Chen, you still have to go to the hospital with me." Kong Yujie also said in a hurry.

"Old lady, I told you that I'm busy, so shut up." Jiang Chen said unceremoniously.

Jiang Chen still wanted to please his future mother-in-law. To put it bluntly, whether Meng Xiangyang is dead or alive is none of his business?

After solving the mother-in-law's troubles, maybe there will be some time to drop by and open a room with Liu Yufei. Jiang Chen has planned it all. Kong Yujie is so talkative, Jiang Chen is naturally very unhappy.

Kong Yujie's breathing was slightly stagnant. Never before had anyone spoken in such a tone. Jiang Chen was a scoundrel and scoundrel who didn't care about anything. She had nothing to do. Teeth alive and blood swallowed.

"Da Feifei, let's go." Jiang Chen pulled Liu Yufei's hand, and left the dazed Liu Yufei.

After getting into the taxi, Liu Yufei suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise: "Jiang Chen, I remembered, I know who that Kong Yujie is."

"Who she is has nothing to do with me, and things that have nothing to do with me have nothing to do with you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Liu Yufei was a bit dumbfounded. The reason why she felt as if she had heard of Kong Yujie's name before was because it was very famous in the medical system of Yilan City.

Kong Yujie's real identity is a director of the Yilan City Health Department. It seems that the position is not high, but in fact the power is amazing, not to mention that Kong Yujie is the largest shareholder of Renai Hospital. It has direct decision-making power.

Speaking of which, Liu Yufei actually met Kong Yujie once. It was a city health department inspection of major hospitals in the city. Liu Yufei saw with her own eyes how Dean Qiu flattered Kong Yujie.

However, because she had no direct contact with Kong Yujie, it was the reason why she couldn't immediately think of Kong Yujie's identity.

With Kong Yujie's status, Jiang Chen forcefully forced him to please Jiang Chen. Such things are not uncommon, but Jiang Chen said so, Liu Yufei thought about it, and felt that it really had nothing to do with her.

"Jiang Chen, my family's affairs are a bit troublesome. If one is not good, you may cause trouble all over. I..." Liu Yufei changed the subject, a little worried.

"Da Feifei, I think you really need to be more aware of being my woman." Jiang Chen frowned.

Liu Yufei was surprised for a while, thinking that maybe this little rascal wanted to come forward because she didn't have the consciousness to be his woman?

Thinking of this, Liu Yufei felt a little funny again, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, I went to Yilan Middle School to look for you yesterday."

"Oh?" Jiang Chen's heart moved. He knew that Tang Tian and Shuang'er had gone to school to look for him. He didn't know before that Liu Yufei also went to school to look for him.

Blinking his eyes, Jiang Chen said with a smile, "Da Feifei, why are you looking for me at school?"

"I came here specifically to thank you and apologize." Liu Yufei sighed.

The trouble of medical malpractice was solved by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen took the responsibility alone, which gave Liu Yufei a shocking feeling.

It was only after Jiang Chen left the No.1 civilian hospital that Liu Yufei realized what a big mistake she had made unintentionally. She shouldn't doubt Jiang Chen, she should trust Jiang Chen unreservedly.

Perhaps this kind of distrust didn't have much to do with her. After all, she was not familiar with Jiang Chen. However, due to her personality, Liu Yufei still felt extremely guilty, so she made a special trip to the school to find Jiang Chen.

On that day, when Jiang Chen left the hospital, Liu Yufei wanted to find Jiang Chen. Later, something happened at home, and it took another day to go to school. Unfortunately, Jiang Chen was not found, and she returned disappointed. Dramatically, they ran into Jiang Chen in the police station.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "Da Feifei, actually, you don't need to apologize or anything. I'm really easy to talk to. If I open a room with everyone to chat, I'll feel at ease physically and mentally."

Liu Yufei gave Jiang Chen a blank look, and said angrily, "Jiang Chen, don't interrupt on purpose, and tell the truth, even if I will fulfill the promise of the deal and be your woman, I don't plan to have sex with you again."

"Opening a house is something that is familiar once and twice. When we open a house a few more times, maybe you will force me to open a house in the future." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Liu Yufei blushed a lot. Does she look so horny? It's true that the more you talk to this guy, the more you talk, the more you talk. Why is he always trying to hit her body?
Liu Yufei was a little helpless, and said again: "Jiang Chen, can you be more serious?"

"Master driver, look at me, am I serious or not?" Jiang Chen said to the driver in a serious manner.

"Serious...serious." The driver choked and said inexplicably.

"Have you heard, I'm really serious." Jiang Chen laughed.


Twenty minutes later, the taxi stopped.

This is a village in the city, but it has nothing to do with the mess and chaos as imagined. However, many properties here are small property rights, which do not belong to the unified planning of the city government. The environment is a bit out of place.

According to what Liu Yufei pointed out, Jiang Chen soon saw a building with a height of about six floors. The building was transformed into a small hotel with a big signboard hanging on it.

It's just that the signboard had already been knocked down on the ground, and there were even more noisy quarrels, which continued to come.

Hearing such quarreling sounds, Liu Yufei's complexion became a little unnatural, and she turned pale a lot. Jiang Chen grabbed Liu Yufei's little hand, squeezed it lightly a few times, then pulled Liu Yufei, and strode over.

"Lu Ying, you shameless woman, you dare to say that this house is owned by you alone, you have the face to occupy it by yourself, don't think that we don't know what your idea is, just wait for the demolition money to come down after a while , so that you can take those millions of dollars to yourself, we will never let you do what you want." There was a fat middle-aged woman pointing a finger at the door of the hotel, yelling loudly.

Standing at the door was a thin woman with a faint resemblance to Liu Yufei. When the middle-aged woman pointed at her and scolded her, her face turned green and then white, and she kept sighing, but she didn't refute anything. I don't know if it is known or not, and it is useless to refute.


Jiang Chen strode forward, stretched out his hand and slapped the fat woman's face, and said fiercely: "Fat woman, stay away, you can scold my mother-in-law, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth off. "

Jiang Chen was so vicious, he turned around, his expression changed again, and he became flattered, and he said to the woman who didn't speak: "This is my future mother-in-law, hello mother-in-law, I It's called Jiang Chen."

(End of this chapter)

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