genius evil

Chapter 95 Don't Enrage Me

Chapter 95 Don't Enrage Me
"Jiang Chen, you didn't come to sleep at noon yesterday." Jiang Chen appeared by the Weiming Lake at noon the next day, and Tong Hua said a little dissatisfied when she saw him.

"There was something wrong at noon yesterday." Jiang Chen explained casually, and then lay down beside Fairy Tale.

"I just know how to sleep, like a pig." Tong Hua glared at Jiang Chen, but unfortunately Jiang Chen didn't respond at this time.

"Hey, can you stop sleeping all the time, so you can't talk to me." Tong Hua gave Jiang Chen a good push.

"Tell me, I'll listen." Jiang Chen yawned and said, he wasn't really that sleepy, but keeping enough sleep was a kind of practice for him, and if he fell asleep, Jiang Chen would naturally Can't sit, let alone stand.

"Actually, there is nothing to say." After thinking about it, Fairy Tale looked a little depressed.

Jiang Chen didn't come yesterday, and Tong Hua felt a sense of loss in his heart, but when Jiang Chen came, he found that she didn't have much to say to Jiang Chen. This feeling was a bit weird, and Tong Hua didn't know how to describe it. .

"Then I'd better sleep." Jiang Chen said, and then he really fell asleep.

"Pigs wouldn't fall asleep so quickly, would they?" Within a few seconds, Jiang Chen was heard snoring lightly, and Fairy Tale's mouth was so pouted that it was almost enough to hang a soy sauce bottle.

Jiang Chen fell asleep, and Fairy Tale had nothing to do. Surprisingly, she didn't read Fairy Tale books. About twenty minutes later, there were footsteps on the cobblestone path, and two figures walked towards this side.

Xiumei frowned slightly, and Fairy Tale waved her hand in the direction of the visitor.

The two understood, and quickly retreated.

"What an annoying guy, I'm leaving today, and I don't know when I'll come to Yilan Middle School next time." Looking at Jiang Chen, Tong Hua reluctantly got up.

After walking a few steps, Fairy Tale turned around again and said in a low voice: "Jiang Chen, no one will compete with you for space in the future. You will be very happy."

After walking a few steps, Fairy Tale turned around again: "Jiang Chen, I don't know if you will miss me, but you probably won't."

After saying this, Fairy Tale thought about it seriously, and felt that he really had nothing to say, so he stopped talking and walked away.

"Fairy Tale, since we have slept together, of course I will miss you." Jiang Chen opened his eyes at some point, and said with a smile.

"Together...together..." Hearing the voice, Fairy Tale turned her head, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Obviously it was Jiang Chen who slept, but she didn't sleep, so how could it be that they slept together?Besides, even if it's sleeping, it's not in this kind of place, she doesn't have such a hobby.

"Of course it's together, sleeping with you, my sleep quality is much higher." Jiang Chen smiled playfully.

"Don't talk nonsense, others will misunderstand." Fairy Tale was a little annoyed, this annoying guy just pretended to be asleep, why can't he keep pretending, what to do when he wakes up properly, the atmosphere of parting is completely ruined.

"Well, since you don't admit it, I don't miss you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"No, you must miss me." Fairy Tale was not happy.

"What if others misunderstand it?" Jiang Chen looked reluctant.

"Misunderstanding is misunderstanding, there is nothing to misunderstand anyway." Gritting her teeth slightly, Fairy Tale left this sentence and ran away in a panic.

"It's really not a good feeling to lose one person to sleep with." Jiang Chen muttered softly when he saw the fairy tale going away, as if the fairy tale was used to him appearing here. Get used to the existence of fairy tales.

The way of getting along between the two was very strange, but this kind of mode was suddenly broken just today, and it really made it difficult for Jiang Chen to adapt to it for a while.

"Why don't we go to the classroom for class this afternoon." Jiang Chen didn't want to sleep at this moment, thinking in his heart.

But soon, Jiang Chen's desire to be a good student was broken when Xu Anqi called.

"Jiang Chen, where are you, can you come to the villa in the eastern suburbs right away?" As soon as the call was connected, Xu Anqi's anxious voice came over.

"Squad Leader Xu, what happened?" Jiang Chen asked, frowning slightly.

He said to wait for three days before going. Three days is enough for the Xu family to sort out a lot of problems. Today is the third day. Calculating the time, he will go there tomorrow.

It's not that three days is a rigid rule and cannot be changed, but Xu Anqi's phone call clearly indicates that something has happened to Xu's family.

"I don't know. Grandpa's condition seems to have worsened, and he vomited blood just now." Xu Anqi's voice was a little choked up.

"I'm at school, you can ask Zhou Ji to pick me up... Forget it, I'll take a taxi by myself." Jiang Chen said, hung up the phone, put away his phone and ran outside the school.

It was already an hour after Jiang Chen arrived at the villa in the eastern suburbs. Zhou Ji stood at the gate to meet him. This time, no one made things difficult for him. Zhou Ji directly led Jiang Chen in.

"An Qi, Jiang Chen is here." Entering the living room, Zhou Ji said to Xu Anqi.

As soon as Xu Anqi heard Zhou Ji's voice, she immediately ran towards Jiang Chen. She seemed to have cried before, her big eyes were red, and she looked bewildered.
"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Jiang Chen comforted him.

"Yeah." Xu Anqi nodded vigorously, and said, "Jiang Chen, show grandpa quickly, grandpa's condition is very bad, I'm worried..."

"An Qi, we are also very worried about the old man's condition. Uncle Fu understands your filial piety, but you asked one of your classmates to come over to see the old man. This is simply playing the piano." A thin, bald old man, blowing Beard said with a stare.

"Uncle Fu, it's not like this. Jiang Chen's medical skills are very good, and he didn't act recklessly." Xu Anqi hurriedly explained.

"An Qi, you don't need to talk about it. I think you are tired too. Go to your room to rest early. Uncle Fu will take care of things here." Uncle Fu said without any doubt.

"Fu Bo, I'm not tired, Jiang Chen is real..." Xu Anqi wanted to explain to Jiang Chen, but unfortunately Fu Bo couldn't listen to her words at all, and interrupted angrily: "An Qi, don't make trouble."

Xu Anqi opened her mouth, but couldn't speak anymore.

Uncle Fu said to Zhou Ji again: "Zhou Ji, where did this man come from, you can send him back there, and then you go back too, don't be an eyesore here."

Zhou Ji glared at Uncle Fu, and said displeasedly: "Old man, it's none of your business that I'm here, you're not the master of the Xu family, don't stretch your hands too far."

"Zhou Ji, even your father doesn't dare to talk to me like this. Are you confused? Get out and don't disturb the old man's rest." Uncle Fu said sharply.

Zhou Ji was not afraid of Uncle Fu, shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you want me to go, I will definitely not go unless you throw me out."

"Zhou Ji, are you sure you want us to throw you out?" But at this moment, a voice came from outside the door, and then several figures appeared.

A man walking in the front was somewhat similar to Uncle Fu. He was the one who spoke. After speaking, he looked at Zhou Ji with contempt, and he didn't seem to take Zhou Ji seriously at all.

"Chen Sen, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Zhou Ji stared at the man, his eyes flickering slightly, and said through gritted teeth.

"I don't need you to be afraid of me. The only thing I need to be sure of is that I don't want to see you now. I want to get out of here, or be thrown out by us. Choose one of the two." The man named Chen Sen said lightly.

"Don't go too far." Zhou Ji's eyes burst into flames. He knew that Chen Sen could do what he said. This guy looked gentle on the surface, but he was actually a lunatic. The members of the Chen family were just like this. The guy is sinister and perverted.

"I'm just going too far, so what can you do?" Chen Sen spoke without any intention of leaving any room for it. He turned his head and said to Chen Lin and another young man behind him: "Chen Lin, Chen Mu, what are you still doing in a daze? , Throw him out to me."

Chen Lin and Chen Mu looked at each other, they both smiled coldly, they clenched their fists and walked towards Zhou Ji, it seemed that it was not just as simple as throwing Zhou Ji out, but also had to teach Zhou Ji a lesson.

"Chen Lin, could it be that you forgot what happened a few days ago, and you dare to touch me?" Zhou Ji gritted his teeth and said.

"Of course I won't forget, so I will teach you a more profound lesson today, and I guarantee that you will never forget it for the rest of your life." Chen Lin's face was a little grim, it was okay if Zhou Ji didn't say that, but he would be full of stomach when he said it At this time, he had secretly made up his mind that Zhou Ji must be trampled to death.

"Squad Leader Xu, I have a rather strange question. Whose house is this?" Suddenly, Jiang Chen asked Xu Anqi with a smile.

Xu Anqi froze for a moment, she didn't understand how Jiang Chen would ask her such a question, and she didn't know how to answer it for a while.

"I heard it very clearly. This seems to be Xu's house. Why are all the people who are the masters of the house with the surname Chen?" Before Xu Anqi could answer, Jiang Chen said leisurely again.

"Boy, what do you mean by that?" Chen Lin stared at Jiang Chen with a malicious look.

"It's not interesting, just asking casually... So, you don't have to feel nervous or anything." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and the words he said were not at all fussy.

"What's going on here has nothing to do with you. If you're sensible, get out early, so as not to suffer unnecessarily." Chen Lin threatened.

"There used to be a guy who threatened to tell me to leave. Guess what happened to him?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Chen Lin, and said with a half-smile.

"It seems that you are threatening me?" Chen Lin was very angry.

"You can threaten me, and of course I can also threaten you. In fact, you must know what happened to that guy later, so please don't try to provoke me." Jiang Chen said very casually.

"Then what about this, do you think you can still threaten me?" Chen Lin reached out, took out a pistol, pointed at Jiang Chen, and said sinisterly!
(End of this chapter)

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