genius evil

Chapter 93 The Problem of Having a Child

Chapter 93 The Problem of Having a Child
"Jiang Chen, don't be angry, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect my mother's reaction to be so big." Liu Yufei caught up with Jiang Chen, very embarrassed.

Jiang Chen came here today, and it can be regarded as a big favor. Lu Ying didn't show any kindness to Jiang Chen, which made Liu Yufei feel very sorry.

"Actually, I'm not angry." Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

"Not angry?" Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"I'm not angry." Jiang Chen nodded seriously, and said: "There is nothing to be angry about this kind of thing, let alone your mother is my mother-in-law, and moreover, there must be a reason for your mother to be like this Right."

While talking, Jiang Chen looked at Liu Yufei with a smile.

Liu Yufei was a little worried. This guy was obviously still a student, not even a college student, but a high school student. Logically speaking, he couldn't even talk about getting in touch with the society. Why are his eyes so vicious?

"There is indeed a reason." After a moment of hesitation, Liu Yufei said.

"If the reason is not easy to say, you don't have to tell me." Jiang Chen didn't necessarily want to break the casserole and ask what it was.

Of course, Jiang Chen also knew that if Liu Yufei really didn't say anything, it would be extremely difficult for him to please his future mother-in-law in the future.

"It's not that I can't say it, but I don't know how to say it." Liu Yufei's complexion changed for a moment, she bit her pink lip, looked at Jiang Chen for a while, and then said: "Jiang Chen, you saw it today, I don't have any A man's right."

Jiang Chen pointed to his nose and said with a smile, "It will be there soon."

"Don't interrupt me." Liu Yufei was a little dumbfounded. If this guy was less narcissistic, he would actually be pretty good.

"My mother has three sisters. As you can see, they are Auntie and Aunt Hong. My mother is the oldest of the three, and Auntie is the youngest." Liu Yufei began to explain.

"Because my grandmother only gave birth to three daughters, the old man could not hold his head up all his life. When it came to my mother's generation, my mother also gave birth to my daughter, because my grandparents value boys over girls. As a result, my parents eventually divorced."

When Liu Yufei said these words, she was incomparably sad. Jiang Chen listened and didn't know how to comfort them. He was really not a person who was good at comforting others.

"What does this have to do with you?" Jiang Chen said after thinking about it.

"In the eyes of the older generation, carrying on the family line is a lifelong event. Having a daughter is an unforgivable mistake in the eyes of some old people. If you can't have a child, it will be even more wrong." Liu Yufei sighed His tone was pale and his face was pale.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen thought about it, and grabbed Liu Yufei's right hand like lightning, checked his pulse, and then frowned suddenly, and said: "You have suffered trauma before, it was the kind of violent impact, and the body left sequelae."

Liu Yufei was very surprised, she looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief, and said, "Your medical skills are really so amazing that you can even diagnose this kind of thing?"

Jiang Chen helped solve a medical accident. Liu Yufei knew that Jiang Chen's medical skills were good, but she didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so miraculous. She was unavoidably surprised.

"Tell me, what's going on specifically." Jiang Chen was rarely serious.

"Probably in the freshman year of high school, I had a car accident. Although I was fine in the end, my body was injured and some hidden dangers were left behind. It is very likely that I will not be able to have children in my life." Liu Yufei said in a low voice, feeling sad.

"Is this why your mother treated me like that?" Jiang Chen then said.

"It can be said that this is the most direct reason." After talking about this kind of thing, Liu Yufei has no embarrassment, because in her opinion, if she really wants to associate with Jiang Chen in the future, if she wants to be Jiang Chen's woman , These things must be told to Jiang Chen.

Although talking about Jiang Chen now is a bit of a shallow conversation for her, but since she happened to meet her, she said it by the way.

If Jiang Chen disliked her because of this, and retreated despite the difficulties, then it could be regarded as an end to a concern, and he would no longer feel that he was fattened by breaking his promise.

"My mother gave birth to my daughter, and she will never be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life, and I may not even have a child, so how can my mother feel relieved?" Liu Yufei said dejectedly.

"Even so, you can't be an old girl forever, can you?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What old girl, it's really ugly. According to what my mother said, after a few years, when I'm older, if I really can't find a man who doesn't dislike my flaws in this area, I will marry a man with children. "Liu Yufei said wryly.

"Will you be willing?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

Liu Yufei's beauty is unquestionable. Such a beautiful woman is going to be the stepmother of other people's children in the future. It's quite strange to think about it.

"So what if you don't want to be reconciled?" Liu Yufei said with bitterness on her face, "In my third year of high school, I enrolled in the college entrance examination and applied for a medical volunteer. I can only accept my fate to become a doctor, but in fact, I don't like the profession of a doctor at all."

"Besides, my mother has been making plans for my affairs over the years. You have seen what happened just now. In fact, my mother is not a mean person. Even if Aunt Hong did many things wrong, my mother It's not that I don't even recognize my sister, and it's nothing to do her any favors, it's just that my mother will give me a dowry for that house in the future, just because I'm afraid that I won't have a son and I won't have status in my husband's family." Liu Yufei continued Said, the words are extremely sad.

"In this way, the biggest problem is the child, as long as you are pregnant, your mother will be able to accept me, right." Blinking, Jiang Chen said.

"Ah—" Liu Yufei stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes. She had been talking about this for a long time, but Jiang Chen had such a reaction.

"If you can give birth to a son, your mother will definitely be happier, right?" Jiang Chen said again.

"That's the reason." Liu Yufei could only nod her head. If she could really give birth to a son and let Lu Ying hug her grandson, then all the regrets in Lu Ying's life would be made up for.

Speaking of Lu Ying, Liu Yufei felt that she owed too much. She knew exactly what kind of character Lu Ying had before. When she was with Lu Ying, she was gentle and submissive, without any temper at all. She was completely forced by life to become aggressive now temperament.

But she can't change anything, unless her body is cured and she can have a child, preferably a boy, otherwise she will always be a burden to Lu Ying, at least Liu Yufei thinks so.

"Since this is the reason, it's easy to handle. Let's go, let's go to open a room." Jiang Chen pulled Liu Yufei's arm and urged.

"Jiang Chen, why are you always thinking about opening a house?" Liu Yufei was almost defeated by Jiang Chen, this rascal was thinking about something all day long.

"If you want to have a baby, of course you have to open a house, otherwise how can you have a baby?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

Liu Yufei was very annoyed, and said, "Jiang Chen, I just said that my body..."

"It's just a small problem. I said you can have a baby if you can, and you are guaranteed to have a big fat boy. The only thing you need to do is to have a room with me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Can you cure my physical problems?" Liu Yufei was a little moved.

"Of course, I'm a genius doctor who can cure all diseases." Jiang Chenxiang brags for himself shamelessly.

"Will I be able to have a child right away after opening the house?" Liu Yufei asked seriously.

"Big Feifei, you are wrong, how can you treat me as a tool to give birth to a child, I am not a stallion, how can I dare to say that it can be done once, maybe ten times or eight times." Jiang Chen was a little unhappy up.

"Jiang Chen, if you can impress me and really heal my body, I will have a room with you." Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, and her voice was soft.

Then Liu Yufei added: "I'm moved because you can make me fall in love with you, otherwise, I would never be able to have a room with you."

Jiang Chen was very depressed, "Da Feifei, you agreed to be my woman, how can you not count your words."

"Then I didn't say when I would be your woman." Liu Yufei said slyly.

Jiang Chen became even more depressed, and said, "Da Feifei, I want to spank your ass again, what do you think?"

"Don't hit me." Liu Yufei was extremely annoyed.

"No, you must fight. Who wants you not to have a room with me?" Jiang Chen is a man of action. He grabbed Liu Yufei and slapped her plump buttocks a few times, and said while beating: "Big Feifei, Do you think you will be obsessed with the feeling of being spanked by me? If you are obsessed, you will fall in love with me."

"Ah—" Liu Yufei blushed so much that she was about to bleed, she pushed Jiang Chen away with all her strength, cursed a stinky pervert in a low voice, and ran away like flying.

"Opening a house has not been successful yet, comrades still need to work hard." Seeing Liu Yufei running away like a frightened deer, Jiang Chen recollected the feeling just now, feeling very regretful.

It wasn't until Liu Yufei ran out of sight that Jiang Chen stopped a taxi and headed towards Ren'ai Hospital.

Just as Jiang Chen got out of the car, someone ran towards him, who else could it be if it wasn't Shi Lei.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here now? Director Kong is so impatient." Seeing Jiang Chen, Shi Lei complained. You know, he stood here and waited for Jiang Chen for nearly an hour. Legs are numb.

"Really?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Shi Lei, and said lightly, "Do you feel uncomfortable after standing for too long, how about I help you and let you lie on the hospital bed for the rest of your life have a good rest."

"No... I don't want it..." Shi Lei was startled, he jumped a few steps in a panic, joking, lying on the hospital bed for the rest of his life, what's the difference between dying and dying.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chen was too lazy to argue with Shi Lei, this guy looks like a bunch of people, but he really couldn't catch his eyes, otherwise he wouldn't have let Shi Lei go so easily...

(End of this chapter)

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