genius evil

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Kong Yujie was indeed a little impatient for waiting, seeing that Jiang Chen finally came, Kong Yujie finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But Kong Yujie didn't urge anything, just said: "Jiang Chen, do you need to prepare something?"

"Of course it is necessary." Jiang Chen said very directly.

"Just tell me what you want, and I will ask someone to prepare it." Jiang Chen came to save Meng Xiangyang, even if Jiang Chen wanted to make things difficult on purpose, Kong Yujie would try every means to satisfy Jiang Chen.

"Money, 100 million." Jiang Chen said casually.

"100 million?" Kong Yujie's expression changed. No matter how much she could bear it, no matter how willing she was to lower her figure for Meng Xiangyang, she couldn't bear it now.

What happened to Meng Xiangyang was caused by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was responsible for making Meng Xiangyang a good place. From Kong Yujie's point of view, it was a matter of course.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen asked for money, and the one he asked for was 100 million. What is the difference between this and extortion?
It's not that Kong Yujie can't afford 100 million, it's just a mere 100 million, it's just a small amount of money to her, and Kong Yujie can't swallow this bad breath.

"If you think it's too little, I don't mind adding a zero at the end." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"It's agreed to be 100 million, then it's 100 million." Kong Yujie gritted her teeth and said hastily, if a zero is really added, it will become 1000 million.

How can 100 million and 1000 million be compared? Kong Yujie doesn't want to lose 1000 million by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled, and he knew that Kong Yujie would react like this. Compared with paying 1000 million, Kong Yujie was naturally more likely to accept the payment of 100 million. This is a very simple psychological strategy.

Of course, Jiang Chen wouldn't really plan to ask for 1000 million. In that case, he would completely tear his face off with the Meng family. Even if Jiang Chen had some tricks now, he wouldn't naively think that he already had enough ability. Fight head-on with the Meng family.

"Then go prepare the money first, remember, I want cash." Jiang Chen waved his hand, sat down on the row of chairs in the corridor, yawned, and looked very sleepy.

Kong Yujie was so angry that he couldn't do anything about Jiang Chen's scoundrel's behavior. He knew that if he didn't give money, Jiang Chen would definitely not be willing to make a move.

Kong Yujie had no choice but to take out her mobile phone and make a call. After making some arrangements, about twenty minutes later, a young man in a black suit sent a lockbox over.

"Little Ma, are you all ready?" Seeing the young man in black, Kong Yujie asked.

"It's all ready, 100 million is here." Xiao Ma nodded, and opened the lockbox. There were piles of money inside, and 100 million was just right.

"Not bad, the speed is quite fast." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, and snatched the lockbox, and then carrying the lockbox, Shi Shiran walked into the ward.

A minute later, Jiang Chen came out again with Shi Shiran, and said, "That's fine, old lady, remember what you said before, I don't like trouble very much."

"Wait a minute, we need to check the patient's condition first." Xiao Ma stopped Jiang Chen with a movement of his feet, not letting Jiang Chen go.


Jiang Chen kept stepping, and half of his shoulder hit Pony's body. A terrifying force suddenly slammed into Pony's body. Pony only felt half of his body go numb, and he fell backwards uncontrollably. After retreating a few steps, he managed to stand still, and looked at Jiang Chen with such a frightened look.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at the pony, he walked on his own, and soon disappeared at the corner of the corridor and entered the elevator.

"Xiao Ma, how are you?" An inadvertent confrontation undoubtedly caused Xiao Ma to suffer, and Kong Yujie's eyes were also a little strange.

"I'm fine." Xiao Ma moved his body and said in a low voice: "That guy named Jiang Chen is a bit weird, I'm not his match at all."

"It's really that powerful?" Kong Yujie was a little suspicious. This pony was someone close to Mr. Meng. When she called just now, she deliberately did something tricky and called pony over.

According to Kong Yujie's plan, after Jiang Chen healed Meng Xiangyang, it was impossible for her to watch Jiang Chen take the money and leave. She didn't expect Xiaoma to be unable to stop Jiang Chen at all.

"It's not powerful, it's perverted." Pony's face was serious, he glanced at Kong Yujie, and said in a low voice: "Madam, I think you need to say hello to the young master, that Jiang Chen, it's best not to provoke him easily .”

"Hmph, but this matter can't be left as it is. Since when did my Xiangyang family suffer such a big loss?" Kong Yujie snorted coldly, turned and entered the ward.

Meng Xiangyang had already got up from the hospital bed at this time, and was moving his body. Seeing Kong Yujie, Meng Xiangyang said, "Mom, I'm fine."

"It's fine, go home first and have a good rest." Kong Yujie said with relief.

"What about Jiang Chen?" Meng Xiangyang was still thinking about Jiang Chen.

"He's already gone, Xiaoma can't stop him." Kong Yujie explained the matter.

"Can't even a pony stop him?" Meng Xiangyang said with an unnatural expression, "How can that kid be so good at fighting?"

"So what if you can fight? Some problems can't be solved just by fighting." Kong Yujie's voice was very indifferent.

Meng Xiangyang's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously, a tyrannical color flashed in his eyes.

After leaving Ren'ai Hospital, Jiang Chen took a taxi to Zhizun Yipin. He was taken away by the police at noon, and the car was still here. At this time, he was thinking of driving the car back.

When he arrived at the parking lot, Jiang Chen's expression immediately sank.

The BMW car is still there, but it was smashed into a pile of scrap metal. Not to mention all the glass was smashed, even the seats and steering wheel inside were smashed to pieces.

"It's interesting." After watching for a while, Jiang Chen sneered in a low voice, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Xiaodao, there is something wrong with my car, you can find someone to come and deal with it." Jiang Chen said.

Brother Dao came over very quickly, even though Jiang Chen called and asked him to find someone to deal with it, Brother Dao came over in person. When he went to the scene, he saw the unrecognizable BMW car, and Brother Dao's expression was very ugly.

"Brother Jiang, what happened?" Brother Dao asked wonderingly, who is this, how much hatred he had with Jiang Chen, to smash the car like this, luckily Brother Dao thought it was an accident at first It's a traffic accident.

"How many people do you have now?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Brother Dao's question, but asked.

"Only a few dozen people. Brother Jiang, you met some people last time." Brother Dao didn't understand why Jiang Chen asked such a question, so he replied.

"The number of people is not too small, what rank can they rank among the underground forces in Yilan City?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"So-so top ten... No, top fifteen..." Hearing that Jiang Chen didn't seem to be asking casually, Brother Dao didn't dare to brag, and tried his best to seek truth from facts.

"Fifteen? It's really a bit out of date." Jiang Chen smiled.

Brother Dao was a little ashamed, and said: "Brother Jiang, the situation here is a bit complicated. Many underground forces are not just pure underground forces. All kinds of relationships are very complicated. To be honest, my These people seem to be good on the surface, but if someone really wants to mess with us, we really have no resistance at all."

"I understand this question, so I don't need to say anything more." Jiang Chen nodded. Compared with the sect forces in the cultivation world, the underground forces in a prefecture-level city really have nothing to say to Jiang Chen. .

"Brother Jiang, why are you asking this?" Brother Dao couldn't help but asked.

"I just want to know if you want to grow your power a little bit. Of course, if you're not interested, just pretend I didn't say anything." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"How could you not be interested? Of course I am, but this is not an easy task... The development and growth of a power cannot be solved by a large number of people. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of money... I will not hide it from you. The reason why I can still have some soup now is entirely because of my daring to work hard to earn my fame back then. Everyone knows that I am a lunatic, so they are afraid of me, but that is all I can do. Just go up." Brother Dao said helplessly.

"As long as you are interested, it will be easy to handle." Jiang Chen said very casually. What he is going to do now is just a temporary idea. It's not that Brother Dao can help much, but, in the future For many things, it is estimated that some disgraceful means must be used. Doing these now is just a rainy day.

"Here is 100 million, you take it first. Although the number of people is not the key, the key factor is to attract people." Jiang Chen handed the lockbox to Jiang Chen.

"100 million?" Brother Dao was stunned for a moment, and he was embarrassed to open the password box to see.

"Spend whatever you want, as long as you know what you want." Jiang Chen said casually. He wasn't so confident that Brother Dao would be absolutely loyal to him, but he still had to give him the necessary sweetness.

"Okay... okay..." Brother Dao was a little confused, but the more casual Jiang Chen said, the more he dared not be casual, and he was already thinking about how to use this sum of money wisely.

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong with this car?" Brother Dao pointed to the BMW that had been smashed into a pile of scrap metal.

"This car can be repaired as soon as it can be repaired, and if it can't be repaired, it will be scrapped directly. You don't need to worry about the rest, I will solve it by myself." There is no need to investigate this matter at all, it can only be done by the Meng family, Brother Dao can't help If he is busy, Jiang Chen will not intentionally make things difficult for Brother Dao, so there is no need for Brother Dao to know the cause and effect.

After saying this, Jiang Chen left quickly, this time taking a taxi directly back to school.

Brother Dao finally opened the lockbox and saw the money inside clearly. The money was taken inexplicably, which made Brother Dao quite uneasy, because Jiang Chen didn't ask for anything, it was like giving him 100 million for nothing.

"Could it be that Brother Jiang intends to create a world among the underground forces in Yilan City?" Brother Dao muttered to himself, his eyes flickering, and he was a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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