genius evil

Chapter 92 I want him to give up early

Chapter 92 I want him to give up early

From Jiang Chen slapping the fat woman without any warning, everyone was blindfolded, to Jiang Chen talking to the thin woman with a fawning face, everyone was in a mess in a gust of wind.

The thin woman was confused by Jiang Chen, she looked at Jiang Chen blankly, while Liu Yufei was angry, ashamed and annoyed, she hurriedly pulled Jiang Chen, and said embarrassingly: "Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, What kind of mother-in-law is not mother-in-law, it's too ugly."

"Da Feifei, why do you think it's ugly, how affectionate." Jiang Chen chuckled.

On the way here, Jiang Chen was still preoccupied with thinking about how to curry favor with his future mother-in-law. This is a ready-made opportunity, how could he just grab it?

Maybe the mother-in-law was pleasing to the ear, and then she also liked him and betrothed Liu Yufei to him.

"It's not allowed to call it that anyway." Liu Yufei stomped her feet angrily.

"Da Feifei, actually, I also think it's a bit unpleasant to call. After all, the mother-in-law is too young, she looks like your older sister, or I'll call her older sister." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Liu Yufei was dumbfounded. She knew that Jiang Chen was quite shameless, but she couldn't stand Jiang Chen being so shameless. If he didn't call her mother-in-law, she would call her elder sister. Fortunately, he could call it out.

The thin woman was also dumbfounded, she opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she looked at Jiang Chen curiously, and said nothing.

"Jiang Chen, I told you not to talk nonsense, this is my aunt." Liu Yufei hurriedly introduced, lest Jiang Chen open his mouth to say more unbelievable things.

According to Liu Yufei's introduction, this thin woman is called Lu Ying, not her mother Lu Ying, Jiang Chen whispered that something was wrong, and unintentionally caused a big oolong.

However, his skin is as thick as a city wall, so such a small problem can't help him, and he rolled his eyes and said, "So it's Miss Ying, you are too young, if you don't look carefully, I really thought it was you!" Where is Da Feifei's sister?"

"Still talking nonsense." Liu Yufei was annoyed.

Lu Ying smiled lightly, she could tell she had a gentle temperament, and said, "Your name is Jiang Chen, right, Feifei's boyfriend?"

"Sister Ying, you have such a good eye, you can tell at a glance that I am Feifei's boyfriend." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Liu Yufei was speechless. It's not because my aunt has a good eye. He clearly said it himself. Moreover, Jiang Chen still called his aunt Yingjie and refused to change his words, which made her very helpless. Fortunately, his aunt seemed to have no Being angry was what made Liu Yufei feel at ease.

"That mouth is really sweet, but I can't make decisions about you and Feifei." Lu Ying smiled again, looking easy to talk.

Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat for no reason. Hearing Lu Ying's words, it seemed like his mother-in-law was not very talkative.

"I said, are you enough? A little rascal, a shameless old man." The fat woman who had been slapped rushed forward and said, waving her fat arms.

"Then you, a shameless woman, must be stronger." Turning around, Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Brat, do you dare to say that I have no face?" The fat woman looked at Jiang Chen angrily, furious.

"Of course you don't have face. If you had face, you wouldn't be here asking for money from other people... I'm really curious. Even if there is a demolition here, even if there are several million demolition funds, but the Guan What's the matter with you, who are you?" Jiang Chen spoke calmly.

"I'm also Feifei's aunt." The fat woman said loudly.

"I don't believe it." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Feifei, tell this kid, am I your aunt?" the fat woman said loudly.

Liu Yufei frowned, glanced at Lu Ying, then glanced into the door, and then said: "Auntie, stop making trouble, let everyone see the joke."

"Bullshit joke, if you don't pay me, I'll keep making trouble until you pay me." The fat woman spoke sharply.

"She really is a shameless woman." Jiang Chen muttered.

"Brat, if you say one more word, I'll scratch your face." The fat woman was fierce, with the fat on her face trembling wildly.

"Feifei, I can't bear it anymore, is it okay to beat this woman up?" Jiang Chen said to Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei looked sad, and said, "Jiang Chen, this won't solve the problem."

"The way I beat people is very different from others." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Stinky boy, do you still want to hit me?" The fat woman yelled, turned her head and said to the men standing behind her, "Are all of you deaf? Hit me to kill this kid!" Let's see if he dares to hit me."

Those men glanced at each other, and one of them stepped forward and said, "Boy, it's none of your business here, get out early."


With a direct kick, Jiang Chen kicked the talking guy like a gourd, and said, "Is this how you get out?"

The faces of the rest of the people changed greatly. They didn't even make a move yet, but Jiang Chen did it first. This clearly didn't take them seriously.

The few people didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed towards Jiang Chen together.




Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he just kicked out a few times, kicked the guys who rushed up to the ground, and said with a smile: "Da Feifei, do you see clearly, the way I hit people is really different. .”

Liu Yufei rubbed her brows with a headache, it was a bit different, because Jiang Chen was always kicking people.

And Lu Ying's eyes lighted up slightly. This Liu Yufei's boyfriend has no other abilities for the time being, but his fighting skills are quite good, maybe he can protect Liu Yufei.

"Killed... Everyone, hurry up... Killed..."

The obese woman had been waiting for Jiang Chen to be beaten and begged for mercy. She was ready to slap Jiang Chen back on her face. She never expected Jiang Chen to fight so hard despite his ordinary appearance. Seeing that the situation was not right, he howled loudly.


A middle-aged woman rushed out of the room, carrying a basin of water for unknown purpose, and splashed it on the face of the fat woman, turning the fat woman into a drowned chicken.

"Lu Hong, do you have to make trouble to the point of shame before you leave?" The middle-aged woman said coldly.

Jiang Chen looked at the woman who rushed out in surprise, and knew that she should be Liu Yufei's mother, Lu Ying. No wonder Lu Ying spoke like that just now. This mother-in-law is really not a simple woman.

"Lu Ying, what are you proud of? Could it be that you think that you have found a good son-in-law, and someone will back you up, so you can overwhelm me." The fat woman named Lu Hong wiped the sweat from her face and said sharply.

"Lu Hong, you are wrong. I didn't want to overwhelm you, but I just want you to know that when the family was separated, I gave you all the share that was due to you. Now this house is the result of my hard work. If you want to share my money, there is no way." Lu Ying said bluntly.

"Lv Ying, I have already said that if you don't split me in half, you will never be able to live in peace in the future." Lu Hong is also a pungent master, and it is impossible to give up.

While talking, Lu Hong said to the men who fell to the ground: "You shameless guy, don't let me go."

Lu Hong knew that there was an extra man here, and she would definitely not be able to take advantage of it today, so she just wanted to leave first.The few men looked at Jiang Chen in fear, struggled to get up, and planned to leave in despair.

"Hey, did I tell you to go?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Let them go." Who knew that just after Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lu Ying just said one sentence.

Jiang Chen was stunned, how did this mother-in-law tear him down?
Lu Hong smiled coldly, and quickly left with a few men.

"You go too." When Lu Hong and the others left, Lu Ying said to Jiang Chen.

"Mother-in-law, this is wrong, why should I leave?" Several black lines appeared on Jiang Chen's forehead.

"I'm not your mother-in-law." Lu Ying just said a word, took the basin and entered the house, Lu Ying glanced at Jiang Chen with a smile, and followed back to the house.

"Jiang Chen, I said earlier that my family's affairs are very troublesome." Liu Yufei said to Jiang Chen embarrassedly, no matter what, Jiang Chen helped a lot today, and Lu Ying's attitude made Liu Yufei a little bit Feel sorry.

"Da Feifei, has mother-in-law always been this individual?" Jiang Chen couldn't help asking, you know, when he heard that Lu Ying was beaten at the police station, he thought Lu Ying was easy to bully. Hearing something in Lu Ying's words, he felt that the situation seemed to be different from what he thought. When Lu Ying finally appeared on the stage, he realized that his thoughts seemed to be wrong, which could be said to be exactly the opposite of what he thought in his heart.

"It's not like's's just..." Liu Yufei stammered, as if she had something to say and was embarrassed.

"Jiang Chen, come in and have a glass of water." But at this moment, Lu Ying, who had just entered the room, came out again and said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen grinned, and quickly entered the room.

"Drink the water and leave." Lu Ying poured a glass of water for Jiang Chen with a straight face, and said indifferently.

Jiang Chen, who took the water glass, lost his face all of a sudden, and asked in a low voice: "Auntie, it's rare for me to come here once, let's drink a few more glasses."

"No." Lu Ying said without negotiating.

"There is water to drink this time, so next time I come, I should have something to eat." Jiang Chen was a little uncertain about Lu Ying's character, muttered, drank the water in one gulp, and left immediately.

"Jiang Chen, slow down, I have something to tell you." Liu Yufei followed Jiang Chen's steps, and hurriedly chased after him.

"Sister, Jiang Chen's child is still very good, and he seems to be very kind to Feifei, isn't it a little unreasonable for you to behave like this?" Lu Ying said to Lu Ying in the room.

"You know the matter of Feifei best. Instead of trouble in the future, it is better to cut off the trouble as soon as possible. I just want him to give up as soon as possible." Lu Ying's eyes flickered, but her tone of voice was extremely firm.

(End of this chapter)

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